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User Name:Mirikia
Last Visited On:Nov. 27th, 2004, 12:37:19, PST
Registered On:May 05, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Aymier
Biography:Name: just call me Miri
age: i dunno, how old is the Grim Reaper?
hair: dirty blonde
eyes: they're kinda strange, thier color depends on what I'm wearing, if I'm wearing blue, my eyes look blue, if I'm wearing green, my eyes look green, if I'm wearing any other color, then they look ?
I am weird, and I know it! In fact I sometimes -try- to be strange. I think I'm insane sometimes, but I'm not completely sure yet, though I'm kind of evil, too...

i would put my artwork up here (yes, i -am- an artist) but my computer doesn't have a scanner, much less a scanning program, so i am very stuck, but then, i do write too...

Here are my likes and dislikes:
LIKES: Anime and manga (no shit, Einstien. if i didn't, i probably wouldn't have joined MMORG), reader insert fic (i soo need a life...), my precious bishounens, drawing, writing, reading, internet surfing (staying online for hours on end, just for the hell of it), poking myself with extremely sharp pencils, sharpening my already too sharp pencils, poking my friends (and complete strangers) with my overly sharp pencils, annoying ppls, going to a bookstore to buy mangas (while spending my younger SISTER'S money...), window shopping, laughing at other ppls misfortunes, sleeping, swimming, eating, sleeping, see above pencil-related likes, and daydreaming...did i mention anything about my overly sharp pencils?

DISLIKES: my sister, when my f*cough*ing computer quits on me, when my f*cough*ing sister squeals on me, when my f*cough*ing internet doesn't work, when i can't find my f*cough*ing pencils or my f*cough*ing pencil sharpener, when i can't find any good comebacks, when ppl flame with stupid reviews - saying that the story f*cough*ing offends them (if you don't like the damn story, dont f*cough*ing read it!!!), and when my sis steals ANYTHING of mine...

trust me, i will think of more stuff, and to all you flamers out there:


if you couldn't tell already, i have a BIG split personality, I think I wrote it up there sum where ^ but I cant remember and I'm too damn lazy to check, so shoot me, but still sum times I happy and hyper (like i am evry morning afta swim practice...DAMN YOU ENERGY BARS AND DRINKS AND CHOCOLATE!!!!!!) or sum times i get all pissed and serious (kinda both right now, Seki and Miri are fighting in my mind...er minds...er..Seki confused and Miri pissed...) and I think I may be repeating myself, but if you have a problem w/ me, email me so i can cuss u out in a nice, but mean, manner!!! ^^ Miri is sum what happy, but also pissed at the same time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! isnt that nice? ^^ ahh well, i have fwends...(the voices in my head are fighting again...) and I like randomly pointing things out!!! ^^ ._.; ...^^

this thing is almost like my blog...almost. in my blog i write about how depressed i am and stuffs, here...well...is here? dunno...

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