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User Name:Angel of the Night
Name/Nick:Sora Ackart
Last Visited On:Mar. 15th, 2004, 22:46:50, PST
Registered On:March 03, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Alrighty..time to change the bio guys! it's been growning stagnant over the last year....*peers at it* is that a piece of mold? *flicks it away* oh well...no matter. *Shrugs*

Anyway. My name is Sora and my co-partner's name is Gemini...we are known as LadyDragonsbane (I wanted LadyDragonslayer...but it was already taken....So...Dragonsbane it was....same diff. : p)on Fanfiction.net and we have a hell of a lot more stories over there than we do here ^ ^'


Just in case anyone is interested...our likes...and dislikes.

Gemini: (website: http://calmlands.tripod.com)
Dislikes: Fish. (There ya have it. ^ ^')
Likes: Cute bishounen's, Final fantasy, Anime, Vampires, the color black, and chocolate.

Sora: (Website: http://sunsetdreams3.tripod.com)
Dislikes: boys. (they are the root of all evil!!!! *looks around* ...... *shys away from the approaching angry mob* heheh...just...kidding? ^ ^' Dr. Muraki (Yami no Matsuei), School, studying, homework...definitely homework....
Likes: BISHIES!!! *huggles hisoka plushie* there, there...that mean old Dr.Muraki won't get you anymore...'cause if he even comes NEAR you...I'll poke out his good eye with a plastic spork!! *eyes Muraki evily* umm....shounen-ai...final fantasy, anime, and Manga's!!

We both also like writing...we are just to lazy to do alot of it. ^ ^' We sit around all day being lazy. It's FUN!! hopefully I can update some more soon. : )
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