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User Name:deucez
Name/Nick:Should I tell you? Only if you review!
Last Visited On:Jan. 28th, 2012, 13:37:58, PST
Registered On:February 02, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Code Name: -Removed-
Mission if he chooses to accept it: To share part of the randomness that resides inside the cranium of a madman.

Aliases: Now all known aliases are confidential

Projects in the Factory:
-PimpVersE: Master's of the Pimp Hand. My Pride and Joy; the center of my universe(0% complete, but it's being revamped!). Don't fret; I'll come back to this as soon as I get done with Hot Saki or I get inspired, you know how I am.
-MBN: The Musical Battle Netowrk Series(my vision of a video game where fighters duke it out with musical instruments. My most enterprising undertaking ever. (0% complete, :( phooey)
-Steel Angel Kurumi EX2 Plus A: Hot Saki, my Steel Angel Kurumi fanfic(1st non-original unertaking) in which Saki gets a new master who fully appreciates her(most definitely a lemon)*Chapter 1 is in the process of being written, I am aiming for at least 5000 words, not including the note or the theme songs.*
-An Original Fic series called Not So Ordinary, A teaser has been posted because I still need to put tweaks on it. *I will eventually get going on the plotline for this story, eventually...*
-The Mystery Hot Saki sequel(s)! OOOOOoooohhh!
-I have plans to expand on Dog Days in Serdio, but still review so you can have your voice heard. Let me know where you want it to go.
-The mystery,bad-ass fanart character and his ficcy 'The Flame of Chaos'.
-I'm thinking of doing a simple PWP with original characters called 'A Midnight Snack'. Just to fuel my hentai/ecchi/perverted urges.
-Armageddon Chapter 1 is up!! Go read it!!! Now!!! I'll try to work on it's formatting, but someone, can at least read it. Less than ten people have experienced it's splendour.
-A PimpVersE A/U prequel!!! Are you ready!!! Well I'm not, I still have to wirte the original, and MoPH.
-Buttobi CPU 2: Legions. New fic, Robot chicks, lots of sex. It's a necessary evil.
-A story that I won't say mcuh about until I know if I can pull it off on paper. I will tell you this though; it's about a man, and a journey, and a weapon, and loss, and evil, and good too of course, and power as well. But that includes so many stories and video game plots, it doesn't really help you out much.

****************************************************************Update 2/8/11****************************************************************
-Pretty sure no one even comes here anymore, but, for anyone that does all stories are indefinitely on hold. Laziness and the fact that all the background info I was making to help me write each story has been lost multiple times depletes my enthusiasm to start anew. Also the fact that I am years removed from my knowledge of all source material makes the chance of my return highly improbable.

****************************************************************Update 01/18/06**************************************************************
-Not much to say, really. I'm going to try an fix some minor errors in Armageddon Chapter 1. I'll get my ass in gear for Chapter 1 of Hot Saki. I won't be able to put in heavy time on it until after Jan. 27 because of a Writing assignment in my Geography class. I'll try and get ass much done as possible.
-I'll also try working on finishing the outlines of my PimpVersE stories along with the outline of Hot Saki, and My Flame of Chaos.
-For all my fellow pre-verts, I'll try and bang out (pun intended) Midnight Snack for ya, just to get some practice writing sex scenes.
****************************************Update 01/05/06***************************************
-School has started up again, so their goes relatively fast updates on stories right out the window. I'll have to relegate writing to the weekends or something. If you don't know, I posted Chapter one of Armageddon before Christmas. I'm a little disappointed in you Mediaminer readers, only *6* visits? I have two words for you: Come On! Armageddon got a much warmer welcome at StoriesOnline. I'm starting to think that you don't like my stories. Well, I just wanted you to know that I have started to zone in on Hot Saki Ch 1 although I may still work on Armageddon from time to time because it's HOT on StoriesOnline... or as hot as one of my stories can be. Peace unto you, I'm outie.
****************************************Update 11/14/05***************************************
-Why can't I stop?!? If I am ever unsatisfied with the ending of something I watch I immediately want to rectify it. I saw Buttobi CPU 1-3 over the weekend and I wasn't happy with the way they ended it. I've been that way since Najica Blitz Tactics had scenes in the opening that were never in the series. Contract Killer did the same thing. So now Boy Scout up (read: be prepared) for Buttobi CPU 2: Legions. Explosions, villains and harems! I'll get on it ASAP. Side Note: This sooooooo feels like a little bit of a Hot Saki replacement, it feels like filler because the programs are so similar, but Buttobi was so silly with their upgrade process, I have to do this.
****************************************Update 11/09/05***************************************
-I haven't had much of a chance to work on Armageddon as the Quarter is ending soon and I have a lot of shit to do before I can start writing again. You guys will be the first to know when I'm back on the wagon!
****************************************Update 10/22/05***************************************
-Update grande! New story idea! My new story will be a prequel to The PimpVersE: Masters of the Pimp Hand. I shall call it... uh, I shall name it... aha! It shall be known as The PimpVersE: Medieval Masters! It will be about a young squire in service to the the King's wizard who discovers an ancient text and unlock the secret power of the Pimp Hand! This story is about all of his exploits throughout his life!
-Armageddon Ch.1 is over 2000 words! Celebrate and be merry!
****************************************Update 10/20/05***************************************
-I have written 1800 words for chapter one of Armageddon. I don't know how far the chapter will go since I skipped a lot of my writing process to get on it faster. I will try to have it sent off to my pre-readers by my birthday (which is next week, 7 days from today, so review as a present to me!) and hopefully it won't be so cruddy that it will take me more than 2 weeks to finish it and post it on both mediaminer and storiesonline.net. Until L8r, peace.
****************************************Update 9/20/05****************************************
-I'm finally at college, but I've lost my backup disc with all my traveling Hot Saki files. Since I won't get my computer until after the new year at the earliest, this will put a major kink (and not the good kind) in my plans for putting out Chapter 1 by Christmas. I will update other fics until my access to Hot Saki is restored.
****************************************Update 9/11/05****************************************
-I've returned after the bogging down that work brings to one's schedule. Check out my blog on livejournal for all the latest on Hot Saki and all of my other Projects.
-My prayers go out to all those in New Orleans and Mississippi who are suffering in the aftermath of Katrina
-I also want to take time to remember all those that perished 4 years ago in the Twin Towers.
****************************************Update 7/10/05****************************************
-Hot Saki Prologue version 1.2 is to be posted today. If it isn't, then you have permission to throw rotten tomatoes at my username. It is mostly formatting changes and updates on all of my going ons.
****************************************Update 7/01/05****************************************
-I have been reading a book by Ansen Dibell, "Plot", which is to help me write Hot Saki and all of my other literary ambitious works.
-As soon as I get a job, I will get more time to work on my stories. It makes no sense to you, but it will all work out in the end.
****************************************Update 6/01/05****************************************
-The new and ivproved Version 1.2 of the Prologue is up and posted. It was so spur of the moment, I forgot to send it to my pre-readers. (I'm so sorry! WAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!) Again, it's to make up for the lack of progression on CH1. BUt have faith. I'll soon get me a livejournal account so you have more than one option for updates. Also, now that school is out, after the commencement ceremony I will be able to put my nose to the grind stone and shell out some literatry genuis for you to enjoy. It will be good or I will give you permission to flame me.
-I also have some ideas cooking for the expansion of Not So Ordinary. My ideas will sure throw the story for a loop. That's all for now. Until next time, I bid you adieu.
****************************************Update 5/23/05****************************************
-Nothing new to report. I had the urge to start typing what I have of Chapter 1: Dare Devil on to my computer last night, but alas, I had to work on my reading logs. Curse my teachers and pray for them to give me more free time to write and to give me a new PS2!
-I'm also thinking of a new name for Dog Days 2, and I want to re-outline it.
****************************************Update 5/19/05****************************************
-HA Ha! Naughty Tentacles! Beware the might of the Bitch Tamer! Je suis fou de joie! (I am crazy with joy - in French!) I'm on a random tangent today. No new ideas for stories, and no sucesses of progress on any of the ideas I currently have. My friend Tordin-san has introduced me to the hilarity of Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. HA Ha! Porn for the Public!
****************************************Update 5/17/05****************************************
-GAAAHHH! School is munching on some serious bullshit right now. I'm very frustrated that I get no time to write. Now that I have announced my little PWP to you; I might get my creative juices (and hopefully others) flowing.
-I get out of school the 27th of May, and I have a week of rest (and hopefully I'll be productive with some of my literary endeavors) before my graduation party and commencement ceremony. From then on I'll stay busy, but Ill have more room to insinuate story time.
****************************************Update 5/12/05****************************************
-I am making a Ho Classifications list for The PimpVersE: MoPH. I think it would titillate you if I posted it. I am also aware that no one reads my profile, so I will save all of these posts from now on.
****************************************Update 5/10/05****************************************
-Economics sucks ASS! I have a macroeconomics paper to write so my fictions shall be further delayed. Sorry.
-I plan to work on my fics in the following order:
*Steel Angel Kurumi EX2 plus a: Hot Saki
*The PimpVersE: Masters of the Pimp Hand
*Dog Days in Serdio 2: Reign of Umbra (tenative title)[umbra = shadow]
*The Flame of Chaos
*Whatever the hell I get inspired to write on after that
-Give me reviews- PLEASE!!!!!!!!! They are my lifeblood. Without them, I cannot continue to write. Or is it begin? Nevrmind, it is of no consequence. Anyways- REVIEW!!!! PLEASE!!!!! I BEG OF YOU!!!!!!!
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