Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction ❯ Random Pardies ❯ Random Parodies ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
This chapter is about Haley and Maddie's first meeting with Katan. (Haley and Maddie are, of course, the authors) We kind of appear out of nowhere, but just ignore that.Disclaimer for all chapters: We do not own any of the Angel Sanctuary characters. We only own Maddie, Haley, and Ira. As much as I want sexy Katan, he's not mine. Just so thats clear.Katan is standing on the top of a sky scraper, with Maddie and Haley lurking in the shadows. Then Maddie says to Haley, "You know, he is quite sexy, don't you think?" Haley twitches.Katan's wings sprout out, and Haley suddenly flies out of nowhere and slams into his back, screaming "FLY BIRDEY MAN, FLY!!!" They both tumble off the building. Maddie calmly walks to the edge, and looks down. "I hope he manages to get control of himself before he hits the ground, that could hurt a bit." She shrugs, not particularly caring either way. She starts to walk away, when they appear again, doing a loop-de-loop, her still clinging tightly to him screaming "FLY BIRDY MAN, FLY FLY FLY!!", and they gracefully flop onto the cement of the building's roof. Then Maddie asks, "Do you need help?" "Yes, he won't hold still!" "Not you, you idiot, him!" "GET HER OFF ME, GET HER OFF!!!" (insert big struggling scene here) After a while, Haley still desperately clinging to him, and Katan still, without success, trying to pry her off, Maddie exclaims, "Fine! If it'll get you to shut up!" She throws a small bottle of crazy glue at Haley. Katan mutter, "Oh shit, what now?" Haley squeals, jumping up down, then pours the entire bottle down the front of herself. (A/N Not meant to sound sexy) and promptly glues herself to his back, placing one glue covered hand on his sexy ass, squeezing it lightly. "UNWANTED PHYSICAL CONTACT!!" "Not from my point of view" Haley replied gleefully. "Well THIS could get interesting" Maddie stated with a smirk.(insert another big struggling scene)After finally giving up, the victorious girl still stuck to his back, Katan decides to go to that lovely dilapidated church he and Rosiel currently occupy. "I guess I'll walk, seeing I can't use my wings" He growns. "Well, you do realize I'm going to follow you, you have no choice in the matter. Plus, I'm kind of her "keeper", as you might say." Maddie stated simply, as if it was completely obvious. "...whatever, I guess it can't get any worse, anyway." Oh, how wrong he was. As he walked down the street, he got many glances, people wondering why an escaped mental patient, or so they assumed, was stuck to his back. He tried to pull his collar up to hide his embarrassment, realizing once again that he couldn't, because the "escaped mental patient" was still stuck to him. He sighed sadly, and continued on.As they arrive at the "lovely dilapidated church", walking in, Rosiel notices the sad expression on Katan's (sexy)face, and the unknown person trailing behind him, a smug smile on her face. "What's wrong, my dear Katan? And who is that behind you" Katan sighs and turns around, as Rosiel exclaims, "KATAN!! WHAT IS THAT THING STUCK TO YOUR BACK?!" "She glued herself to me, sir." Rosiel then notices the "thing's" hand on Katan's (sexy) ass. "HEY! Thats MY ass!" "Well, technically, its HIS ass." Maddie points out. "Well whatever, I made it."(Insert struggle to get hand off of "Rosie’s ass")"..Why don't we just take the trench coat off?" Maddie inquires suddenly. "Among other things" Haley smirks. (insert picture of Katan on the ground, Rosiel’s foot on his back, trying to pry off the "thing's" hand) "Yes, that would be a good thing before someone brakes my back, SIR." "Thats a good idea!" Rosiel exclaims, ripping off Katan's coat, among other things, and hurriedly brings him to another room, closing the door behind him. Katan mutters as he's dragged away, "I hate you all SO much right now." (A/N Ooo, sexy images) Maddie chuckles and shakes her head, and starts to walk away. Haley, still stuck to the trench coat, lies uselessly on the ground. ".....hello?...heeeellllllooo?" Maddie just keeps walking, ignoring her cries for help and the sounds in the other room. (A/N Ooo, sexy sounds)THE END. Or is it? Please review if you would like to see more