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User Name:Dark Ice Maiden
Last Visited On:Feb. 16th, 2005, 02:31:41, PST
Registered On:May 05, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
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Biography:01/05/04:- I'm actually going to put up an essay on my website soon about the fact that there maybe alot of authors, who are being wrongly accused of writing mary-sues when infact that they might just be writing in a cliche character.

Short Definitions
Mary-sues: An Original character that is beautifully Perfect in every way and are invincable/has no weakness.
Yu-yu Hakusho E.g. A powerful demon who has the looks of venus, has no defeats.

Cliche Characters: An Original character that has typical characteristics/personality/features that is seen in most fics.

Yu-yu Hakusho E.g. Most are usually girls who don't realise they're demons until later, they come from one/none parent families and are from the canine demon species.
Ok! where do I start? Right! My Bio

Name: Katty
Age: 18
D.O.B: 27/11/1985
Nicknames: Kat/Kate
AKA: TIQ, Dark Ice Maiden

My Fave anime Shows are:-
Yu-Yu Hakusho
Outlaw Star
Sailor Moon
Dragon Ball /Z/GT

And I have the Manga of those shows too [Apart from the last 3]well I DO live in England y'know....
I'm very tolerant of cliche characters ^-^

I don't mind Oc x Characters aslong as it isn't rushed E.g 'Love at first sight'
And I don't mind reading any pairings (slash or not) if it makes sense eg: Personally myself I think YamixYami Marik parings are far-fetched since Y.Marik wants to destroy the pharoah O.o?

Fave Characters:
Kurama (Yu-Yu Hakusho)
Tomb Robber Bakura (YGO)
Yoko Kurama (Yu-Yu Hakusho)
Ryou Bakura (YGO)
Yami Bakura (YGO)
Sesshomaru (InuYasha)
InuYasha (InuYasha)
Yusuke (Yu-Yu Hakusho)

Can anyone see a pattern here? [Apart from Yusuke] @_@ ^^;;

I can:-
- Day Dream alot (The only way I can write fics)
- be a complete Klutz (I'm a walking disaster waiting to happen)
- Take care of myself (who can't? Apart from my sister)
- probably get away with murder if I wanted to ( The amount of times I've got out of trouble in school - Bullsh**t baffles brains people!)

I can't:-

- Perfection (makes life boring)
-Spell to save my life (I tend to spell things phonectically)
- Walk down the stairs without falling down it
- Stick to one story (I have to write loads at once -_-;; )
- Have Peace & quiet without my Parents needing me to do DIY on cuboards and electrical goods (I'm the Handy woman! ^^ )

I've been known to:-
- Burn a 5 min microwave chips in a microwave by putting it in for 15 mins( I have no idea what pocessed me that day -_-;;)
- Speak without thinking ( It's a bad habit)
- Run into a glass door thinking it just the doorframe ( I was tired that night)
- Write POV stories ( So easy to put feeling onto a piece of paper)

Things I can't stand when reading:-

- Yaoi pairing that have no justification e.g Bakura and Yugi just HAPPEN to love each other...¬¬U

- Romance fics that are rushed (arguments & Confliction people! That's what creates interesting realtionships! Think Kagome & InuYasha! ^-^)

- Pointless Flames! (U can't rite shite Ha-Ha! - eh? err okkkk, any one else who doesn't have the mentality of a derranged carrot?)

I love:

-Witty Sarcasum (Not only does it make the fic humorous but it give the character....character!)
- Suspense (*falls off the chair*)
- Romance! (esp the ones that are like Kagome/InuYasha)
- Blue Roses! ( They're so rare here and the Red ones are SOOOO common!)
- To Day Dream (who doesn't?)
- Men! (again, who doesn't?)
- Indepenance ( gotta love your own freedom right?)
- Original characters (esp. the ones that aren't TOO mary-sue like)

My Fave saying/ Quote:

'Who am I to be Judge & Jury?'

Ok I'm out of here so yeah, C-Ya!

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