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Tokyo Juliet Title: Tokyo Juliet
Genre: Drama / Romance
Run Time: unknown
Publisher: unknown
Released On: December 30, 2000
Type: Oav
Rating:5.00 Rating          Votes: 14

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Characters: Akira Himemiya, Eiji Hiragata, Minori Ayase

Tokyo Juliet - Description/Synopsis
'Tokyo Juliet' is what one might describes as a great tragedy - full of betrayals, lies, ambition and greed which threatens to tear Minori Ayase and Akira Himemiya apart. Like Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet', the star-crossed lovers had fallen deeply in love with each other before they fully realise who the other person was. Minori's goal in lifewas to surpass Eiji Hinagata's reputation in the fashion world as a pay back for stealing her design and using them as his own. Perhaps by a twist of fate, Minori and Akira are destined to be lovers for she has already given her heart and he could not love anyone else but her. As their relationship progresses, Eiji tries the best to separate them, as he believes that Minori could snap the already fragile bond between him and his son Akira. Eiji tries to lure Akira back but the gulf between them widens after the schemes put forth by his father through his attempts to preserve his reputation and position in the world of fashion designing by fraud, blackmail and manipulation. With oppositions from everywhere as the two are sunk deeper into the world of deceit, their love progresses to a new height

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