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User Name:Blood Rose Dragon
Name/Nick:The Cookie Giver
Last Visited On:Mar. 29th, 2004, 19:48:27, PST
Registered On:February 02, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Wazzup homies? I'm more of a fan fic reader than writer and my stories are some what stupid and have short chapters.

me bio-
name: The Cookie Giver
age: 14
height: 5'0 (imma hobbit ;_;)
hair color: dark brown but i dyed it auburn (a type of redish color)
eye color: green
other: I'M DA UBER PREZIE OF DA SPARKLE FAIRIES AND DA OFFICIAL LEPRECHAUN CATCHER and I have an astonishing gpa of 3.8, which is really good for someone with as short atenttion span like me...
bishies: Horohoro, Tao Ren and Loki

I absolutly adore Shaman King, Raganrok, Pet Shop of Horrors and King of Hell. They are truly great mangas/manwhas and you should read them because the rule! Although, I advise you buy the japanese anime of Shaman King with the english subtitles because the amerikanized vershun sucks (they messed up all the names like Ren= Len(ny) and Horohoro= Trey Racer ;___; so sad) Amerikans production people suck, I'm glad I'm canadian! ^_^ CANADA PRIDE!!!

Peace out *makes v-sign*
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