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Title: My Beautiful Hanyou - Colored [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kougasprincess
Uploaded On: Jan 17 0:44:32 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: This took me about two hours to color. Sketched by hand and colored on the computer. It was my first try using the computer to color a picture. I like the eyes and the kotodama beads best. What do you think? Dedicated to Mary!
Image Properties: 564x614 47.48 kb
Title: My Bishie [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: outlawsenshi
Uploaded On: Dec 1 15:18:53 2003
Description: my bishie!!! Isn't her kawaii!!! see a bigger version in my gallery here www.whymeohgodwhyme.deviantart.com
Image Properties: 400x530 33.61 kb
Title: My black mamba [ TV Series/Movie :: Kill Bill ] By: inunotaishogirl
Uploaded On: May 21 21:11:14 2007
Charcters: The Bride
Description: PLZ REVIEW!!! this was done with color pencils and pen, I've fixed the nose the eyes and the chin on paint (un_n)
Image Properties: 1248x1618 144.12 kb
Title: My Boy [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: onna-chan
Uploaded On: Sep 25 8:03:18 2004
Charcters: Robin, Starfire
Description: I just love how kitten and starfire were fighting at that dance over robin, but i knew it'd be really funny if starfire slammed a starbolt into prissy kitten's face chibi style. mwahaha
Image Properties: 427x363 92.29 kb
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Title: My Character Aya [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Kinoko
Uploaded On: Jan 15 11:23:17 2003
Description: This is Aya, a character I made and I play her on a role playing game. I used color pencils to color her and I got the pose from a picture my sister printed up of Auska from Evangelion. I worked super hard on it so please don't steal it.
Image Properties: 1221x914 100.39 kb
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Title: My character Mryth ^_^ [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Sir lady Sketch
Uploaded On: Nov 9 8:27:55 2002
Description: My scanner is dead, so all I have is my Paint program to do doodles... >.
Image Properties: 640x459 62.27 kb
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Title: My character Talon Morasky [ Miscellaneous :: Harry Potter ] By: renee_dmrs
Uploaded On: May 19 12:39:09 2005
Description: Just an OC of mine... Done in colored pencil originally, but colored the shirt in Paint. Her skin is actually darker but turned out like this... Goofed on poportioning if anyone would give me a hint on that it would be much appritiated.
Image Properties: 512x613 89.35 kb
Title: My Character; Sakura [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: DemonGirl-Setsuna
Uploaded On: Jan 3 9:29:56 2007
Description: My fanfiction; Forgotten Memories: This is my character Sakura; the daughter of Kagome. Sakura fell into the well and is currently traveling with InuYasha to try to help him regain his missing memories. Who does she look like?
Image Properties: 519x726 66.32 kb
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Title: My characters [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: In_Love_With_Kenshin
Uploaded On: Jun 27 19:58:40 2004
Description: This is a crew of my characters from my story Lunocrist. I used Photodelux to color it
Image Properties: 767x558 96.68 kb
Title: My Characters [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: lilangelchr
Uploaded On: Jan 23 10:18:41 2008
Charcters: Original Character
Description: These are My Characters drawn by apupnamednagi@deviantart.com for my story Now and Later. From Left to Right Keiko, Kagome, Kaemon, Haruna, and Inuyuzki, and their demon forms are behind them.
Image Properties: 825x628 140.53 kb
Title: My characters-realistic [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: In_Love_With_Kenshin
Uploaded On: Jul 1 16:51:34 2004
Description: These are characters in my story "Lunocrist" I did them in anime, so check that pic out in my gallery if you want.
Image Properties: 590x770 84.35 kb
Title: my chemical romance [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: xlawwendy
Uploaded On: Dec 27 6:03:04 2006
Charcters: My Chemical Romance
Description: this is a pic of mcr its in anime tho
Image Properties: 756x498 208.98 kb
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Title: My Chibi [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: LonelyChild
Uploaded On: Jan 20 20:44:26 2008
Description: This is the first pcture I`ve put in my artwork. I`m kind of excited! The qwality sucks as bad as my spelling, but I did the major part of it in color pencil and then redid the black lines in paint, so bare with me.Please tell me what you think and be kind read more
Image Properties: 806x1289 85.21 kb
Title: My Chibi Zeke/Hao Asakura [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: JinxedKitsune
Uploaded On: Mar 5 9:34:07 2005
Charcters: Hao
Description: Chibi Zeke that i did a while ago, but it's cute, isn't it? Note: ZEKE FANS; THIS PIC IS FOR YOU TO GLOMP!
Image Properties: 174x251 8.28 kb
Title: My Confession [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Sabichan
Uploaded On: Jun 13 1:58:12 2010
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: Inspired by the Josh Groban song of the same name.
Image Properties: 802x883 424.42 kb
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