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User Name:Sun Priestess
Name/Nick:Abby Barr
Last Visited On:Feb. 19th, 2005, 20:41:27, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Sun Priestess 89
Biography:Hello! My name is Abby

Woo! Well it's been a while since i've been here, maybe i should update this thinger...

hmm, well here goes! ^_^

Name: Please tell me you haven't forgotten already. It's up about three lines...

Age: 15

Hair: Brown, has some red and gold highlights, very faint though and all natural! I refuse to do anything to my hair other than cut it, which i rarely do. I'm trying to grow it out.

Eyes: Green Grey or Blue. It really depends on what i'm wearing or how i feel. It can be a solid or a mix.... I love my eyes!! ^__^

Gender: Um, i think it's obvious. i have yet to hear of a male on a fanfiction site... Unless they flow that way... which i have no problem with! Shit, i have gay friends. They are fun to shop with.

Personality: Generally happy. I'm a very optimistic person. I'm also very vague and random. When i'm on Cherry Coke, almost no one gets what I'm saying...

I love animals and i plan on becoming a veterinarian. I'm also into witchcraft and the occult. It's not freaking Satanism!! I DON'T Sacrifice cats to the devil!! T_T I like cats. I have a cat. She's like my baby. I love her to death.

And you ask why i trust you with all this information about myself? Well I'll tell you. I have a shotgun and a gun license. *Insert huge grin* If i find any psychopathic stalkers around my house... well... take this as your only warning. Have a nice day! ^__^

Favorite Animes/Mangas: Oh... Here it comes! RUN!!!
Yu Yu Hakusho
Witch Hunter Robin
Ah My Goddess (I've only seen the movie though)
Wolf's Rain
Gundam (It's rather addictive)
Chobits (Chi is soo fucking adorable!!!)
Fushugi Yugi
Ceres: Celestial Legend
Vampire Game
Please Save My Earth
Saikano (I just got it, it is soo good!!!)
Alice 19th (Yu Watase is awsome!!! She is my favorite manga author! Her and Clamp)
X 1999
Ruroini Kenshin (There is no way in hell i spelt that right.)
Angelic Layer
Cresent Moon
xxxHolic (this is an awsome story!)

I think that is most of them, if i remember any others, then i'll add them.

I love to write and i love to draw. I am also working on my own website, and i finally have my scanner working!! So yay!! ^^ I do have some artwork posted there. If you want to go see how i suck at drawing, the url is up above. ^^

I also love music. It is what I thrive on. I would die without my cd's and I probably would have snapped in the ninth grade if I wasn't in chorus.

Other likes:
Lord of the Rings
Harry Potter
Incense and oils (random, yes.)
Anything dealing with nature. I can only seem to feel at peace when I'm walking in the woods.

(Humanity in general. We are going to be the death of ourselves...)

Now that we have gone through our tour of 'My personality', welcome to 'My randomness corner'. All of my vauge randomness will go here!

This is a message my friend put on his away message once:

'I ended up in jail last night,
My friend called me,
My good friend paid me a visit,
My best friend was right beside me saying "That was awsome! Let's do it again!"

Things you'll never hear Hiei say: (I have no idea where i got this from but it ain't mine.)

"I'm a little teapot short and stout"

"My katana? Oh I traded it in for a Swiss Army Knife"

"I'm tired of black. I think I'll try... Paisley!"

"Have a nice day!"

"Visine, It get the red out"

I love the LotR trilogy, and this is a verse from the Two Towers. The ever wise words of our faithful Sam.

"It's like in the great stories
The ones that really mattered
Full of darkness and danger they were
Sometimes you didn't want to know the end, because how could the end be happy?
How could the world go back to the way it was, when so much bad had happened?
But in the end, it's only a passing thing
A shadow
Even the darkness must pass
A new day will come
And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer
Those are the stories that stayed with you, the stories that really meant something, even if you were to small to understand them
But I think I do understand
I know now
Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't
They kept going, because they were holding onto something..." (i think you need the music in the background to get the full effect of it...)

My best friend sent this to me and i laughed my ass off! Whenever someone says 'you don't know jack shit' now you can handle the situation in an intellectual manner!

Jack is the sone of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt,

Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt Inc. They had one son, Jack

In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. They produced four children named: Dip Schitt, Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, and Giva Schitt.

However, after being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced. Noe later remarried Ted Sherlock and since her kids were living with her she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt-Sherlock.

Meanwhile Dip married Loada Schitt and they produced a son of nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt.

2 of Noe's four children, Fulla and Giva, were inseperable throughout childhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony. The wedding announcement in the newspaper announce the Schitt-Happens wedding. The Schitt-Happens had four children named Dawg, Byrd, Hoarse, and Bull.

Bull left home to tour the world and returned with his new Italian Bride, Pisa Schitt.

So now when someone says "you don't know Jack Shitt" you can set them straight.

This family histoty was recorded by Crock O. Schitt.

And some more quotes i found...

"Don't follow in my footsteps. I walk into walls"

"Don't talk to me while i'm talking to myself!!"

On a camo shirt "Ha! Now you can't see me"

Thank you for joining me on this fair day and sorry for wasting you time with a whole bunch of my random nonsense. Don't worry, I'll be back sooner or later to bother you again! ^_^
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