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User Name:Nicholas D Wolfwood
Name/Nick:Joel Bennet Knight Schwaber
Last Visited On:Jul. 12th, 2004, 15:07:58, PDT
Registered On:November 11, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:I FOUND IT! I've been looking all over for this thing.
I upgrade my stories every five reviews.
I like origional fics, but sometimes I really have a hard time keeping characters in ...character Don't hesitate to tell me if that's the case. My dream is to create one giant site. It can have two sections: Fanart and Fanfiction. Under fanfiction, I'd have Non-yaoi version, and Yaoi version. I have nothing against them, but it'd help some people. Then I would organize them. I'd also tell if it was the origional version or if it was modified. Credit would be given to the author/ess. Sadly, I have had few takers on the idea. As for me? My true name is Joel. Meaning in Hebrew God is willing. Ironic, since I'm not religious. I'm in Delaware, and frankly wonder how the hell some people get into college with I.Q. so low. I'm in High school. Marajuana high. I'm a freshman, so I get the freshest pot. ^.^ But there's a lot to me. Right now I'm being opem, but there's nothing really to say unless you really, truly care.
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