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User Name:Darkangel Rose
Last Visited On:Apr. 18th, 2004, 15:04:49, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Name: Rose

Age: 16, but not sweet

Aesthetic stuffs: Short curly caramel-colored hair, one eye chocolate brown the other hazely green, perpetually tanned skin. -.- Blargh.

Home: San Diego. ::cheers for California::

Likes: Slash, yaoi, yuri, femmeslash, music, art, viola, more slash, fanficiton, writing, sex, reading, more yaoi, my fandoms, poetry, writing poetry, reading poetry, and people.

Dislikes: Slash-bashers, homophobes, racists, war-mongerers, bad music (coughCOUNTRYcough), talking on the phone, speaking in general.

Pet pairings: As many weird slash ones as you can think of. I slash ANYONE. ****ANYONE**** So what if Knives is Vashu's twin? So what if Snape is so much older then Harry?

Pet authors: Charredrose (who isn't on here), Steven Brust, Rhysenn, Bennu, my koi, and anyone who reads my stuff. ::evil grins::
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