Angel Sanctuary Fan Fiction ❯ Random Pardies ❯ Next Meetings and the intro to Ira ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The next day..."....heeelllloooo? helllo? HELLO YOU ASSHOLES!!" screamed Haley, STILL stuck to the trench coat, which was still on the floor. And, as expected, nobody listened or cared. Maddie, still sleeping soundly on one of the broken church benches, suddenly woke up. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!" she screeched, throwing a rock at her. "OW!!" she cried, a large lump appearing on her head. "Well, now its time to put on my SEXY PURPLE LIPSTICK!!" Maddie exclaimed, pulling out a small purple tube. Katan walked out of the room, looking a bit bedraggled. Maddie looked over while applying her lipstick. "Well, I guess we don't have to ask what happened to YOU last night." She said, smirking. "Can somebody PLEASE get me off this fucking trench coat?!" " A little nail polish remover should get rid of that" She said simply, pouring a bottle of it over her head. "I thought you said only a little??" The soaking person cried. "Eh, I thought it would be fun to douse you in flammable substances." So then, at that moment, before Maddie could set Haley on fire, Rosiel skips and bounces out of the room, exclaiming "Gooooodd MOOORRNING EVERYONE!! Tee hee!" Everybody looks at him. "..."Tee hee"?" Maddie muttered, disgusted. "Well, it seems your the only one in the room who had a good night last night." "Tell me about it." Katan grumbled, rubbing his poor sore (still sexy) ass. Rosiel wraps his arms around his shoulders. "Oh come on, it wasn’t THAT bad." "Yes it was.” Katan growled. Unfortunately, interrupting the detailed conversation about what happened last night in the other room, (A/N Damn it!!) Katan was knocked to the ground by a flying escaped mental patient...thing. "WHEEEEE!!!!!! I MISSED YOU LAST NIGHT, BIRDY MAN!!!" She shrieked, clinging tight. "My names not BIRDYMAN." He growled irritably at her. "Well, I think its a cute little pet name, its better than sex pigeon, don't you think?" Maddie piped in. "Hey, get off of MY sex pigeon!" Rosiel yelled. (insert comical struggle between the 3)Suddenly, Maddie whistles, and everyone stops. She suddenly throws a lighter at the crazed person still doused in nail polish remover. Suddenly, Ira appears. (A/N Maddie's imaginary vampire, he looks like Lestat = quite sexy)"STOP DROP AND ROLL, DUMBASS!" Rosiel shouted “That wont put out the fire, it has something to fuel it, you moron.” Ira said. Haley, being herself, tripped and fell into the curtains, setting them on fire as well. "I'll get the hose." Maddie groaned. Meanwhile, Katan was trying to stay away from the flaming mentally ill person, knowing he would be her first target. Maddie walks back in, dragging the hose with her, and sprays Haley and the curtains. Ira, getting bored, decides to leave. "..What was up with him?" Rosiel inquired, watching Ira disappear. "He comes and goes. He could appear randomly during this story, I don't really know. Being that the story has no plot, it may never end." Dun dun duuuuuuun...could be heard faintly in the background. "...Riiiight..."she muttered, staring back to where she thought she heard the noise from. Everybody looks around for the source of the "dun dun duuuuuuun" sound. Meanwhile, Katan warily eyeing the area, trying to find the nearest escape route. Rosiel notices Katan's eyes darting around. "You don't want to leave me, now do you?" He says, wrapping his arms around his waist. “We can have more fun tonight!" "I really, really hate fun.." Katan muttered. Rosiel softly kisses him on the cheek, Katan reddening slightly. By then, both Maddie and Haley were standing about a yard away, eyes wide with anticipation. "A LITTLE more intimate, if you please." Maddie said anxiously. "Ooo, yay, its getting good!" Haley squealed. "Oh great, NOW you just ruined it." Katan frowned. Rosiel's lips slipped to his neck. "Who CARES if they're watching?" "I care. That, and the fact that I REALLY don't want to do anything. It hurt enough last night." "Awwww, come on!! PLEEEEEEASE??" Haley whined. "Aw, yeah, make it kinky with BITING and stuff!" Maddie exclaimed excitedly. Rosiel and Katan both stare at Maddie. "...what? I like it that way!!" "That's it, I'm outta here." Katan said, starting to leave. "Oh come on, I won't let them do anything to you!" "Yeah, but something tells me that what they don’t do, YOU will." Rosiel buries his face against the crook of his neck, and starts to pull Katan's pants down. "You know Katan, underwear is like flavored lubricant. It looks pretty, but it really has no use, because your ass has no taste buds." Everyone stares at Rosiel. "..What? It made sense 5 seconds ago! But now that I think about it, it actually really doesn't." Crickets chirp. "WHY IS EVERYONE STARING AT ME LIKE THAT??" Small cricket seen giving him the finger, then hops away. "....damn cricket...DAMN THEM AND THE YU-GI-OH FANS!!!" Then Maddie shouts, "YES! DAMN THOSE PERVERTS! Not that we aren't perverts, but they're worse!" (insert World War 2 reinactment, only with Yu-Gi-Oh fans and ourselves)About 10 seconds later, after that was taken care of.... "....What were we saying?" Maddie said suddenly. Rosiel replied " Well, I think we were in the middle of either trying to seduce Katan, or trying not to let him go anymore. By the way, where is he?" Everyone turns around and sees Katan creeping towards the door. "...damn..." Haley suddenly twitches, and slams into him, and implies doing naughty things. "STOP IMPLYING DOING NAUGHTY THINGS TO HIM, HE'S MINE TO DO THAT WITH!!" And all of a sudden, that annoying Scooby-Doo chase music comes on, and Katan is chased by everyone. Suddenly, they're in that scene where there’s a bunch of doors in a hallway and whenever you go through one door, you end up at a different part of the hallway. After running through these doors multiple times and running into each other in Scooby-Doo fashion, They all stop as Maddie points out, "How is it that if we go through the doors on the left side of the hallway, we end up on the right side of the hallway?" Everyone stops and ponders that. After a lot of imaginary beard stroking, Katan walks over to the left side of the hall and puts his arm in it, only to see his hand appear 3 doors away on the right side of the hall. Maddie exclaims "It doesn’t even make SENSE! They aren’t even ACROSS FROM EACH OTHER!!" Maddie looks at Haley." ...Did you somehow make us drink some of your "special" punch, Haley?" Haley cuddles up to Katan. "I made it ESPECIALLY for you, Birdyman." "MY NAMES. NOT. BIRDYMAN!!" "And he's MINE, not yours!" Rosiel shouts and picks her up and throws her through one of the doors, and she is seen flying past their view point again, then turns a corner and fly’s past them again, only to go through another door which leads somewhere else and to another and another door. "...How do those doors keep changing direction?" Maddie asked curiously, as they all watched her whiz back and forth. "...when is she going to stop?" Rosiel said, actually quite amused by this, and adds "You know, I never knew we even HAD a long corridor of interconnecting crazy doors." Followed by more imaginary beard stroking, as Haley continued to whiz past their heads. "Eh, whatever, who cares." Maddie said simply as they all shrugged and walked away, hearing the faint calls of "...hellllo? Heeeeeeeellllloooo???" in the distance. And so ends our second chapter, one again leaving Haley in another awkward situation, courtesy of the other three. Please review our random insaneness. Thank you! ^_^