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User Name:PixieChalk
Last Visited On:Mar. 20th, 2003, 00:56:54, PST
Registered On:March 03, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hi all! Let me tell you a little about myself:

Look wise I have a pale complexion (tan or no)accompanied by brown hair and eyes, am 5'5", and weigh 115 lbs.

I LOVE anime and manga! My favorites (for right now) are Inu-yasha and Slayers. I also love: DragonBall, Lum, Fushigi Yuugi, Ceres, Marmalade Boy, Itazurana Kiss, Mars, Record of Lodoss Wars, The Mermaid Saga, Vampire Hunter D, Princess Mononoke, Cowboy Bebop, Fire Tripper, Video Girl Ai, Escaflowne, Planet Ladder, Wish, INVU, Oh! My Goddess, and Ranma 1/2. (A long list I know, and it's growing constantly).

The bookworm me loves fantasy, mystery, and adventure books. Video games are a must for me too.

My other passion is animals (but not in that way you pervert). Currently my only companions are a floppy eared rabbit named Chester and my angel fish Blackeye. I'm hoping to find a place in the future that allows dogs.

My favorite qoutes are, "Life is a journey, not a destination," "A life in lived in fear is a life half lived," and "Reality continues to ruin my life." (Does anyone see a theme here?)

I promise to finish every story I start. I never post a story unless I have the plot at least roughly worked out in my head. So rest assured that I won't be struck with writer's block and never end a tale. Besides, an untold story nags me until I finish it. ^_^
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