You Know You Want It

WOW! I really like the new way of submitting stuff… it rox! Anyway, I did this for a request and yeah, it’s not the best drawing in the world, but I am proud of it! And anyone who says different can go and Well, now that that is out of my system… I was going to leave his chest bare and the tail wrapped around is waist, but I wanted to do something a little orginal… hence ‘a little’ His left arm and hand gave me trouble and my eyes started to cross because I was getting so angry! okay, calm down, relax… okay, I;m good. As for the sassh, well, lets just say Youko went shopping, shall we? Youko: Shopping? SHOPPING?! I don’t shop! SL: Pshh, you know you go shopping allt he time, and you always look at the fancy yellow ribbons for your tail so don’t give me lip mister! (that gave me an idea for a drawing! YES) Kurama: I feel bad for you, yellow ribbons? Youko: I am doomed! Sessh: Yes, yes you are SL: where in the hell did you come from? Sessh: I popped. (don’t ask) SL: That explains so much… Kurama and Youko: CONFUSION!!!

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