Case Closed Fan Fiction / You're Under Arrest Fan Fiction ❯ The Cronicles of a Hitman and a Detective ❯ Prolouge ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Prologue: The Theatre
It was a beautiful summer morning for the people shooting Tanya's Rags to Riches. It was scheduled for release early next year. The director had just woken up. He got out of bed, got dressed, and headed for the set. On the way he grabbed a cup of coffee at a Dunkin Doughnuts. He finished his coffee just as he pulled up on set. He got out of his Mercedes and walked onto the set. “Alright people! Let's get this production under way!” he shouted. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man with a strange name tag. He recognized the face, but didn't entirely know who it was.
Director POV
I had to go to the bathroom right after that. “Strange,” I thought to myself. I went into the bathroom. As I was coming out of the stall I saw that man again. Then I recognized him. Forty-Seven was his number. He worked for the Agency. A deadly organization. I pressed the panic button on my vest. Hopefully I would live.
Transition to Directors memory….
The Paris Opera Building.
I had just entered the building and walked over to the coat hanger. I sat in a short line. The man in front of me was bald and had a suit on. I wondered why he would be getting a coat when he already had one. Instead of taking the jacket, he got something out of the pocket. I couldn't make it out. It looked like a weapon. He then went down some stairs into the basement. I decided to follow him. Although it was a restricted area, I had access as I was the director of the show. I followed him through some doors. He led me backstage to the Sliver Star room. He went in, and came out. He looked happy with himself. He them went across the hall and up ten flights of stairs. I kept hidden. He went into a room.
From memory, I knew that was the room where the chandelier was hanging. I hurried back down to the public seating before he saw me. I sat and watched. The Executioner lifted the Lugar, and fired. The star, Alvero de Alvade, began screaming. He clenched his chest. The executioner thought that this was dramatics. So, he fired the weapon again.
This time into his face. He stopped screaming. The executioner immediately sensed something wrong. Richard Delahunt, the French Ambassador, the target of the hit, ran down the isle. The bald man had emerged from the back of the stage, and pressed something in his hand. An explosion rocked the ceiling. Richard stopped in his tracks. He looked up and saw the chandelier shaking. It then fell on top of him. If I had been 20cms closer, I would be dead. The bald man ran out into the street, covered by dark.
Normal POV, transition to present.
“Sir, this is a staff bathroom,” said the director.
As a response, Forty-Seven pulled a syringe out of his pocket and stabbed it into the neck of the Director. He screamed, and fell over. Forty-Seven was leaving just as security men arrived. They rushed in to see the Director lying dead in a urinal.