Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers ❯ New Friends, New Foes ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Before I begin, I would like to say that Naruto’s ‘chant’ to Synchro Summon Red Nova Dragon isn’t the one that Jack uses when he Synchro Summons Red Nova Dragon in the Japanese version of Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds, but it is a modified version based on it. Since it is a ‘different Red Nova Dragon’, Naruto is going to use a different chant to show that. I would also like to warn that there are going to be tons of spoilers for the latest story chapters of the Naruto manga in this story just so you know everyone. With that done, it is time to continue on with the show!

I DO NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5ds, Naruto, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations that some readers might consider disturbing!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers

Chapter 3: New Friends, New Foes

Right now, we find ourselves at Training Ground 7 where a group of people are assembled during which they had seen Naruto duel against a duelist from ‘dark’ future in which the Nine-Tailed Fox within Naruto was nearly released, but with the power of the Crimson Dragon and the same Burning Force that Jack Atlas used to seal the Earthbound Immortal, Red Nova, into a new monster card, Red Nova Dragon, Naruto released the fox and recreated the said monster card after it was destroyed on the day that Yusei Fudo and the original Signers were murdered in which Naruto has ‘inherited’ the wings of the Crimson Dragon making him the newest Signer with the Fudo twins. At this moment, they are looking at the mysterious ninja that saved Ryu and Ayane on the day that their parents, Yusei Fudo and Akiza Izinski Fudo, were killed along with the rest of their loved ones.

Kakashi asks, “What do you mean? Was the murder of loved ones of Ryu and Ayane, the previous Signers, a part of some kind of plot?”

The mysterious ninja replies, “I am not sure, Kakashi. All I do know is that the orders of the ninja that killed them were either to capture them or kill them in which they might have known that their Yusei’s and Akiza’s child would inherit their ‘Marks of the Dragon’. It is possible that they wanted to create a new set of ‘Signers’ that they could easier capture and control. But this is just theory. I have learned much on my many travels in the Elemental Countries and the outside world, but I do not know everything. However, this is what I do know for a fact. Since the previous Signers were killed, the Crimson Dragon needs to choose a group of successors that have the same heart and spirit as their predecessors. And they will be needed in the future.”

Third Hokage asks, seriously, “So, Naruto was chosen to be one of the newest Signers since he possessed much of the same qualities as the Signer that once held his ‘Mark of the Dragon’?”

The mysterious ninja replies, with a nod, “That’s correct. Naruto possesses much of the same fiery spirit that Jack Atlas, the previous welder of the Burning Force power, did before. Even through far more selfless than Jack, Naruto and Jack have plenty of similarities. Since Jack’s child was ruthlessly murdered, he didn’t have a living heir like Yusei and Akiza Fudo, the Signers that weld the same ‘Marks of the Dragon’ that their child do now, thus, a new Signer had to be chosen.”

Ayane goes forward and asks, “Does that mean that new Signers for Aunt Luna’s and Uncle Crow’s claw and tail marks will be chosen?”

The mysterious ninja replies, with a nod, “That’s right. And you and your brother must find them and unite together as well. It was the power of bonds that allow your family and loved ones to defeat the Dark Signers, Earthbound Immortals, and the Machine Emperors of Yliaster.”

Ryu steps forward and asks, “Was Yliaster responsible for the deaths of our family?”

The mysterious ninja shakes his head and replies, “I can’t be sure, but I can tell that they do have a great influence here in the Elemental Countries. They have been influencing its history as much as the rest of the world.”

Kakashi asks, seriously, “What is this organization, Yliaster? Ryu and Ayane have explained it to us, but can you explain it to us?”

The mysterious ninja shakes his head, “Yliaster is an ancient and powerful organization that believes that they can ‘correct’ history when humanity is going on the ‘wrong path’ and they will do whatever it takes to further their goals. Destroying whole cities and killing millions of people isn’t beneath them if it is for the so-called ‘great good’. For example, if they feel that the Leaf Village is a threat, they will do their greatest to wipe it out. And I don’t mean just to destroy the village. They will kill everyone and completely destroy the village as well make sure that it is wiped from history as if the village never existed at all.”

There are plenty of gasps and Sakura says, nervously, “No way!”

Naruto yells out, strongly, “No way, pal! Like I will ever let that happen!”

The mysterious figure tells Naruto, “Heh, you are indeed like your father and your mother.”

Naruto asks, stunned, “You knew my dad and mom?”

The mysterious figure says, with a nod, “In a way, Naruto. While you have your father’s looks with his blond hair and blue eyes, you have your mother’s personality through she might wish that you were not like her so much. Before you, she was the greatest prankster that the Leaf Village had ever seen. In short, like mother, like son, as the saying goes.”

Sasuke thinks in his mind, plainly, “Why am I not surprised by that?”

Ryu asks the mysterious man, “Speaking of Naruto, how did Naruto recreate Uncle Jack’s Red Nova Dragon?”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Uncle Jack created Red Nova Dragon when he sealed that evil Red Nova’s power into his Red Dragon Archfiend and created that card with his Burning Force power.”

The mysterious man replies, “For that, you will need to understand a bit of the origins of the Nine-Tailed Fox, which I had found out much to my surprise.”

Kakashi asks, stunned, “You know of the origins of the Nine-Tailed Fox?”

The mysterious man replies, with a nod, “Not too much, I’m afraid, Kakashi, but what I found was shocking. I had found that the Nine-Tailed Fox and in fact, all of the Nine Biju were ‘born’ from a single source: A powerful yokai known as the Jubi or Ten-Tails. This sinister yokai was created from the clashes of light and darkness in the battle between the Earthbound Immortal and the Crimson Dragon. Filled with the powers of chaos in which the darkness part came from the Netherworld, the Jubi rivaled the Earthbound Immortals. However, the Crimson Dragon managed to find the Jubi and sent him to be sealed away, but things didn’t go as planned. I am not sure about the details, but the Jubi was defeated by an ancient ninja, its body sealed away in the moon, and its sinister chakra divided into nine pieces which became infused in nine animal spirits which became the Nine Biju that you know today.”

Third Hokage asks, stunned, “So, the Nine-Tailed Fox is just one piece of the chakra of this ‘super demon’, my friend?”

The mysterious man says, with a nod, “That was I found out, but that’s all I could find out. However, you can see how Naruto was able to recreate Red Nova Dragon since the Nine-Tailed Fox’s own power in a way came from the same source as the Earthbound Immortal, but it was tampered by the light energy mixed with the darkness energy, so, it wasn’t too deadly to humans. But that’s not the only reason that Naruto was to do this. Even through the original Red Nova Dragon card was destroyed, some of Red Nova’s power was still sealed within Red Dragon Archfiend and when Naruto sealed up the fox’s chakra, the energy from Red Nova still sealed within Red Dragon Archfiend aided Naruto in recreating Jack Atlas’ ultimate ace monster. However, the new seal on Naruto was created by him and the Crimson Dragon’s power, so, Red Nova’s energy still with Red Nova Dragon will stay in the card while allowing him access to the fox’s chakra.”

Naruto asks, surprised, “I can control the fox’s chakra?”

The mysterious ninja says, with a nod, “You have separated the fox’s spirit from its own power and while the fox’s spirit remains trapped within you, its chakra is now in a separate seal from the fox itself which allows you access while the fox’s spirit remains a powerless husk. However, this will only remain as long as you live and your Red Nova Dragon card remains intact. If you die, the card is destroyed, or both happen, the fox could be unleashed with its complete power intact.”

Kakashi asks, shocked, “The fox could be unleashed again?”

The mysterious ninja says, “Remember, when the fox was unleashed, Paradox had damaged the seal to allow the Kyuubi out. When Naruto resealed the fox, he didn’t repair his seal, he completely recreated it with help from the Crimson Dragon. This new seal is held firm by two things: The power of the Crimson Dragon and Naruto’s will and life-force. As long as Naruto’s will and life-force are strong, the seal remains strong. If either is weak, I think that you know what happens. So, I think that you might wish to follow the will of Jack Atlas’ spirit and make sure from now this village changes its behavior with Naruto since it is he is the only thing in-between them and the Kyuubi getting its revenge. However, since Naruto has access to the fox’s FULL power, Naruto won’t have a problem once he learns to control that power. My old friend, he could smash even you into bits.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Whoa! I’m that strong?!” However, hearing this, kind of makes Sasuke’s blood boil a tiny bit knowing that Naruto now has vast more power than he does.

Third Hokage says, with a smile, “I am not one to go against your word, my old friend.”

The mysterious ninja puts his hands into hand signs and he says, “I must go for now. I will try to get in contact with Jiraiya of the Sannin and see if there is any information from his spy network that can aid me further. For now, I shall leave the THREE Signers in your hands.” The mysterious ninja tells Naruto, “Now, Naruto, you know who you are, your history, and your legacy. As a Signer, you are charged with a great and incredible duty of protecting the world from evil forces that threat to destroy it and keep the balance of light and darkness. Do you think that you can handle it?”

Naruto says, with an excited tone, “No problem, big guy! Believe it!”

The mysterious ninja says, with a nod, “It prides me to hear those words. However, beware, you also need to worry about the one that tried to destroy the Leaf Village on the day of your birth. Madara Uchiha has a more sinister and grand plan and I believe that you are truly the only person that can truly stop him, but you need to get stronger to gain the power that you need. He is not as powerful as he was in the battle between him and the First Hokage, but he is a very powerful and very dangerous. But there is more, there are also those other than the murderers of the Fudo twins’ parents and loved one that seeks the power of the Crimson Dragon and you must be ready to protect yourself and your fellow Signers from them. I can only wish you well and until we met again.” Soon after, the mysterious ninja teleports away in a swirl of lights and leaving plenty of shocked people in his wake.

Kakashi tells Third Hokage, “He hasn’t changed a bit, Hokage-sama?”

Third Hokage says, with a smile, “I agree, Kakashi.” Third Hokage thinks in his mind, with a sigh while looking at Naruto and the Fudo twins, “And something tells me that this incident will make things only harder for the three of them since most likely the Crimson Dragon’s power has been felt throughout the lands. I fear this is the only the beginning of their trials. If my former student, Orochimaru, learns of the Crimson Dragon, he would come after them with a vengeance. I hope and pray that I can keep this information from him.” However, what the Third Hokage doesn’t know is that among the people watching, there is a young man with grey hair in a pony tail, black eye under large circular glass, Leaf headband on his head, and wearing a dark purple sleeveless shirt under a white shirt, dark violet pants, with a shuriken holster tied around his right leg, and open-toed sandals on his feet.

The young man thinks in his mind, “Orochimaru-sama will want to hear about this.” The young man sneaks away to go a place where he can write a message to whoever he is planning to send this message.

(Sometime later; Elsewhere in the Elemental Countries)

Deep in another part of the Elemental Countries, we find ourselves within a dark and maybe underground base of sorts as a man with waist long black hair, pale white skin, yellow snake-like eyes, and wearing blue tomoe-shaped earrings on his eyes, plain grey grabs, black pants with a massive purple rope tied around his waist and in a bow, and black open-toed sandals. He has been given a scroll by a black clad ninja with a headband with a sound note imprinted on the metal plate of the headband.

After the ninja is dismissed, the snake-like man says, with a sinister smile, “Let’s see what news that Kabuto has for me.” When he opens the scroll and he reads it, his eyes widen at one point. The man yells out, amazed, “I can’t believe what I am reading! The Crimson Dragon is in the Leaf Village!” As the man continues to read, his lips curl into a sadistic smile and he says, with a sinister smile, “I see. The original Signers of this time are dead and the power has passed down to two of their children and…” The man’s eyes widen again, but he continues to have his sadistic smile and he says, slyly, “So, the Kyuubi brat is the son of the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, one of the last of the Uzumaki clan? I’m not surprised. I don’t get why I didn’t see the similarities before and he is much like his mother. I can never forget the pranks that she did to me during her early years in the village. However, it is also interesting to find out that he is the newest of the ‘Signers’, but the power of the Crimson Dragon and the Kyuubi’s chakra, even through now under the control of the boy, makes it impossible to make him my body through it might be possible since the fox spirit is now powerless. Then again, the Crimson Dragon will make my Curse Seal useless. However, the boy has just become important to me. But he is also a threat more than ever. If he completely masters the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, he will become a far stronger ninja than his father especially if he learns his father’s legendary jutsu. It is best that I keep an eye on him. But now, I want the Sharingan AND the Crimson Dragon! And no one will stand in my way!”

(Returning to the Leaf Village; Days later)

Returning to the Leaf Village, we find Naruto, Ryu, Ayane, and Kakashi assembled inside of a massive living room through it was dusty and old as if it hasn’t been lived for about a decade or more.

Ayane says, amazed, “It is so big!”

Ryu asks, stunned, “So, this is your family home Naruto?”

Naruto says, amazed, “I think that it is, but I never thought that it would be so big.”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “Remember Naruto that your father, before you, was the last of his clan and at one time in history, they were a massive clan. Not even Minato-sensei knew why your clan went into decline, but they were once a powerful clan in their own right.”

Ayane says, with a smile, “I’m sure that we can store our family’s Duel Runners and other stuff that guy brought us in here.”

Naruto says, plainly, “But it is kind of dirty, Kakashi-sensei. I know that no one has lived here for over ten years, but you would think…”

Kakashi tells Naruto, with a sigh, “We didn’t want anyone to get any suspicion that there was still a member of the Namikaze clan out there.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “I get the idea, Kakashi-sensei.” Naruto says, with a plain tone, “Personally, I should be glad that I got my dad’s home back at all with those bastards.”

Flashback; Sometime after Naruto’s duel with Neo Paradox

Right now, we find ourselves within the council chambers where we find the Third Hokage sitting in the center with two elderly people, one male and one female, at his sides while the ninja council of the Leaf Village including Hiashi is one side while the civilian council with Danzo standing prominently with them. In the center, there is Naruto, Kakashi, Ryu, Ayane, and a man wearing official looking robes like a Daimyo of Japanese Feudal times.

The elderly male by the Third Hokage asks, “Hokage-sama, why is Fire Daimyo-sama here in this room?”

Third Hokage says, with a smile, “With the safe arrival of the Signers by Kakashi and his team, I thought that it necessary that the Fire Daimyo know of this, Homura. His family have great knowledge and respect of legends and myths of the Crimson Dragon, the ‘Signers’, and the People of the Stars.”

The man with the royal type robes replies, “And I am glad that your Hokage has given me this information. From the latest reports, I am not exactly pleased what I have been hearing.”

There are looks of worry especially the civilian council and the female elder by the Third Hokage asks, nervously, “What has displeased you, Daimyo-sama?”

The man with the royal type robes, the Fire Daimyo, replies, “I believe that you know well why am I displeased. From what recent news that I have heard, the son of my good friend, Minato Namikaze, has been mistreated… no, brutalized and persecuted for what he contains!”

One civilian says, nervously, “Daimyo-sama, you must understand…”

However, the Fire Daimyo gives a deadly glare and he yells out, “Save me your excuses! You have spat on the memory and graves of his father and mother who have given their all for this village! And you have gone against the teachings of the founders of this village, the First and Second Hokages, who must be rolling in their graves right of now seeing what their village has become right now!” The civilians and even the ninja cringe from the deadly levels of KI, Killer Intent, unleashed by the leader of Fire Country.

Ayane whispers to Ryu, “Wow, bro.”

Ryu says, with a nod and a whisper, “I’ll say, Ayane.”

Fire Daimyo asks Third Hokage, “Sarutobi, what do you plan to do to correct these sins?”

Third Hokage tells Fire Daimyo, with a sigh, “First of all, since Naruto’s heritage has been revealed to him, I plan for him to take his father’s name, given his family compound, given his Uzumaki and Namikaze clan scrolls especially those of his father’s most famous jutsu, and when he is old enough and gained high enough ninja rank, he is to join the ninja council.”

The elders and civilian council gasp in shock and Fire Daimyo says, with a smile, “I believe that’s a start, my friend.”

Danzo tells Fire Daimyo, “Daimyo-sama, I must honorably protest!”

Fire Daimyo asks, with a deadly glare, “And why shouldn’t the young Namikaze not be given what is his? Do you stupidly compare him to the Kyuubi when the boy had fought the monster himself and sealed it away once again?!”

Danzo and the civilian council cringe and Danzo replies, weakly, “No, Daimyo-sama. But the Stone Village has great anger towards the Namikaze clan…”

Fire Daimyo replies, “And his life is in danger. If I do remember all that I have read, the village have put him in more danger than enemies, correct?! But I’ve also been informed that this boy, the son of the Fourth Hokage, has managed to rip the fox’s FULL chakra from its spirit and made it his own.”

Danzo says, with a more stern, “But Daimyo-sama, while it might be true, he is just a boy and hasn’t shown the talent of his father…!!”

Fire Daimyo says, with a stern tone, “His talent might have been brought out if his growth wasn’t stunted and by the efforts of the civilians and yourself, Danzo.”

Danzo replies, still nervous from the Fire Daimyo, “Daimyo, we can’t be sure that the fox can’t influence him or he has any true control over the fox’s chakra…!!” Just then a yellow chakra charm and hand slams into the wall by Danzo’s head causing it to greatly crack in which everyone looks to see Naruto is the one that did the attack in which he is covered in a yellow chakra shroud with his new seal and his eyes were transformed into strange gray-violet eyes with multiple rings leading down to the pupil.

There are gasps at Naruto’s eyes and Homura says, stunned, “His eyes…!!”

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “It is also another thing that we have found out recently. For a mysterious reasons, Naruto has gained the Rinnegan, the legendary dojutsu, from his battle with Paradox.”

Hiashi asks, stunned, “The Rinnegan? The dojutsu that said to come from the Six Path Sage, the all-father of all ninja?!” As Naruto retracts his chakra arm, he takes a deep breath and he returns to normal through his eyes stay the same until he closes and reopens to show them have returned to his regular blue eyes.

Naruto tells Danzo, with a smirk, “Is that enough ‘control’ for you, old coot?” Danzo growls at Naruto, but backs down when the Fire Daimyo glares at him.

Kakashi asks a blond haired male on the ninja council, “Inoichi-sama, what have to report on your entry into Naruto’s mind, if I may ask?”

Inoichi replies, with a smile, “After Naruto’s battle with the mysterious Paradox and the resealing of the Kyuubi, I went into his mind and found that the Nine-Tailed Fox is more bound than ever before. And that the fox is a ‘shadow’ of its former self in which he is nothing, but fur, skin, and bones as it is his ‘physical form’ in Naruto’s mindscape. His new ‘cage’ is very extensive with statues of the Crimson Dragon and its five dragon warriors in front of it and giving off powerful energy keeping the fox trapped in place. The fox ranting to me to tell Naruto about he won’t forget what he did and he will get his revenge, but he is completely powerless in Naruto’s mind and body. His power, his complete power, Yin and Yang chakra, is under Naruto’s control especially due to his status as a Signer getting help from the Crimson Dragon. However, I believe that it is indeed Naruto’s own will and life-force that keeps the fox bound. I also found something else. You see, the Fourth Hokage made an ‘imprint’ himself to help Naruto is the seal had broken enough to let eight-tails of the fox’s chakra out, but now, Naruto’s new seal has made that ‘imprint’ more of a guardian and if Naruto lives a full life and dies a natural death, the fox shall die with him.”

There are looks of shock and surprise and Fire Daimyo says, with a plain tone, “That’s interesting to know, Inoichi-san. I don’t think there is much more needed to be said and done other than the arrangements for the young Signers other than young Namikaze.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “However, I believe there might be a few ‘die hards’ that will refuse to accept Naruto’s ‘position’ and I have decided to make into law that my original law concerning Naruto is altered. Anyone making ANY referring to him as the Nine-Tailed Fox shall be take away and put under interrogation by Anko and Ibiki of the Torture and Interrogation Department for ‘re-education’ in which they shall be heavily fined.” There are gasps from the elders and civilian council in which Third Hokage says, with a serious tone, “I am also making it a law that anyone that dares to attack Naruto and the Signers in general as well shall be executed on the spot with no trial at all!”

One of the civilian councilman yells out, “Hokage-sama, we must protest! We can’t allow you…!!”

However, the councilman backs off in fear as the Third Hokage unleashes massive KI at him and he yells out, strongly, “I am the Hokage! I am the leader of this village and my word is law! You dare to defy me, then you are a traitor to this village!” Third Hokage snaps his fingers and ANBU appear in the room in which he yells out, pointing to the councilman that protested against him, “Take him away from the crime of defying the Hokage and make sure that Ibiki and Anko ‘take their time’ with him!” The ANBU immediately take the civilian councilman out of the room with the elders and civilian council looking on in horror. The Third Hokage asks, sternly, “Does anyone else wish to defy my law?” With the civilian council not daring to open their mouths at all, Third Hokage says, with a nod, “I am also putting the Signers under the care and the protection of the Namikaze clan!”

There are more gasps of surprise and Danzo thinks in his mind, angrily, “Curse you, Sarutobi!”

The female elder tells Third Hokage, “Hokage-sama, you can’t be serious! Only the Namikaze child is the last of his clan, which I must say that he must be put under the Clan Restoration Act to revive both his Namikaze and Uzumaki clan!”

Third Hokage tells the female, with a glare, “Naruto shall be allowed for the Clan Restoration Act only if he wishes it and not for you to gain his Uzumaki clan vitality and stamina, Koharu!”

Ayane asks, curiously, “What is the Clan Restoration Act?” Kakashi then whispers something to the Fudo twins and Naruto in which their eyes ‘bug out’, but before they can scream out, Kakashi motions for them to ‘keep quiet’ for the moment.

Third Hokage says, plainly, “I also will not allow Haku to be treated as some kind of prisoner or ‘breeding stock’ because of her Ice Release bloodline! She is not a missing ninja even through of her associate with Zabuza. She is a war orphan and victim of the bloodline purges in Mist! And thus, I also place her in Namikaze clan protection as well! Finally, since Naruto is already part of Team 7 in which Kakashi is his Jonin teacher and Kakashi was a student of Naruto’s father, I am making him Naruto’s guardian until such time he can take his position on the ninja council!”

As expected, there are more gasps and Kakashi tells Third Hokage, “Hokage-sama, I am already handling a team and I also believe that I am not up to the task.”

Third Hokage tells Kakashi, with a plain tone, “I’m sure that you shall be fine, Kakashi. When Jiraiya returns from the field, of which, I sent a special message to him to return as soon as possible, I think that you can handle Naruto’s training with the rest of your team. I also believe it best that while your team’s mission to keep the Signers safe is officially over, I think that it best that you and your team continue this work with Haku, who is now an official Chunin, after his recently skills test to determine his rank, can assist you with.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “I shall try my best, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage tells Kakashi, with a nod, “I know that you will, Kakashi.” Third Hokage asks, with a stern tone, “Are there any other questions?”

Hiashi tells Third Hokage, “Hokage-sama, I would like to ask for a request for consideration.” When everyone looks at Hiashi, Hiashi says, “I would like to for a marriage arrangement for my eldest daughter, Hinata Hyuga, to be wed to the Namikaze heir.”

Naruto gives a look of surprise and Third Hokage tells Hiashi, “I believe that this kind of matter is left to matter and personally discussion of sorts, Hiashi.”

Hiashi says, with a nod, “As you wish, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage tells Kakashi, “Kakashi, I want you to escort Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane to my office within the hour since I will have all that belongs to Naruto ready for him.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “Of course, Hokage-sama.”

End Flashback; Return to the Present

Back inside of Naruto’s family home, we find Kakashi, Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane looking around after remembering that day in the aftermath of Naruto’s duel.

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “I really don’t like that old geezer with the one eye.”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “I can share your sentiment, Naruto. Danzo is supposed to be a ‘respected’ member of the council and he did complete with the Third Hokage for his position. He had a secret organization with the ANBU known as ROOT that’s officially disbanded, but it is believed that he has kept it around in secret. However, the Hokage-sama can’t prove anything. Danzo is a tricky person.”

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “And I know that he is bad news. When I gained control of the fox’s chakra, I also seemed to gain ability to sense negative emotions and this guy… he reeks of them!”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I agree with you, Naruto. Something about that guy didn’t feel right to me.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “Where is Haku?”

Kakashi replies, “He is finishing off on his duties as a new Chunin of the Leaf and he will be joining us shortly, Ayane.” Kakashi tells Naruto, “Speaking of your new abilities, your expanded did cause a bit of a new problem of chakra control, Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “No joke, Kakashi-sensei. It is a good thing that you gave me that tip on my Shadow Clone jutsu allowing me to learn things way faster! Man, I wish that I knew that trick!”

Kakashi tells Naruto, plainly, “While it will help you in your training, you need to remember not to overdo. Even the fox’s power isn’t unlimited Naruto. You also need to train in ‘other areas’ especially after the message that Hokage-sama’s and my ‘old friend’ left for us.”

Ayane says, shivering in fear, “I can’t believe that Earthbound Immortal that Uncle Jack sealed up is back.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “It was most likely because Uncle Jack was the only person containing Red Nova in Red Nova Dragon, sis. When Uncle Jack… left us and the card was destroyed, the horrible monster was released.”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “And you are the only one that can seal it up again due to you have the same power that your predecessor had, Naruto. Only the power of the legendary Signer can defeat Red Nova and you are the one in possession of that said power.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “Don’t I know it, Kakashi-sensei? Not only do I have some kind of immortal Uchiha jerk that used the fox to attack the village on that day, taking my parents from me, after me, but one nasty of a demon that Signers need to deal with. But what I don’t get is that if some of its power is still in my new Red Nova Dragon card, why can’t we use usual sealing jutsu to take care of it? It is weaker than before.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “True, Naruto, but remember, this entity is different from the yokai that we know of including the Nine-Tailed Fox. I think Red Nova, even in its weakened condition, couldn’t be handled by normal sealing methods alone. I don’t think that anyone has the level of ‘burning spirit’ that you do, Naruto. And I think that’s critical to contain that evil entity.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “So, I’m really unique and awesome, huh? That’s cool, Kakashi-sensei!”

Kakashi says, with a sly tone, “You are one of a kind, Naruto. Through you are also a chip off Kushina-sama’s block.”

Naruto tells Ryu and Ayane, “Sorry about taking your Uncle Jack-san’s deck like that.”

Ryu tells Naruto, with a smile, “We understand, Naruto. And it worked out in the end anyway. You were meant to have it.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “We get it with that horrible vision that you had, but it looks like your vision came true in the end. You used the energy of Red Nova still in Red Dragon Archfiend and the Nine-Tailed Fox’s full power to recreate Red Nova Dragon, Uncle Jack’s ultimate ace monster!”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Thanks, Ayane!” Naruto asks Kakashi, “Kakashi-sensei, so what’s next?”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “Through our mission to guard the Signers is officially over due your clan’s AKA your protection with support from the other ninja clans and I am made your guardian until you are old enough to take your place on the ninja council placing you and the Signers under my legal protection, let’s just say that mission is on going Naruto. And we are going to have to take D-rank mission and remain in the village as much as possible. And before you say anything, ninja throughout the land will most likely have felt the aura of the Crimson Dragon.”

Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane give looks of surprise and Ayane asks, curiously, “Really, Kakashi?”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “The power was too large not to notice and the knowledge that there are two more new ‘Signers’ like Naruto out there makes it important to find them and keep them safe from those that would abuse the Crimson Dragon’s power.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “I know, Kakashi-sensei, but these missions are such a bore! And a real headache! If I have to chase that cat one more time…!!”

Kakashi says, with a nervous smile, “I’m sure that we can arrange for that NOT to happen.” Kakashi thinks in his mind, nervously, “You would most likely use your complete control of the fox’s chakra to kill Tora!”

Ryu says, with a smile, “And I think that we should train you on how we, ‘Signers’, duel, Naruto. You don’t know what kind of duelists that will come out and face us.”

Ayane says, with a smile, “But you need to bring your cards before you inherited Uncle Jack’s deck, Naruto.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Why?”

Ryu tells Naruto, with a smile, “My dad taught me that your heart had to be in the cards and while Uncle Jack has given you his deck, in a way, you will kind of consider it playing with someone else’s deck. If we mix in your cards with Uncle Jack’s deck and modify it to make it ‘feel’ like your deck, it will feel that you are dueling with your deck and not someone else’s deck, Naruto.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Yeah, okay, Ryu!”

Ayane says, with a smile, “Let’s get started, Naruto!” Soon enough, Naruto, Ayane, and Ryu plan to modify Jack’s deck, which Naruto has inherited from his Signer predecessor, but they also plan to modify Ryu’s deck which he had inherited from his father, Yusei Fudo, and Ayane’s deck, which she has inherited from Ryu’s and Ayane’s mother, Akiza.

(Rejoining Danzo; on the meanwhile)

With the ‘head’ of the civilian council, Danzo, he is showing a calm and emotionless expression, but in his mind, he is fuming and angry about what happened.

Danzo thinks in his mind, angrily, “Curse that brat! And you, too, Sarutobi! With all that you’ve done, I can’t go after the Namikaze or his fellow Signers without being in major danger! The Fire Daimyo is now on the backs of the civilian council, the elders, and me! The boy has now complete control of the fox’s chakra through he doesn’t have complete mastery of the chakra to be any real threat, but his abilities will grow over time and with the Rinnegan… the only thing keeping the boy alive is that it will be too much trouble to find his replacement for his ‘Mark of the Dragon’! The Crimson Dragon and Ayane Fudo’s own power shall be perfect to make the Leaf Village supreme over all others! But now, with her under the Namikaze’s protection and watchful eyes of not only Sarutobi and the Fire Daimyo himself, I do not dare make a move at all! That Paradox has ruined everything! For now, I need to wait and wait for a chance to get what I desire. I will not let the weak feeling of Sarutobi and even the Fire Daimyo stop me from making the Leaf Village the true power that it should be! However, I’ll need to keep an eye on Namikaze and the Signers as well as keep an eye for the final two new Signers that shall replace those that were killed.”

(Elsewhere in the village; around the same time)

In a part of the Leaf Village known as the Uchiha district, we find one Sasuke Uchiha on the roof of his house and looking down at his clan’s home, but the streets and such are empty. Like Naruto and his Namikaze and Uzumaki clans, he is the last of his clan. When Sasuke was younger, his older brother, Itachi Uchiha, for reasons that aren’t understood, kill every member of their clan other than himself in which Sasuke has sword to kill Itachi to avenge his clan in which he has gained quite a bit of obsession for greater power. But now, in the aftermath of the duel between Naruto and Paradox, he learns of Naruto’s ‘condition’ and knowing about the Nine-Tailed Fox, he knows that once Naruto has completely harness the fox’s chakra, he will be one of the most powerful ninja that there is and this really pisses Sasuke to no end. He also learns about Naruto’s mother, Kushina Uzumaki, and the Uzumaki clan from all that he can gather in which makes Sasuke more frustrated.

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “I can’t believe this! I am an Uchiha and an elite! But he… That Dobe has gained greater power than I have or could ever hope to gain! Not only does he has a legendary dojutsu under his command, but he has gained complete control over the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, one of the most powerful entities in our world! The Nine-Tailed Fox could crush mountains with just a swipe of his tails and Naruto has that power at his leisure! And now, I learn that he comes from two clans, one of them that were once legendary for living long lives, incredible stamina and life-force, and experts in the art of sealing jutsu. This is so frustrating! I need such power to avenge my clan! But how… how can compete against the son of a legendary Hokage and a kunoichi that’s second only Tsunade of the legendary Sannin herself?! Curse you, Naruto!”

(A good time later on; in another part of the Leaf Village)

Inside of another part of the Leaf Village, we find Sakura sitting down at one of the logs at Training Ground 7 and thinking about what happened just sometime ago.

Sakura thinks in her mind, “I can’t believe that Naruto, of all people, is the son of the Fourth Hokage! I’d look at some pictures of him, but even through Naruto looks like him, he does have any qualities of him. However, I did find that his mother, Kushina Uzumaki, is much like Naruto. I can’t believe that Naruto has led such a hard life! He seemed so carefree… so goofy… I can’t believe that the people of this village tried to kill so many times beyond an a Kage ever experiences in a life-time! And I just…”

Just then a female voice calls out, “Sakura!” Sakura looks to the source to see three teens of her age heading towards them.

The first teen is a female with long blond hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, and she is wearing purple vest-like shirt that goes past her bust area, purple skirt that goes to her kneecaps and cut off on the sides, bandages around her stomach and waist not covered by the shirt and the skirt, purple and white elbow warmers around her arms, a Lead headband around her waist, and blue open-toed sandals.

The second teen is a male with broken hair, swirl marks on his cheeks, and he is wearing grey shorts, a rather large white scarf, a short-sleeved green jacket over a white shirt with strange emblem on it, ring earrings, and his legs and forearms were wrapped in bandages. His forehead protector was also worn on a bandanna around his head.

The final teen is also a male with fairy long black in a spiky ponytail, narrow brown, ring earrings attached to her ears, and he is wearing a fishnet undershirt and a short jacket with his forehead protector worn around his left arm along with a strange symbol on both of its sleeves, brown/gray pants, and the same blue open-toed sandals as Sakura and the other two teens are wearing.

Sakura asks the blond haired female, “What are you doing here Ino?”

Ino replies, with a plain tone, “We just got back from our first C-rank mission with Asuma-sensei and we hear that this village came under attack by some weirdo claiming that he was from the future in which the Leaf Village was the one that destroyed the future!”

Sakura says, with a plain tone, “That sounds about right, Ino.”

Shikamaru asks, with a plain tone, “So, it is true that Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage and the ‘container’ of the Nine-Tailed Fox which his own father sealed into him, huh?”

Sakura says, with a nod, “Yep.”

Choji says, amazed, “Wow! I thought that Naruto was different than us, but the son of the Fourth Hokage? This is huge!”

Shikamaru says, plainly, “What I don’t get is this whole Signer business? When I talked to my dad about it, he told me that it is an ancient legend that we, ninja clans, very well respected and Naruto is one. But something tells me that this legend is all true from the energy that we felt.”

Ino asks Sakura, “Okay, Forehead! What were those massive energies that we felt? When we got back, we were told that one of them, the sinister one, was the Nine-Tailed Fox and that other massive one was some kind of powerful dragon known as the Crimson Dragon! Is this true?”

Sakura says, with a serious and a bit annoyed tone, “Well, duh, Ino-Pig! I was there when Naruto was fighting for his life and had the fate of the village on the line! Stopping asking stupid questions already!”

Ino says, annoyed, “Hey, Sakura, we weren’t here okay? No need to be testy!”

Sakura retorts, angrily, “Well, excuse for realizing that I’m no better than the assholes that have tried to kill Naruto for all his life!” The three teens give a look of surprise and Sakura gasps at what she just said in which she backs down.

Choji asks, amazed, “It was that bad? I mean, Asuma-sensei told us these things about Naruto, but I never thought…”

Shikamaru says, with a plain tone, “I’m not surprised. Choji, you have to know a person is smart, but people are stupid and that’s plain troublesome. They need a scapegoat for what happened with the Nine-Tailed Fox and since his dad sealed it in him, he was there scapegoat.”

Ino says, with a snort, “That’s just stupid! I mean, does Naruto look a huge nine-tailed fox that can destroy mountains with a swish of its tails? People have to be really dumb to a level never seen!”

Shikamaru replies, with a sigh, “Troublesome. Ino, when people get hit in the heart, they can do really, really stupid things. And from what we learned, Naruto is the ultimate example.” Ino expression loses its stern and strong expression and becomes more solemn.

Choji asks, curiously, “Do you where Naruto and these other ‘Signers’ are?”

Sakura asks, perplexed, “They should be at Naruto’s family home, the Namikaze compound. Why do you ask?”

Choji says, “I want to see Naruto’s place and I want to see if all that I heard about are true. I mean, we were here to see Naruto in action and I want to see thing that kind of makes life-like Duel Monsters! Playing Duel Monsters is my favorite thing other than eating!”

Ino says, with a smirk, “You like something other than eating? That’s a real surprise, Choji!”

Choji gives a playful snort and Shikamaru says, with a plain tone, “I can take us to the Namikaze compound. I’ve been wandering around a lot and my dad caught me in front of it when I was kid.” Soon enough, Shikamaru heads off with Ino, Choji, and Sakura following behind them.

(Soon after; In the Namikaze compound)

In the courtyard of the Namikaze compound, we find Ryu and Naruto dueling against each other with Ryu having 1200 life-points and Naruto having 1250 life-points remaining. Ryu’s field has Junk Warrior (2300/1300) and one face-down card while Naruto has Red-Eyes Black Dragon (2400/2000), an activate Spell Sanctuary continuous spell card, and one card face-down. On the sidelines of this duel, we find Kakashi, Ayane, and Haku watching with smiles on their faces.

Ryu draws one card and he yells out, “It’s my turn!” Ryu says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I play Junk Synchron in attack mode!” Just then Junk Synchron (1300/500) appears on the field in attack mode. Ryu says, with a sly tone, “And I can use it to bring back my Speed Warrior in defense mode!” Just then Speed Warrior (900/400) appears on the field in defense mode. Ryu yells out, “And I tune my Junk Synchron with my Junk Warrior in order to Synchro Summon my ace monster!” Junk Synchron turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Junk Warrior making it become transparent. Ryu then chants out, “Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon!” Ryu yells out, strongly as he puts a Synchro Monster card from his Extra deck on his duel disk, “Let’s rev it up Stardust Dragon!” A column of light appears on the field and out of the light, Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode. Ryu yells out, “Stardust Dragon, attack with Cosmic Flare!” Stardust Dragon unleashes its powerful blast of cosmic energy that destroys Red-Eyes Black Dragon and costs Naruto 100 life-points. Ryu says, with a smile, “I think that’s enough for now!”

Current Score:
Ryu: 1200
Naruto: 1150

Naruto draws a card and he says, with a smile, “You’re good, Ryu, but watch out!” Naruto says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play Monster Reborn to revive Vice Dragon in my graveyard!” Just then Vice Dragon (2000/2400) appears on the field in defense mode.

By this time, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji, and Sakura arrive at the front gate and they look through the open gate to see the duel going on in which Ino whispers, amazed, “Wow! They look so real!”

Shikamaru says, with a plain tone, “The outside world has developed very advanced technology. How troublesome.”

Back to the duel, Naruto says, putting a card on his duel disk, “Next, I play Flare Resonator in attack mode!” Just then Flare Resonator (300/1300) appears on the field in attack mode. Naruto yells out, “And now, I tune my Flare Resonator with my Vice Dragon!” Flare Resonator turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Vice Dragon causing it to become transparent. Naruto says, taking out a Synchro Monster card from his Extra Deck, “The ruler’s heartbeats will now file through here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! Synchro Summon!” As a column of light appears on the field, Naruto yells out, putting the Synchro Monster card on his duel disk, “Let’s rock, Red Dragon Archfiend!” Out of the column of light, Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000-3300/2000) appears on the field in attack mode in which Naruto says, with a smirk, “And thanks to my Flare Resonator, my new Synchro Monster gains three hundred attack points!” Naruto yells out, “Okay, pal, attack with Absolute Power Force!” Red Dragon Archfiend unleashes a flaming fist right at Stardust Dragon.

Ryu says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “I play my trap card: Hyper Stamina!” Ryu’s face-down card is revealed to be a trap card with a picture of Hyper Synchro infusing a monster with energy. Ryu says, taking out a Hyper Synchro (1600/800) monster card from his deck, “Thanks to this card, by removing one Hyper Synchron from my deck, I can boost my monster’s power to equal of your monster’s power adding the fact that monster can’t be destroyed this turn!” Stardust Dragon’s stats rise from 2500/2000 to 3300/2000!

As Stardust Dragon prepared to counterattack, Naruto says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “Not so fast, Ryu! My spell card allows me to play my Kishido Spirit spell card as a Quick-Play spell!” Naruto’s face-down card is revealed to be the Kishido Spirit continuous spell card and Naruto says, with a grin, “And my spell card makes it that my monsters can’t be destroyed by monsters with equal attack power!” Soon enough, both attacks from both Signer Dragon clash in a huge explosion! However, just then unexpectedly, a burst of energy comes from the Namikaze compound itself in which a column of light comes from the center of the room. Naruto asks, stunned, “What’s going on here?!”

Ryu replies, confused, “I don’t know, Naruto! We aren’t in a serious duel!” But then Naruto’s, Ayane’s, and Ryu’s Marks of the Dragon are glowing and brightly in fact!

Haku yells out, stunned, “Their ‘Marks of the Dragon’ are glowing!”

Ayane asks, shocked, “What’s going on here? Why are our marks glowing?”

Ryu yells out to Naruto, “Stop the duel, Naruto! We need to stop now!” Naruto immediately panics and tries to turn off his duel disk right away in which Ryu makes a motion to one part of his duel disk in which Naruto quickly gets what he is doing. Both of them de-activate their duel disks causing the holograms to vanish in which the column of light and shockwave from the Namikaze household fades away as quickly as it appears in which our three Signers’ ‘Marks of the Dragon’ stop glowing as well.

Naruto asks, confused, “What just happened, Ryu?”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Something in your house reacted to the power of the Crimson Dragon.” Ryu looks at his ‘Mark of the Dragon’ which causes Naruto to do the same, but then cat masked ANBU known as Neko appears.

Neko asks, seriously, “Kakashi-sempai, what’s going on here? The whole village saw that beam of light that came from the Namikaze compound and we thought that…!!”

Kakashi replies, reassuringly, “Do not worry, it isn’t another attack, Neko!”

Haku replies, “Something within the Namikaze compound reacted to the power of the Crimson Dragon while Ryu-sama’s and Naruto-sama’s Signer Dragons clashed when practicing dueling.” When Neko looks at Kakashi, he gives a nod of agreement.

Neko tells them, “Hokage-sama is going to be needed to be informed of this.” She soon vanishes in a swirl of leaves.

Ayane asks, perplexed, “What could have caused our ‘Marks of the Dragon’ to react so much, Naruto?”

Naruto replies, with a shrug, “Got me, Ayane. But I’m going to find out!”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “Maybe we should wait for Hokage-sama, Naruto. Even through this is your family home in the Leaf Village, we can’t be sure that whatever reacted to the Crimson Dragon’s power isn’t dangerous.” Kakashi says, looking over towards the gate, “And I also believe that the rest of you should come out of hiding.” The others, minus Haku, give surprised looks as they look in the same direction as Kakashi is looking as Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji come out into the room.

Naruto asks, stunned, “Sakura-chan? Shikamaru? Ino? Choji? What are you all doing here?”

Shikamaru replies, plainly, “We just got back from our first C-rank and we heard all the ruckus that you had just caused in the village with whole bit.”

Choji says, with a plain tone, “We just wanted to see how you are doing, Naruto.”

Shikamaru says, looking at Naruto’s arm, “So that the ‘Mark of the Dragon’, huh? Looks like the stuff in our clan’s library.”

Naruto asks, surprised, “You know about the Crimson Dragon, Shikamaru?”

Shikamaru replies, plainly, “What clan doesn’t? I just dabbled in reading that stuff when it was troublesome with my mom and dad over homework.”

Ino says, looking at the Namikaze compound, “Oh, wow! This place is huge! Since you are the only member of your clan left, you must loaded!”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “You have no idea, Ino.”

Ino replies, confused, “What do you mean by that Naruto?” Sakura resists the urge to slap herself on the forehead for Ino’s remark.

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “Anyway, I’m going to investigate what in my family house set off my ‘Mark of the Dragon’.”

Ayane tells Naruto, “Ryu and I are coming too. We are all ‘Signers’, Naruto. And we stick together.”

When Ryu nods his head, Naruto says, with a smile, “I wouldn’t have it any other way, you two.”

Haku asks the three ‘Signers’, “Do you think that it is wise?”

Ayane says, with a sweet smile, “With you and Naruto together, I know that Ryu and I will be safe since we can’t defend ourselves.”

Naruto replies, with a smirk, “Can’t defend yourself, Ayane? Who took out Gato’s goons by herself?”

Ayane replies, with a nervous smile, “I got angry about that perverted asshole and his ideas.” Without any hesitation and not waiting for Kakashi to say a word, Naruto, Ayane, Ryu, and Haku enter Naruto’s room just before the Third Hokage and a group of ANBU arrive on the scene.

Third Hokage asks, curiously, “Where is Naruto, Ayane, Ryu, and Haku, Kakashi?” When Kakashi points towards the house, Third Hokage sighs and he says, “That boy is going to as much trouble as his mother when she was child.” He motions for the ANBU to follow him in which they do while Kakashi, Sakura, Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru does the same.

(A short time soon after; Outside of the Leaf Village)

Just outside of the Leaf Village, we find ourselves looking at a Duel Runner similar to Crow’s Blackbird, but it is blue and red with the wings on the sides looking like Elemental Hero Stratos’ wings with golden ‘E’ all over the runner. In the seat of the Runner, there is man that looks to be in his late 40s and early 50s with brown hair and golden-brown eyes looking down at the Leaf Village.

The man says, with a sigh, “I can’t believe that my father’s successors in this time have been murdered, but that mysterious man told me that I can find the last of their kids right in here. From what I heard, these guys, before they were killed, had done plenty of ‘saving the world’ like my dad did when he was a kid. Dad, I know that you and mom are still alive even after all these years. You have the power of the ‘Supreme King’ in you and you wouldn’t go down that easily. I’m going to find you and mom, dad, and bring you home.”

(A short time after that; Inside of the Namikaze compound)

Deep within the Namikaze compound, we find our three Signers, Kakashi, Sakura, Ino, Choji, Shikamaru, Third Hokage, and the Hokage’s escort ANBU which includes Neko, are looking at a wall that’s covered in markings that looks like extensive sealing jutsu.

Kakashi tells Third Hokage, “These are extensive sealing jutsu, Hokage-sama. And I can tell that this wall side open in some way to reveal a hidden room of some kind since I see the lines in the wall.”

Third Hokage asks Kakashi, “Do you think any one of us can open the vault?”

Kakashi says, shaking his head, “I doubt it, Hokage-sama. We are going to need Jiraiya-sama to be here to get any understanding.”

Neko says, amazed, “I can’t believe that this place was here in the Namikaze compound, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “I can, Neko. Minato had told me that Namikaze clan had important secrets to guard and plenty had come from the outside world itself. Only Kushina knew since she was Minato’s wife even through the marriage was secret.”

Shikamaru asks Naruto, “Do you think that something in here sets those ‘Marks of the Dragon’ off, Naruto?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I think so, Shikamaru. Our marks are throbbing as if to tell us something.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “Something ancient or something connected to the ancient past is in there. We can feel it.”

Ino asks, curiously, “Is this a ‘Signer’ thing?”

Ayane says, with a shrug, “We think so, Ino-san.”

Just then a female voice calls out to Ayane’s mind, “Ayane-chan, can you hear me?” Ayane was about to ask, but then the female voice, “It is I, the dragon that fought with my beloved Luna.”

Ayane replies, mentally, “Ancient Fairy Dragon?”

The female voice replies, “That is correct, Ayane. I’m here to tell you that Luna’s spirit is with me, sleeping and waiting for the one who will succeed her. I can tell you that the one that shall be my new partner lives within your current new home. However, for right now, you, your brother, and young Naruto, the new partner of Red Dragon Archfiend, must go beyond that door. All three of you, especially young Naruto, must claim what is in that vault. In order to get in, one of his clan’s blood must touch the center of the door.”

Ayane nods in understand and she tells Naruto, “Naruto, can you touch the center of the door?”

Naruto asks Ayane, “Why is that Ayane?”

Ayane replies, “I think that’s how you open the door. I really don’t know how this ninja stuff works too much, but could it be some kind of ‘blood seal’ which registers only members of your dad’s clan?”

Sakura tells Ayane, “Ayane-san, I think that the Hokage, his ANBU, and Kakashi-sensei can handle this. You are completely new to our home and our ways.”

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “She might have a point, Sakura. If the secret is so great that only your clan was allowed to know, a blood seal is the best way to keep things within the clan.”

Neko says, with a plain tone, “I’m not sure that this is the case, Kakashi-sempai.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “There is one way to find out.” Naruto then goes forward and touches exactly where Ayane told him before anyone can stop or say anything. Immediately, the markings all over the ‘door’ glow, there is a loud rumbling, Naruto yelps from what his hand was getting pricked, and then the ‘door’ starts to move backwards. Naruto says, looking at his hand, “The wall bit me!”

As the ‘door’ moves backwards, Third Hokage says, seriously, “It must have taken a sample of your DNA to see if you were of Namikaze blood, Naruto.”

Choji asks, curiously, “Does this mean that we get in?”

When the ‘door’ sides away, Ino replies, plainly, “Does that answer your question Choji?”

Neko says, with a plain tone, “Naruto-sama, I think that it is wise for us, ANBU, to enter first.” Soon enough, the ANBU squad enters the room with everyone else following behind them. When they enter the room, they are shocked to see that the room is like a mixture of ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, Middle Eastern, and Japanese temples all rolled up in one and it is very massive.

Ryu says, amazed, “Whoa, Naruto! This room is like being in a mixture of ancient temples!” Soon enough, all of them were looking at the tons of the various stuff inside of the room.

Third Hokage says, stunned, “Minato told me that his clan was called the ‘guardians of the secrets of old’ and it looks like that it was the truth.” Just then they find themselves in an area full of ancient Egypt hieroglyphs where they find a strange ancient tome that’s dark brown mixed with golden imprints including the Eye of Wdjat.

Ino asks, curiously, “What’s this weird old book?”

The Third Hokage yells out, strongly, “Don’t touch that!” Ino yelps and the Third Hokage says, seriously, “I know that book well! That’s the Millennium Tome, the very spell book that contains the spell that created the Millennium Items!”

Sakura asks, shocked, “Hokage-sama, you mean the same Millennium Items that involved in the Shadow Games of ancient Egypt?”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “The very same, Sakura. Remember, in the history of Duel Monsters, Maxamillion Pegasus had a Millennium Item, the Millennium Eye, and it was these ancient games that inspired him to create Duel Monsters through later he took inspirations from all over the world including the People of the Stars.”

Naruto’s, Ayane’s, and Ryu’s ‘Marks of the Dragons’ are glowing and Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Our ‘Marks of the Dragon’ are saying the same thing.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “That’s right, Kakashi-sensei. It feels like the Crimson Dragon is telling us something about that old book. It contains stuff that’s very powerful and very dangerous.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Yeah, Naruto. But it feels like that this whole room contains stuff that’s making our ‘Marks of the Dragon’ going nuts.”

Neko says, amazed, “To think that the Fourth Hokage-sama’s clan had this hidden away, Third Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “For good reason, Neko. I can see why that the Namikaze were ‘guardians of the secrets of old’.”

Choji’s voice calls out, “Wow, looks at this everyone!” Everyone looks over to see Choji in front of nine podiums each of ancient symbol of the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto in which each one has a Duel Monsters’ monster card on top of the podium.

Ino asks, perplexed, “Duel Monsters cards?”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I know those cards. They are known as the Legendary Planet series. Back in the days of Jaden Yuki and Yugi Moto, Maxamillion Pegasus developed a series of cards based on the planets of the solar system. They were developed by father of Aster Phoenix, the famous Destiny Hero duelist of Jaden Yuki’s time, but they have been lost for a long time.”

Ayane says, looking at three tables of the three Sacred Beast cards, “These are the tablets of the Sacred Beast cards! A series of cards with dangerous powers said to close to rival the divine powers of the Egyptian God Cards!”

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “There are so many ancient artifacts that it is no surprise that your ‘Marks of the Dragon’ are reacting so wildly.”

Naruto says, grunting while holding his right arm, “No joke, Kakashi-sensei! It feels like arm is completely on fire! My dragon mark is going wild!”

Neko says, with a plain tone, “Naruto-sama, maybe it is best that we better get you and the other two Signers out of here.” Just then Naruto, Ayane, and Ryu look towards another tablet where they are surprised to see the whole Crimson Dragon mark, the combined five ‘Marks of the Dragon’ on the Crimson Dragon’s body, over the Millennium Symbol.

Ayane says, stunned, “That’s the Millennium Symbol under the Crimson Dragon!” Just then Naruto’s, Ryu’s, and Ayane’s ‘Marks of the Dragon’ blaze with red light and everyone yelps out as the room is covered in red light and forcing everyone to cover their eyes. When Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane are able to open their eyes, they gasp to see themselves hovering over a burning forest.

Naruto asks, stunned, “Where are we?!” Ryu gasps and points ahead of them in which Naruto and Ayane in which they gasp to see none other than all seven Earthbound Immortal causing destruction and chaos throughout this area! Naruto asks, stunned, “Who or what are those?!”

Ryu says, seriously, “Those are the Earthbound Immortals!”

Naruto gives a gasp of shock and Ayane says, with a nod, “I’ve seen pictures of them and that’s them!”

Naruto says, looking around, “And they are not alone, Ayane!” Ryu and Ayane look at where Naruto is looking and they gasp in horror to see Zorc, the Great Leviathan, the Arcana Force monsters behind a sickly white light, and more sinister creatures that can’t be exactly seen. Just then they hear a roar and all three Signers look behind them to see the Crimson Dragon with the Five Dragons, Stardust Dragon, Red Dragon Archfiend, Ancient Fairy Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, and Black-Winged Dragon, along with the Legendary Knights of Atlantis in their Dragon forms and the Egyptian God Monsters, Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra!

Ryu yells out, “The Crimson Dragon! And our dragons!”

Naruto asks, perplexed, “But who are these with him?”

Ayane says, amazed, “I don’t know about those other dragons, but I know those three massive creatures! They are the legendary Egyptian God Monsters: Obelisk the Tormentor, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and the Winged Dragon of Ra!”

Naruto yells out, stunned, “No way, Ayane! The legendary Egyptian God Monsters?!”

Just then a male voice calls out, “Your fellow Signer is correct, young one.” The three Signers whip their heads and they see a dark-skinned male wearing a simple white robe and turbine with large golden earrings in his ears as well as simple brown shoes.

Ryu asks, seriously, “Who are you?”

The male replies, “My name is Shadi, young Signer.”

Ayane says, curiously, “Shadi? I think that there was a mention of you about the history of Yugi Moto.”

Shadi replies, with a nod, “I have met and helped the young Yugi Moto in his path, young Ayane. And now, I am here to aid you. The death of your parents and the other Signers has created a great imbalance between the forces of good and evil, not just light and darkness. What you are witness is a vision of the upcoming battle to come. I must warn that even through the ruler of the Netherworld was destroyed by the Crimson Dragon, the Earthbound Immortals were just resealed in the earth and now, the death of the original Signers and the newest Signers haven’t fully awakened their powers, the seal on them has weakened once and they will return.”

There are three sets of gasps and Ryu yells out, “The Earthbound Immortals will return?”

Shadi replies, “Not just them, young Signer. The greatest foes that Yugi Moto and Jaden Yuki have faced are threatening to return to cause chaos once more and an ancient and ageless battle that has started since the dawn of time is about to restart in our world and countless others: The war of Harmony against Chaos.”

Naruto asks, confused, “What do you mean?”

Shadi tells Naruto, “I can’t say much more, but know this, you need to find the final two Signers and unite together as one, but it won’t be enough. You must gather the forces of Harmony to battle these evils and one of you, Signers, must claim the powers and legacy of Pharaoh Atem himself.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “Pharaoh Atem? Wait, Shadi-san! Do you mean the Millennium Puzzle or the Egyptian God Cards?!”

Shadi tells Ayane, in reply, “That’s something you must figure out for yourself, young Signer. My time is up. The future that humanity and the world, possibly the universe, is in your hands, Signers!”

Just then a bright light is starting to engulf them and Naruto yells out, “Hold on a minute, pal!” However, there is no time as Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane cover their eyes as the light engulfs them and then we find ourselves back inside of living room where Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane are lying down on the floor with everyone else over them in which all three Signers wake up in a cold sweat.

Sakura asks Naruto, concerned, “Are you okay, Naruto?”

Naruto says, shaking his head, “I’m okay, Sakura-chan.”

Ayane asks, confused, “What happened?”

Shikamaru tells Ayane, “You collapsed on us. It was a real drag to get you back up here.”

Choji says, with a plain tone, “And you were sweating and mumbling as if you were having a nightmare.”

Naruto says, still breathing heavily, “We were having a nightmare, Choji.”

Ryu says, taking a deep breath, “Not a nightmare, Naruto. We had a vision… a horrible one.”

Third Hokage asks, curiously, “A vision?”

Naruto says, wiping the sweat off his head, “A real bad one, Old Man. Those Earthbound Immortals… they’re coming back!”

There are gasps all around and Ayane says, worriedly, “This man… Shadi… told us that because our family were murdered that some kind of imbalance between good and evil was created and the seal on them has been weakened which is allowing the Earthbound Immortals to come back for round three!”

Ino asks, nervously, “You’re kidding right?”

Kakashi replies, “I don’t think so. All three of them had the same vision and that usually means it is going to happen in one form or another.”

Ryu says, worriedly, “But there is more. This guy warned us that other bad evils that Yugi Moto and Jaden Yuki, the first two ‘King of Games’, faced in their battles are also coming back.”

There are more gasps and Third Hokage asks Ryu, “Ryu-san, what do you mean? Can you tell us what you, your sister, and Naruto saw?” Soon enough, Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane explained about what they saw in their vision. When they were done, Third Hokage says, with a sigh, “This is indeed a horrible omen. I know of such creatures. And the demon creature with two heads is most likely, Zorc, said in myth and legend to be the creator of the Shadow Realm and battle against Pharaoh Atem, leader of ancient Egypt during the time of the Shadow Games and the chosen one of the three Egyptian God Monsters. He is a demonic entity that rivals any of the nine Biju even the Nine-Tailed Fox itself.”

Neko asks, shocked, “Are you sure, Hokage-sama?”

Third Hokage says, with a nod, “I believe so, but from what I know, Zorc was destroyed, but then again, nothing is what it seems, Neko.”

Naruto asks, perplexed, “But what about ‘gathering the forces of Harmony’ and about one of us claiming ‘Pharaoh Atem or whatever’s legacy’?”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I think that Shadi meant the Egyptian God Cards or Millennium Puzzle, but those have been lost for years and years, Naruto.”

Naruto says, growling in frustration, “Then what are we supposed to do? My head hurts!”

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “I think for now, you should focus on finding the final two Signers, the ones that have Ancient Fairy Dragon and Black-Winged Dragon. We can worry about the rest later.”

Third Hokage says, with a nod, “That’s a wise idea, Kakashi.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “Where is Haku?”

Just then Haku’s voice calls out, “I am Lady Ayane.” Everyone looks to see Haku at the door with some medical supplies and putting the supplies down. Haku tells them, “You were unconscious for awhile, Ayane-sama. Hokage-sama sent me for medical supplies just in case.”

Third Hokage asks, curiously, “Where your ANBU escort?”

Haku replies, plainly, “On my way back, I met someone who requested an audience with the Signers and he was someone from the outside world. He had what Ryu-sama and Ayane-sama called a ‘Duel Runner’.”

Ryu asks, shocked, “A Duel Runner?”

Kakashi asks, seriously, “Someone from the outside world is here?”

Ayane asks, curiously, “How does this person know that we were here? And how did he get here?”

Haku replies, “He didn’t say, but I left my ANBU escort with him to keep an eye on him to report back to Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage says, with a nod, “You did the right, Haku.”

Naruto says, getting to his feet, “Let’s see what this person wants with us!”

Ino tells Naruto, “Naruto, you just collapsed! You should take it easy!”

Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “I’m fine, Ino! It takes more than a bad vision of the future to keep me down!”

Ayane and Ryu get to their feet and Ayane says, with a smirk, “Speak for yourself, Naruto.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “But let’s go see what this person wants with us anyway.”

Haku asks Ryu, “Ryu-sama, are you sure?”

Ayane tells Haku, with a smile, “With all of you here, I don’t think that he will try anything especially since he is not from the Elemental Countries, he doesn’t have chakra.”

Ryu tells Ayane, “Don’t forget Titan, Ayane. He had the powers of the Shadow Games with him.” Ayane nods her head in understand in which everyone in the room heads to see who this person is and what they want with the Signers.

(At the gates of the Namikaze compound; A brief time later)

We are now at the gates of the Namikaze compound where we find the man with the red Duel Runner with the golden ‘E’ all over the Duel Runner standing as the ANBU guards keep a close eye on him. Immediately, they look to see our group from inside of the Namikaze compound coming close to them.

Third Hokage comes forward and he asks, plainly, “I am the Hokage, leader of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. How do you know of the Signers or they were here?”

The man replies, “An old friend of yours came to me and said that they could help me with a problem. He told me to give you this.” The man then hands a scroll to him and the Hokage takes it in which he reads in which his eyes widen.

Third Hokage tells the ANBU guards, “It is all right. He has shown proof that he isn’t a threat.” The ANBU guards aren’t sure, but they are not ones to disobey the Hokage’s orders.

Our three Signers come forward and Ryu asks him, “We’re the ones that you are looking for? Who are you? And why do you want us?”

The man asks, curiously, “You are the Signers?”

Naruto, Ryu, and Ayane display their ‘Marks of the Dragon’ and Ayane replies, “We are. The original Signers, which included our partners, were murdered just days ago.” Ayane struggles to keep herself from crying in which Ryu comforts her.

The man replies, “I am sorry for your loss.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Okay, pal, who are you?”

The man replies, with a smile, “Just call me, Leon. I think that you could help with a situation, but I need to see if you are up to the task.”

Ryu asks, plainly, “And how can you do that?”

Leon then displays a regular 5ds Duel Disk with a dueling deck inside and he says, with a smile, “I think that you get this idea.”

Ayane asks, curiously, “You want to duel?”

Leon says, with a nod, “That’s right. This situation that I need your help in will require top notch duelists and the Signers are supposed to be among the best of the best. But don’t worry, it won’t be a duel of life and death.”

Ayane says, with a smile, “Okay, I’ll duel you!”

Everyone looks at Ayane and Haku asks Ayane, “Are you sure, Ayane?”

Ayane says, with a nod, “I’ll be fine, Haku. Besides, I can’t let Naruto and Ryu do all the dueling. I’m a big girl and I can take care of myself.”

Ryu says, with a sigh, “Dad said that she is just like mom.” Immediately, everyone else goes to the sides as Ayane and Leon prepare their duel disks which they activate, causing their duel disks to display 4000 life-points each, and after their decks are shuffled, both of them draw five cards from their decks.

Leon says, with a smile, “As my father has said ‘Get your game on’.”

Ryu thinks in his mind, curiously, “Where have I heard that saying before?”

Leon asks, curiously, “By the way, I would like to ask your name?”

Ayane replies, with a smile, “I’m Ayane… Ayane Fudo, daughter of Yusei Fudo and Akiza Fudo.”

Leon says, with a grin, “Let’s see if you inherited your parents’ dueling skills like I did mine.”

Starting Scores:
Ayane: 4000
Leon: 4000

Ayane says, drawing a card, “Ladies first, Leon!” Ayane says, putting one card on her duel disk, “I play Rose, Warrior of Revenge in attack mode!” Immediately, Rose, Warrior of Revenge (1600/600), a red haired human-like monster wearing a ninja-like outfit, appears on the field in attack mode. Ayane says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “I end my turn with a pair of face-down cards!”

Leon says, drawing a card, “My draw, Ayane!” Leon says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I play Elemental Hero Stratos in attack mode!” Immediately, Elemental Hero Stratos (1800/800), a blue and silver armored warrior with a blue visor over his face and metal wings with rotors attached that allow him to fly, appears on the field in attack mode. Leon says, a card coming out of his deck, “This card allows me to take one Elemental Hero from my deck and add it to my hand!”

As Leon’s deck is automatically reshuffled, Ryu thinks in his mind, “An Elemental Hero deck?!”

Leon says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Double Fusion spell card! By lowering my life-points by five hundred, I can perform two Fusion summons and not just one!” After Leon’s life-points drop down by five hundred, he discards Elemental Hero Avian (1000/1000) and Elemental Hero Burstinatrix (1200/800) monster cards to the graveyard in which he says, taking a Fusion Monster card from his Extra Deck, “First, I combined Elemental Heroes Avian and Burstinatrix in order to play my Elemental Hero Flame Wingman in attack mode!” The two monsters appear on the field, goes into a fusion vortex, and when Leon puts the monster onto his duel disk, Elemental Hero Flame Wingman (2100/1200) appears on the field in attack mode. Leon then says, discarding Elemental Hero Captain Gold (2100/800), a golden clad warrior monster, to the graveyard, “Then I fuse my Captain Gold with Stratos to form another powerful hero!” Leon takes out another Fusion Monster card from his Extra deck as Captain Gold appears on the field and fuses Stratos in a fusion vortex and Leon calls out, “Meet my Elemental Hero Great Tornado in attack mode!” When Leon puts the Fusion Monster card on his duel disk, Elemental Hero Great Tornado (2800/2200), a green and orange-clad humanoid monster with a brown tattered cloak over the left side of his body, appears on the field in attack mode.

Ino asks, stunned, “Two monsters in one turn?!”

Leon says, with a serious tone, “And when Great Tornado is Fusion Summoned, he cuts your monsters’ attack and defense points in half!” Great Tornado unleashes a blast of wind that’s cuts Rose’s stats from 1600/800 to 800/400! Leon yells out, strongly, “And now, Great Tornado, attack her Rose right now!” Great Tornado prepares a powerful attack of wind.

Ayane says, pushing a button on her duel disk, “I activate my Rose Blizzard trap card!” Ayane’s face-down card is revealed to be the Rose Blizzard trap card and Ayane says, with a serious tone, “Due to this trap card, your monster is switched to defense mode!” Just then a blizzard of rose petals stops Great Tornado and switches him from attack mode to defense mode!

Leon says, with a serious tone, “But my Flame Wingman can’t be stopped!” Flame Wingman unleashed a blast of flames that destroys Rose in which Ayane loses 1300 life-points! Leon says, with a smile, “And due to Flame Wingman’s ability, you get hit with damage equal to its attack points!” Ayane gets slammed with flames as she loses 800 more life-points. Leon says, with a smile and putting one card face-down, “I think that’s enough for now.”

Ayane says, pushing a button on her duel disk, “Not until I play my Miracle’s Wake trap card!” Ayane’s other face-down card is revealed to be the Miracle’s Wake trap card and Ayane says, with a smile, “This card allows me to revive one monster destroyed in battle, Leon!” Just then Rose, Warrior of Revenge (1600/800) appears back on the field in attack mode.

Current Score:
Ayane: 1900
Leon: 3500

Ryu says, plainly, “This guy is no rookie. He is a good duelist and his deck and style… reminds me of someone.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Who?”

Ryu replies, with a serious glare, “I can’t be sure, but someone tells me that he will play a card that will confirm my suspicions about him.”

Ayane says, drawing a card, “It’s my move!” Ayane says, putting a card on her duel disk, “I play my Elemental Hero Knospe in attack mode!” Just then Elemental Hero Knospe (600/1000) appears on the field in attack mode.

Leon asks, surprised, “You have an Elemental Hero?!”

Ayane says, with a smile, “Yep, Leon! Now, I tune my Rose with my Knospe!” Just then Rose turns into four stars that turn into four rings that surround Knospe making it become transparent in which Ayane chants out, “Chilling flames engulf the entire world. Pitch-dark flower, set into bloom! Synchro Summon!” Ayane yells out, as she puts a Synchro Monster card from her Extra deck on her duel disk, “Now, meet my Black Rose Dragon!”  Out of a column of light, Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) appears on the field in attack mode. Ayane says, removing Knospe from her graveyard, “Next, I use my dragon’s ability to switch your Tornado in attack mode in make its attack points zero!” Immediately, Black Rose Dragon unleashes thorn filled vines in which force Great Tornado back to attack mode and it goes down from 2800/2200 to 0/2200! Ayane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I play my Burial from a Different Dimension allowing me to return my Knospe back to my graveyard!” As she puts said card back into her graveyard, she says, putting another card into the spell/trap slots, “Then I activate my Monster Reborn to revive my little buddy!” Immediately, Elemental Hero Knospe (600/1000) returns to the field in attack mode. Ayane says, putting the last card in her hand into the spell/trap slots, “Finally, I play my Rose Bud spell card! This card allows me to transform my little Knospe into Elemental Hero Poison Rose in attack mode!” A card comes out of Ayane’s deck and she puts it on her duel disk causing Knospe to transform into Elemental Hero Poison Rose (1900/2000) in attack mode.

Choji says, amazed, “Wow! She just turned the tide!”

Ayane yells out, “Poison Rose, attack Great Tornado!” Poison Rose unleashes dark rose petals on Great Tornado and destroys him causing Leon to lose 1900 life-points right away. Ayane says, with a smile, “And due to my Rose’s ability, she gains two hundred attack points from her defense points when she damages you, Leon!” Poison Rose’s stats go from 1900/2000 to 2100/1800! Ayane yells out, strongly, “Black Rose Dragon, attack his Flame Wingman now! Black Rose Flare!” Black Rose Dragon unleashes a blast of dark violet flames with rose petals which destroys Flame Wingman costing Leon another 300 life-points.

Leon says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “I play my trap card: Hero Signal!” Leon’s face-down card is revealed to be the Hero Signal trap card and Leon says, as a card comes out of his deck, “Due to this card, since you destroyed a monster in battle, I can summon one Elemental Hero from my deck as long as it is level four or less! And I choose my Bubbleman!” Immediately, Elemental Hero Bubbleman (800/1200) appears on the field in attack mode and Leon says, drawing two cards, “Since he is the only card on the field, I get two cards!”

Ayane says, with a smile, “Not bad, Leon! I end my turn!”

Current Score:
Ayane: 1900
Leon: 1300

Leon says, drawing a card, “It’s my move, Ayane!” Leon says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play my Bubble Shuffle trap card! With this card, I can switch my Bubbleman and one of your monsters in defense mode! Then I summon any Elemental Hero from my hand after I release Bubbleman! So, I put your Rose and my Bubbleman in defense mode!” Just then Elemental Hero Bubbleman and Poison Rose switch from attack to defense mode. Leon puts one card on his duel disk and yells out, “And now, goodbye, Bubbleman and say hello to the one and only… Elemental Hero Neos!” Ryu and Ayane gasps as Bubbleman vanish and Elemental Hero Neos (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.

Ryu yells out, “Elemental Hero Neos?!”

Sakura asks, curiously, “You know that card, Ryu-san?”

Ryu says, with a serious tone, “Yeah, it was created and held by one person. He was the second world champion after Yugi Moto himself.” Ryu asks Leon, “Leon-san, what is your full name?”

Leon replies, with a smile, “My name is… Leon Rhodes Yuki, son of Jaden Yuki and Alexis Rhodes.”

Ayane asks, stunned, “You’re the son of Jaden Yuki, the second Duel Monsters’ world champion after Yugi Moto himself?!”

Leon says, with a smile, “That’s right, Ayane. You and your brother aren’t the only one here who is child of a famous duelist.”

Naruto says, stunned, “No wonder he is so good! He is the kid of a world famous duelist back in your home just like you, two, Ryu!”

Ayane says, with a smile, “This duel got more interesting, Leon.”

Leon says, with a nod, “I know, Ayane. As my dad would say, this is a ‘sweet duel’.” Leon says, “Now, Neos, attack her dragon with Cosmic Crush!” Neos leaps high into the sky and karate chops Black Rose Dragon, destroying it, and causing Ayane to lose 100 life-points. Leon says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I think that I will end my turn here, Ayane, by throwing a face-down.”

Current Score:
Ayane: 1800
Leon: 1300

Ayane says, drawing a card, “It’s my draw, Leon!” Ayane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I activate my Card of Sanctity! This card forces both of us to draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Ayane and Leon draw from their decks until they have six cards in their hands and Ayane says, putting one card on her duel disk, “Next, I play Nettles in attack mode!” Just then Nettles (1200/400) appears on the field in attack mode.

Leon says, with a plain tone, “Another Tuner monster, huh? You are planning to Synchro Summon another monster, Ayane.”

Ayane says, with a grin, “That’s right, Leon! I tune my level six Poison Rose with my level two Nettles!” Nettles turns into two stars that turn into two rings that surround Poison Rose making her become transparent and Ayane chants out, as she takes a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck, “Clustering hopes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon!” Ayane says, putting the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk, “Let’s rev it up, Stardust Dragon!” Out of a column of light, Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) appears on the field in attack mode.

Naruto asks, confused, “Hold up! That’s your card, Ryu! How did Ayane get it?!”

Ryu tells Naruto, with a kind smile, “Remember that Stardust Dragon card that you took from Paradox in your duel?”

Naruto replies, realizing what Ryu meant, “Oh, yeah! It was still on my duel disk after I beaten that jerk! So, I gave it to you and you gave it to Ayane! That’s so awesome! Now, you and your sister have your dad’s famous monster in your decks!”

Ryu says, with a nod, “That’s right, Naruto.”

Leon tells Ayane, with a smile, “Nice work, Ayane, but our monsters are equal in power.”

Ayane says, with a smile, “I know, Leon.” Ayane says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “That’s why I end with two cards face-down!”

Leon says, drawing a card, “It’s my draw!”

Ayane says, pushing a button on her duel disk, “And now, I play my Assault Mode activate trap card!” Ayane’s face-down card is revealed to be the Assault Mode activate trap card and Ayane says, with a smile, “By releasing Stardust Dragon from my field, I can out his Assault Mode version from my deck!” A card comes out of Ayane’s deck and she puts it on her duel disk causing Stardust Dragon to transform into Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode (3000/2500) in attack mode! Ayane says, pushing a button on her duel disk, “Then I play my Assault Overload spell card!” Ayane’s other face-down card is revealed to be the Assault Overload Quick-Play spell card and Ayane says, with a grin, “By releasing my Stardust Dragon in Assault Mode, you get slammed with damage equal to two hundred times his level! And since Stardust Dragon is level ten now, you get slammed with two thousand points of damage!” Leon gasps as Stardust Dragon/Assault Mode’s armor shatters and the piece slams into Leon causing him to lose 2000 life-points, ending the duel immediately.

Final Score:
Ayane: 1800
Leon: 0

With the end of the duel, the final holograms fade away and Naruto yells out, excitedly, “Way to go, Ayane!”

Ayane tells Leon, with a grin, “As your dad would say: That’s game!”

Leon says, with a smile, “That was a good duel, Ayane. I guess that you are like me. You have inherited your parents’ dueling prowess. This is actually my first real loss in a really long time. But even my dad and Yugi Moto suffered a few losses in their dueling carriers through like my dad, I really don’t care about the victory. I care about having a good duel.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Same here, Leon-san.”

Leon says, with a plain tone, “Now, I know I can trust you with the favor that I want to ask.”

Ryu asks, curiously, “What is it, Leon?”

Leon says, with a plain tone, “I need your help to find my father and mother, Ryu.” There are tons of gasps and Leon says, “As you know, my dad, Jaden Yuki, and my mother, Alexis Rhodes, mysterious vanished sometime after my dad inherited Yugi Moto’s world champion title and became the second ‘King of Games’! It has been many years since that day and all I have ever known of my dad is what I have heard about from his friends, who are my family, and what I’ve seen about him in videos of him. However, I’ve always known that my parents are still alive and recently, the person that told me about you informed me that my parents are alive.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “How can you trust this person, Leon-san?”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “Because it is the same person that saved Ryu and Ayane from those ninja that murdered their family.”

There are gasps of shock and Sakura asks, curiously, “Really, Kakashi-sensei?”

Kakashi says, plainly, “Hokage-sama and I know of his writing and signature on the scroll that Leon-san gave us.”

Third Hokage asks, with a plain tone, “So, he said that the Signers were the key to finding your parents?”

Leon says, with a nod, “He was. He told me that they were alive, but he didn’t know much more. He also told me that the Signers were the only ones that can help me find them and bring them home.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “But how do we do that?”

Leon says, with a plain tone, “I think that you need to know the full story about my dad from what I learned from what he left me and from the rest of my family including the incredible power that he held as the great ruler of the Duel Monsters Spirit Realm.”

Ayane thinks in her mind, “Great rulers of the Duel Monsters’ Spirit Realm?!”

Ancient Fairy Dragon’s voice tells Ayane, “That’s right, Ayane. Jaden Yuki held a great power within him that kept the balance of light and darkness of our universe, Ayane. You need to listen well at what his son has to tell you.” As our Fudo twins and the others prepare to listen on what Jaden Yuki’s son, Leon, has to tell them about what he knows about his famous dad, our three Signers can’t help to wonder what kind of adventures they are in store.

Next time in Chapter 4:

Ryu: So, your dad held this ‘gentle darkness’ power as the ‘Supreme King’ and it is the protecting force that keeps us safe from its counterpart, the Light of Destruction?

Kakashi: I have heard of the Light of Destruction. It is a negative energy force that has caused chaos and helped the rise of evil men throughout history.

Third Hokage: You are right, Kakashi. But I feel that the pieces are fitting together. There is a more ancient legend, one that I found in my youth. It tells of how our universe came to be and the clash of the powers of Harmony and Discord.

Ayane (surprised): You mean that the Crimson Dragon was once part of this force of Harmony? And Jaden Yuki’s ‘Supreme King power’ is the other half?

Ancient Fairy Dragon: That’s correct, young Ayane. The power of the ‘Supreme King’ and Crimson Dragon, the avatar of the Light of Creation, are two parts to the same ancient force.

Ryu: Do you think that’s what Shadi meant by ‘gathering the forces of Harmony’? Maybe he meant we need the power of the ‘Supreme King’ and the Signers, the powers of light AND darkness, in order to combat this evil!

Kakashi: That’s a good theory, but for now, all of you need to prepare for what’s to come and we need to find the other two Signers.

Naruto: Good idea, Kakashi-sensei! Huh? A vampire is attacking our village?!

Hinata: Who are you? And where I am?

A female voice: Ancient Fairy and I have been waiting for you, Hinata. Your sister is in danger and you are the only one that can save her. We can lend you our strength, but the rest is up to you.

Sakura: Who or what is that?”

Leon (seriously): That’s one of the Shadow Riders that my dad faced: Camula, the vampire!

Camula: It is an honor to meet the son of that brat, Jaden Yuki, but this time, he isn’t here to protect you or this girl!

Kurenai (horrified): That’s Hanabi, Hinata’s younger sister!

Camula: That’s right! And she shall join my new army to get my revenge on humanity unless someone duels me!

Naruto: Right here… Huh, Hinata?

Hinata: I-I am not as strong as the others, but I won’t let you harm my sister.

Camula (evil sly smile): Just try it, little girl!

Naruto: Next time on ‘Naruto 5Ds’: Hinata’s New Wings

Hinata: I won’t you harm N-Naruto-kun or Hanabi-chan! Shine, Ancient Fairy Dragon!

We’ve managed to make it to three chapters so far and as you can see, I am bringing back another GX villain or in this case, villainess to fight against our newest Signers. And that’s right, there is a new Signer on the way! With the whole Yu-Gi-Oh universe, with light and darkness being the ‘enemy’ at different times, it made me think to ‘Final Fantasy: Dissidia’ and usually, Harmony, in terms of light and darkness, are in balance and Discord is when light and darkness are out of balance. And the Light of Destruction with the Earthbound Immortals, for example, tends to throw off that balance, but Earthbound Immortals use darkness and the Light of Destruction uses light obviously. And this is where I came up with this idea! I hope that you think that it is good. Read and review and tell me what you think, everyone! Later and best wishes, ninja and dueling fans!
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