Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ A Thing is Afoot: Part 1 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: lol it's sooo funny how you all get excited when I add a few words to this fic. ^-^ People like my story.


Haq: Yeah, seems kind of quweird, right...?


Shashomiru: Maybe it's because I try to brief the author's notes.



"So, let me get this straight," Ryou says.


"Alright then," Malik says.


"Somehow, we are going to get Joey's little sister to…what is it…"




"When do we start?"


Malik smirks.




Yugi stares at lions. "o___o"


Seto blinks. "…." He smirks. "Aren't they pretty, Yugi?"


Yugi nods nods nods.


"Do you wanna pet the kitty??"


Yugi nods nods nods nods nods. "o.o"


"Good." Seto points. "Crawl through that and go play."


"^^ YAY!!!" 


Seto tells him, "Awww, look, the Kitty would like to help you!"


A White Lion looks up at them.


Yugi stares up at him. "o.o…. Meow."


The White Lion grabs onto him with his paw. 


"YES!!" Seto says.


Yugi, "o.o"


After picking him up carefully, he set Yugi on his front legs and began to lick his hair.


"Tehehehe, dat feels warm!" Yugi giggles.


Seto grunts. "<.< Ah..."




Ryou says, "We'll bring them here where all the Lions are, and that's where our plan can really unfold."


Malik tells him, "You can do that."


"<.< You see, people always seem to say that."


"You," A Mysterious Child says to them suddenly.


"SEE?!?!?!" Ryou points.


Mysterious Child, "<.<"


Malik says, "Eh. What? What do you want? We're busy."


The Mysterious Child asks, "What are you doing here? This is my turf."


"Yeah? And who says?" Malik asks.


"Uh…. Me?"


""Well, I don't see your name written anywhere."


"<.< Well, maybe we could find other turf in the Zoo. There might be better near here," Ryou suggests.


Malik insists, "Whatever, we were here first!" 


A Worker says, "HEY!!"


Malik and Ryou, "o______o;;;;;"


The Worker asks them, "What do you think you're doing?"


"Um.. >.>" Malik tries to think of anything.


Ryou, "<.<" 


The Mysterious Child, "o____o………. M-my ice cream."


"o__o Wh-what?" The Worker looks at him.


Malik and Ryou, "o.O;"


The Mysterious Child, "I said I've dropped my ice cream!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO WITHOUT MY ICE CREAM?!?!"


The Worker tells him, "o_____o H-hey, calm down kid, I'll get you your ice cream!!"


The Mysterious Child says, "I am going to totally FLIP OUT IF I DON'T HAVE MY ICE CREAM!" 


"o___o; Okay!! I'm going to get it now!!!" he runs.



"So, anyway," the Mysterious Child looks at them.


"<.< That was strange," Malik says.


"That was brilliant. O.o;" Ryou decides.




"Who are you? What do you want? Aside from ice cream," Malik questions him.


"….why... I only want my ice CREAM...~" The Mysterious Child insists.


"Now tell me your name," Malik quizzes.


"-_- Just call me Haq."


"Haq?" Ryou asks.


Malik, "<.< That's some kind of name you got ehehuh...


"….Oh yeah… just keep on being an ass.. it's real attractive."


"^^ Alright," Malik says.




Tèa, "….. o.o"


Tristan, "o.o….."


Tèa, "o___o…."


Tristan, "o___o…."


Tèa, "Oo….."


Tristan, "oO….."


Tèa says, "You're weird."


"Yu should speak for yourself."


Tèa, "<.<"




Yami stares up at a sign. "Hm… Romanian stick candy. Fascinating." He walks up to concession man.


Dude Man says, "Hello. ^^ What will it be?"


"Umm…. I want the Romanian stick candy, please."


Dude Man asks him, "What flavour?"


"o.o They come in flavours?"


"<.< Nah. They are sticks of rubbery stuff that have absolutely no flavouring and are made for time, money and trees."




"Yeah they do. They have flavor."


"Oh. O.o what flavours."


Dude Man tells him, "Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry and shit Ahem."


"o.O What was the last one?"




"Oh ok. ^^ umm. I will take chocolate."


"Excellent choice." Dude man hands him Romanian candy. "Enjoy With your ass… and hair…."


"o__O Okay then…." He looks at candy. "Ah. So interesting…" He licks the stick once. "….hm…." He gently nibbles on it. "ar ar ar arrrhh…" He pulls the stick from his mouth and turns his head. "@.@ mmmmm so stretchy." He turns back. "o.o…. I think it's in my hair…" He tugs at it. "Uh… ;.; eeeeheheh."


Yami let go of the stick of Romanian candy and began to pry it from his hair.


"Ehhhhhhh….. GOD, THE ROMANS…. AS SOON AS I ATTAIN MY THRONE ONCE AGAIN.. THEY SHALL………. THEY SHALL <.<…… >__>….. rule beneath me!!" he whispers slightly. 




"So. Why have you come here?" Ryou questions.


Haq tells hims, "I have come to forge the secrets of my personal quest. The search to find the key of everlasting hope and understanding of my meaning in this world. For power in myself can be explained with the key to my past. I'm searching to understand and discover my point to life and strange, unique abilities to also understand and solve the things of nature and life. I seek to discover if I really had a past, and find the key to open the path to everything freely."


Ryou, "<.<"


Haq, ">_>" 


"-___-; So anyway…. Here's the plan," Malik says.




Shashomiru: ^-^ I love  how this is going so far.


Haq: This story is so unusual.


Shashomiru: -^^- I know! Please review!!! ^___^