Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Sailor Goddess ❯ Wedding Party Mayhem ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Ranma One Half/Sailor Moon/Ah! My Goddess crossover Fan Fiction
By Michael A. Ivins
Ranma, and all of his/her friends and family are the creation of Rumiko Takahashi. I do not own any of them, nor do I own any of the characters from Ah! My Goddess or Sailor Moon. I'm writing this for fun, not profit. I'm so poor that suing me wouldn't do you much good.
WARNING: This is a sequel to a previous fic I wrote called, “Nodoka's Lessons.” That was a Lemon fic. While there won't be as much emphasis on sex (it will be more implied than described) in this sequel, it will deal with subjects like incest. If these subjects offend you, stop reading.
Chapter 13
Wedding Party Mayhem
Training had been fun for Ranma that day. She was learning how to use Proteus Blade. She had practiced with it in the form of a spear, a katana and a quarterstaff. For that last one the Blade formed into a hollow metal tube that was enclosed on the ends. The staff could be resized on the fly and made lighter or heavier as she desired.
There was also instruction in magic and drills to build ki reserves. Even though she hadn't reached the full extent of her access to her expanded ki reserves, she was now able to access about 80%. Her progress in that regard was deemed enough that she needed to start exercises to increase those reserves.
At this point she only could access about a quarter of her mana reserves for magic use but her instructors told her she would advance in that as quickly as she did in her ki manipulation. Some of the magic stuff they had her practice in seemed weird, but she was told that these were basic techniques that had to be learned before more advanced techniques could be used.
Ranma looked at the piece of paper in her hand then looked at the building in front of her. This was the address for the party. She had only told Akane and Nodoka that she was going to a function being held in her honor. She didn't know how her spouses would react to knowing she was going to an orgy and felt it better to keep quiet on the subject.
The building appeared to be some kind of restaurant or club. It was large, constructed of some warm-looking, pinkish stone and the outside was highly polished. There were a few windows but those were curtained, making it impossible to see in from the outside. She had half expected there would be a bouncer at the door, but there was nobody standing outside.
She pushed open the door and went into an ornate entrance chamber and here there was someone standing at what appeared to be a podium. The person standing there was a stunning blonde goddess who was completely nude. She was standing beside a curtained doorway. On the other side of the doorway there was a poster sitting on an easel. It had a picture of Ranma's face with the words, “Saotome Ranma, Tonight's Guest of Honor.”
The goddess at the podium looked at the poster then back to Ranma and said, “Welcome, Ranma. Eros is hosting this party and he is giving everyone who attends one of these.”
“One of these” turned out to be a box that contained a very realistic dildo. She suddenly blushed as she recognized it was modeled on Eros' own organ. She'd had the real thing in her pussy enough times during training. He gave these things out as party favors? Weird. She stuck the dildo in stuff space.
The blonde goddess smiled and in a warm tone, she said, “Since you are the guest of honor, you may go right in. The formal ceremonies will be starting in about an hour. The orgy commences one hour after that. Until then enjoy the buffet.”
Ranma went in and looked around. She felt distinctly overdressed for the occasion. In fact she was the only person in the room wearing any clothing. The other partygoers wore only jewelry and cosmetics. Probably they were also wearing perfumes but she wasn't close to smell them yet.
While not exactly comfortable with the thought of being naked in front of strangers, Ranma decided that she would be far more conspicuous if she remained clothed. She willed away her clothing and manifested a gold chain around her hips, a necklace and earrings. She was already wearing the bracelet for Proteus Blade.
The buffet was not what she had expected, but was likely appropriate for crowd of sex deities. On long tables with risers draped with cloths was a dazzling array of chocolates. It was a true masterpiece of confectioner's art. The only food that wasn't chocolate was an assortment of items that were arrayed near the chocolate fountain and obviously intended for dipping.
Ranma stepped toward the buffet table. She grabbed a plate and started loading it with some of the candies. Somewhere in the background there was a band playing soft music that Ranma didn't recognize.
That was when the red haired goddess heard a familiar voice calling her name. She turned to see Eros walking toward her. Like everyone else Eros was naked and he was already sporting an erection. Ranma tried to be casual and not look at it.
The sex god said, “Ranma, thanks for coming. It really wouldn't have been much of a party without the guest of honor.”
Ranma shrugged and said, “I'm not sure I understand the reason for this party.”
Eros laughed and said, “We really don't need a reason to throw a party. In this case we did have a reason, though. You are the newest sex deity and we have to welcome you to the group. We do the traditional buffet but because of our preferences it is all chocolates. We will have a formal presentation where we announce your name and say some speeches about you. Everyone will officially welcome you, then we will get to the orgy.”
“The orgy?”
He grinned, “What kind of party for sex deities would it be if we didn't have an orgy?”
Ranma thought about it and said, “I wouldn't have thought there would be enough sex deities to make a decent party.”
The sex god grinned wider. “The sex gods you've met so far are the ones from Earth pantheons. For this kind of occasion we invite gods from other worlds. So don't be surprised if some of the party goers are green, or blue or purple or have pointed ears or even tails.”
Ranma hesitantly said, “…Ok.” She thought a moment more then said, “Tails and pointed ears aren't so exotic.” She went into her cat fist mode and sprouted a tail, while her ears moved up on the sides of her head and became pointed.
Eros nodded. “That's right, Bast taught you the cat-fist. That is a good look for you. Why don't you keep it during the party.”
The bishonen male went on, “For the guest of honor it will be more like a gang bang. Every one of the sex deities here is looking forward to sampling the charms of the new goddess. By the time this party is over you should get so big a charge of energy that you will likely expand your reserves just from the sex in this party.”
Well, Ranma had done a gang bang before at a family party. The family members who had not started male used instant Naniichuan to become that way had had taken turns filling Ranma's every orifice. It had been an incredibly intense experience. This would likely be even more intense.
The “formal ceremonies” were nothing spectacular. People stood up and talked about Ranma and how glad they were that she was now a sex god/dess. She was given gifts that mostly appeared to be magic sex toys of one sort or another. She was welcomed to the ranks of sex deities. About the only thing making this different from any other award ceremony she'd ever heard of was the fact that the participants were all naked and some of them were humanoid rather than human style deities.
When all that was finished they adjourned to the “playroom.”
Several hours later Ranma sat on the ground, leaning her back against the wall around a fountain. She had arrived there a few minutes previously just after the end of the party. She needed to take a few moments to collect herself. For a good part of the orgy she had been operating at a level just short of sensory overload and needed a little time to sort out her memories of the occasion.
By rights she should have been walking funny when she left the club where the party was held. She had been fucked more than a mortal would likely have survived. Apparently her healing powers took care of the over use of her sexual organs. She didn't even feel sore.
The orgy had started with her in the middle of a good-sized room. At the invitation of a sex god who had lain down on his back, she had straddled him and lowered her pussy down onto his cock. Before she even had time to start moving on the imbedded organ, another god was pressing the head of his cock at the opening of her ass. She held still to allow him to ease in. When the three of them got moving in a good rhythm, Ranma had felt something bump into her mouth. When she opened it, the enlarged dick-clit of a sex goddess was pressed into her mouth.
Things continued from there. For nearly two hours the only changes were when she changed partners. One of the sex deities fucking one of her orifices would reach orgasm and pull out, to be replaced a different deity. During all of this Ranma had lost count of how many orgasms she had experienced. For the entire length of the party they would likely have numbered in the hundreds.
It was after the end of the second hour that the most major change took place. She was given a few moments to regain her equilibrium. She needed it to summon sufficient concentration to manifest her own dick-clit. From that point she had her own organ buried in the pussy of any one of several sex goddesses while cocks or dick-clits were in her ass and mouth.
There were even a few times when she was on the receiving end of attentions by four sex deities at once. It took careful positioning of the bodies but was possible for her to have cocks in ass and pussy, a cock in her mouth and a mouth sucking her dick-clit at the same time.
Even during those moments it was common for hands to be caressing her breasts or other parts of her body. With all of that going on, the sex deities were making use of their empathic abilities to sense Ranma's level of sexual stimulation. They were always careful to keep the stimulation level to a point where it wouldn't overwhelm the newest sex goddess and make her pass out. They wanted to make sure she was awake for every sensation during the orgy.
While leaning against the fountain a thought occurred to Ranma. She issued a command to Proteus Blade. The device had more uses than just weapons. When she had looked in the manual under “non weapon uses” she found one of the functions was a magic meter. This handy little device would measure the level of her ki and magic reserves and how much of those she was able to use. It let her judge the level of her progress in her training in those areas.
Kami-Sama had told her that her ki reserves were very high, placing her among the stronger gods. He had also mentioned exercises she could do to increase the limit of her ki reserves. While the Lord of Heaven hadn't gone into specifics as to the specific kinds of exercises, her trainers had told her that one of those exercises was just the sort of extended exposures to sexual stimulation she had just experienced. It was one of the reasons why she had decided to attend the party even though she had felt a bit shy.
Now that she read the meter, she congratulated herself on making a good decision. The reading she saw showed the limit of her ki and mana reserves had nearly doubled. If she understood the rankings that had been described to her; that moved her standing from “among the stronger gods” to “one of the strongest.” She still needed training and practice to be able to actually use all of that without accidentally hurting herself or others around her
Turning her thoughts back to the orgy itself again she reflected that some of the organs thrust into her had been much larger than human norm. Some of them were closer to horses or even bulls in size. She was frankly surprised that she had been able to take all of those bigger cocks without any pain. Apparently this was also another side effect from being a sex goddess.
One of the other things she found a little difficult to believe now was that she had agreed to get back together with some of the more largely endowed other world gods for private sessions in the future. There had been no specified dates, but the commitment was clear. In the pocket of her blouse she had more than a dozen cards from those she had made such promises to. For the present she could plead that her training took too much of her time for her to honor those promises right away, but eventually she would have to work something out. It was that whole, “deities must keep their promises” thing. Oh, well. That wasn't anything urgent.
As she got to her feet she moved the cards from her pocket to stuff space. It wouldn't do to have Akane or Nodoka find those cards. While they would probably understand, Ranma still didn't want to try and explain how she had promises to privately engage in sex with more than a dozen other sex deities. While she felt that her marriage was strong, she didn't want to subject it to any unneeded strains.
At the next weekly “family orgy” the rest of the family asked about dick-clit technique.
“It involves channeling ki and magic,” said Ranma. “In essence I channel my magic and ki into my clitoris. By doing that I can make it grow to be as big and hard as a man's penis. The major differences is that it's much more sensitive than a penis and when I orgasm it doesn't shoot out any fluids. In every other way it feels just like a real man's penis to the person being fucked by it. By using this technique I can take the male role in our weekly get-togethers even if my body is still female.”
Akane considered that and asked, “That sounds like it has a lot of potential. Could you teach me?”
The goddess told her, “Sorry Akane. It's one of those goddess things. It's not enough to be able to channel ki; you need to have magic. You have the ki, but you don't have the magic. I was told there is only this one secret clan of ninja demon hunters that can do it among mortals. I was told they use `sexcraft' to fight demons.”
“Sexcraft… to fight demons?” Tofu sounded skeptical.
Ranma nodded. “I know. I thought the idea sounded kind of silly too. I suppose if the demon is busy fucking you he's not trying to kill you, but what's to stop him from killing you when he's done? They tell me that these ninja women are so strong they can actually kill a demon with sex, but I find that hard to believe.”
“Humph,” Akane snorted. “Hard to believe? Try impossible to believe. I might be able to believe that a well enough trained sex ninja could kill a man with sex, but to kill a demon? I don't believe it.”
Ranma shrugged. “Whether or not they can really do that, it doesn't matter. I'm not trying to kill anyone, just have some fun.” She didn't mention that with her goddess powers, she actually could kill a man with sex now. She just didn't think it would be a very pleasant experience either for herself or the man.
A thought occurred to Akane. “Aren't there any female demons? How effective would those sexcraft techniques be against one of them?”
Ranma paused to consider that. “I never asked about that, but I would guess that was the reason they developed the dick-clit technique. I mean the only other use I could see them making of it would be for the ninja girls to screw each other. As much fun as that might be, I can't see them going through the hard training and mental discipline it would take a mortal if there weren't some other application.”
Nodoka asked, “You think that technique would be used by those ninja girls to fight female demons?”
Tofu nodded and said, “It would make sense. But what do goddesses use it for?”
Ranma shrugged, “It's easier for goddesses to learn than it is for mortal because they have more magic in addition to their ki. As to what they use it for, I was told it was just used for fun. It allows goddesses to have sex without any male gods present.”
“What was the reason they taught it to you?” Akane asked.
The goddess explained, “They taught to me so that I could learn the moves to use when I'm able to turn male again after my babies are born. For reasons they didn't explain to me, they were not willing to wait until after the birth to teach me those techniques.”
* * *
The following day saw Ranma, Akane, Nodoka with Nabiki and the Onos gathering at Nodoka's house. They were formed into a circle around Ranma. The goddess asked, “Are you all sure you want to travel this way? I mean we could take a bus or rent a car or something.”
Nodoka reasonably pointed out, “We couldn't rent a car because none of us is licensed to drive. The rental agency requires you to show your license before they will agree to rent to you. Besides that, I confess that I never learned to drive a car.”
“Humph,” said Ranma, sounding a little grumpy. “When I was Princess Ruby I could pilot everything from a fighter spaceship to a ground car. I'm sure a modern car wouldn't be any more complicated than a spaceship.”
Nodoka sighed. “That doesn't change the fact that until you take the test and get the license, you can't legally drive a car.”
Ranma shrugged and held out her arms. “Ok everybody, grab on.”
When everyone had hold of one of Ranma's arms, the whole group sank into the ground. When they rose out of the ground out in the field near the Unryu pig farm, Akane immediately move off to empty the contents of her stomach onto the ground. The other mortal women looked slightly queasy, while Tofu seemed interested.
The chiropractor commented, “What a curious sensation. Are the rest of you alright?”
Ranma told him, “Akane's not doing so well. I got a little sick on my first time. I didn't think it would be a good idea for a pregnant woman who was going through morning sickness, but she insisted she would be Ok.”
She turned. “Mom, how are you doing.”
The auburn haired woman responded, “I've been better.” She moaned softly and continued, “I thought I was over the worst of the morning sickness.”
Kasumi chimed in, “So did I.” Both women were cradling their bellies and looked slightly green.
Even Nabiki, the only woman in the group who wasn't pregnant was clutching her abdomen and looking ill. She demanded, “How do you come through this without a twinge of nausea. You're just as far along in your pregnancy as Akane is. And please don't say it's because you're a goddess. I'm really getting tired of hearing that.”
Ranma had been about to say just that, but she switched to her other reason. “Nabiki, I'm surprised at you. You're supposed to be the smart one, after all. I don't feel sick because I do this all the time and I'm used to it.”
All of the others nodded, even Akane who had gotten back on her feet. It did make sense.
Ranma walked up to Akane and pushed some healing energy into her to quiet her queasy stomach. The blue haired woman gave her spouse a look of gratitude. When she was satisfied that her wife was Ok, the goddess treated the rest of the women.
After she was done she said, “I can heal you after you get sick, but I can't prevent you from getting sick in the first place. It will take a lot more energy, but I'm going to teleport direct on the way back. That should avoid the nausea of going through the transport medium.”
She pointed and said, “The house is this direction.” They headed out, skirting a patch of tall grass and through some trees before they came in sight of the farmhouse. An altar had been set up on the lawn behind the house and several folding chairs had been arranged in neat rows. There were several tables set up with food.
In a field off to one side of the house there were a few cars parked. The area had been marked for the purpose. They were arriving fairly early, so there weren't too many cars there yet. In a little knot of people near the house Ranma could make out Ryoga. He looked uncomfortable in his tux. Spotting him was easy because even with the nice clothes, he still wore one of his ratty bandanas.
The former Lost Boy spotted the approaching group and waved. Akari's grandfather came forward and greeted the group. He bowed and commented, “I never realized that Ryoga knew so many beautiful women.” Ranma resisted the temptation to roll her eyes.
The older man studied the tall redhead and said, “You must be Saotome Ranma. I must say the description Ryoga gave of you doesn't do you justice. I understand you have a similar curse to the one he has, is that correct?”
Ranma nodded. “I can change from male to female and back. I can't demonstrate for you right now because I'm pregnant. In fact of the women with me Nabiki is the only one who isn't pregnant. Nodoka and Kasumi are expecting about the same time and Akane and I are going to deliver really close.” Ranma completed the introductions.
Mr. Unryu looked confused. He asked, “If she is your wife and you can't turn male while you're pregnant, how is it that you are both pregnant at the same time?”
Ranma shrugged. She said, “Artificial insemination.”
The older man nodded. “Of course, I should have realized. We use that with some of our pigs.” He decided it would be rude to ask why the two women wanted to give birth near to the same time and kept silent on that.
The old man looked the redhead up and down again and said, “Ryoga has told us about some of the things the two of you got into together. Some of the things he's told me about you strain the limits of belief. He even told us that you're a goddess now.”
Ranma gave into temptation and rolled her eyes this time. “Since I didn't actually ask him not to tell anyone about that, I guess I can't get mad. I would have preferred if he had kept that information to himself.”
The older man looked surprised. “Wait… Are you saying that's true, that you really are a goddess?”
Ranma reached out and patted the man on the shoulder. “If it makes you any happier, you can feel free to believe that I'm just a crazy person who thinks she's a goddess. It doesn't bother me in the least if you don't believe in divinities. I'm not going to do anything flashy to try and prove it.”
Mr. Unryu didn't know how to take that. “Are you reading my mind?”
The goddess chuckled. “No mind reading needed. Basically there are three ways people can respond to being told I'm a goddess. One of them is to believe. The second is to disbelieve and say so loudly. The third is those people who don't believe but are too polite to say so. You appear to be in the third group.”
He just nodded. That did make sense. Before he could say more, Ryoga came up and said, “Ranma, glad you could make it. I see you brought everyone. Well, everyone except the fathers. I'm happier that way anyway.”
Ranma glanced at Mr. Unryu and pulled Ryoga away from the rest of the group. “I checked with my supervisor. I have been given permission to put a divine Blessing on your marriage after the ceremony.”
Curious, Ryoga asked, “What will that do?”
Ranma grinned, “It will ensure that you two will have a long and happy life together and have lots of kids. That doesn't mean you couldn't break up if one or the other of you messes up. If the two of you remain faithful to each other, you will live long enough to see great grandchildren and maybe great-great grandchildren. That's also if you don't do something stupid and get killed.”
Ryoga smiled in return. “You know how tough to kill I am. Thanks Ranma. That's really nice of you.”
The redhead nodded. “I'm glad I can call you friend now and not have to add `and rival' all the time.”
The former Lost Boy asked, “Any chance of a little spar before you head out after the wedding?”
Ranma looked dubious. “I don't know. I'm fighting on a whole different level now. If we do start on that, we'll have to see how it goes. For months I've been fighting and sparring against gods. Well, them and a few criminals. The crooks were no challenge at all.”
The bandanna wearing boy shrugged. “Ok, we'll see how it goes.”
Ranma went over to the buffet to see if they had stocked any chocolate items. She was delighted to find that there were some there. She had mentioned to Ryoga about her need for the candy and it looked like he had been thoughtful enough to stock up.
Speakers had been set up and when music began to play, the gathered people moved to the folding chairs. The ceremony was Western style. Everything went off without a hitch. When it was over and they did the throwing of the bouquet and garter, they were going to head off to dig into the food.
Ranma was headed up to the front to deliver her blessing before the formal reception started when a voice spoke from the sky. “Saotome Ranma, there you are. I had a hell of a time finding you.”
Ranma looked up and saw what appeared to be a blonde haired woman floating above the wedding party. She was dressed in a short black leather skirt and a black leather bustier.
The redhead goddess had never met the person who was floating there, but recognized her from the description she got from Urd. The woman had to be Mara, a demon.
Ranma turned to face the floating woman and said, “Hello Mara. If you came to break up the wedding you missed it.”
“Wedding?” The blonde looked around at the setting below her and realized that there really had been a wedding going on. She asked, “How do you know who I am?”
The red haired goddess raised an eyebrow. “With Urd as my training coordinator you shouldn't be surprised that she gave me a description of you.”
The Daemon digested that then nodded. “I'm not here for the wedding, I'm here for you.”
The rest of the wedding guests were frozen like statues. They didn't know what to make of the floating woman. What was even more amazing was the tall redhead who was talking to the floating woman as if it was something she did every day.
Ranma nodded and said, “Let's hurry this along. You were about to offer me power or maybe lust demons or damned souls to be my slaves to give me all the sex I can handle if I agree to go with you, right?”
“How did you…” She shook herself. “Yes, that is the offer.”
“Hmm.” Ranma appeared to think about it. “Before I answer that, could I have a moment?”
The demoness looked confused. “Uh… sure.”
The next moment Ranma's voice was booming from the speakers, “Attention guests and family at the Hibiki/Unryu wedding. The young woman floating above you is a demon. For your own safety I strongly suggest that you all go inside either the house or the barn where you would be in less danger if there is violence.”
The people turned their eyes from the floating woman to the redhead but didn't move otherwise. Ranma rolled her eyes and a moment later a ki enhanced voice shouted, “Inside Now!”
With that impetus the crowd moved toward the buildings. While that had been going on Mara had lowered herself to the ground and stood watching. Predictably Ryoga had stood his ground while everyone else left.
Ranma looked around and asked, “If I turn down your generous offer do you have orders to drag me back to hell with you by force?”
The demoness was getting annoyed. “So are you going to turn me down?”
Ranma sighed, “Before I answer that I have a question for you. Did you do something to get Hild pissed off at you?”
The blonde looked shocked. “How could you know that?”
The goddess shrugged, “She sent you here by yourself to take me to hell. She must want you to get an old fashioned beating if she did that.”
The demon girl scoffed. “Yeah, right. Like I'm going to need help to bring back a class 3 sex goddess. Get real!”
Ranma got a big grin on her face. She said, “Ryoga, unless you know how to dodge lightning bolts and fireballs, I suggest you go inside. This could get messy. Now, Mara, I refuse your generous offer.”
The goddess got into a ready stance with a big grin on her face and made a “come here” gesture.
The demon girl shrugged. If the sex goddess wanted to play, then she could play. She threw a lightning bolt.
Her target vanished from the spot and the next moment Mara's world exploded in pain as a fist buried itself in her gut. Before she got a chance to recover, another blow hit her on the jaw, lifting her off the ground. She heard the voice of her target cry out, “Kachutenshin Amaguriken Revised, Divine Rain of Pain.”
A storm of blows landed, but interspersed with the punches there were also stiffened finger jabs at pressure points that brought out agonizing pain. When it stopped Mara was left lying on her back. She looked up to see her red haired tormentor standing a couple of paces away. She wasn't even breathing hard.
“Damn,” the demon girl swore. “What the hell are you? No sex goddess can fight like that!”
Ranma's trademark smirk was evident on her face now. “I am a sex goddess. I just happen to be one that can seriously kick ass.”
Mara got painfully to her feet and said, “I'm not going to underestimate you again.”
I doubt that very much,” the goddess thought. Conversationally Ranma asked, “Did you even bother to look up the history of your target?
The goddess shook her head with a sigh. “Before I became a sex god/dess I was one of the highest ranked martial artists in world. As a demon, you would have been able to beat me when I was mortal, but would have had to work for it. You might still have been able to overcome me when I first was raised to goddess but it would be a close fight. Now that I've trained and gained extra powers, you have no chance. That's why I asked if Hild was mad at you.”
The demon girl growled and charged. As Ranma danced out of the way and struck with a fireball, she asked herself, “This girl is supposed to be a fighter? Is she really that bad or am I just that much better?”
Predictably from the way the fight started, it ended with Mara on the ground in a smoking heap, moaning softly. From behind Ranma there sound of one person applauding. When the redhead turned she found Urd standing behind her.
The red haired goddess made a mocking bow. She asked, “What brings you out here?”
Urd laughed. “I was coming to warn you that Mara had been tracked to this area, but it seems you handled her fine without any help. It looks you have learned the lessons of your training well. I finally think I understand why you were made a sex goddess.”
The platinum blonde nodded. “Generally sex goddesses are regarded as harmless and pretty much useless in a fight. By making you a sex goddess it bought you breathing space to get in the training that allows you to do that.” She pointed the crumpled form of the demon girl.
Ranma asked, “Is the spy service in Hell really so bad that she was sent after me totally unprepared, or was Hild punishing her?”
Urd looked thoughtful at that. “I'd be willing to bet that Hild has a pretty good idea of how strong you are. My guess is that Mara was sent as a test. I think Hild was trying to find out how strong you are and punishing Mara at the same time.”
The redhead goddess laughed. “If you're right about why Kami-Sama made me a sex goddess in the first place, then your Dad is one sneaky deity.”
Urd glanced over toward the buildings and said, “Since the fight's over, the mortals are starting to feel safe enough to come back out. I'm going to take Mara off your hands.”
Ranma looked at the smoke rising from the remnants of the demon girl's clothing and asked, “You don't think I went a little overboard on her?”
Urd shook her head. “Nah, she's tough. She'll recover. I guarantee she'll have a lot more respect for you in the future. From what your teachers have told me about your training, I know you could have done a lot worse to her. You didn't even break any bones.”
She picked up the unconscious form of the demon girl and slung her over a shoulder, then vanished.
As the people began making their way out of the house and barn they were all talking. The questions included, “Who was that?” “What did she want with you?” “Why was she fighting you?” “Why did she call you a goddess?” “Was she really a demon?”
Ranma sighed and manifested her wings and made her divine aura visible. Everyone fell back a step and two actually went down onto their knees.
She announced, “Yes, I am a goddess. I am the newest one. That woman really was a demon who was going to try to corrupt me and take me to Hell. I was stronger than she was expecting and she lost the fight. The woman who carried the demon away was another goddess. I am a friend to the Hibikis. I came to wish Ryoga well at his at his wedding.”
She looked around and said, “Hibiki Ryoga and Hibiki Akari step forward to receive my Blessing.”
When the requested people stepped forward, Ranma placed a hand on each of their heads. She whispered, “I wanted to do this a lot less flashy. Thanks to our party crasher, I'm forced to do it like this.”
She flared her aura brighter while the marks on her face glowed brightly. She intoned, “I, the Goddess of Yin and Yang, do give my blessing to this marriage. May both of you live long and love as long as you live. May this union be blessed with many children. I affirm this in the name of Kami-Sama.”
Ranma had sent a telepathic message for her family to stand behind her. When she took her hands from the heads of the newlyweds, she looked over her shoulder and told them, “Touch my wings.”
When each of them was touching, Ranma teleported them all to the Saotome home. They popped up in the back yard. The goddess quickly pulled in her wings and made them disappear, not wanting to give the neighbors a free show. She said, “If I didn't have my wings out I could have teleported straight into the house. With the wings out I'd be knocking stuff off shelves.”
They walked into the house and went to the living room. Ranma sat on the couch and complained, “After that fight and teleporting, I'm feeling a little tired. Would anyone like to snuggle with me?”
A moment later she let out an “Eep” as she was nearly buried under the bodies of all the family members who tried to dogpile her.
Sometime later Ranma was relaxing in the living room when the phone rang. The rest of the family had gone to their homes leaving the Saotomes. Nodoka answered and shortly was asking, “Ranma, do you know someone named Chiba Mamoru? He says he is calling from Los Angeles in America?”
Oh crap,” Ranma thought. “Usagi must have called him and told him about what I said at that first meeting.”
She stood up and said, “I know who he is. He's sort of a friend of a friend. I probably owe him an apology for a little misunderstanding.” She picked up the telephone handset and spoke into it, “This is Saotome Ranma.”
The voice on the phone said, “I'm Chiba Mamoru. We have a mutual friend in Tsukino Usagi.”
Ranma replied, “Yes, I know Usagi.” She thought for a moment and asked, “Are you on a cell phone or calling from a land line?”
“Huh?” The voice on the line paused, “I'm not sure what that has to do with anything, but I'm talking on a cell phone. I'm in a park in Los Angeles.”
Ranma pursed her lips in thought. She said, “Hold on a minute I want to check on something.” She had never tried to do something like this before. She extended her perceptions and pushed them toward the source of the voice that had been talking to her. After a moment she was able to find the man and got a mental image of where he was.
Finally she spoke into the phone again, “I don't feel comfortable talking about this kind of stuff when you are on a cell phone. It is too easy for the signals on those things to be tapped. I was able to pick up on where you are so stay put. I'll be there in a moment to talk to you.”
He began to sputter. “You… you'll be here? You're in Japan, how can you get here to talk to me in any reasonable amount of time?”
Ranma handed the phone to Nodoka and said, “He'll be hanging up in a few moments. Just wait until he does then hang up here.” She headed out the back door. Shortly she was sinking into the dirt of the flowerbed.
She came up out of the dirt near a tree in a park in Los Angeles. When she stepped around the tree she saw the 20 something dark haired Japanese man dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt. He was seated on a park bench and facing away from her. The young man was staring at the cell phone in his hand with a disbelieving expression on his face.
When Ranma was close behind the bench she said, “You can hang that up now.”
Mamoru turned and looked at the redhead standing behind the bench. She was only slightly taller than he was, which made her a near giant for a Japanese girl. He took in the face and the red hair and said, “Ruby?”
“It's Ranma now. Since I'm here, you don't need to use up your minutes.”
Mamoru pressed the button to hang up and looked the woman up and down. “I don't remember you being so tall back in the Silver Millennium.”
Ranma was looking over Usagi's boyfriend as well. He had the same face as back during the Moon Kingdom but did look a bit more buff than he had back then. So, maybe he would classify as being a little more of a hunk than she remembered. She answered him, “Being changed into a goddess will do that.”

“Goddess?” He looked puzzled. “Usako said something about that, but she wasn't very clear. I could tell she was mad.”
The goddess let out a sigh. “My life is really complicated. Do you mind if I sit with you?”
He had been sitting in the middle of the bench but now he scooted over to the side and gestured for her to sit. When Ranma took her place she gave a condensed version of her life story, including training trip, curse, change to goddess and discovery of past life memories.
“You're really a man?” Mamoru looked skeptical. The person sitting next to him looked very female.
Ranma rolled her eyes and said, “I told you that's how I was born. I don't really consider myself either one now. I'm really both. I'm not going to show you my male side because it could mess with the health of the babies in my womb.”
Mamoru made a gesture of frustration with his hands. “There now, you see. How can you expect me to accept this preposterous story that you started out male when you tell me you are pregnant with twins?”
The goddess shrugged. “I don't think it's any more preposterous than the idea that I'm the reincarnation of a princess of the Earth Kingdom from 20,000 years ago or that you are also the reincarnation of a prince from that same kingdom.”
The young man protested, “But that actually happened!”
She snapped back, “And it actually happened that I was born male! I don't really care if you believe it or not.”
Mamoru decided that a change of subject was in order. He said, “I wish you hadn't told Usagi about how we were related back then.”
Ranma's expression became apologetic. “You need to understand that I had only had access to my past life memories for a few days when I went to that meeting. It wasn't until the day after the meeting that I really learned how to properly organize and control those memories. When I said those things to Usagi, I was more Ruby than I was Ranma. You have to know that Endymion wasn't Ruby's favorite person. I'm sorry for what I said.”
He looked confused. “I'm not sure I understand what the problem was between us back in the past. My memories of that time are not terribly clear. I do remember that we were family.”
“Family?” Ranma shook her head. “We were cousins so distant it barely qualifies as family. I think it was five generations back we shared an ancestor in common. It was enough of a relation that we were both members of the royal family. The relationship was distant enough that we could have legally married if either us had been so inclined. (I wasn't inclined.)”
She paused to think for a moment. “I think I know what's really bothering you. Usagi wasn't angry with you because you didn't tell her I was your cousin. She was angry because that also meant you were related to Beryl and you didn't tell her.”
Mamoru frowned. “Being related to Beryl was not something I was proud of.”
Ranma looked up and let out an exasperated sigh. “You don't get it, do you? You can't choose who your relatives are. I may hate what Beryl did, but I'm not ashamed that she was my sister. If I had lived longer back then I might have done lots of stuff to try to regain family honor. Since everyone involved in those events has died at least once I don't feel any obligation to apologize for it now.”
He seemed to weigh that. “That wasn't all you told Usagi.”
The goddess hung her head. “I'm sorry I called you a wimp in front of your girlfriend and the rest of the Senshi. I still think a tuxedo is a silly outfit to wear into a battle. Even if you do look good in a tux, armor would have made more sense.”
In a chilly tone he said, “Thank you for your opinion.”
She ignored the cold tone and said, “I suppose you feel the mask looks dashing too.”
He frowned. “Well… it does. I do need to hide my identity.”
She shook her head. “I guess you didn't remember that as the Earth Knight you can use the disguise magic just as the Senshi can.”
“I can?”
Ranma rested her forehead on her hand and shook her head. “Yes, you can. I think you should ask Usagi to teach you how to use it. I'm sure she'd like to do that.”
He nodded then asked, “What was she babbling about me flirting with other women back in the Silver Millennium?”
Ranma glanced over at the man on the bench with her. “I guess you don't remember the selection committee that chose you to be Earth Knight.”
He looked confused. “The selection committee?”
She glared at him. “You flirted with the women on the committee.”
“I don't remember that. I think I do remember that you voted against me.”
She shook her head. “That wasn't anything personal. Torin was a better fighter than you and you know it. Even with the flirting the only real reason they approved you for the appointment over Torin was because you had royal blood and he didn't. The fact that you were boyfriend to the Princess of the Moon didn't hurt.”
He thought about that. Finally he said, “Even with the way I dressed, I did Ok in the battle. Yes, I died, but all of the Senshi died too.”
Ranma conceded, “Well, it probably wouldn't have made a difference in the end. From what I heard Torin would have been killed too against the force that Beryl could bring to bear. Damn my sister for hooking up with Metallia! Ah, well. The past is the past and there's no point in getting upset over it now.”
He sat quietly for a moment before asking, “Does this goddess transformation give you full access to your memories from back then?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I have full memory of that lifetime, for what there was of it. I also have full memory of more than two hundred other lifetimes lived between then and now. Would you believe that in two of those lifetimes I was Sailor Pluto's husband?”
He looked surprised. “Pluto? That cold hearted witch. How could you stand to be married to her?”
Ranma shrugged. “She wasn't always like she is now. 19,000 years ago she was sweet and loving. I think part of what turned her as cold as she is now was watching me grow old and die when she stayed the same. I've sort of got the same thing to look forward to with my current spouse.”
He nodded in sympathy. “That's got to be rough.”
Ranma just nodded.
Mamoru thought for a while longer. “I seem to remember something between us when we were kids.”
Ranma snorted. She said, “My parents and your parents thought that you and I would be an ideal couple. They tried to push us together. It didn't work out.”
He asked, “Why didn't it work?”
She gave him a glare. “I hope you aren't going to go into that whole, `Ruby was ever so cute and Endymion was just so charming' thing that our parents used to pull.”
He shook his head. “I'm just curious.”
The goddess continued her glare. “Back then you were parroting your father. He was of the opinion that girls of the royal family should be dainty, demure, sweet and elegant. I was a tomboy in Senshi training for crying out loud! I wasn't going to be your delicate flower. I was relieved when you hooked up with Princess Serenity because it meant you wouldn't be pestering me.”
He heaved a sigh and asked, “If that's how you felt why didn't you just tell me to get lost right at the start? Why did you keep letting me feel like I had a chance? I could have found some other girl to chase.”
Ranma's expression softened. “Two reasons. The first is if I'd done that you might have never met your so-called soul mate, Princess Serenity.”
He nodded. “I'll concede that point. It was you who introduced me to her. But that wouldn't have been a consideration when we first met. You didn't meet her until later.”
The goddess nodded. A bit sheepishly she confessed, “The second reason is that I was protecting you.”
That was a bit of a shock. “Protecting me? From what?”
The redhead sighed. “Not a what, a who. I was protecting you from Beryl.”
His expression was of horror. “Beryl? She was interested in me?”
Ranma sighed again. “Yeah, my crazy sister was interested in you. The woman who murdered me and later caused the destruction of all the planet colonies was interested in you. She threatened to steal you from me and use you as a `stepping stone on the path to ultimate power.'”
Mamoru opened his mouth as if to say something but no words came out.
The goddess studied his face for a moment before continuing, “I was a kid and didn't really understand everything that was going on, but understood enough that I knew it would be bad for you if my big sister got her claws into you. She basically said that she wasn't going to take you away from me, but if I lost interest in you, she would `take you off my hands.' I had to pretend to be interested in you. From what happened to me later we know she would either have used you and tossed you aside or else she would have killed you when you were of no further use to her.”
“Wow!” He took several deep breaths. “That was not something I would have expected to hear.”
She said, “I was actively searching for another girl for you. When I met Serenity I figured she was just the kind of girl you wanted. At first I really hated to inflict you on someone I saw as a friend. But she fell in love with you and that made me feel better about it. By that time Beryl had moved on in her plans and said you would not have been the tool to gain power she thought you would be at first. I thought you would be safe from her. It turns out I was wrong about that.”
Ranma paused for a moment and finally said, “After hearing what she ended up doing, I can't help feel at least partly responsible. I loved my sister but was still a little scared of her. I knew she was crazy, but I never really believed she was dangerous. If I had known, I would have stopped her.”
Mamoru rested a hand on her shoulder. “I don't think she was ever as crazy as she led you to believe. She deceived you just like she did everyone else.”
She shook her head. “I was the Senshi of Earth. I should have seen through her deception. I think I didn't because I didn't want to think ill of my sister.”
He told her, “Don't blame yourself. There's plenty of blame to go around in that whole affair. Just be glad that the whole thing has been set right.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, getting to her feet. “Well, it's been a real blast from the past to see you again. I'm sorry about my foot in mouth problem at the meeting, but if your relationship with Usagi is as strong as you believe it is, it will survive what I told her. I've got to get back to Japan.”
He nodded. “Thanks for coming to see me. Talking to you has helped to resolve some issues that had troubled me. I have to confess to feeling sad. I thought you were my girlfriend back then and now I find out you were only pretending for the sake of protecting me from your sister.”
She admitted, “I had to pretend to be sad when you told me you were in love with Serenity. I was really thrilled. I really have to go now. Be well.” She sank out of sight into the ground.
Author's Note: This and the following chapter were originally a single chapter. Then I added the fight at the wedding, and the orgy flashback. Thanks to Sakura_Lisel for the review. Because of that input I added the conversation with Mamoru. I agree that he would have been glad to know that his cousin was back in the world and would want to get in touch. All that extra material made for too big a chapter so I broke it in two.