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Dragon Slayer Title: Dragon Slayer Show (1) Review(s)
Genre: Fantasy / Action
Run Time: 50 minutes
Publisher: Urban Vision
Released On: December 30, 1992
Type: n/a
TV Episode(s)/Manga Volumes: 2
Rating:3.45 Rating          Votes: 9

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Dragon Slayer - Description/Synopsis
The Island Kingdom of Faaren exists in a remote place - far removed from other worlds by time and distance. This magical fantasy realm was once peaceful and happy ruled by a wise king - but the Demon Lord Ackdam came and King Aswell\'s armies proved no match for Ackdam\'s demonic legions. Though his father was overthrown and killed, his young son Sirius managed to escape with the help of the King\'s loyal minion Rias. Several years later the Kingdom lies in ruins through mistreatment. Sirius has grown into a powerful young warrior through the wise teachings of Rias. In order to avoid Lord Ackdam\'s henchman, Sirius and Rias must travel the Kingdom, protecting the innocent from the evil that rules. Until that fateful day when the great demon Zagi transform into a monstrous dragon and kills Rias and captures Prince Sirius. Rescued by the underground rebels, the Prince discovers that his Mother, the queen still lives captive within Ackdam\'s great castle. Resolved to revenge his parents and mentor with the force of the rebellion behind him, young Sirius must face the greatest evil this world has known and reclaim his throne.

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[ Sep 5, 2001 10:50 ] SilverCloud
Potential Buyer/Viewer Warning
One of the worst I've seen so far, really. Messy plot, sloppy animation and the cheesiest slapstick I've ever encountered. A BIG waste of money, believe me. Don't buy this, rent this, borrow it...etc. The dubbing is terrible and made me cringe throughout the whole sorry film.

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