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User Name:Akkina
Last Visited On:Sep. 16th, 2004, 20:51:58, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Name: Akkina
Age: 534
Eyes: Blood red
Hair: Silvery blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: *growls*
Species: Demon
Race: Koorime/Kitsune
Powers: Ice, shape-shifting, super strength (yay!),REALLY FAST, extreme hyperness (is that a power?), jinxing. (don't ask.)
Personatilty: Varies, depending on how much sugar I've had. Normally I'm kinda hyper, with evil moods. Likes to scare people a lot. Can go from happy and cheerful to mean and pissy in 2 seconds flat.
Looks: Low pony tail with constantly changing style to bangs. Wears tank-top and baggy jeans, fingerless gloves and carries knife. Wears headbands w/ various kanji. (ex: Ice, Kurama, ect.)

Likes: Kurama, sugar, Kurama, Hiei, ramen, Kurama, music, Kurama, video games, Kurama, martial arts, and Kurama.

Dislikes: Wusses, Logic class, high pitched squeals,(don't ask) Karasu, and logic class.

Fav. Music: Less Than Jake, T.M. Revolution, Ayumi Hamasaki, Hikaru Utada, The Monkees

Lance's Profile:

Name: Lance
Age: 628
Eyes: Misty green
Hair: Dark brown. Trunks style hair cut w/silver locks in front. Has low pony tail.
Height: 6'9"
Weight: Again, doesn't matter. Probably all muscle anyway....he's scary.
Species: Demon
Race: Fire/Kitsune (hey, he's a guy. All Koorime guys are fire demons.)
Powers: Fire powers, shape-shifting, super strength, REALLY fast, way to much energy, among other things I'm currently to lazy to mention.
Personality: Fairly laid back, until you get him mad(scary....) lazy, martial arts obssesed. Normally fairly calm. ( I swear, he's got this Kurama calm thing going on. It's freaky) Slashes at people w/boken.
Looks: As said, Trunks hair cut with low ponty tail. Really tall, w/ broad shoulders (think Hiko, RK) Wears T-shirt and hakama or Karate pants. Always carries boken. (No, really. ^^;;, he does)

Likes: Anime, video games, Rurouni Kenshin, swordsmanship, annoying Akkina, smaking ppl w/ boken, sparring, drawing anime/manga, smaking ppl w/ boken, Heart Of Sword(song). Go to http://www.geocities.com/kenshinvillage/Music.html, you can listen to it there.

Dislikes: People in general, you probably(no offense), any boy who has ever looked at Akkina w/ any intrest whatsoever, stupid ppl, Algebra, Spanish class(japanese is a much better language), decorative swords.

Fav. Music: Less Than Jake, T.M. Revolution


"Like that arm? Wanna keep it?" ~My mom


"I have a my-sized-clamore! DIE MY-SIZED-BARBIE!!!!"~Me

"See Spot run, Spot runs fast. DIE, SPOT, DIE!!!"~Steve

"I thought I was crazy Urameshi, but you take the prize! The hell was that?! Ya don't make bombs go boom in yer face!"~Jin


"Frith and Inle!"~me

"So, what's it like being in a constant haze of stupidity?" ~Hiei

"MY RAMEN!"~me

"If you don't shut up I will rip your arms off and beat you to death with them" ~me threatening

"Maybe she's becoming a vegetarian." ~my dad
"Ha! I like the flesh of lower animals!" ~me

"Spleak! HE'S A SPLEAK!!!!" ~me talking to classmate. (spleak is a word my friend made up for class one time. It means prson who messes things up.)

"Stop it, jerk!" ~my parrot mimicking me. ^^;;

"He's gone to the pink side of the force." ~Justin

"BOOM!" ~me hitting math book for no appearant reason.

"BANANA LEAF ATTACK!!!" ~Lance (Banana martial arts, ya don't wanna know)

"I've got a spoon and I'm not afraid to use it!" ~me. I threaten people w/ spoons.

"If it looks like a sword, and shines like a sword(think butter knife), it can be used as a sword to annoy people." ~Lance

"You actually look worse than your driver's lisense photo." ~Lance (he get's mean if he can't hold his boken)

"Banana Martial Arts, no use in a fight. The ultimate tool of annoyance." ~Lance

"WHEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!" ~Me

"A lot of people say they have a role model, mine are: Battosai, Saito, and Hiei. I really look up to him." ~Lance

"Why can't I have a real sword?!" ~Lance

"Do you think baby giraffes get headaches right after they're born?" ~me


"Boom, boom, BOOM!!!" ~Me hitting shelf w/ math book

"Is that a creature? Let's poke it and see!" ~me looking at something I saw move.

"Breathe, Akkina. Breathe." ~Kel-dono
"I don't wanna!" *holds breath**runs low on air**gasps* "Ok, I wanna breath..." ~me and my friend talking.

"Where's your brother?" ~my mom
"Dunno. NIISAN!!" ~me
"That's a car." ~my mom

"They're coming." ~Steve
"Who's coming?" ~Will
"I dunno. It may be puppies. Puppies are very dangerous." ~Steve

"Alright, are there any other questions before we begin the test?"
"Can we go home, now?" ~me talking to teacher

"Look, a coke truck! Let's stand here and get him to stop, so we can beat him up and take all his coke! Or, if he doesn't stop, I have a sword!" ~Lance
"To bad Mr. Coke Man is going bye-bye." ~Me
"K'so." ~Lance

"Ah....warm....AAAH!!! IT BURNS!!! ~Clint leaning against a window

"I have to defeat him my way, but what is my way? And why is my head echoing? *smiles* Row, row, row your boat..." ~Dave the Barbarian (for some reason, I found this hilarious)

"They said 'behave'. They never said behave 'WELL'" ~Steve

"Do you remember that rabbit you used to have? BEAUTIFUL little thing, what was his name?" ~General Melchit
"Flossy, sir." ~George
"Yes, yes, Flossy! Do you remember what happened to Flossy?" ~G. Melchit
"You shot him, sir." ~George
"Yes, but that was the kindest thing to do after he had been run over by that car." ~G. Melchit
"Your car, sir." ~George
"Yes, yes, my car. But THAT TOO was an act of mercy, after that dog had gotten to him." ~G. Melchit
"Your dog, sir." ~George
"Yes, yes, my dog. But the point I'm trying to make here it that the state young Flossy was in after we scraped him off my front tire is very much the state young Blackadder is in right now. If not very nearly dead, very actually dead." ~G. Melchit
"Permission for lower lip to wobble, sir?" ~George
"Permission granted." ~G. Melchit(I can't say his name w/out laughing! I love this quote!) Correction, it's a 'c' not an 's'!!! Oopsies..

"Ok, if I behave, will I get I reward?" ~Rath
"I gues that wouldn't hurt... what to you want?" ~Ruwalk
"A strong demon!" ~Rath
"NO WAY!!!" ~Ruwalk and Alfeegi
"Are you saying I can go out and look for one?" ~Rath
*holding up sign* My master has no brains. ~Fire (Rath's Dragon)

"Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional." ~Steve

"You keep calling your brother 'niisan', so now we'll call him 'quest', like Nissan Quest." ~my mom talking to me

"Oro?" ~Kenshin, or me, or Paul Andrew

"Ororo?" ~me

"Oniisan, why is I'm the evil one of the two of us, yet I like nice, calm people as my favorite characters, and you're the nice, calm one and you like evil characters?" ~Me (yep, this is still confusing)

"Holy flippin' shnikies of death!!!" ~Yori from the web comic 'No Need for Bushido!' A must read! (did I spell that right?)

"I am like the wombat, balanced on the zucinni of destiny." ~Chu, also from 'No Need for Bushido'.

Me: But dang, I wanna know what this says! *talking about ring with ancient writing stuff on it*
Brooks: I probably says 'I am an idiot'.
Me: *glares* No, it doesn't. Or else, YOU'D be wearing it.
Kel-dono: O_O

(note between me and friend)
Rachel: *scribble*
Me: Uh, hi...?
Rachel: Hello!
Rachel: Where did you get the coconuts?
Me: From my dog's armpit, duh!
Rachel: WOW! From a dog's armpit?
Me: Yeah, I didn't even know dogs HAD armpits. Weird, ne?
Rachel: Yup.
Me: Running out of room?
Rachel: Yup. (gets new paper)
Me: Very good.
Rachel: Yup! I'm smart!
Me: Suuuuuure.
Rachel: Well, I'd like you to believe I am.
Me: Ok!
Rachel: So, now what?
Me: No clue. How 'bout purple monkeys?
Rachel: But purple monkeys are evil.
Me: True, true.
Rachel: And you can only see them if you're on pot or LSD. (yes, Latin Class was very boring that day)

"I think Mokona is a marshmellow!" ~Kel-dono (YES!!! Spread the manga obsession!!)

"Your class is full of freaks." ~Lance talking to me. Well....he's right...

"Oh, this is such a lame way to die, this is so NOT cool." ~Duo Maxwell

Goku: Look, Vegeta! People popcorn!
Vegeta: What is he on?

"The thing is, you're evil, but not mean. And you are too." ~Steve talking to me and Rachel

"Rachel! How did you know that!?" ~Steve talking to Rachel when he found out how to see the purple monkeys. ^^;;

"It's not my fault! I just had Yusuke's special language lessons!" ~me

"People mistake my stupidity for bravery." ~Lance

"Fear me! I have Peter Pan butter!...peanuts..." ~me

"Why did Toguro have to miss?" ~Hiei (referring to Kuwabara)

Fire: *holding sign* You're not my master!
Rath: Yes, I am, you idiot! I'm.....in drag!
Fire: *sign* How shameful. *tear*
Rath: Shut up!

Gojyo: Oy. What do you guys think?
Goku: His huge attitude makes me sick. Minus 20 points.
Hakkai: Poor maniacal laugh. Minus 15.
Youkai: Wha? What is this? You dare make fun of me?!
Goku: Ew! His teeth are yellow. Minus 5 more.
Youkai: RRGH! Dead! You're dead!
*later in battle*
Sanzo: Falls down like an IDIOT. Minus 40 points.
Hakkai. He's lost a total of 80 points.

"Oro? Oro? Oro?" Paul Andrew Spread the 'oros'!!!!
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