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User Name:Kerbuddy
Last Visited On:Feb. 08th, 2004, 00:11:34, PST
Registered On:March 03, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Krad sama
Biography:hello! i am now here(duh), but i hope to start writing soon, let alone find my way around. I also have an account on ff.net but they deleted all the above R fics (little fuckers!!!). I live in Florida and am always board as hell so please email me if ya like. even im me if yur board. Also, why doesnt anyone review here? its not that hard! i mean, most good stories only have about 3 reviews. that really sux cuz when you look at it, there is a little thing at the top that says how many times that fic has been visted and damn! that is one popular fic! too bad the author must feel like shit though cuz no one reviews. well, there is my rant. like it or not. well gotz to go. sleepy time....ZZZZZzzzzzHOLY BALLS!...zzzzzz
