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User Name:luvsdogz
Name/Nick:Kayo Miyuka
Last Visited On:Mar. 14th, 2005, 14:32:02, PST
Registered On:September 09, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:My true name is Alyssa, but its more common to found myself awnsering to the name Kayo (sounds like 'kai-o') or Ld (sounds like 'el-dee' XD). Um, Im fourteen and attend highschool. I am very picky with what I read, so I do not have any mercy for somebodys works if they disappoint me (especially if I've had a bad day! ohhh, you do NOT want to have me read your fic on a bad day!)
Though, sometimes I'm in a good mood and act a little nicer in my criticism.
::sigh:: I would say that I am a blue eyed blonde, but only the blue eyes stay true for the time. Right now my hair has been dyed red, though looks hot pink, hehe, IM SHUICHI SHINDOU!!
I have a fanfiction profile, which is where I go to put my fics, though got a mediaminer profile because I felt like reviewing some stories (and theres some weird rule that you cant review without being signed in or whatnot). My fanfiction profile is under the name luvsdogz, as this one is.
Not much else ta say... 'cept: YAY FOR YAOI!!! (abd yuri!) *_*