Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ A Thing is Afoot: Part 2 ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shashomiru: Yaay, updates! W00t! .


"I have to say, this plan is actually brilliant," Malik confesses.

"I am a mastermind," Hack tells him.

Ryou says, "So what are we waiting for? Let us begin!"

"Excellent. Both of you begin the building, and Joey!" Hack calls.

"o.o Yes?" Joey looks at him.

"…Bring me Serenity…" Hack smirks.


Yugi pet's the white lion. "-^.^- Oh, great Mr. White Kitty… you are so fuwwy and soft…"

The White Lion purrs loudly.

"Tehehee! -^.^- " He huggles him.

"Yugi and his Chibi cuteness…" Seto grumbles.

A Tan Lion grabs Seto's leg.

"What the—hey! Lemme go!"

The Tan Lion tugs at him.


It gently picks him up by the pant of his leg and carries him to Yugi and the White Lion.

Seto, "o_o ."

It lays next to the white lion and sets Seto near him, starting to lick him.

"Ahhhh Yugi washes his hair wit tastier stuff, I pwomise!"

A Child notices them and says, "^^ look! Kitty boys!"

"Oh my god!" The child's mother says.

Everyone wonders how they got in there, saying, "Someone rescue them!"

Seto says, "Someone get some catnip! Wike, a wot of it!"

Yami was preoccupied in the bathroom trying hard to release the Romanian candy from his hair.

Yami says to himself, "It looks kind of like-"

"So, you hear about those kids in the Lion exhibit?" Random Bathroom Person 1 suddenly says. 

Random Bathroom Person 2 says, "Hey, yeah."

Yami thinks to himself.

Random Bathroom Person 1 says, "Forget the lions, one of `em's got awesome hair. All colorful and pointy."

Random Bathroom Person 2 laughs and says, "Who's his hairstylist, I wonder?"

Yami contemplates, "Hair!?" and then blurts out, "Hair?! Excuse moi! Does his hair look like mine?!"

Random Bathroom Person 1 says, "….Um…. yeah... Actually, it looks exactly like yours."


Random Bathroom Person 2 watches as he runs out the door and says, "Huh. All that food coloring must be colorizing his brain."

Random Bathroom Person 1 agrees saying, "Probably. -.-;"


"I want to begin already!" Malik declares.

They stood at the side of the aquarium preparing to launch the event.

"Hold with your patience! Genius takes time!" Hack insists.

"I've only been ready for the past forever now!" Malik says.

Ryou agrees, "Yes, yes, PLEASE continue."

"Excellent," Hack says.

Joey sat on his knees and patted Serenity's head.

"^^ Tell the whales I said hi!" Joey tells her.

Hack stared down with a glare.

Serenity, "huwuu.."

"Then it's done. We begin…."

Hack began to tug on the rope, hoisting Serenity into the air. She clapped her hands and giggled happily.

Malik tells him, "Keep going, keep going."

"I know what I am doing."

"Be patient. Soak it in…" Ryou tells him.

"Ehh… -.-;" Malik responds.

"I am going to dangle her above the exhibit. When they see her, then they might want to play."

Ryou says, "I see… Brilliant."

Someone blurts, "Oh my God, is that a YOUNGLING?!!?!"

Everyone else says, "What?" They question amongst each other and themselves.

Joey cheers, "^.^ Yay, Serenity! It's like you're flying!"

"Ja-gnyah!" Serenity wiggles her hands.

Malik brushed Ryou aside and walked up to Hack. He grabbed the rope, saying, "I think we can be a little more efficient on time, right? Let me have it."

Hack gasped and watched in surprise when he was suddenly hoisted into the air by his foot which was tangled in the rope.

"Serenity!" Joey says.

"Hack!" Ryou calls.

They both came to a sudden pause just three feet above the exhibit.


Serenity clapped her hands and giggled. "-^.^- Imminence!"

"Huh!" Hack looks at her.

Joey gasp. "It's Sewenity's first word!"

People start saying, "Somebody help them!"

Hack says, "Grr…. I'm slipping from my pantaloons…"

"Then, you shouldn't wear such baggy pants," Malik says.

He tells them what I had to tell the Freshman who asked, "This is my chastity belt."

"Why, suuure it is. What's that?! The rope has a mind of its own!"

"If you do that, you will pay in your sleep…" Hack says as he spins around.

Ryou says, "Let's just do something…" and then he suddenly gets picked up. "What!"


Yami drives the car. "…."

Everyone sits quietly and patiently.

"…Well, I know better than to go to the zoo again."

Hack chuckles, "Hehehe."

Yami looks at him. "o.o….Who are you….."

"Um…. Me?"

".…. Okay then." He keeps driving.

"Well!" Marik crosses his arms.

Tèa says, "Yami! Yami Yami Yami!"

"Well f—"

"Yay! ^^" Bakura cheers.

Everyone blinks and stares at him. "o.O"

Bakura stares back. "o.o"

Seto looks around. "…. _ …. . …. .o_o Where's Mokuba?"


Shashomiru: Hahahaha. Fantastic. And I'm reading this 20 years later. Hope you're enjoying!