Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers ❯ Trials of the Signers ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
You must be wondering when we are going into the Chunin Exams arc of this story and let you know is that it is coming soon! And while there are going to be changes, nothing much is going to be too different, everyone. But beforehand, there is going to be plenty of Sasuke bashing while there isn’t going to much of Sakura bashing if at all. Main reason: Sakura Haruno has become one of my favorite characters through under Hinata and Naruto and Naruto/Sakura couplings are my second choices of couples with Naruto/Hinata being the first. And who are our Fudo twins going with? You are going to have to read and see everyone! And finally, you are going to get a double whammy today since today is my birthday, folks!

I DO NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5ds, Naruto, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Dead or Alive, Ninja Garden, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series are owned/licensed by Tomonobu Itagaki and Tecmo, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations that some readers might consider disturbing!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers

Chapter 6: Trials of the Signers

Right now, we find ourselves deep within a mysterious laboratory where we find figures inside of large human sized glass tube filled with liquids and we find a group of people in lab goats in front of a figure hidden by the shadows.

The figure says, “So, Hunter Pace has failed? I’m not surprised that the children of Yusei Fudo and the Black Rose are strong duelists. They must have been trained well.”

One of the scientists, the people in lab coats who are also female, asks, curiously, “Sir, what do we do now?”

The figure replies, “Do not worry, my dear. I do have a back-up plan. I used my contacts in the New Domino City morgue to get samples of DNA from them. However, we can’t duplicate the powers of the Crimson Dragon. It isn’t a genetic power like Psychic Duelist abilities can be, but we will have the power of the most powerful Psychic Duelist anyhow. It will allow us to create the ultimate duelist and the DOA Executive Committee, the true one, to return to greatness.”

Another of the scientists tells them, “The new beta projects are ready, sir.” When the figure looks at the glass tubes, he gives a curious quirk of his eyebrow.

The figure says, with a plain tone, “Interesting…” The figure then says, slyly, “I see. You are using everyone that came under mind control including the Light of Destruction and the Millennium Items.”

A third scientist says, with a nod, “Correct, sir. We feel that those that feel under mind control before would create clones that are easier to control.”

The figure replies, “Don’t be so sure of yourself, my friend. But it is a good idea and you should continue for now. However, she wasn’t a good duelist in the age of Yugi Moto.”

The first scientist that spoke says, with a nod, “We know, sir, but we mixed in the knowledge and DNA of Yugi Moto himself.

The figure responds, slyly, “Interesting. I mix between Yugi Moto and his own wife.” The figure tells them, “Prepare for ‘Project: Black Rose’, everyone. We need to harness the power of the greatest of the Psychic Duelist in order to create the ultimate duelist and with the ultimate duelist, the true DOA shall return to where it belongs.” Soon enough, we get views inside of the capsules to see people that looks exactly like Mai Valentine, Alexis Rhodes, and Tea Gardner inside, but they look young with ‘Mai and Tea’ at the ages that they were during Yugi’s adventures with Pharaoh Atem as the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle and ‘Alexis’ looking at she did during her time as Duel Academy of her and Jaden Yuki’s time. FYI: Tea Gardner and Mai Valentine would be very old if they were still alive and Alexis would also be old as well.

(Within the Leaf Village; Days after Ryu’s Duel with Hunter Pace)

This morning, we find Naruto yawn as he gets up from his bed and gets onto his feet in which he stretches his arms out soon after in which he prepares to get his clothes out.

Naruto says, with a yawn, “Man, what a night! I never had such a good night’s sleep in ages!” Soon enough, Naruto gets his clothes on and heads outside into the wall in which he bumps into Hinata, who is currently living with him. Hinata yelps slightly and blushes greatly seeing Naruto in front of her.

Hinata tells Naruto, shyly, “G-Good morning, Naruto-kun.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Good morning, Hinata.”

Hinata tells Naruto, shyly, “I h-hope that y-you slept well, Naruto-kun.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “I just slept fine, Hinata.” Naruto tells Hinata, with a sigh, “Hinata, I’m sorry that if you feel… weird about doing this and all…”

Hinata replies, shaking her head, “No, Naruto-kun! I’m… o-okay with this! I just hope that y-you aren’t uncomfortable with t-this arrangement of my f-father’s, Naruto-kun.”

Naruto says, nervously, “I’m not uncomfortable, Hinata, it is just…” Hinata gains a bit of a nervous look and he says, nervously, “I just never had anyone over on my place to stay for a long while, Hinata.”

Hinata tells Naruto, “I-I’ll try not be too much trouble, N-Naruto-kun.”

Naruto replies, with a kind smile, “You aren’t any trouble at all, Hinata.”

Hinata replies, shyly, “R-Really, Naruto-kun.” As Naruto nods his head, Hinata twiddles her thumbs and blushes knowing that she isn’t trouble to Naruto, but on the meanwhile, Ayane is looking at them from a distance down the hallway in which she can’t help to giggle.

Ayane thinks in her mind, with a smile, “So that’s it, Hinata-chan. You really ‘like’ Naruto, Hinata-chan.”

(Inside of the Hokage’s office; that same morning)

Within the Hokage’s office, we find Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, and Kakashi assembled together in front of the Third Hokage who is sitting in front of his desk.

Third Hokage tells them, “How are they progressing?”

Kakashi replies, “Naruto and Sasuke are advancing just fine and they are moving on from basic ninjutsu techniques and skills to more advanced sets in no time. Sakura is harder to advanced, but she shows promise. The thing is, with her excellent chakra control, I’m thinking that she is best as Rin was for my team back in the days of the field with Minato-sensei.”

Third Hokage says, with a nod, “A medical ninja, Kakashi? I’m not sure that can be arranged.”

Kakashi tells Third Hokage, “I know, Hokage-sama. I had told Sakura to focus on medical studies and Taijutsu for another fact. She has the qualities of a medical ninja, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage tells Kakashi, with a nod, “From what you told me, I can agree, Kakashi.”

Ninja Ayane says, with a plain tone, “Our younger namesakes have managed to start off quite well. It is a struggle for both of them, but with time, they shall know the ninja arts well. They might have the ability to access chakra. We have a theory that ‘Psychic Duelist’ powers are a very refined and more powerful of the spiritual part of chakra.”

Third Hokage tells Ninja Ayane, “I know that well, Ayane-san. The Hayabusa and Mugen clans came up with the theory that duelists like your younger namesake and her mother are using a form of either physical or spiritual aspects of chakra.”

Ninja Ryu asks Third Hokage, “Have you heard of any news about what I told you about?”

Third Hokage replies, shaking his head, “I have no idea where Kasumi-san is, Hayabusa-san.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I see, Hokage-sama. We are not sure what she is doing here in the Elemental Countries, but it is a feeling that I think she will seek out the Signers for one reason or another.”

Third Hokage asks Ninja Ayane, “What will you do when she gets here?”

Ninja Ayane tells Third Hokage, “She is a missing ninja from our village, Hokage-sama. Will you give her sanctuary if she asks for it?”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “Based on her story, she may have become a missing ninja, but only to protect her brother’s and her clan’s honor. Plus, having a well-trained member from your clan, even through a missing ninja, would be of great interest to our village. Based on all of this, mainly because of the circumstances of her becoming a missing ninja, if she asks for sanctuary and I will grant it.”

Ninja Ayane tells Third Hokage, “It will not go so well with my clan.”

Third Hokage replies, “However, even through we fear you and the Hayabusa clans, you know better than to attack us, correct?”

Ninja Ryu tells Third Hokage, “Correct, and Hokage-sama. And that makes me believe that Kasumi-san didn’t come up with this alone. Someone is guiding her and if she does something that can help your village and most of all, the Signers, in general.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “It will bring Kasumi-san support to keep her protected in our village and she will not have to be afraid of getting attacked by anyone of her clan.”

Ninja Ayane thinks in her mind, “Kasumi-onee-chan…”

(Within another part of the Elemental Countries; on the meanwhile)

Speaking of Ninja Ayane’s elder sister, we find Kasumi going into what looks like a burned out Shinto Shine with stone dragons, burned, but intact, in which Kasumi gains a serious look on her expression.

Kasumi thinks in her mind, “This looks like the place. It was once the great temple of Uzumaki clan here in the Land of Whirlpool based on the stories from my father and mother. If the Dragon Orb is here, then is the place to find it.” Kasumi heads inside, not knowing what lies ahead, but she continues on wanting to finally be able to see her brother again without the threat of being killed by her ‘former’ clan.

(Returning to the Leaf Village; Later on)

Right now, we find back at the Namikaze mansion where we find Ryu and Ayane falling to the ground on their bottoms real hard!

Ayane says, rubbing her head, “Ow! That really hurt!”

Ninja Ayane, Ninja Ryu, and Momiji come up to them and Ninja Ayane says, plainly, “That’s the fact of combat.”

Ninja Ryu tells them, “Your foes will be looking to capture you or kill you. You are going to need to learn how to defend yourself against opponents that don’t fight through your form of dueling.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “Right, Ryu-sensei.” As Ayane and Ryu get back to their feet to continue their training, we find Kurenai and her team, known as Team 8 AKA Hinata, Shino, and Kiba, preparing to leave to start their training for the day.

Kiba says, in a huff, “I don’t get why you’ve got the stay over with Naruto, Hinata.”

Kurenai tells Kiba, “You know why, Kiba.”

Kiba yells out, annoyed, “I come from a ninja clan, same as Naruto! My clan and I could have taken Hinata in!”

Shino tells Kiba, “However, your clan might have great status, it isn’t to the level of Naruto’s clans. Remember, the Uzumaki is a legendary clan from Whirlpool country with life-force far stronger than any clan of ninja and not to mention that Naruto’s father was the Fourth Hokage himself. With his father was once good friends with the Fire Daimyo, it gives Naruto a level of status that your clan doesn’t have.”

Kiba yells out, annoyed, “Who’s said are you on, Shino?”
Shino replies, plainly, “I am just stating the obvious, Kiba.”

Kurenai tells Kiba, “That’s enough, Kiba! It isn’t your place to go against the decision of the Hokage, Genin.” Kiba knows better than to say anything else when his Jonin teacher is talking to him in that manner.

As Hinata prepares to leave with her team, Naruto calls out to Hinata, “Later, Hinata!”

Hinata replies, shyly, “G-Goodbye, N-Naruto-kun. I-I’ll see you later.” Kurenai can’t help to smile at this and she and Team 8 head off for their training for today. On the meanwhile, Naruto joins up with his Jonin teacher and the rest of his team to prepare for the D-rank missions and training that they have to do today.

(Back in Neo Domino City; Later on)

Inside of the city limits of New Domino City, we find Lazar, the current director AKA head government official, of New Domino City, pacing around and in a panic. After the battle with Yliaster, Lazar kept his position as leader of New Domino City knowing that his family is safe and he has done a fair job, but now, he is a panic since the whole city is in a panic and such since the deaths of Yusei Fudo, Akiza, Jack Atlas, Crow Hogan, Luna, Leo, and Carly with Yusei’s and Akiza’s twin children, Ryu and Ayane Fudo, missing. Reporters are busy trying to find answers about their deaths and the location of Ryu and Ayane as well as the plans when and where the funeral for the slain Signers will take place.

Lazar yells out, horrified, “This is horrible! Beyond horrible! Yusei and his friends were the protectors of the city! When evil like Yliaster and the ‘Dark Signers’ reared their heads, Yusei and his friends were here to help with the power of the Crimson Dragon on their side! With them gone, there is nothing protecting us… and protecting me!”

Just then a female voice calls out, “Director Lazar!” Lazar looks to see a female secretary running towards him.

Lazar asks, a bit annoyed, “What is it now?”

The female secretary shocks, in a shocked, “Director Lazar, Team Ragnarock has been murdered!”

Lazar yells out, shocked, “What?!” He then activates a holographic television screen that’s displaying a report about another recent murder, this one about Team Ragnarock, the holders of the Aesir or Polar God cards.

The television report on the holographic screen says, “In the wake of the horrible and brutal murder of legendary Team 5Ds and their families, there have been confirmed reports that one of their opponents in the legendary WRGP tournament, Team Ragnarock, have also been murdered in a similar fashion. It is not known that these murders are related to each other, but with two legendary dueling teams being murdered, it is wonder on who will be next.”

Lazar yells out to the secretary, “I want details about this yesterday!”

The secretary replies, nervously, “Right, Director!” The female secretary races out of the room and Lazar becomes more nervous than ever.

Lazar thinks in his mind, worriedly, “Could this be Yliaster? Could they be seeking revenge on those that tried or stopped them those many years ago? That means that they could be after me next! But why would they use people that are outside of the world community, those from the Elemental Countries, who are rarely known in the world community? I don’t get it! Could someone be trying to destroy the Crimson Dragon and the Polar Gods, two of the most powerful forces in the universe! Could this be a new evil?! What am I going to do? I hope that Director Goodwin was right to say that a new pair of Signers would come out in case Yusei and his friends were brutally slain like in the way that they were! But even if there are new Signers, who are they?!”

(Returning to the Leaf Village; around the same time)

At this time, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, Hinata Hyuga, and our Fudo twins all sneeze at the same time and wondering why they just sneezed unexpectedly like that.

With Naruto, we find them walking some of Kakashi’s ninja dogs and Sakura tells him, “Naruto, why did you have to sneeze like that?”

Naruto replies, nervously, “Sorry, Sakura-chan, but I didn’t expect to sneeze like that! I mean, I never got sick in my life!”

Sasuke tells Naruto, “That’s impossible, Dobe.”

Kakashi replies, plainly, “You forgot what Naruto contains inside of him, Sasuke.”

Sakura says, amazed, “Wow! That sounds pretty handy!”

Naruto says, with a snort, “It is one of the few things that rotten fur ball has done for me, but it is only to save itself. Personally, I would have taken getting sick to having him in my body at anytime.”

Sakura thinks in her mind, a bit solemnly, “I’m not surprised that Naruto feels that way because of all the pain and misery that the villagers gave him when they stupidly made him the scapegoat for all the problems that the fox did on the day that it attacked or should I say, when this Madara Uchiha asshole used to attack us and cost Naruto his family.”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “There is a legend that sometimes when you sneeze, someone is talking about you.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Oh, yeah, Kakashi-sensei! I remember that!”

Sasuke replies, with a plain tone, “And who will be talking about the Dobe?” Just then there is plenty of sneezing heard through the village and Sasuke snarls at the situation. With Hinata, we find her training her teammates and teacher, Kurenai Yuhi.

Kurenai tells Hinata, “Are you okay, Hinata?”

Hinata says, with a nod, “I am, Kurenai-sensei, but that felt weird.”

Shino tells Hinata, “I don’t believe that you are getting a cold, Hinata.”

Kurenai tells Hinata, with a smile, “They say that when you sneeze, someone is talking about you.”
Hinata asks, amazed, “Really?” Hinata thinks in her mind, “I hope that Naruto-kun is talking about me.”

Kiba tells Kurenai, “Come on, Kurenai-sensei! That’s some kind of old wives tale and my mom told me about that all the time!”

Kurenai asks, with a sly tone, “So, you are talking about your mom as an ‘old wife’?”

Kiba yells out, nervously, “No, Kurenai-sensei! I would never think about my mother in that way!” Kiba thinks in his mind, “And I would neutered the instant that mom knew that I would say such a thing about her! My mom isn’t the head of our clan for nothing, you know?!”

Kurenai tells them, “You have done well today everyone. I think that we should take breather and I think that a trip to the hot springs would do us good.”

Kiba yells out, excitedly, “Really, Kurenai-sensei?”

Shino says, with a plain tone, “Forgive me, Kurenai-sensei, but my bugs aren’t water bugs and those types of bugs like cool water.”

Kurenai says, with a smile, “I understand, Shino.”

Hinata asks Kurenai, curiously, “D-Do you think that it is appropriate, Kurenai-sensei?”

Kurenai says, with a smile, “Why not, Hinata? I think that after working so hard on your training, you deserve some relaxation.”

Kiba thinks in his mind, with a grin, “And to see the beautiful ladies wearing only towels!”

Kurenai tells Kiba, with a stern tone, “And if I catch you doing anything, Kiba, I’m going to feed you to the young women as a pervert.”

Kiba replies, nervously, “Kurenai-sensei, I can’t believe that I would do such a thing! My mom would kill me for such a thing!” Kiba thinks in his mind, nervously, “Literally! My mom is a strict woman and she doesn’t take the excuse of our ‘animal urges’ at all!”

Shino tells them, “If we are done, I shall take my leave until tomorrow, everyone.”

Kurenai tells Shino, with a nod, “Okay, Shino, see you tomorrow.” Shino then takes his leave as his teammates wave him off for the day as he heads back to his clan’s compound. Kurenai asks the rest of her Genin team, “Ready to go?”

Hinata replies, with a nod, “Ready, Kurenai-sensei.”

Kiba yells out, excitedly, “I am, Kurenai-sensei!” As the three of them prepare to head off to the hot springs in the Leaf Village, Hinata can’t think about her sneeze from earlier and wonder if Naruto is talking about him.

(Some distance away from the Leaf Village; on the meanwhile)

In part of Fire Country and some distance away from the Leaf Village, we find Trudge, Kaz, Kalin, Mina, and the rest of the Sector Security ‘rescue force’ are stopping to take a breather as they prepare for the final journey to the Leaf Village. They have recently met with the Fire Daimyo and managed to get permission to see the Signers in the Leaf Village with information that a newest Signer that he knows about: Naruto.

Mina says, amazed, “I can’t believe what I heard from this Fire Daimyo.”

Kalin says, with a plain tone, “The Crimson Dragon and Jack must have thought this Naruto kid was the best person to take over for Jack.”

Mina asks, shocked, “But how can we be sure about this?”

Kalin tells Mina, “Check his right arm, Mina. If he has the Mark of the Dragon and it is real, he is Jack’s successor. No one can replace Jack, Mina, but from the way that the Fire Daimyo told us, it sounds pretty much like Jack.”

Trudge says, with a nod, “No joke, Kalin. I know Jack’s personality and that sounds like him perfectly.”

Kaz says, with a plain tone, “I really don’t know about this. Someone else using Jack’s deck as their own deck sound pretty wrong to me.”

Kalin replies, plainly, “Most likely, this Naruto will modify Jack’s deck with his cards to make it feel like his deck and not Jack’s deck, but he will keep Red Dragon Archfiend and many of Jack’s cards, most likely to honor Jack since he or his spirit chose him to weld his deck and the portion of the Crimson Dragon’s power that he had. And if he is Jack’s successor, Ryu and Ayane will need him.”

Trudge says, with a plain tone, “I’m not surprised that those two gained their parents ‘Marks of the Dragon’ or whatever because they are like their parents and then some! I’m just glad that they are okay.”

Mina says, with a nod, “Same here, Trudge.” Mina says, solemnly, “But do we… want to bring them back for you know?”

Kalin tells Mina, “It is for the best and it should be our duty to get them back to their parents and loved one’s funeral.”

Trudge says, with a solemn nod, “They deserve to see them one more time and say their farewells, Mina.”

Mina says, with a nod and solemn tone, “You’re right, Trudge.” Everyone continues to take their breather and preparing for the last leg of their journey to the Leaf Village, but what they don’t know is that they were being watched in the distance by a young woman with blond hair in a ponytail, blue eyes, full red colored lips, and she is wearing a black scanty leather outfit that looks similar to a dominatrix outfit through less obscene.

(Sometime later; At the Leaf Village hot springs)

Inside of the Leaf Village hot springs, we find Hinata and Kurenai covered up in full body towel in which Hinata feels nervous in even through she is in the lady’s hot springs as she and her Jonin teacher, who has taken off her towel and put her body deep below the waterline, relaxes in the hot springs.

Kurenai tells Hinata, with a smile, “Hinata-chan, you were the girls’ hot springs! It’s okay!”

Hinata replies, with a nervous smile, “I-I’m okay, Kurenai-sensei.”

Kurenai tells Hinata, with a sigh and a smile, “Hinata, I need to ask you. Not as your Jonin teacher, but as a fellow… woman. I know that you are shy, but maybe you should tell Naruto about how you feel.”

Hinata’s blush becomes cherry red and she says, “Kurenai-sensei… I-I…!!”

Kurenai tells Hinata, with a smile, “I’m sorry that I said that, but I want you to be happy. And with this new ‘development’ with Naruto and all, this is your best chance.”

Hinata says, with a sigh, “I know, Kurenai-sensei. It is… he likes Sakura-chan…”

Kurenai tells Hinata, with a kind smile, “I feel that it is more than that, but I’m sorry for intruding.”

Hinata replies, shaking her head, “It’s all right, Kurenai-sensei. I know that you are… looking out for me, but knowing all this about him, I always wondered why the village is so mean to him and how he risked his life for me in that battle with Paradox…”

Kurenai tells Hinata, with a smile, “I understand, Hinata-chan, but I think that you should tell him how you feel. However, it isn’t my business to pressure you to do anything, but you know that you can change his feelings. You are a strong person, Hinata. And you proved that when you saved your sister and those other girls that ‘vampire’ took control of. If you can do that, I know that you can do anything.”

Hinata tells Kurenai, “Thank you, Kurenai-sensei.”

Kurenai gets up, wraps the towel around herself, and she walks out of the hot spring in which she tells Hinata, with a smile, “Don’t take too long, okay?”

Hinata says, with a shake of her head, “I won’t, Kurenai-sensei.”

After Kurenai leaves the hot springs, Hinata takes a deep breath and she thinks, “Could Kurenai-sensei be right? Should I just tell him how I feel? This is my best chance! I’m in Naruto-kun’s new home! He really cares about my feelings, but he cares about all of his friends due to him having lack of friends due to what the villagers have wrongly done to him. Even after all that they have done, Naruto is still such a… kind, gently, and caring person. In a way, I know how he feels, but in so many ways, I don’t know him. But I do want to know with him… be with him… Fighting against Camula seems so much easier than this for some reason. I just don’t know if I am as strong as Kurenai-sensei tells me that I am. I might have defeated Camula, but there might be even stronger enemies and what if I fail? What if I’m not strong enough as a Signer?” Just then a bright light appears in the water around Hinata and she gasps in shock in which she is surprised to see her ‘Mark of the Dragon’ glowing. Hinata thinks in her mind, “What’s going on?! Why is my ‘Mark of the Dragon’ glowing?!” Immediately, Hinata yelps out as she is engulfed in light and it engulfs the whole of the woman’s hot springs causing everyone inside including Hinata to cover their eyes. When Hinata is able to open her eyes, she is completely clothes with her new Duel Disk with her dueling deck inside of it in which she asks, confused, “What’s going on? Where am I?” Hinata looks around and she then sees Ancient Fairy Dragon in front of her.

Ancient Fairy Dragon tells Hinata, “We are within part of the Duel Monsters’ Spirit Realm, Hinata.”

Hinata asks, confused, “How did we get here, Ancient Fairy Dragon?”

Just then a male voice calls out, “It was I that brought you, Lady Signer!” Ancient Fairy Dragon and Hinata look towards the source of the voice to see none other than Kaibaman (200/700) right in front of them.

Hinata asks, curiously, “Who are you?”

Kaibaman replies, “I am Kaibaman, a Duel Monster created by Seto Kaiba, a legend in Duel Monsters.”

Ancient Fairy Dragon says, with a plain tone, “You are the keeper of the legendary Blue-Eyes White Dragons, one of the strongest dragons in Duel Monsters other than us, the Five Dragons.”

Kaibaman tells Ancient Fairy Dragon, “Indeed, Ancient Fairy Dragon. You are well-known in the Spirit Realm yourself.”

Ancient Fairy Dragon replies, “What is it that you want, Kaibaman?”

Kaibaman replies, displaying his duel disk shaped like a Blue-Eyes White Dragon’s head, “I am here to challenge your new partner, Ancient Fairy Dragon! Lady Signer, I challenge you to a duel! And if you win, I shall give you a great prize!”

Hinata asks, curiously, “Great prize?”

Kaibaman says, with a smile, “You feel that you need to get stronger and I can give you that strength! Defeat me and I shall grant the power of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!”

Ancient Fairy Dragon and Hinata gasp in shock and Ancient Fairy Dragon replies, “What is the catch if my Signer loses the duel?”

Kaibaman says, with a grin, “I’ll leave it to your imagination, but I can tell you this! You will lose something very dear to you if you lose!” Hinata gasps in shock and he yells out, “Do you accept my challenge, Lady Signer? If you can’t defeat me, what chance do you have of defeating the evils that your fellow Signers will have to face? Maybe I should find someone more worth of carrying the scared mark of the Crimson Dragon! If you feel that you are worthy of the mark that makes you a chosen protector of Duel Monsters Spirit and humanity alike, then prove it now, Lady Signer!”

Hinata asks, “What should I do?”

Ancient Fairy Dragon tells Hinata, “That’s not my choice to make, Hinata. I am here to guide you, but I can’t do everything for you.”

Hinata thinks in her mind, “If I back down, then I could lose Ancient Fairy and even my ‘Mark of the Dragon’! And even if I didn’t, how can I live myself and Naruto-kun down if I backed away? I need to be strong for Naruto-kun and everyone!” Hinata tells Kaibaman, “I accept your challenge, Kaibaman.”

Kaibaman tells Hinata, with a sly smile, “Let’s see if your choice was good or folly, Lady Signer.” Soon enough, Kaibaman and Hinata activate their duel disks, their life-point counters display 4000 life-points, and after their duel disks shuffle their decks, they draw five cards from their decks.

“Duel!” Kaibaman and Hinata yell out in unison as their duel begins.

Starting Scores:
Hinata: 4000
Kaibaman: 4000

Kaibaman says, with a grin, “Ladies first, Lady Signer.”

Hinata says, drawing a card, “As you wish, Kaibaman-san.” Hinata says, putting one card on her duel disk, “I play Fairy Archer in defense mode!” Immediately, Fairy Archer (1400/600) appears on the field in defense mode. Hinata says, with a plain tone, “Next, I play her ability! For every Light monster on the field, you lose four hundred life-points!” Fairy Archer launches an arrow that hits Kaibaman in the chest costing him 400 life-points. Hinata says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “And now, I place two cards face-down and end my turn!”

Current Score:
Hinata: 4000
Kaibaman: 3600

Kaibaman says, drawing a card, “Not bad, Lady Signer, but it will take more than that to stop me!” Kaibaman says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I play myself: Kaibaman!” Just then another Kaibaman (200/700) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaibaman says, putting one card on his duel disk, “And now, I play his ability! By releasing him, I can play, in my mind, the greatest dragon in all of Duel Monsters!”

Hinata gasps and she asks, “You mean…?!”

Kaibaman yells out, “That’s right, Lady Signer! Meet Blue-Eyes White Dragon!” Immediately, Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500) replaces Kaibaman on the field in attack mode. Kaibaman yells out, “Blue-Eyes, take out her Fairy Archer with White Lightning!” Blue-Eyes White Dragon unleashes a burst of white lightning energy from its mouth and completely destroying Fairy Archer in which Hinata yelps from the shockwave of the explosion even through she didn’t lose any life-points due to her monster being in defense mode. Kaibaman says, with a grin, “That should be enough for now.”

Hinata says, drawing a card, “It’s my move.” Hinata says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play my Pot of Greed and draw two more cards!” Hinata draws two more cards, puts one card into the spell/trap slots, “And next, I play my Ancient Rules spell card! Now, I can play one level five or stronger Normal Monster from my hand!” Hinata says, putting one card on her duel disk, “I play Fortune Fairy Chee in defense mode!” Immediately, Fortune Fairy Chee (0/0) appears on the field in defense mode. Hinata says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Then I add Sunny Pixie in attack mode!” Immediately, Sunny Pixie (300/400) appears on the field in attack mode.

Kaibaman says, with a smile, “A tuner, Lady Signer? I see that I’m not the only one calling out my dragon.”

Hinata calls out, “I tune my level one Sunny Pixie with Fortune Fairy Chee!” Sunny Pixie then becomes a star that turns into a ring that makes Chee become transparent in which Hinata chant out, as she takes out a Synchro Monster card from her Extra Deck, “The holy light of protection, shine now and become eternal life! Synchro Summon!” When Hinata puts the card on her duel disk and she yells out, as a column of light appears, “I play my Ancient Fairy Dragon!” Out of the light, Ancient Fairy Dragon (2100/3000) appears on the field in defense mode.

Kaibaman says, with a smile, “So, this is your dragon? Interesting, Lady Signer.”

Hinata says, with a plain tone, “Since my Sunny Pixie was used to play a Light Synchro Monster, I gain one thousand life-points!” After Hinata’s life-points go up by 1000, Hinata says, her Field Spell slot opening, “Now, I play my Chorus of Sanctuary Field Spell card!” The field then transforms into a flower field full of fairies and Hinata says, with a plain tone, “With this card, all defense mode monsters gain five hundred defense points!” Ancient Fairy Dragon’s stats go up from 2100/3000 to 2100/3500! Hinata says, putting the last card in her hand on her duel disk, “Plus, Ancient Fairy Dragon allows me to play one level four or below monster as long as I don’t attack this turn! And I choose my Agent of Wisdom-Mercury!” Immediately, The Agent of Wisdom-Mercury (0/1700-0/2200) appears on the field in defense mode. Hinata says, with a sigh, “And that’s my turn.”

Current Score:
Hinata: 5000
Kaibaman: 3600

Kaibaman says, with a plain tone, “Just two defense mode monsters and a few face-downs as well as a defensive field spell? I expected more from you, Lady Signer! Now, let me show you how it is done!” Kaibaman says, drawing a card, “It’s my draw!” Kaibaman says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play my Fusion Sage! This card allows me to take one Polymerization from my deck and add it to my hand!” Just then a card comes out of Kaibaman’s deck and he then puts into his duel disk’s spell/trap slots in which he yells out, “And now, Lady Signer, I play that Polymerization!” Kaibaman then displays two more Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500 X 2) monster cards and he yells out, “And I fuse my Blue-Eyes on the field with the two in my hand to form one of the fiercest dragons in all of Duel Monsters!”

Hinata says, worriedly, “Oh no!” Just then the other two Blue-Eyes White Dragons appear on the field and goes into a fusion vortex with the third one in which Kaibaman takes a Fusion Monster card from his Extra deck and puts it on his duel disk.

Kaibaman yells out, “I summon my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” Out of the fusion vortex, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) appears on the field in attack mode. Kaibaman says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “And now, I equip him with my Megamorph and Fairy Meteor Crush equip spell cards! Since my life-points are lower, Megamorph boosts the power of my dragon by double its attack and Fairy Meteor allows my mighty Ultimate Dragon to inflict piercing damage!” Hinata gasps in shock and Kaibaman says, with a smile, “This is too bad and I thought that you would do better than this, Lady Signer.” Kaibaman yells out, “Ultimate Dragon, destroy her Mercury and the rest of her life-points! Neutron Blast attack!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon unleashes a blast of lightning energy from its three heads which combine into one beam that heads straight for Hinata’s Mercury which hits it with a massive explosion and destroys it completely! Kaibaman says, slyly, “I win, Lady Signer!” However, when the smoke and dust clear, he finds that Hinata hasn’t lost any life-points and she has a face-up Defense Draw trap card on her field. Kaibaman yells out, shocked, “What?!”

Hinata says, drawing a card, “My Defense Draw negated all damage from your attack and allows me one more card.”

Kaibaman tells Hinata, with a smile, “Not bad, Lady Signer. However, this is your last chance and you have nothing that stand up to my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon! I end my turn and good luck! You’ll need it!”

Hinata looks at her deck and she thinks, “This is my last chance! If I don’t draw anything good, I’m going to lose! But…!!” However, the memories of her duel with Camula and Naruto make her shake her head and she thinks, “I must remain strong! There are too many people counting on me! I’m a Signer and like Luna-san told me, I must believe in myself!” Hinata then draws a card from her deck and she looks at it in which her eyes widen. Kaibaman gives a curious look and Hinata puts one card into the spell/trap slots in which she says, “I play my Eternal Rest spell card.”

Kaibaman yells out, shocked and knowing what this meant, “Oh no!”

Hinata says, with a plain tone, “This card destroys all monsters with equip spell cards on them and since your dragon has two, it is gone!” Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon roars out as it collapses onto the ground and shatters into pieces.

Kaibaman calls out, horrified, “My Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”

Hinata says, putting one card on her duel disk, “And now, I play my friend and ally of Ancient Fairy, Regulus, in attack mode!” Immediately, Regulus (1700/1000) appears on the field in attack mode. Hinata says, with a plain tone, “And now, I switch Ancient Fairy into attack mode.” Hinata yells out, “Regulus-san! Ancient Fairy! Double direct attack!”

Regulus yells out, strongly, “This is for insulting the new Lady Signer, Kaibaman!” Regulus slashes at Kaibaman and he yelps out as he loses 1700 life-points in which Ancient Fairy Dragon unleashes rainbow colored sunlight on him in which he yells out as he loses 2100 more life-points, ending the duel.

Final Score:
Hinata: 5000
Kaibaman: 0

With the end of the duel, the final holograms vanish from the field through Regulus and Ancient Fairy Dragon reappears by Hinata.

Regulus tells Kaibaman, “You have lost, Kaibaman.”

Kaibaman says, with a plain tone, “It seems like I did, Regulus. I must admit that you surprised me, Lady Signer. But you don’t need the strength of the Blue-Eyes White Dragons to win. You have shown to have the strength necessary to do anything that you wish.”

Hinata asks, curiously, “This was some kind of test?”

Ancient Fairy Dragon says, with a nod, “In a way, yes. I thought that you need your confidence as a Signer boosted and you have shown that you are indeed more than worthy to be a Signer, Hinata.”

Kaibaman says, with a smile, “However, a bet is a bet.” Kaibaman then sends a beam of light into Hinata’s duel disk which causes her deck to glow in which Kaibaman says, with a sly grin, “But don’t get me wrong, I just want to see if you can handle the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Defeating my mighty dragons and welding them to their fullest potential are two different situations, Lady Signer. Let’s see if you have what it takes. Good luck and farewell, Lady Signer.” Just then a bright light engulfs Hinata and the two Duel Spirits in which she yelps out as she closes her eyes from the bright light. When she is able to open her eyes, Hinata is amazed to find herself back in the hot springs.

Hinata says, lowly, “I’m back?”

Just then she hears a familiar female voice calls out, “Hinata!” Hinata looks to see Kurenai get into the room as fast as she can while making sure to be careful not to slip or trip and fall down.

Kurenai says, concerned, “What happened Hinata? I saw a bright light coming from here…!!”

Hinata tells Kurenai, nervously, “I’m not sure, Kurenai-sensei.” Kurenai gives Hinata a curious look while Hinata gives a nervous smile not sure how to explain what happened to her to her Jonin teacher or if she will believe her at all.

(The next morning; Inside of the Hokage’s office)

In the Hokage’s office, we find the Third Hokage handling a lot of paperwork and needless to say, he isn’t liking it at all.

Third Hokage thinks in his mind, “Minato, I just wish that you taught me how to take care of paperwork before you died! How does any Hokage know how to do this?!” Soon after, there is a knock on the door and he says, with a plain tone, “Come in.”

The door opens to reveal Izumo and he says, “Forgive me, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage asks him, “What is it, Izumo?”

Izumo replies, a bit nervously, “There is a group of ‘mysterious people’ that seem to also come from the outside as the first two Signers did, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage says, his expression become serious and attentive, “More people from the outside world, Izumo?”

Izumo says, with a nod, “That’s correct, Hokage-sama. They claim to be friends of the two Signers that first came to our village, Hokage-sama.”

Third Hokage asks, standing up, “Really, Izumo?” When Izumo nods his head, he says, “Then this is something that I need to see to personally.” Third Hokage gets to his feet and he thinks, with a sigh, “And get away from these papers for awhile!”

(Later that morning; going to the Namikaze residence)

Inside of the Namikaze residence, we find Naruto, Ryu, Ayane, and Sakura assembled around Hinata as they look at card collection of three Blue-Eyes White Dragon (3000/2500 X 3) monster cards, a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon (4500/3800) Fusion Monster card, a Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon (3000/2500) monster card, and various other Blue-Eyes White Dragon related cards including a Tuner monster card known as The White Stone of Legend (300/250).

Sakura says, amazed, “Oh, wow! Those cards are among the rarest in the whole world, not just here, Hinata!”

Naruto says, amazed, “I can’t believe that you won them from a real-life Duel Monster.”

Ayane tells Naruto, “Aunt Luna always had dealing with the world of Duel Monsters and like my mom, Ryu and I can always see Duel Monster spirits.”

Naruto replies, with a smile, “You don’t say?” Naruto thinks in his mind, “I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one!” Just then the spirit of a Fox Fire (300/200) monster appears by Naruto’s shoulder which surprise Hinata, Ryu, and Ayane, but Ryu and Ayane smile figuring that it ‘belongs’ to Naruto.

Ayane tells Hinata, “Hinata, if you want, my bro and I can help you add those to your deck and made it better.”

Hinata replies, with a smile, “Thank you, Ayane. But I think that I’ll keep my deck the way that it is for now.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “I understand. You really mixed Aunt Luna’s cards and your deck quite well.”

Hinata replies, with a nod, “I’m grateful for your words, Ryu.”

Naruto tells Hinata, with a smile, “I think that it is so good that you got such cards, Hinata! I think that we should celebrate your victory! How about I take you out for ramen?!”

Hinata asks, with a blush and shyly, “J-Just y-you and me, N-Naruto-kun?”

Naruto replies, “I was thinking inviting your team and Kurenai-sensei with everyone else, Hinata, but if you want it to be you and me, I don’t mind.” Sakura gives a sigh while Ayane giggles at this.

Hinata replies, nervously, “No, Naruto-kun! I-I really don’t mind bringing my team and Kurenai-sensei along it-it is just… My team is waiting for me, Naruto-kun!” Hinata, blushing cherry red, heads off into the distance and leaving a confused Naruto in his wake.

Naruto asks, perplexed, “Huh?”

Ayane giggles and tells Naruto, “Naruto, don’t you think that it is weird that Hinata blushes and acts more nervous around you?”

Naruto says, with a shrug, “Yeah, Ayane, I do. And I don’t get why she does that. I think that she is a good person and all…”

Ayane replies, interrupting, “By the way, Naruto, Hinata is the only girl not an ‘Uchiha fan girl’ like you know who, right?” Sakura gives an annoyed look, but she has to admit that Ayane has a point about her.

Naruto replies, “Now that I think about, Hinata is the only girl that isn’t fawning over Sasuke-teme. Not that I’m complaining, Ayane, but why is so like that with me? She seems just fine, a bit shy, but it gets worse when around me. It’s just plain weird.”

Sakura slaps her own head and she thinks, “I can’t believe it! Is Naruto THAT clueless?!”

Ayane tells Naruto, with a sly grin, “Isn’t it also weird that your encouragement makes her do better in things including her duel against Camula?”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Really, Ayane?”

Sakura yells out, giving herself a mental slap, “I can’t believe you, Naruto! The whole village gets it and you don’t! I can’t believe that you are so dense! Hinata LIKES you!!” Just then Sakura realizes what she said and she thinks, giving herself another mental slap, “Oh, boy! I really did this time!”

Inner Sakura yells out, nastily, “No joke, Cha! Why don’t you just put the words ‘Insert foot here’ over our lips? Cha!”

Naruto yells out, surprised, “What?!”

Ayane says, with a sigh, “Even I know the obvious, Naruto. I figured it out from way Hinata acted in front of you and before you say anything, would Hinata care if you had the Nine-Tailed Fox inside of you? She seems to care about you more after that duel with Neo Paradox.”

Sakura tells Naruto, “Why did you think that Hinata cared about your feelings for the whole arrangement with her living with you? She wants to be with you! The whole village, like you or not, can see it is obvious that she had a ‘thing’ for you and that ‘thing’ is more than just a crush, minor or major! We don’t say anything, but it is kind of an unwritten rule to allow one person that ‘likes’ another person to say and not to say anything like I did.”

Ayane says, with a smirk, “Basically, you put your foot in your mouth.”

Sakura replies, annoyed, “Don’t remind me, Ayane.” Before Naruto could say or do anything, they hear something and they look to see Sasuke, Kakashi, Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, Momiji, and Leon looking to see Third Hokage and an ANBU escort coming inside with none other than Kalin, Mina, Trudge, Kaz, and the group of Sector Security people that they took with them.

Ryu yells out, stunned, “Trudge-san?!”

Sakura asks, curiously, “You know him?”

Ayane says, with a smile, “He is a friend of the family. He also brought Mina-chan and our dad’s, Uncle Jack’s, and Uncle Crow’s best friend, Kalin!” The Fudo twins then race over to them in which they are seen by the group.

Mina yells out, excitedly, “Ryu! Ayane!”

Ryu asks, amazed, “What are you doing here, Mina-chan?”

Trudge replies, plainly, “What else? Looking for you, two!”

Third Hokage tells Ryu and Ayane, “So, I see that you do know them.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Trudge, Mina, and Kalin are friends of the family.”

Mina says, with a smile, “We are so grateful that you are okay, Ayane. We feared the worst when we found out what happened to your family.”

Kalin says, with a nod, “We are grateful that you are still alive.”

Ayane says, with a solemn tone, “Yeah, but mom, dad, Uncle Jack, Aunt Luna, and everyone…”

Trudge tells them, “We know, Ayane.” Trudge tells them, “I know that you might not want to hear this, but we need to bring you back home with us for their funeral.”

Ryu asks, “Their funeral?”

Mina says, lowly, “That’s right. Director Lazar is preparing for a massive funeral for them after we… took a look at their bodies for evidence. We had hoped to find a clue on who kill them.”

Ninja Ryu tells them, “Do not hope that you will. Shinobi of this realm make sure that they never take anything that would take advantage to the enemy and they usually destroy their comrades bodies when they are unable to bring them to safety to ensure that. You are lucky that you have those bodies and you need to make sure that they are kept in a safe place.”

Trudge asks, annoyed, “Who do you think that you are buddy?”

Ayane says, nervously, “His name is the same as my brother’s, Trudge. His name is Ryu Hayabusa and I can’t say much, but he is a ninja from that comes from an area that borders this place and Japan.”

The new arrivals are surprised by this and Mina asks, stunned, “He is?”

Ninja Ayane says, plainly, “We are. I am Ayane of the Mugen Tenshin clan. We also live in an area of Japan that’s close to the border of the Elemental Countries. We live in such remote areas, it isn’t surprising that you don’t know of us and we made sure that satellites are unable to locate us with knowledge of technology and illusion ninja techniques.”

Momiji says, plainly, “I am Momiji of the Dragon Shine Maidens. Our clans actually are descendants with the People of the Stars and we learned what has happened to the original Signers. We are trying to train the Fudo twins in the ninja ways in order to protect themselves. There are many people, here, and in the outside world after them.”

Mina asks, surprised, “You are what?”

Ayane tells Mina, “We need to learn how to defend ourselves because plenty of ninja guys are going to be after us. The person that saved us might have killed our family’s murderers, but they were only hired goons.”

Trudge says, with a plain tone, “We know that much, Ayane. But I’m not sure about having kids in combat and we’ve already learned about how kids are trained to be ninjas in this world which to be honest, disturbs me.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “We, of the Elemental Countries, live in a far different world than the rest of our planet, Trudge-san. However, even through I believe that it is indeed wise for them to attend the funeral of their loved ones, but I also can’t be sure that those that wish harm or to use them won’t use this chance including those from our realm that want to use them. Despite how much we tried to keep it a secret, the knowledge of the Crimson Dragon appearing in our village will flow out to the other parts of the Elemental Countries sooner or later.”

Kalin asks Ryu and Ayane, curiously, “Is it true, Ryu?”

Ryu says, with a nod, “That’s right, Kalin-san. And Naruto has inherited Uncle Jack’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’!”

Mina says, with a nod, “We heard ‘rumors’ about that, but it is hard to believe.”

Third Hokage tells Naruto, “Naruto, I think that our visitors should be shown your ‘Mark of the Dragon’.” Naruto then rolls his right sleeve and there is plenty of gasps from the new arrivals.

Trudge yells out, stunned, “That is Jack’s ‘mark’! I’ve seen more than enough times to see it in my sleep!”

Mina says, with a nod, “You’re right, Trudge! It is… Jack’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’!” Mina says, with a few tears in her eyes, “And that means…”

Naruto gives a confused look and Ryu tells Naruto, “Mina-chan loved Uncle Jack even through he married Aunt Carly, Naruto.”

Naruto replies, with a nod, “I see.” As they continued talking and discussing, many of them didn’t notice one of Sector Security members preparing to active his Duel Disk, but Third Hokage, Kakashi, Ninja Ryu, and Ninja Ayane were among the members that did notice.

Kakashi asks Trudge, “By the way, does your men always come with those same devices that we have seen with our young Signers?” Trudge, Mina, Kalin, and everyone else to see that Sector Security officer, who is about to active his duel disk.

Trudge yells out, annoyed, “What do you think you are doing officer? There is going to be no duel, so, there was no need to bring your duel disk! And why are you about to activate it?!”

The Sector Security officer replies, nervously, “You see, sir…” However, he knew that he was caught and he leaps away as he activates his duel disk in which he puts in a Hinotama spell card which launches a fireball that explodes in the ground with a strong explosion.

Mina yells out, stunned, “That wasn’t a hologram!”

Leon says, with a serious tone, “He is a Psychic Duelist!”

Trudge says, stunned, “That’s impossible! We have Psychic Duelists are part of Sector Security, but they are only rookies!”

Kalin says, with a plain tone, “Then he must be not part of Sector Security. I had my eyes on him, but he didn’t make any suspicious moves until now.”

The ‘Sector Security officer’ says, with a sly tone, “I didn’t want to be suspected at least until you have taken me to the one person that I wanted to get and now, I have her!” He puts in two more Hinotama spell cards and creates two more fireballs causing everyone to dodge as they explode around him. He then puts in a Psychic Sword equip spell card and using his powers to create a real one in his hands in which he charges right after Ayane, but Naruto and Sasuke ram him in the chest. He yells out, “You little rats!” He swung his sword at them, but they easily managed to dodge the attack. When the sword vanishes, he puts in three Meteor of Destruction spell cards and three massive meteors rain down on them.

Ayane says, shocked, “Oh no!” Ayane quickly activates her duel disk which is attached to her left shoulder in which she puts in a Hallowed Life Barrier trap card which creates three maidens that protect Naruto and Sasuke from the attack.

Naruto says, with a smile, “Great job, Ayane! You are a life-saver!”

Ayane says, with a smile, “No problem, Naruto!”

The ‘Sector Security officer’ says, with a sly smile, “Beautiful and powerful! I see that you have inherited all of your mother’s qualities, Ayane.”

Ryu asks, seriously, “How do you know our mother, jerk?”

The ‘Sector Security officer’ replies, with a smile, “I’ve been with Akiza for a long time… before your father took her away from me!” The ‘Sector Security officer’ prepares to use another card, but Kalin uses a card from his deck to hit him on the causing him to stumble back. However, his helmet falls off and none other than Sayer, former leader of the Arcadia Movement, is revealed to be the fake Sector Security officer!

Mina yells out, shocked, “That’s Sayer!”

Trudge calls out, stunned, “Hold on a minute! Last time I checked, he was eaten by that lizard Earthbound Immortal!”

Sasuke asks, curiously, “You know this guy?”

Ayane says, with a plain tone, “We know him well. He was the one that used mom as his tool for world conquest by creating an army of Psychic Duelists. He used mom for his own sick purposes.”

Sayer says, with a smirk, “I had given your mother a home and a place of belonging when the outside world rejected her.” Sayer says, with a snarl, “But then that Yusei Fudo had to interfere…”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “My dad put a stop on your sick plans and brought our mom out of your control.”

Trudge says, with a sneer, “How are you still alive, Sayer? Rex and Roman didn’t come back to life like the others.”

Sayer says, with a grin, “What makes you think that I didn’t come back to life when Yusei and his friends took care of Goodwin which I must say that it was a pleasure. However, unlike everyone else, I went into hiding and rebuilt the Arcadia Movement secretly since my ‘selection process’ was brought into the public’s eye.”

Ayane yells out, annoyed, “Selection process, jerk? Is that what you call subjecting innocent Psychic Duelists to horrible tests including the ones that cost Misty’s brother his life?”

Sayer says, with a smirk, “For a species to survive, the weak must be weeded out from the strong, my dear Ayane.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “You remind me of a former student of mine and trust me, I didn’t like talk like that. Now, I think that you should give up. You are outnumbered and surrounded.”

Sayer says, with a smirk, “Really, old man? Didn’t you think that I wouldn’t come here without a plan? I have insurance.” Sayer then takes out a remote control and he says, with a sly grin, “I have planted a bomb in your village.”

There are gasps and Kakashi asks, stunned, “A bomb?”

Sayer says, with a sly smile, “That’s right and it is on a timer. If you try anything with it directly, it will automatically go off, even if you could find it without this in my hands. And if you try anything right now, I will destroy this remote right here and there is no way that you can stop the bomb. And this bomb is small enough to be hidden very easy, but it is enough to wipe a huge chunk of this village and the people in it.” Sayer says, with a grin, “And now, Ayane, you will challenge me to a duel. You win, the bomb is gone and I’m gone from your life. I win, Ayane, and the Neo-Arcadia Movement has its new star!”

Sakura yells out, “No way, jerk!”

Ayane says, stepping forward, “I have no choice, Sakura! I can’t let other people get killed because me!”

Ryu tells Ayane, “Be careful, sis! He has powers just like you and mom have! Even through his powers are not as strong, they could be lethal!”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Right, bro.” Sayer takes out another deck in which he replaces the one in his duel disk, they activate their duel disks, their life-point counters display 4000 life-points each, and after their duel disks have shuffled their decks, they draw five cards.

“Let’s duel!” Ayane and Sayer yell out in unison as their duel begins.

Starting Scores:
Ayane: 4000
Sayer: 4000

Sayer says, drawing a card, “You might Akiza’s daughter, but you get no ‘royalties’ from me, Ayane. I’ll start this duel off!” Sayer says, putting one card on his duel disk, “I play Krebons in attack mode!” Just then Krebons (1200/400) appears on the field in attack mode. Sayer says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “Then I activate my Emergency Teleport spell card! With this spell card, I can play one level three or below Psychic monster from my hand or deck, but I have to remove from play that monster during my End Phase!” A card comes out of Sayer’s deck and he yells out, putting the card on his duel disk, “I choose Mind Protector in defense mode!” Just then Mind Protector (0/2200) appears on the field in defense mode. Sayer says, with a smirk, “However, he won’t be staying on the field for long since I tune my Krebons with my Mind Protector in order to Synchro Summon Magical Android!” Krebons turns into two stars that turn into two rings that surround Mind Protector making it become transparent in which Sayer takes a Synchro Monster card from his Extra deck and puts it on his duel disk which causes a column of light to appear on the field in which Magical Android (2400/1700) comes out of the light in attack mode. Sayer says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “And now, I play two cards face-down and end my turn! And now, my Magical Android increases my life-points by six hundred for every Psychic monster on my field including itself!” Sayer’s life-points then increase by 600 more points.

Current Score:
Ayane: 4000
Sayer: 4600

Sakura says, annoyed, “That’s just great. Ayane better do something or that monster will give that jerk more life-points every turn.”

Ayane says, drawing a card, “It’s my move, jerk!” Ayane says, putting one card into her spell/trap slots, “I activate my Graceful Charity spell card! I can draw three more cards, but I need to discard two from my hand after I do that!” Ayane draws three more cards and discards two more cards including one Dandylion (300/300) monster card in which Ayane says, with a plain tone, “And since I discarded my Dandylion, I use his ability to bring out two Fluff Token in defense mode!” Just then two Fluff Token (0/0 X 2) appear on the field in defense mode. Ayane says, putting another card into the spell/trap slots, “Next, I use my Seed of Deception spell card! This allows me to bring one level two or below Plant monster from my hand!” Ayane says, putting one card on her duel disk, “And I choose my Evil Thorn in attack mode!” Immediately, Evil Thorn (100/300) appears on the field in attack mode and Ayane yells out, “And with this card, I can release it to give you three hundred points of damage! As they say, Sayer: Bombs away!” Evil Thorn then explodes and Sayer yelps as he is hit by thorns, cutting into him, and costing him 300 life-points. Ayane says, putting two cards that just came out of her deck onto her duel disk, “Then I play two more Evil Thorns from my deck and to the field!” Two more Evil Thorns (100/300 X 2) appears on the field in attack mode.

Sayer says, with a smirk, “Impressive, Ayane. You are just like your mother.”

Ayane says, putting one card on her duel disk, “You don’t have a right to say my mother’s name, Sayer! And now, like my dad, I’m going to take you out once and for all! I play my Witch of the Black Rose in attack mode!” Soon after, Witch of the Black Rose (1700/1200) appears on the field in attack mode. Ayane yells out, “And now, I tune my Witch of the Black Rose with both Evil Thorns and one of my Fluff Tokens!” Witch of the Black Rose turns into four stars that turn into four rings that surround both Evil Thorns and one of the Fluff Tokens, making them become transparent, and causing a column of light to appear on the field as Ayane takes a Synchro Monster card from her Extra deck. Ayane than chants out, “Chilling flames engulf the entire world! Pitch-dark flower, set into bloom! Synchro Summon!” Ayane says, putting the Synchro Monster card on her duel disk, “Let’s do this Black Rose Dragon!” Out of the column of light, Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) appears on the field in attack mode.

At this moment, Ryu’s and Naruto’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’ glows with Ayane’s in which Naruto yells out, excitedly, “Way to go, Ayane!”

Sayer says, with a smile, “Impressive, Ayane, but our monster’s power is equal.”

Ayane says, putting one more card into the spell/trap slots, “That’s why I’m playing my Fragrance Storm spell card! By releasing my final Fluff Token, I get another card and if it is a plant monster, I show it to you and draw again!” Ayane draws a card, displays her Phoenixian Seed (800/0) monster card, and she says, drawing another card, “Since I draw a plant, I get one more card!” Ayane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “And I play my Block Attack spell card! And now, your monster switches from attack to defense mode!” Sayer gasps as his Magical Android switches from attack to defense mode and Ayane says, removing one Evil Thorn (100/300) monster card from her graveyard, “And now, I remove one plant monster and use Black Rose Dragon’s ability! This ability switches your monster in attack mode and makes its attack points zero, Sayer! Do it, Black Rose Dragon! Rose Restriction!” Black Rose Dragon unleashes tons of wines filled with thorns that switch Magical Android in attack mode and its stats go from 2400/1700 to 0/1700! Ayane yells out, strongly, “Now, attack with Black Rose Flare!” Black Rose Dragon unleashes its attack on Magical Android and destroys it in which the flames slam into Sayer causing him to yell out in pain and agony as he loses 2400 life-points.

Trudge yells out, shocked, “Oh, wow! I knew that she had powers like her mother, but she is just as powerful as Akiza was!”

Mina says, with a nod, “And that’s why we never got her angry, Trudge.”

Sayer breathes heavily as his outfit is torn and he is somewhat burned in which he says, smiling while winching in pain, “Excellent, Ayane. I expected nothing less from Akiza’s daughter.”

Ayane says, putting two cards into the spell/trap slots, “You forget that I’m also Yusei Fudo’s daughter and I’ll show that I’m both my dad’s and mom’s daughter! I end my turn with a couple of face-downs!”

Current Score:
Ayane: 4000
Sayer: 1800

Sayer says, drawing a card, “And I’ll show that I am no one to mess with, Ayane.” Sayer says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play my Monster Reborn in order to revive my Magical Android!” Just then Magical Android (2400/1700) returns to the field in attack mode. Sayer says, putting one card on his duel disk, “And next, I play my Psychic Commander in attack mode!” Immediately, Psychic Commander (1400/800) appears on the field in attack mode.

Trudge says, seriously, “That’s not good! It’s another Tuner monster!”

Sayer says, slyly, “And I’m tuning him with my Magical Android in order to Synchro Summon my Thought Ruler Archfiend!” Psychic Commander turns into three stars that turn into three rings that surround Magical Android, making it become transparent, and then a column of light appears on the field as Sayer takes out a Synchro Monster card from his deck. When he puts the card on his duel disk, Thought Ruler Archfiend (2700/2300) appears on the field in attack mode.

Sakura says, nervously, “What a monster!”

Sayer says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “Next, I activate my Psychic Overload trap card!” Sayer’s face-down card is revealed to be the Psychic Overlord trap card and he says, slyly, “Now, I can return up to three Psychic monsters in my graveyard to my deck and then draw two more cards! So, I return my Krebons, Mind Protector, and Psychic Commander!” Afterwards, the three said monster cards come out of his duel disk’s graveyard slot, he puts them into his deck, his deck is reshuffled, and Sayer draws two more cards. Sayer says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “And now, I play the spell card Polymerization!” Sayer displays Storm Caller (2300/2000) monster card and he yells out, “I fuse my mighty Thought Ruler with my Storm Caller to summon a new Psychic monster!”

Mina asks, stunned, “A Fusion Psychic monster?!” Storm Caller appears on the field, goes into a fusion vortex with Thought Ruler Archfiend, and Sayer puts a Fusion Monster card from his Extra deck on his duel disk.

Sayer yells out, “And now, I give you the power of the new Neo Arcadia Movement in my Ultimate Axon Kicker in attack mode!” Immediately, Ultimate Axon Kicker (2900/1700), a creatures that looks like a more dangerous version of Thought Ruler Archfiend with a tail instead of legs, appears on the field in attack mode. Sayer says, pushing a button on his duel disk, “I then activate my Call of the Haunted trap card!” Sayer’s other face-down card is revealed to be the Call of the Haunted trap card and he yells out, “And I choose my Thought Ruler Archfiend to return to the field!” Just then Thought Ruler Archfiend (2700/2300) returns to the field in attack mode.

Sasuke says, plainly, “That’s not good for Ayane.”

Sayer yells out, “Axon, attack her Black Rose Dragon!” Axon Kicker unleashes a powerful blast of lightning right at Black Rose Dragon.

Ayane says, pushing a button on her duel disk, “I play my Synchro Barrier trap card!” Just then Ayane’s face-down card is revealed to be the Synchro Barrier trap card and Ayane yells out, “By releasing Black Rose Dragon, I can negate all damage to me for this turn!” Ayane thinks in her mind, “Sorry Black Rose Dragon, but you’ll be back soon!” Black Rose Dragon vanishes from the field and a barrier created in its place stops Axon Kicker’s attack through everyone yelps as the ground shakes from the attack.

Kakashi says, amazed, “Incredible!”

Third Hokage says, plainly, “So, this is power of Psychic Duelists.”

Sayer says, with a grin, “Not bad, Ayane, but not good enough.” Sayer says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I’ll end with this card face-down, Ayane.”

Ayane says, drawing a card, “It’s my turn!” Ayane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I play Phoenixian Seed in attack mode!” Immediately, Phoenixian Seed (800/0) appears on the field in attack mode. Ayane says, putting another card on her duel disk, “And then I play its ability and release it in order to play Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis!” Phoenixian Seed then transforms into Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis (2200/0) in attack mode.

Sayer says, with a smirk, “Trying to slam with effect damage, eh? But you are the one that’s going to get hurt, Ayane!” Sayer pushes a button on his duel disk and yells out, “I play my Telekinetic Explosion trap card!” Sayer’s face-down card is a trap card showing Psychic monsters unleashes a burst of psychic energy against other monsters kneeing down and holding their heads in pain. Sayer says, with a smirk, “By releasing one Psychic monster, I can destroy one of your monsters and inflict damage equal to its attack points! So, I release my Thought Ruler Archfiend!” Thought Ruler Archfiend vanishes and unleashes waves of energy that destroys Amaryllis in a huge explosion in which Ayane yells out in pain as she is hit by the shockwave knocking her down hard while she loses 2200 life-points.

Ryu says, shocked, “Ayane!”

Sakura says, stunned and horrified, “She’s actually hurt!”

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “So, this is the power of Ayane and people just like her.”

Ayane says, winching in pain, “But I’m not the only one getting hurt! My Amaryllis slams you with eight hundred points of damage right back, jerk!” Just then flower petals hit Sayer hard and he yelps out in pain as they cut into him as he loses 800 life-points.

Sayer says, with a smile, “A small price to pay, Ayane.”

Ayane says, with a plain tone, “See if you think when I do this, Sayer? I play the Revival Rose’s ability that I sent to the graveyard with my first spell card! Since a plant monster that’s level five or above was destroyed, I revive it in defense mode!” Just then Revival Rose (1300/1300) appears on the field in defense mode. Ayane says, putting one card face-down and then removing her Phoenixian Seed (800/0) monster card from the graveyard, “I place one card face-down and remove my Seed in order to play my Amaryllis in defense mode!” Immediately, Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis (2200/0) reappears on the field in defense mode.

Current Score:
Ayane: 1800
Sayer: 1000

Sayer says, drawing a card, “It’s over, Ayane! With Axon Kicker, when a defense monster has less defense points than my monster’s attack points, you lose the different in damage!”

Sakura says, concerned, “Oh no! That means if he attacks she’s done for!”

Sayer yells out, strongly, “Axon Kicker, bring her to me!” Axon Kicker then unleashes a blast of energy right at Amaryllis and preparing to end this duel.

Ryu and Naruto yell out, shocked, “Ayane!”

Ayane says, pushing a button on her duel disk, “I activate my trap: Ground Capture!” Ayane’s face-down card is the Ground Capture trap card and a large hand made of earth comes out of the ground to protect Ayane as the attack destroys her Amaryllis and hits the earthen hand. Ayane yells out, “Since you declared an attack, my trap will cut in half the damage that you would have inflicted to my life-points!” Just then the attack crashes through and Ayane yelps as she is zap by electric energy and cut by rock from the earthen hand as she loses 1450 life-points. Ayane says, while groaning from the pain of multiple cuts and burns and drawing one card, “Since I lost more than five hundred life-points, I also draw one card!” Ayane says, with a serious tone, “Now, lose you more life-points due to my Amaryllis!”

Sayer yelps as he is cut by more flower petals while his life-points drop by 800, but he says, with a smirk, “However, my Axon Kicker allows me to regain life-points equal to the attack of the destroyed monster!” A green glow surrounds the evil Psychic Duelist as his life-points increase by 2200. Sayer says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “This isn’t over, Ayane! There is no way that you can win now!”

Current Score:
Ayane: 750
Sayer: 3000

Naruto yells out, strongly, “Wrong, jerk! I know that Ayane can beat a jerk like you!”

Ayane thinks in her mind, with a smile, “Thanks, Naruto.” Ayane says, drawing a card, “It’s my turn, Sayer! I draw!” Ayane says, putting one card into the spell/trap slots, “I place my Shallow Grave! This card gives us the power to revive monsters in defense mode! And I choose Black Rose Dragon!” Just then Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) returns to the field in defense mode.

Sayer says, with a smirk, “And I choose my Thought Ruler Archfiend!” Soon after, Thought Ruler Archfiend (2700/2300) appears on the field in defense mode. Sayer tells Ayane, with a wide grin, “You are indeed impressive, Ayane. Just like your mother, but do you think you have the strength to beat someone like me with years of experience?”

Ayane says, strongly, “My dad defeated you before and I know that I can do it, again! I won’t let you use my powers just for your own selfish gains! I lost my family, but I won’t lose anyone else, Sayer! Not to you, not to those that took my family, or anyone else! I’ll protect them until my last breath!” Just Ayane’s, Hinata’s, Naruto’s, and Ryu’s ‘Marks of the Dragon’ greatly glow and then vanish from their wrists.

Naruto asks, confused, “What just happened?” Then all of the Marks of the Dragon, including Crow’s ‘Dragon Tail Mark’, appears as the whole Crimson Dragon mark on Ayane’s back!

Third Hokage thinks in his mind, shocked, “The full power of the Crimson Dragon is with Ayane!” Just then Ayane’s deck starts to glow and everyone is confused by this event.

Ayane thinks in her mind, “My deck…?”

Sayer thinks in his mind, confused, “What is going on here? Is this the power of the Crimson Dragon?”

Ayane says, putting the last card in her hand into the spell/trap slots, “I play my Card of Sanctity! Both of us must draw until we have six cards in our hands!” Ayane and Sayer draw from their decks until they have six cards in which Ayane notices that one of the cards is none other than Majestic Dragon (0/0) in which that’s the card that’s glowing. Ayane thinks in her mind, stunned, “Majestic Dragon?! This is the Crimson Dragon’s ‘miracle card’, the one that dad and Uncle Jack used before against the Dark Signers and their other battles! It is like it is telling me what to do!” Ayane says, putting one more card into the spell/trap slots, “Okay, Sayer, I play my One for One spell card!” Ayane discards one Gigaplant (2400/1200) monster card from her hand and she says, taking a card from her deck, “By discarding one monster card, I can play one level one monster from my deck and I choose my Samsara Lotus!” Afterwards, Samsara Lotus (0/0) appears on the field in attack mode. Ayane yells out, putting one more card on her duel disk, “And now, I play my Majestic Dragon in attack mode!” In a bright glow of light, Majestic Dragon (0/0) appears on the field in attack mode.

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “That monster isn’t going help. It has no attack points at all.”

Ryu says, with a smile, “That’s where you are wrong, Sasuke. That’s a Tuner monster used by my dad and Uncle Jack to play far more powerful versions of Stardust Dragon and Red Dragon Archfiend! This is just what she needs!”

Ayane yells out, strongly, “I tune my Majestic Dragon with my Black Rose Dragon and Samsara Lotus in order to Synchro Summon a dragon beyond your imagination, Sayer!” Majestic Dragon grows larger as it bathes Black Rose Dragon and Samsara Lotus in its pink light causing both of them to become transparent in which Ayane chants out, as a new Synchro Monster card appears on her duel disk, “Bright life giving flames envelop the world! Beautiful flower, shining and in bloom! Synchro Summon!” Ayane calls out, “And now, meet my Majestic Rose Dragon!” Out of the light, Majestic Rose Dragon (3400/2800), a massive version of Black Rose Dragon with four wings in which the wings and body are covered in pink rose petals and it has a much longer tail with red flower petals and thorns covering it, in attack mode.

Sayer yells out, stunned, “Majestic Rose Dragon?! Your mother never used that card before!”

Ayane says, with a plain tone, “Because I’m the first to summon it and this one is for my mother and all those that you hurt, Sayer! Majestic Rose Dragon, when brought to field, automatically destroys all cards on my opponent’s side of the field! Majestic Rose Tempest!” Just then Majestic Rose Dragon unleashes a burst of wind and rose petals that destroys Sayer’s two monsters and his face-down card. Ayane says, with a plain tone, “But my dragon can’t attack on the turn that he uses this ability, however, I can allow him to attack as long as I release one Plant monster from my fiend! Revival Rose, release!” Soon after, Revival Rose vanishes from the field and Ayane says, with a plain tone, “You’re done, baka!”

Sayer says, removing a trap card with a picture of a Psychic monster reforming itself, “Not yet! You sent this card to my grave and it is called Matter Regeneration! By removing it from my graveyard, I can revive one Psychic monster from my graveyard and I choose my Thought Ruler Archfiend!” Just then Thought Ruler Archfiend (2700/2300) returns to the field in attack mode. Sayer thinks in his mind, “If that monster is anything like Black Rose Dragon, then it can’t use its ability useless my monster is in defense mode! I’ll take some damage, but like they say ‘no pain, no gain’ and due to Ayane’s card, I’ve gotten the cards that I need to end this duel!”

Ayane says, removing her Gigaplant (2400/1200) and two Evil Thorn (100/300 X 2), “If you think that you can save yourself by putting your monster in attack mode and think that you are safe from any other abilities of my mighty dragon, think again, jerk! By removing Plant type monsters that are exactly equal in level with one of your monsters, I can negate its abilities and lower its attack points to zero for this turn!”

Sayer yells out, stunned, “You can’t!”

Ayane calls out, “I can and I will! Rose Envelopment!” Just then Thought Ruler Archfiend is entrapped in flower and thorn filled vines in which its stats go from 2700/2300 to 0/2300! Ayane yells out, “Majestic Rose Dragon, end this duel now! Finish off his Thought Ruler with Shining Rose Inferno!” Majestic Rose Dragon becomes surrounded in a twister of flames and pink rose petals that focuses in its mouth and unleashes a twisting burst of bright pink-red flames and rose petals that slam into Thought Ruler Archfiend in which it becomes vaporized! Sayer yells out in extreme pain and agony as the flames and rose petals slam into him badly burning and cutting him as he loses 3400 life-points, ending the duel immediately.

Final Score:
Ayane: 750
Sayer: 0

In the aftermath, Sayer is flung into the air in which the remote control flies out of his form in which Ninja Ryu quickly move in and takes the remote control which is undamaged by some miracle while Sayer crashes down to the ground with a sickening ‘thud’.

Kakashi tells Ninja Ryu, “Excellent work, Hayabusa-sama.”

Ninja Ryu tells Kakashi, with a nod, “No problem, Kakashi-san.” On the meanwhile, Ayane collapses to the ground on her right knee while the ‘Marks of the Dragon’ return to their current respective owners while the holograms still on the field fade away.

Ryu yells out, concerned, “Are you okay, sis?”

Ayane replies, weakly, “I’ll be… okay, bro… he took a lot… out of me…” At the same time, Third Hokage, his ANBU guard, and Trudge with the Sector Security officers confront Sayer, who is very badly injured, but still much alive.

Trudge yells out, strongly, “Okay, Sayer, you are done.”

Sayer replies, weakly, “Not yet… fool. Do you think… I would come here… alone?” Immediately, dozens of fireballs start to rain down on everyone and explode all around him in which they cry out in shock and surprise in which Naruto and Ryu move in to protect Ayane and Sakura in which a large hook comes down from the sky in which grabs Sayer gently around his waist in which he is lifted up to a waiting large helicopter. The helicopters then fly away in which people with duel disks attached to their right hands use spell card that create all sorts of lightning, fireballs, and such that when they hit, they cause damage all around allowing them to escape out of sight as quickly as possible.

Trudge calls out, angrily, “They are getting away!”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “I believe that no one of us at the moment has the ability to follow them.”

Mina asks, confused, “Those were Psychic Duelists! I can’t believe that there would be ones that would side with Sayer even after exposing in the aftermath with the battles with the Dark Signers! Why would they side with a madman like him?”

Kalin replies, with a plain tone, “Sayer offers a chance of belonging and not feeling like an outcast in which it was pretty much the way that he lured Akiza into his ranks. Even through you have exposed him, there are those that feel the same way that Akiza still does. Psychic Duelists have not become as accept as they are in Neo Domino City because they don’t have heroes or heroines like Akiza to create that kind openness.”

Trudge says, rubbing his head, “Yeah, Kalin. I’ve heard reports that aren’t as positive for Psychic Duelists in other parts of the world like they are in Neo Domino City.”

Ryu says, with a sigh, “It feels like we have a target on our backs, everyone.”

Naruto says, with a plain tone, “I know how you feel, Ryu.”

Kakashi tells Third Hokage, “We had better get Ayane to the hospital immediately.”

Third Hokage says, with a nod, “Very wise idea, Kakashi.” Third Hokage tells his ANBU, “Get Lady Ayane to the infirmary immediately!”

The ANBU reply in unison, “Yes, Hokage-sama!” Immediately, they go over to Ayane and gently put her into one of their arms in which they teleport away through swirls of leaves.

Trudge says, amazed, “Whoa! Now, I’ve got to admit that’s one good trick.”

Just then a female voice calls out, “You’ll see plenty in this world!” Everyone looks to the source of the voice to see none other than the blond haired woman with black leather clothing come out in which she has a massive weapon hanging on her back.

Ninja Ryu says, stunned, “Rachel…”

The woman replies, in a plain tone, “It has been awhile, Ryu.”

Third Hokage asks, curiously, “You know her, Hayabusa-san?”

Ninja Ayane replies, plainly, “Rachel of the Holy Vigoor Empire, a Fiend hunter.”

Sakura asks, stunned, “Fiend hunter?”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “A type of demon, but Biju like the Nine-Tailed Fox don’t consider them in the same ‘class’ as they are in which the Fiends fell the same way. Back in ancient times, these creature mixed in with a group of ancient humans which form the group of ancestors for the people of this land.”

Sasuke asks, curiously, “Demons mixed with humans?”

Third Hokage says, with a nod. “I know of the Fiends well.” Third Hokage asks Rachel, curiously, “Miss Rachel, was it, do you have a blood curse?”

Rachel replies, plainly, “I do.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Blood curse?”

Rachel replies, plainly, “It gives me super-human abilities, but at the price of becoming a Fiend myself possibly. It doesn’t matter if you are good or bad. If you have this curse, you will turn into a Fiend, plain and simple.” Rachel says, with a plain tone, “My sister became one and the only way to get rid of the curse is to die. I didn’t kill her, but my sister died to regain her humanity.”

Kakashi asks Rachel, “Why are you here?”
Rachel tells them, “To seek out those kids, the ones that you call the ‘Signers’. I’ve found many stories of them back home.”

Ninja Ayane tells Rachel, “I’m not surprised, Rachel-san. Remember, the ancient Fiends allied with the Dark Dragon in the past and thus, all dragon tales including those of the Crimson Dragon of the Americas, would be known.”

Rachel says, with a smirk, “It looks like you have been hitting the books.” Rachel tells Ninja Ryu, with a smile, “By the way, Ryu, no hard feelings. I’m not the kind of girl that takes another girl’s man through there are plenty that would.”

Ninja Ryu asks, seriously, “Why do you seek the Signers?”

Rachel tells them, with a grin, “To give them a clue about their mission and why Ayane’s dear sister is here.”

Ninja Ayane asks, a bit more seriously, “How do you know that?”

Rachel says, with a smile, “I have my sources.” Rachel says, taking out her weapon and pointing to Naruto, “And I’m also to fight this kid!”

Naruto asks, shocked, “What? Why?”

Rachel says, with a plain tone, “The Dark Dragon Blade, a sword of pure evil, which was destroyed Ryu has been revived and only the warriors of the Crimson Dragon can stop it.”

There are plenty of gasps and Ninja Ryu yells out, surprised, “The Dark Dragon Blade? Restored?”

Rachel says, with a nod, “Yep, Ryu. I saw it myself and I wanted to get you on it, but I found some kind of weird prophecy that said that told about you destroying it and then it was restored by an evil force. I’m not sure where it is, but all I know is that prophecy that a certain Signer could stop it. The one with power of the ‘Burning Force’ within his being and the one who has would have the wings of the Crimson Dragon on his arm.”

Naruto says, looking at his ‘Mark of the Dragon’ on his right arm, “Oh, yeah.”

Rachel says, with a serious glare, “But this so called ‘savior’ is nothing, but a runt!”

Naruto yells out, angrily, “I’m just some kind of runt! I’m Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and I’m the next Hokage of this village! I’m also the successor to Ryu’s and Ayane’s Uncle Jack as Signer! And the one that tamed the infamous Nine-Tailed Fox!”

Rachel says, with a snort, “Big whoop. I’ve fought plenty of fiends and I’m not scared of some overgrown container for a fox cub.”

Kyuubi yells out, angrily, “That wench just did not say! Comparing me to those Holy Vigoor pieces of trash!”

Naruto replies, drolly, “I was wondering when I hear for you, fox.”

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “Did she just call the infamous Kyuubi a ‘fox cub’? What kind of creatures does she fight?”

Rachel tells Naruto, “If you want to prove me that you have what it takes, then prove it! If you win, I do have a great prize. One, the knowledge about some legendary items that can only be welded by Signers. And two, the knowledge that I had obtained of the location of the fifth Signer.”

There are tons of gasps and Sakura asks, shocked, “The fifth Signer?!”

Ryu asks, shocked, “You know where the last new Signer is?!”

Rachel tells them, with a smile, “I can’t say since my source isn’t fully dependable, but it is a good place to start.” Rachel asks Naruto, with a sly smirk, “So, kid, do you think that you are man enough to beat me?”

Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “Yeah, I am! I’m not going to back down from a challenge and people’s lives might be at stake with that information! So, here I come!” Naruto then charges in before anyone could stop him, but Rachel easily swings her weapon and hits Naruto with a huge amount of force sending him sky-rocketing just above the ground in which he slams into the ground and bounces once before he slams to a stop on the ground, hard!

Sakura and Ryu yell out in unison, horrified, “Naruto!”

Sasuke thinks in her mind, looking at Rachel, “That woman… she is inhuman…”

Sakura yells out, annoyed, “What was that for?”

Rachel says, with a plain tone, “He wants to prove his strength? He needs to take me head on without holding back.”

Kakashi thinks in his mind, seriously, “So, this is the infamous blood curse of the Fiend?”

Momiji tells Rachel, “Rachel-san that was completely uncalled for!”

Just then Naruto’s voice calls out, “But it isn’t going to stop me!” Everyone looks to see Naruto get to his feet with some nasty cuts on his face with some blood dripping down the left side of his cheek. Naruto says, with a grin, “You are going to need to do better than that to beat me, lady! And when I’m done, you are going to be sipping your guts!”

Rachel says, with a plain tone, “We’ll see about that brat.” Rachel then charges to attack Naruto in which he charges right back as everyone else watches with mixed emotion as the two of them prepare to duke out for what could be the most important information in the world at this moment.

Next time in Chapter 7:

Naruto: This woman is no joke! Her strength isn’t human!

Kakashi: Her strength is unbelievable! She isn’t using chakra and her level of strength might rival Tsunade-sama’s strength!

Naruto: I’m not going to stop! I’m going to get that information!

Kiba: Whoa! So, this is the world where Ryu and Ayane come from?

Kurenai: We’re here for the funeral of Ryu-sama’s and Ayane-sama’s family and loved ones?

Ayane (solemnly with tears): Mom… Dad…

Naruto: Don’t worry, Ayane. I won’t let their deaths go unpunished! Like my parents’ death, I’ll find the freak that ordered them killed and make sure that he gets what he deserves! Believe it!

Sasuke: Save it, Dobe. There is something else going on in the village.

Sakura: Huh? What are Genin from the Sand Village doing here?

Hinata: We’re taking part in the Chunin Exams?

Naruto (excitedly): This is so cool! If I become a Chunin, I’ll be one step closer to being Hokage!

Ryu: Who are you?

Mysterious Figure: I am a servant of the Dark Signers, Signer! A Shadow Drone!

Ryu/Ayane (shocked): The Dark Signers?!

Hinata: Next time on ‘Naruto 5Ds’: The Chunin Exams: Dark Signers Return?!

Naruto: Why is my Mark of the Dragon glowing?

Okay, everyone, the Chunin Exams start up in the next chapter! However, since Ryu and Ayane are ninja in training and they’re not going to be ‘official ninja’, they won’t be joining, but that doesn’t mean that they won’t be having their own adventures as Naruto and Hinata go through the Chunin Exams. And you must be wondering: Who in the next is going to be the new ‘Fifth Signer’?! I’m sorry, but that would be too much of a spoiler. However, I can tell you that it won’t be anyone from the Naruto, Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5Ds, and Dead or Alive/Ninja Gaiden storylines. I’m adding one more crossover, but I’m not going to say what other story I’m adding yet. You are going to have to read on and see, folks! Later and best wishes, Ninja and Dueling Fans!
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