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User Name:MoonDaughter
Name/Nick:Elaine Lyre
Last Visited On:Nov. 01st, 2003, 23:24:16, PST
Registered On:October 10, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a

Hello there. I'm Elaine Lyre & thanx for looking me
up. ~_o


Hmm...what to say? There are several things that I
love with a passion: RPGs (like no other), music, art, writing, and Yu-Gi-Oh!
Cloud and Kaiba, are like, my heroes. Cloud = totally cool; Kaiba = totally hot
& cool---and yes I know he's a fictional character. How delusional do
you think I am? Oh, just a minute, Legolas is on the line...


Let's see...recently I've been particularly
passionate about writing. I've never gotten so far along in a novel in my life.
Usually I just start writing and get bored, but maybe that's because my earlier
works were absolute pieces of [profanity inserted here].


You should check 'em out---I've been working reeeealllly
hard, and I make sure there ain't no grammar errors and spellering problems (by
the way, what you just read was my pathetic attempt at humor). Yeah, so
read---Well, unless the reason you looked me up was because of something you
already read of mine. In that case, never mind, that's already taken care of and
thanks. I must apologize for my mindless rambling. Obviously I should be
asleep...It's 3:30 AM for cryin' out loud...on a Monday night. I think I have


z_z    (this
is me tomorrow at school)


Oh look, and I just discovered a new
obsession of mine: The Lord of the Rings. 'Tis a glorious thing. Saw the second
movie twice now, going on thrice after this Sunday. I can't wait! Legolas is
soooo pretty. *gives him a hug* Hey, at least it's a real person this time...

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