Crossover Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers ❯ The Chunin Exams: Dark Signers Return?! ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
We’re back, everyone! Like I said before, I won’t be revealing who will be the newest Signer in these commentary, but you will find out when I reveal it, folks! However, I won’t say when I’m going to reveal who the ‘Fifth Signer’ will be. And now, we are moving onto the Chunin Exams and there isn’t going to be too much changes in the storyline, so, I’m sorry if I’m going to be ‘zipping’ through some stuff. And like I said in the last chapter, in this day, January twenty-second, my birthday, I’m giving a double whammy with two chapters in the same day!

I DO NOT own Yu-Gi-Oh R/GX/5ds, Naruto, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, Dead or Alive, Ninja Garden, Digimon, any of the characters, and anything/anyone that comes from these and other stories that end up in this fanfiction! Yu-Gi-Oh is owned/licensed by Kazuki Takahashi, Toei Animation, and Studio Gallop, Yu-Gi-Oh GX is owned/licensed by Naoyuki Kageyama, Studio Gallop and its various directors, Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds is owned/licensed by Katsumi Ono and Studio Gallop, Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series are owned/licensed by Tomonobu Itagaki and Tecmo, Digimon is owned/licensed by Toei Animation and its various directors, including Hiroyuki Kakudo, and Naruto is owned/licensed by Masashi Kishimoto, Yuuto Date, Jump Comics, and Studio Pierrot!

Warning: This story contains intense violence, blood, gore, and possible death, mild to explicit suggestive themes, including mind-control and brainwashing, mild to explicit bad language, and possible X-rated adult themes/situations that some readers might consider disturbing!

Second Warning: Some to a lot of OOC (Out of Character) actions and mannerisms in this whole story!

Naruto 5Ds: Shinobi Signers

Chapter 7: The Chunin Exams: Dark Signers Return?!

Within Neo Domino City, we find ourselves looking at a bus rolling into Neo Domino City and stopping at bus station in which a group of people are coming out of the bus stop including a familiar pair of two guys with what look a small blue dragon and a large green worm with them.

The first guy has spiky dark red hair, brown eyes, a blue shirt, black fingerless gloves, brown shorts, and brown shoes. This person looks to be around 13 years of age.

The second guy has neck long deep blue/black hair, blue eyes, and he has a grey shirt under black coat, black jeans, and brown shoes. This person looks to be only 14 years of age.

The little blue dragon tells the red haired male, “Wow, Davis! This is Neo Domino City?!”

The little worm-like creature says, amazed, “This place is bigger than Odaiba, Ken.”

The black/blue haired male tells the worm-like creature, “I don’t think so, Wormmon, but it has a lot more technologically advanced buildings.”

The red haired male, Davis, says, “I can’t believe that I’m going to Duel Academy around here!”

The other male, Ken, asks Davis, “Why do you want to go this Duel Academy, Davis? You were going to the island one, one of the first and oldest, Duel Academies around Davis! The one that the legendary Jaden Yuki went to, if you remember Davis.”

Davis says, with a sly grin, “I know, Ken, but they don’t allow classes for Turbo Dueling licenses because the island is so small.”

Ken tells Davis, with a curious tone, “Davis, you know that you can’t get a Turbo Dueling license until you are old enough for a driving license and even through Duel Runners are similar to motorcycles, you need to be at least sixteen to eighteen to try for your Turbo Dueling license and you are only thirteen, Davis.”

Davis says, with a smile, “I know that Ken, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t get started on Turbo Dueling! Remember, they have Duel Boards for kids and younger teens after all, Ken.”

Ken says, with a nod, “You do have a point, Davis, but I don’t think that it is a good time.” Ken and Davis look around to see the major news to be the murder of the original Signers and Yusei’s and Akiza’s missing children, Ryu and Ayane Fudo.

Davis says, with a nod, “No joke, Ken! Who would do that? These guys really help put this city back or that’s at least what I heard and someone goes off and kills them! It is completely senseless!”

Ken tells Davis, “I know, Davis. But I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about Yusei Fudo and Team 5Ds. Do you remember what was said during the first WRGP tournament over ten years ago?”

Davis replies, with a nod, “Who hasn’t Ken? I heard rumors about them fighting some kind of weird Cyborg guy that claimed to have come from the future and such, Ken!”

Ken tells Davis, “I’ve been researching them and they seemed to be linked to those mysterious happenings that happened in the aftermath of Yusei Fudo’s victory against his future teammate, Jack Atlas, in the Fortune Cup which happened around a year before the WRGP. I’ve heard that they brought out a weird massive red dragon that isn’t a Duel Monsters’ card.”

Davis says, with a nod, “I’ve seen that footage before it all goes blank before it shows Yusei winning that duel, Ken.”

Ken says, “I’ve managed to find out some information about a story about an ancient South American civilization known as the People of the Stars and about something known as the ‘Crimson Dragon’.”

Davis asks, “Crimson Dragon, huh?” Davis says, with a sly grin, “So, there is a bit of mystery, huh? I say let’s check it out!”

Veemon says, excitedly, “Yeah, Davis!” Davis and Veemon head off while Ken and Wormmon follow them in which Ken sighs at this as they head off.

(Around this moment; at the Hidden Leaf Village)

In the Hidden Leaf Village, we return to the battle between Rachel, the Fiend Hunter, and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, our blond haired ninja and new Signer of the Crimson Dragon’s wings inherited from the slain Jack Atlas, in which we find charging each other in which Rachel uses her weapon to knock Naruto back, but our blond haired ninja did a powerful forward flip to easily avoid the attack.

Rachel thinks in her mind, stunned, “That’s Ryu’s move!” Before she could regain her bearings, Naruto manages to kick her left side/back and knocks her down to the ground causing her to lose her weapon. Rachel struggles to her feet and reaches her weapon, but she finds a foot on it in which she sees Naruto on it waving his right index finger at her.

Naruto says, with a grin, “That won’t work on me, Rachel-san! Thanks to Hayabusa-sensei’s training, I’m better than before!” Naruto thinks in his mind, nervously, “It is a good thing that Hayabusa-sensei taught me along with Ryu and Ayane or I would have been toast! This woman has got super-human strength!”

Rachel says, with a sly grin, “I see, kid. All right, I give up.”

Naruto asks, with a snort, “You think that I’m THAT stupid?” Naruto then scoops up Rachel’s and yelps as he nearly falls from holding it in which he yells out, “What is this thing made of?!”

As Naruto strains to hold up Rachel’s weapon, Sakura thinks in her mind, “That thing must weight a ton or more! Who is this woman? And what is with that outfit?”

Inner Sakura yells out, “She’s a slut, that’s what! No regular girl would be caught dead in that outfit! Cha!”

Ninja Ryu tells Rachel, “He won, Rachel.”

Rachel says, taking out a few scroll, “I know and a bet is a bet.”

Ninja Ryu takes the scrolls, gives one to Momiji, and after he looks at the one in his hands, he says, shocked, “This is… the information about the Dragon Lance, a scared dragon item!”

Kakashi asks Ninja Ryu, “The Dragon Lance?”

Momiji says, opening the other scroll, “It is a powerful weapon forged from the energy left by the Crimson Dragon and the Five Dragons in the aftermath of their great battle with the Earthbound Immortals. The People of the Stars wanted something to protect the Signers until they are gathered together to bring back the Crimson Dragon when the world is in danger. Since the lance was so powerful, they made sure that only the Signers could weld such a weapon because they feel that they are the only ones worthy.”

Third Hokage says, with a nod, “A wise choice, I must say, Momiji-san.”

Rachel takes back her weapon, lifts it and attached back to her back with ease, and she says, with a plain tone, “That’s not all. Take a look at that scroll.”

When Momiji opened the second scroll, she asks, surprised, “What is this?” When the others start looking at the scroll, they are surprised to see what looks like a detailed overview of the Leaf Village with four glowing marks on it and those marks are the head, front claw, back claw, and wings of the Crimson Dragon, four of the ‘Marks of the Dragon’.

Rachel says, with a plain tone, “A special scroll hidden in the Empire for generations. The Fiends consider the Crimson Dragon a threat as the mightiest all dragons, so, they wanted to make sure to eliminate those that carry the ‘Mark of the Dragon’ in which they created this scroll, but those of Ryu’s lineage managed to get the scroll in a great battle. However, in that battle, the scroll was lost until I had found it deep within the former compound of Ryu’s uncle.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Most likely, he knew that the Signers would be the greatest threat when he unleashed the full evil power of the Dark Dragon Blade, so, after he had unleashed its power, he would go after the Signers and destroy them.”

Rachel says, with a smile, “But you sent his plans down in flames.”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I can see why we need this Dragon Lance. Other than the True Dragon Sword, the Dragon Lance is the only weapon other than the True Dragon Blade that can defeat the Dark Dragon Blade.”

Ryu asks, curiously, “But how does this help us find the final Signer?”

Rachel says, with a plain tone, “Watch and learn, little boy.” Rachel then goes over to the scroll, puts one finger on it, and she makes a motion with her hand in which the picture on the scroll move like a holographic screen to Neo Domino City in which there is nothing there and then the Dragon’s Tail mark appears on the scroll for a second before vanishing.

Naruto yells out, amazed, “Is that…?!”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “The final ‘Mark of the Dragon’, the tail of the Crimson Dragon, Naruto.”

Sakura asks, curiously, “Why was it only on the scroll for a second?”

Ninja Ayane replies, “The new fifth Signer hasn’t awoken the new power within him and he hasn’t been given his new dragon card yet. Remember what you told us happen in Namikaze-sama’s and Hyuga-sama’s duels.”

Naruto yells out, “Oh, yeah! Our ‘Marks of the Dragon’ appeared when we played Red Dragon Archfiend and Ancient Fairy Dragon!”

Ryu says, with a plain tone, “My dad said a similar thing happened to him, mom, Uncle Jack, and Aunt Luna back in the Fortune Cup, Naruto.”

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “Since the final Signer hasn’t accessed the power given to him by the Crimson Dragon, we can’t get an exact location on him even through this scroll detects the power of the Crimson Dragon.”

Momiji says, with a plain tone, “However, Hokage-sama, we do have a general location of where the person is now. He is in the Fudo twins’ original home of Neo Domino City. However, most likely, since the signal is weak, we won’t be able to get a more well-defined location on him or her.”

Ryu says, scratching his chin, “I wonder…”

Sakura asks Ryu, “What is it, Ryu?”

Ryu tells them, “Sis and I got our ‘Marks of the Dragon’ since we are the kids of my mom and dad and we are a lot like them. Naruto’s ‘Mark of the Dragon’ was originally from Uncle Jack and Naruto has plenty of qualities of Uncle Jack in him including a ‘taste’ for ramen. Hinata is a lot like Aunt Luna when she was younger. She didn’t like to duel that much and Hinata doesn’t like to fight.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “So, the final Signer must be similar to the original Signer that held that ‘Mark of the Dragon’.”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “That’s a good theory, Ryu.”

Ryu says, with a smile, “Through Naruto is actually a combination of Uncle Jack and Uncle Crow. Crow was a great trickster much like Naruto is.”

Naruto says, with a grin, “Sounds like your Uncle Crow and I would have gotten along just fine.”

Sakura yells out, shocked, “Wait a minute! What about the bomb that Sayer jerk planted?!”

Ninja Ryu says, displaying the remote control, “Do not worry, Sakura-san. I have already deactivated it, but I would think it wise that Ayane and I go to find it and disarm it for good.”

Third Hokage says, nodding his head, “I shall send an ANBU team to assist.” Third Hokage motions for his ANBU escort to leave with Ninja Ryu and Ninja Ayane in which they do so immediately to find where Sayer has planted the bomb in the Leaf Village.

Kakashi tells Trudge, Mina, Kalin, and those assembled, “It looks like there is a better reason to get our young Signers back to Neo Domino City as quickly as possible. However, I must tell you as I have done before, they have been put under Namikaze clan protection and while Naruto is the last heir of this clan and only starting as a ninja, I am currently his guardian and I can assure that the Fudo twins are safe from any ninja.”

Mina says, with a plain tone, “While that might be true, what about people like Sayer?”

Third Hokage replies, with a plain tone, “I believe that her battle with the intruder spoke for itself, Mina-san.”

Ryu tells Mina, “Mina-san, we’re not little kids anymore. We’re Signers now and our mom and dad as well as everyone we loved trained us well. You’ve seen our dueling abilities first hand yourself!”

Trudge replies, nervously, “I’ve got to admit Mina, they are good.”

Mina says, with a smile, “Especially since both Ryu and Ayane beat you, Trudge.”

Trudge tells Mina, groaning, “Don’t remind me, Mina.”

Kalin replies, plainly and with a smile, “These two are much like their parents and I’m here to make sure that they are safe. And they are very much so and have become strong duelists. Yusei and Akiza would be proud of you and your sister, Ryu.”

Ryu tells Kalin, “Thanks a lot, Kalin.”

Sakura goes over to Naruto and she yells out, annoyed, “Naruto, what were you thinking charging in like that? You could have gotten hurt!”

Naruto says, with a smile, “I’m okay, Sakura-chan!”

Sakura replies, annoyed, “You’re only okay because of that you-know-what and its chakra giving you enhanced healing! If it wasn’t for that, you might have been in worse shape! Don’t you see the size of her weapon?! She has got super-human strength and she doesn’t use chakra!”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Yeah, she got me off-guard with that, but with Hayabusa-sensei’s training combined with Kakashi-sensei’s allowed me to get through it! I’ll be ready to take anything soon enough, believe it!”

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “It won’t be as easy as you think, Naruto. Something tells me that the challenges to come will test you like never before.”

Sakura gives a sigh and she says, “You are impossible, Naruto. But… I’m glad that you are okay.”

Naruto gives a surprised look and he says, with a smile, “Sorry that I worried you, Sakura-chan.”

Sakura tells Naruto, sternly through not nastily, “Just don’t do anything like that again, Naruto.” Sakura think in her mind, “Yeah, right, girlfriend. Naruto will do that when the whole world freezes over with ice.”

Third Hokage thinks in his mind, “I know what Kakashi is thinking and I hope that Jiraiya gets back here soon, so, he can help Naruto learn his father’s legendary jutsu. For the trials ahead, Naruto will need the Rasengan and the Hiraishin in the future.”

(In another part of the Elemental Countries; on the meanwhile)

In an area of the Elemental Countries known as the Land of Lightning, we find ourselves within a hidden village much like the Leaf Village known as the Village Hidden in the Clouds or the Hidden Cloud Village in which their ninja’s headbands are similar to those from the Leaf Village except are clouds engraved on the metal plate instead of a leaf. Deep in the village, we find ourselves in an office where we find a tall dark-skinned male with well-combed white hair that looks sliced, a few wrinkles, a small white mustache and beard, and wearing similar cloaks and hat to what the Third Hokage wears expect his hat is white and yellow with the Hokage’s being white and red with the Kanji for ‘Lightning’ in the center of the hat instead of the Kanji for ‘Fire’. He has no shirt under his cloak showing an excellent muscular chest and waist, blue pants, and open-toed sandals in which he has black shuriken tattooed on both shoulder with golden bangle bracelets and golden belt around his waist giving a professional wrestler type look.

The man is front of a desk with a young woman with blond hair in two ponytails, black eyes, deep red lips, and black and violet clothing with grey armor. There is also a group of three other people with two females and one male.

The first female is young woman with short cut blond hair, blue eyes, and she is wearing grey and black clothing with a grey flak jacket with the shirt having a low cut showing a good portion of her massive bust.

The second female is a dark skinned female with long red hair, amber eyes, and wearing a similar outfit to the blond hair female with blue eyes with her Cloud headband around her scalp in the form of a headband.

The last member of the group, the male, is young dark-skinned male with white hair, black/deep dark brown eyes, Cloud ninja headband around his forehead, and wearing a male version of what the two females are wearing with a grey flak jacket with black ninja clothing.

The ponytail female asks, “You wished to see me, Raikage-sama?”

The white hair male in the Kage cloak and hat replies, with a serious tone, “You bet I do, Yugito. Do you remember that immense energy that we felt sometime ago?”

Yugito replies, plainly, “Raikage-sama, it could have been felt throughout the whole of the Elemental Countries.”

The Raikage replies, with a serious tone, “Let me tell you something, Yugito. I’ve just gotten our reports back and the witness that could see says that it was a massive red dragon made of pure energy.”

The four people in front of the Raikage give looks of shock and surprise in which the female with the short blond hair and blue eyes asks, curiously, “A large red dragon, Raikage-sama?”

The Raikage replies, with a plain tone, “That’s darn right, Samui. And there is only dragon that I know of that’s like that, Samui: The Crimson Dragon.”

There are looks of surprise and the red haired female asks, stunned, “Raikage-sama, I thought that this whole Crimson Dragon stuff is something that gosh darn elders and our parents to keep kids in bed at night until they are ready to become ninja?”

The Raikage replies, with a serious tone, “Look, Karui! The witness were interviewed all say the same thing and we made sure that they are damn well lying to us! And the only red dragon that I know comes from these legends! And you have to know that myth and legend actually have got some bases in fact!”

Samui tells the Raikage, “Raikage-sama, doesn’t that mean that a group of warriors known as Signers are at where the Crimson Dragon was seen?”

The Raikage says, with a snort, “Yeah, Samui, but the thing is that the Crimson Dragon was spotted in the Leaf Village.”

Karui asks, perplexed, “Signers?”

The young dark skinned male says, with a plain tone, “The Signers are a group of five warriors chosen by the Crimson Dragon to contain its energy to summon it to our world again if great evil should come around, Karui. Each of them has a ‘Mark of the Dragon’ which is a part of the Crimson Dragon that’s like a birthmark on their right arm since the Crimson Dragon divided it powers into its head, two of its claws, front and back, wings, and tail.”

Samui says, with a plain tone, “And the Signers need to be gathered in one place for the Crimson Dragon to appear, so, they are in the Leaf Village.”

The Raikage says, with a serious tone, “And that’s why we need to know who these Signers are and if we need to get them. The Crimson Dragon is said to be more powerful than the Nine-Tailed Fox itself.”

There are plenty of gasps in the room and Yugito asks, stunned, “More powerful then Nine-Tailed Fox?”

Just then a demonic-like female voice calls out in Yugito’s mind, “That’s right, kitten! The power of the Crimson Dragon is a divine power since it come from the heavens and I’m a demonic power, but the enemies that it faced, the Earthbound Immortals, each rival even Kyuubi in power in which there are six or seven from what I know!”

Yugito thinks in her mind, shocked, “Unbelievable, Nibi! I can’t believe it!”

The dark skinned male asks, curiously, “So, you may want to take the Signers from the village?”

The Raikage replies, “Maybe, Omoi. I don’t trust the Leaf too much to keep people as important as them safe. One of their elite ninja, Orochimaru, went rogue and I’ve rumors about the one that murdered the Uchiha clan minus his own younger brother joining some kind of criminal organization. The Leaf Village has plenty of rats inside and out and there are people out there that want to use such a power as the Crimson Dragon against us.”

Samui tells the Raikage, “Raikage-sama, I never argue against you, but you must know that the Crimson Dragon and the Signers are among the most respective things and people in the Elemental Countries. If we kidnap the Signers, it might go badly for us.”

Yugito says, with a nod, “I agree with Samui-chan, Raikage-sama. Even our own Daimyo might turn against us, his family along with the other Daimyo of the other great ninja nations in the Elemental Countries, greatly respect the legend of the Crimson Dragon and the Signers and our ‘kidnapping’ of them may not be seen in a favorable light.”

The Raikage tells Yugito, seriously, “Don’t you think that I know that Yugito?! That’s why I’m taking this carefully and I need you and my bro’s team to infiltrate the village, Yugito. Even through you are now around twenty years old due to that ‘incident’ during that mission, you aren’t young enough to be disguised as a Genin, so, you shall be a Jonin teacher with a special team that I have selected.”

Yugito asks, stunned, “A special team?”

The Raikage says, with a nod, “That’s right, Yugito. And you need to be careful. We don’t want to make another incident as my predecessor did with the Hyuga of the Leaf.” Yugito gives a frown and the Raikage says, with a sigh, “Look, Yugito, I know that your predecessor was your father and my uncle, but that’s the point! We’re cousins! Don’t you think that my uncle was given a bum steer after what happened to your brother and the Eight-Tails?!”

Yugito tells Raikage, “I know, Raikage-sama. It is just so hard.”

The Raikage replies, “I know, Yugito. Remember, we’re family and there are many reasons why we have this tradition of Jinchuriki be related to the Kage here in our village, but in my mind, it helps you get a better chance because no one mess with the family of the Raikage!” The Raikage slams his fist and splits the desk in half in which he says, with a serious glare, “We’re the top of the food chain and you mess with the Raikage’s family, you mess with the Raikage!”

Omoi thinks in his mind, with a sweatdrop, “Raikage-sama has done it again.”

Yugito tells the Raikage, with a smile, “I won’t fail you, Raikage-sama.”

The Raikage replies, with a grin, “I know that you won’t.” The Raikage tells Samui, Karui, and Omoi, “I know that this is a pain, but you need to bear with it and take on this mission. You shall go in disguised as a Genin team for the Chunin Exams, same as Yugito’s team.”

Samui replies, plainly, “Since the Chunin Exams aren’t too far away, this is our best chance to find and learn about the Signers and Crimson Dragon.”

The Raikage says, with a nod, “That’s right, Samui. My bro will be coming with you.”

Omoi tells Raikage, “Raikage-sama, Killer Bee-sama is no pushover, but you know how these people in Leaf are.”

Raikage says, with a nod, “I know, Omoi, but you need my bro to act as your ‘Jonin teacher’ in order to make this disguise work. Don’t worry, I have confidence in you and my bro. And those council elders damn well won’t get in my way! I’m the Raikage and what I say goes in which they had better listen up or get lost!” Raikage tells them, “You have your mission and you have only days to prepare! It is time to get to work!”

The four ninja in the room with the Raikage nod in unison, “Right, Raikage-sama!” All four of them head off in which the Raikage looks down at his table in which he sighs.

Raikage thinks in his mind, “Better get a new table! This getting to be a real pain in the budget! And more paperwork for me! I hate paperwork! I wonder if any Kage in history ever learned a way to conquer this pain in the ass!”

(Days later; Returning to Neo Domino City)

In the streets of Neo Domino City, we find ourselves in a funeral procession where we find many Sector Security officers including Trudge and Kaz included surrounding eight funeral cars with other black limos following behind them. They are heading off to Satellite, the original Domino City of Yugi Moto’s and Jaden Yuki’s time which was broken off in the incident known as Zero Reverse where Roman Goodwin, Rex Goodwin’s brother, overloaded the first Ener-D system and causing an incredible disaster that resulted in the original Domino City to be broken off from Neo Domino City in which it created the ruined area known as Satellite. However, Satellite is far different from the ‘old days’ due to Yusei, Crow, Jack, and the other original Signers causing it to become a productive and equal part of the city that it was part of once more. Right now, we follow the procession as they head into Satellite and once within the area, we find themselves at a graveyard near Martha’s home for orphans in which there is a statue of Stardust Dragon, Yusei’s ace monster, in front of it.

The graveyard is full of perfectly made statues of the Crimson Dragon, Shooting Star Dragon, the evolved/Accel Synchro version of Yusei’s Stardust Dragon, Majestic Star Dragon, another upgraded version of Stardust Dragon, Stardust Dragon, Red Dragon Archfiend, Majestic Red Dragon, another upgraded version of Red Dragon Archfiend, Red Nova Dragon, Black Rose Dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon, and Black-Winged Dragon. In front of them, there are well-made marble tombs and in front of those tombs, there are eight coffins in which the top of the coffins are open to reveal the pale and lifeless faces of Yusei Fudo, Akiza Izinski Fudo, Yusei’s wife, Jack Atlas, Carly Carmine Atlas, Jack’s wife, Carly’s and Jack’s son, Jacky Atlas officially known as Jack Atlas Junior, Crow Hogan, Luna, and Luna’s brother, Leo.

In the audience/mourners, we find the Fudo twins, all of Team 7, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura, all of Team 8, Kurenai, Kiba, Shino, and Hinata, Trudge, Mina, Kaz, Kalin, all of Yusei’s other friends from the Satellite, Rally Dawson, Blitz, and Nerve, Bolt Tanner, the friend that Yusei made during his ‘stay’ at Sector Security jail known as the Facility, Greiger, Blister, Akiza’s parents, both in their elderly years, Leo’s and Luna’s childhood friends including Dexter, and even the former Dark Signer, Misty. Hiding in the shadows, Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, and Momiji are on the lookout with ANBU units and Sector Security units to make sure that no one tries anything during the whole funeral.

Mrs. Izinski says, crying sorrowfully, “Akiza… my little girl… we’ve become a bigger family… and…” Akiza’s mother then cries on her husband’s chest in which he holds her, but he can’t help to shed tears for the loss of his beloved daughter and his son-in-law, Yusei, who has become like a son to Izinski for his help getting them and Akiza to be a family again.

Rally says, lowly with tears in his eyes, “Yusei…”

Nerve says, horrified, “This has got to be a nightmare…”

Blitz says, shaking his head, “It’s not Nerve. Yusei is… really gone…”

Bolt thinks in his mind, angrily, “I would really love to ring the neck of whoever did this to Yusei and all of them, but Yusei would tell me about not getting revenge.”

Greiger thinks in his mind, “Yusei… Jack… wherever you are now, I hope that you are safe and happy with the others. And don’t worry, I will protect your children as if they were my own.”

Kaz thinks in his mind, “Your memory won’t be forgotten Jack.” As they were thinking this, Lazar is making a speech and honoring, in words at least, our group of slain heroes and heroines, their achieves, and other praises as well as a declaration that their murderers would be found and brought to justice.

Sakura thinks in her mind, “Don’t count on it, pal! If they are ninjas from our home, then without us, you will never be able to stop whatever plans that they want for the Crimson Dragon and most likely, you’ll end up the same way, buster!”

Inner Sakura yells out, “Cha, no kidding! And why do they have a clown as the leader of their home?!”

Lazar then says, plainly and through a microphone, “And now, I hope that the only survivors of this horrible tragedy, Ryu and Ayane Fudo, the children of Akiza and Yusei Fudo, would come up to say a few words.” Ryu and Akane look at each other and even through a part of didn’t want to, they did for their lost loved ones and parents in which they head up to the podium set up by Lazar in which plenty notices that their duel disks were attached to their left wrists.

In front of the microphone, Ryu says, with a plain tone, “I-I’m not sure how to say this, e-everyone. My dad and mom were among the greatest and strongest people t-that my sister and I knew. We’re not sure how to put this in words, but this shall tell what we mean.” Ryu and Ayane activate their duel disks and put one Synchro Monster card on each in which Stardust Dragon (2500/2000) and Black Rose Dragon (2400/1800) appear above them and the two dragons give out roars of power. However, Ryu’s, Ayane’s, Naruto’s, and Hinata’s ‘Marks of the Dragon’ glow in unison and brightly in which the skies became bright crimson red in which the Crimson Dragon itself flew down from the skies giving a mighty cry.

Everyone is shocked and many of them think, “The Crimson Dragon!”

Greiger thinks in his mind, “Is the Crimson Dragon here to mourn for its lost warriors?”

The Crimson Dragon gives out its cry again and Hinata says, “Crimson Dragon is here to pay its respect to its slain warriors.”

Many looked at Hinata and Kiba asks, curiously, “How do you know?”

Kakashi replies, plainly, “I believe that a little dragon told her.” On the meanwhile, Naruto and Ayane see the spirit of Ancient Fairy Dragon by Hinata’s side before she flies up in which she takes physical form in which Red Dragon Archfiend (3000/2000) and Black-Winged Dragon (2800/1600) also appear in the sky above the bodies of their former owners in which they give out unison of dragon-like roars and cries in they are too honoring and mourning their murdered ‘owners’.

Shino says, plainly, “It is like the dragons are mourning their former ‘partners’, everyone.” Just then the Crimson Dragon causes golden sparkles to drop from its body in which it creates a rainbow over the bodies of the slain Signers and their loved ones as well as their tombs where their bodies will be placed.

Sakura says, amazed, “Beautiful.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “I’ll say, Sakura-chan.”

Ryu and Ayane look at the bodies of their slain parents and loved ones in which Ayane says, with tears in her eyes, “Goodbye, mom… dad… everyone…”

Blister thinks in his mind, “I’ve got to say that even at their own funeral, Yusei and his friends make it exceptional. Yusei, you and your friends have affected many lives and you will never be forgotten. The others and I will make sure of that!”

Kalin thinks in his mind, “Yusei, I owe you, Jack, and Crow so much and I’ll make sure that Ryu, Ayane, and the new Signers are ready for whatever the Crimson Dragon needs to them to.” As everyone in the audience looks on, Ninja Ryu, Ninja Ayane, and Momiji look on themselves.

Ninja Ayane thinks in her mind, “So, this is the Crimson Dragon, huh? I can see why Ryu-sensei and those of his village revere it so much. I can sense the great power within it.”

Momiji thinks in her mind, “I can’t believe that I am having such an honor to be possibly one of the few Dragon Shrine Maidens to witness the Crimson Dragon.”

Ninja Ryu thinks in his mind, “So, Crimson Dragon-sama, you are honoring your lost warriors. I will make sure that their successors are ready for the challenges ahead. They’ll need to be since I know that they shall dangers and challenges beyond anything that Ryu’s and Ayane’s parents and loved once faced in their battles before.” Elsewhere in Neo Domino City, the light of the Crimson Dragon can be seen everywhere and Davis is holding his head as Veemon, Wormmon, and Ken look at him worriedly.

Ken asks Davis, “Davis, what’s wrong?”

Davis says, shaking his head, “I don’t know, Ken. My head feels like it is spinning and my right arm is really hurting me.”

Veemon asks Ken, “Should we bring Davis to a doctor?”

Ken says, with a nod, “Good idea, Veemon.”

Davis says, with a weak smile, “No, Ken. I’m okay… I…” However, Davis doesn’t get to finish as his head is bombarded by images of ancient Egypt, Pharaoh Atem’s battle with Zorc, Yugi’s adventures with Pharaoh Atem, known as Yami at the time since Atem had no memories of his life when he was alive and not just a spirit in the Millennium Puzzle and in Yugi Moto, Jaden Yuki and his adventures at Duel Academy during his teenage years, the Sacred Beasts, the Light of Destruction, and up to the battle with Nightshroud, the ancient battle of the Crimson Dragon and the Five Dragons and the Earthbound Immortals, the battles of Yusei and his fellow Signers as well as friends and loved ones, and the same vision that Ryu, Ayane, and Naruto saw in the secret vault/room in the Namikaze compound. He then collapses to the ground much to the shock of his companions.

Ken and Veemon yell out in unison, “Davis!”

Ken puts Davis on his back and he yells out, “I need some help over here!” Immediately, people managed to come out of their shocked and amazement at the ‘crimson light’ in the sky and go over to Ken and his collapsed friend not knowing that someone in the shadows is watching them.

(After the funeral; in another part of Neo Domino City)

Within Ryu’s and Ayane’s old home with Tops district of Neo Domino City, we find the Fudo twins and our two ninja teams, Team 7 and Team 8, being escorted by Trudge and Mina as they look all over the house. Normally, with Ryu’s and Ayane’s family and loved one being murdered here, it is a crime scene and not even the family of the murder victims are allowed inside until all available evidence can be found and plenty of time, the crime itself is solved due to clues that were not found during early searches, but they managed to get special permission as long as they didn’t touch anything.

Kurenai asks, curiously, “So, this was your home?”

Ryu says, with a nod, “It was, Kurenai-san.”

Kiba says, with a whistle, “This is a pretty big place, you must have been loaded.”

Ayane says, with a plain tone, “Dad didn’t care about money and such, but he wanted enough to give his family a comfortable life compared to his life in the Satellite. However, he made us learn the value of what he learned during his days before the Satellite and Neo Domino City was reunited as one which he, Uncle Crow, and Uncle Jack were greatly responsible for, Kiba-san.”

Hinata tells Ryu and Ayane, “Your parents must have been very important people, you two.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “The Signer, the original Signers before us, were the heroes of Neo Domino City and Satellite, uniting both of them, and saving the world two times for example. They had helped in many problems and done many good things.”

They continued to look around and Naruto says, lowly, “This is so wrong and what happened… I just don’t want to think about it.”

Sakura says, with a nod, “For once, Naruto, I agree.” Soon enough, the group managed to stumble on a family picture with the original Signers, Yusei, Akiza, Crow, Jack, and Luna with Leo, Carly, Jack’s and Carly’s son, Jacky, and the Fudo twins in which the Fudo twins were eight and Jacky was six years old.

Shino says, plainly, “I believe that we found a picture.”

Trudge tells them, “Watch it, kid! That’s evidence! Like it or not, we need it to figure out about who did this horrible thing!”

Kakashi tells Trudge and Mina, “Not without our cooperation, Trudge-san. These were ninja from the Elemental Countries and you’ll need us to figure out who and for what reasons that Ryu’s and Ayane’s parents were murdered.”

Mina tells Trudge, “They do have a point, Trudge. We know next to nothing expect what’s on record about their home and it isn’t much.”

Trudge tells Mina, with a snort, “Don’t remind me, Mina.”

Ryu and Ayane go over to the picture, Ayane sheds tears, and she says, croaking and starting to cry, “This was at a junior’s division Duel Monsters’ tournament and Jacky won his age group while Ryu and Ayane got first and second place in which Ryu managed to beat me with one draw. We were celebrating, joking, and…” Ayane then starts to cry as the pain of her parents’ and loved one’s death in which she cries on the first chest that she can find which turns out to be our blond haired hero’s chest in which Naruto is nervous at, knowing of Hinata’s feelings for him now.

Flashback; Sometime after the battle with Rachel

Right now, we find ourselves in the Namikaze mansion with Kurenai and Team 8 sitting on couches in front of Naruto, Ryu, Ayane, Leon Yuki, and Kakashi as they explain about what happened to them just awhile ago.

When they were done, they gasp in shock and Hinata says, looking at her right arm, “So, that’s why my ‘Mark of the Dragon’ glowed? It sensed the danger that Ayane was in by this person that tried during their duel.”

Kurenai asks Kakashi, “Kakashi, is Hokage-sama going to allow Ryu and Ayane to travel back to the home?”

Kakashi says, with a nod, “I believe so, Kurenai.”

When Kakashi looks at Ryu and Ayane, they become solemn and Ryu says, with a plain tone, “We need to be there for… our parents and our family.”

Ayane says, a few tears coming from her eyes, “We need to… at least say goodbye to them…”

Leon says, with a nod, “I’ll be coming with you, but I can’t join you at the funeral. There is something important that I need to do in the city before I head back with you. I’m meeting with some old friends and hoping that they have new clues that I can work on to find my mom and dad.”

Ryu says, with a nod, “We understand, Leon-san.”

Kurenai says, with a smile, “Anyway, since our mission is done, we should get going. Kiba, it is time for us to go. You too Shino.”

Shino says, with a nod, “I understand, Kurenai-sensei.”

Kiba asks, curiously, “Why do we have to leave?”

Kurenai asks Kiba, sternly, “Do we have to talk with your mother, Kiba?”

Kiba replies, nervously, “No, Kurenai-sensei.” Soon enough, Kurenai, Kiba, and Shino leave the inside of the Namikaze residence in which Hinata goes over to Naruto.

Hinata tells them, “I’m glad that you are okay, Ayane.”

Ayane says, with a smile, “I’m okay, Hinata.” Ayane says, with a giggle, “By the way, Naruto knows your secret, Hinata.”

Hinata gains a bright blush and she asks, shocked, “H-He does?”

Naruto blush and Ryu says, with a plain tone, “Sakura blurted it out before she could stop herself and she says that the whole village minus Naruto knew.”

Hinata replies, “I-I see.”

Naruto asks Hinata, curiously and quite nervously, “So, you like me, Hinata?”

Hinata replies, very nervously and blushing greatly, “I-I do, Naruto-kun. Ever since we were young, I’ve always w-watched you and you have inspired me. Even knowing what I know now, it actually m-makes feel c-closer to you s-since both of us have felt such burdens. I-I’ve always felt pressured to do well to be the heir to head of the main family of my clan, N-Naruto-kun and when Hanabi started doing better than I did at our clan’s Taijutsu and stuff, I-I’ve felt like a failure and part of me wanted to g-give up. But seeing you g-gave me strength and… you know, Naruto-kun. To me, you are not the fox and what happened p-proves it. You are and a-always be Naruto-kun to me.” Naruto didn’t know what to say and Hinata blushes and twiddles her fingers in which she tries to move away, but she trips and falls onto Naruto in which their lips connect with each other. The two of them blush in which they like the sensations from the kiss, but they quickly break away. Hinata replies, her face now a bright strawberry red, “I-I’m sorry, N-Naruto-kun!”

Naruto replies, blushing and nervously, “I-It’s all right, Hinata. I k-kind of liked it.” Naruto looks at Hinata blushing and twiddling her thumbs in which he thinks, “Now I’ve got to admit, the way that Hinata does that with her thumbs makes her kind of cute.” Naruto asks, a bit nervously, “M-Maybe you and I can… you know, go out… just you and me…?”

Ayane tells Hinata, “He is asking you out on a date, Hinata.”

Hinata replies, blushing and nervously, “S-Sure, Naruto-kun… I mean, if you don’t mind…”

Naruto replies, nervously, “Sure, Hinata, if you are okay with it.”

Ayane says, with a sigh, “Come on, you two! Just go out on a date with each other on the town!”

Naruto says, nervously, “Right, Ayane.” Kakashi gives his classic ‘eye smile’ with Ryu and Leon giving smirks at this.

End Flashback; Return to the Present

After awhile, Naruto and Hinata did managed to go on one date before they head out with the Fudo twins to their family’s funeral and in which both of them managed to have a good time through there was a drunken die-hard that won’t accept Naruto’s heritage that tried to give him a hard time, but his ‘public humiliation’ by the ANBU which took care of that problem and reminded the people that messing with Naruto is a major ‘no-no’.

Now, we find Ayane crying into his chest, but Hinata isn’t jealous in which she remembers when her mother died after giving birth to Hanabi. She goes over to the crying female Signer and comforts in which Ayane turns and cries on Hinata’s chest now.

Hinata tells Ayane, “Ayane-chan, I-I know how it feels to lose a parent. My mom died giving birth to Hanabi, my younger sister. But you still have your brother and you have Naruto-kun and me now, Ayane-chan.”

Naruto says, patting her gently, “That’s right, Ayane. We’re here for you. We’re Signers now and we can be your new family.”

Ayane says, choking on her tears, “T-Thank you, Naruto… Hinata…”

As they look on, Sakura asks, curiously, “Will she be okay?”

Kakashi tells Sakura, “Time does heal wounds, but some wounds never heal, Sakura.”

Sasuke replies, with a snort, “The only one that she and spirits of her murdered parents and family can ever live in peace is those that murdered her parents are dead.” Sasuke thinks in his mind, seriously, “Just like the only way that my clan can go into the afterlife in peace is when HE dies!”

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “Revenge doesn’t solve anything Sasuke. Naruto knows that better than many people.”

On the meanwhile, Trudge gets a call on his cell phone and he asks, answering it, “What is it?” When he hears the voice on his phone, his eyes grow wide and he yells out, “What?! Are you serious?!” Everyone, even Ayane, who has stopped crying, look at Trudge and he yells out on the phone, “Then find the scum that did this! It might be connected to this case! Move it!”

When he slams the phone closed, Mina asks Trudge, “What is it, Trudge?”

Trudge says, seriously, “We need to head back. Someone just hacked into the mainframe and gotten some important information, Mina, in which they managed to somehow get by our security.”

Mina asks, shocked, “What? How? What information is that Trudge?”

Trudge says, with a plain tone, “Information on the Fudo twins.”

There are looks of surprise and Ryu asks, “Why would anyone want information on us? Unless…”

Kurenai says, with a serious tone, “Most likely, it could be the people that murdered your family or anyone else that wants you for the power of the Crimson Dragon.”

Kakashi tells Trudge, “Commander Trudge, I know that you have your reservations about us, but we believe that it is best that the twins stay with us. And they have agreed to stay under the protection of Naruto and his clan with me as Naruto’s current guardian. In any case, it isn’t safe for them to stay in the city.”

Mina tells Trudge, “As much as I hate to say it, Kakashi-san has a point. The twins need to be far away from the city and this Leaf Village seems to be only place that seems safe for them. Plus, they have made strong friends that have ‘inherited’ Jack’s and Luna’s Signer Dragons as the new Signers.”

Trudge tells Kakashi, “Fine, pal! The twins trust you and the people from your home! I don’t like them being in a place that we know very little to nothing about, but you know about the people that murdered their parents along with Jack, Crow, and the others! However, we are going to need to discuss a few things before they leave for your home!”

Kakashi tells Trudge, “As you wish, Trudge. However, I will need approval from Hokage-sama on what you want. He is the leader of our village after all.”

Trudge says, with a sigh, “That’s fine.”

Mina says, with a plain tone, “We’ll need to get going since this is a crime scene and whoever is after the Signers might come here believing that they may return home.”

Shino says, with a nod, “A wise idea, Mina-san.” As they head off, Ryu and Ayane take their final look at their ruined home for the first 13 years of their lives and they know deep down that they may never seen it again in a long time to come.

(On the meanwhile; Returning to the Elemental Countries)

Deep within another portion of the Elemental Countries, we are in an underground base where we find none other than Orochimaru looking over paper files that had information on Ryu and Ayane along with their slain family and loved ones.

Orochimaru says, with a sly tone, “So, these are the two Signers from the outside of the Elemental Countries? Ryu and Ayane Fudo, huh? Children of world champion, Yusei Fudo, and his wife, Akiza Izinski Fudo… But what is this? This data looks so much different.” As Orochimaru goes over the data, his eyes widen and he yells out, excitedly, “So, it is true! Rumors about the outside world possessing mental powers that can make the creatures and cards of Duel Monsters, the recreation of the ancient Shadow Games come to life and inflict real damage! And this woman had power of such levels that she could have killed people with her powers! And if that’s so, then her daughter must be just as powerful! First, the Crimson Dragon and now, the rumored powers of a ‘Psychic Duelist’?! It seems like fate itself is calling out to me to take this chance and I shall take it! With the powers of the Sharingan, the Crimson Dragon, and the power of a ‘Psychic Duelist’ in my grasp, I would become unstoppable! Not even the Akatsuki would stand against me even if they got all of the Biju together! No one would! All that power and all of world’s jutsu and more would be mine! Beware, Sarutobi-sensei! You will not be able to keep them from me! The Signers shall be mine and I alone shall have power of the Crimson Dragon!” Orochimaru then gives an evil laugh that would send down shivers that would make nearly any men quiver in fear as he makes his plans to gain the power of the Crimson Dragon for himself.

(Back in Neo Domino City; around the same time)

Within the hospital of Neo Domino City, we find Ken, Veemon, and Wormmon sitting down by a bed containing none other than Davis who sitting up on the bed.

Davis says, with a sigh, “What’s taking them so long? This is one of the reasons that I don’t like hospitals.”

Ken tells Davis, “Davis, you collapsed onto the street. You had Veemon and me in a panic.”

Davis says, with a sigh, “I don’t know what happened Ken. The instant that crimson light appeared in the sky, my head started getting all fuzzy and then tons of images flashed through my mind. I saw Yugi Moto’s legendary duels and I also saw plenty of Jaden Yuki’s duels, but I also saw the legendary three Egyptian God monsters fighting out with some kind of freaky two headed demon with its second head coming out of its stomach. But then I also saw what looks like those same monsters with a huge dragon made of crimson energy and five other dragons fighting other huge creatures like massive spiders and condors and such in which they were covered in these freaky markings that Izzy explained to us about.”

Ken asks Davis, “A large red dragon, Davis?”

Davis says, with a nod, “That’s right, Ken.”

Wormmon asks Ken, “Ken, what are you trying to say?”

Ken explains by telling everyone, “I’ve heard about it, Davis. I’ve done research on Neo Domino City and I’ve heard about the same dragon appearing during Yusei Fudo’s and Jack Atlas’ Turbo Duel in the Fortune Cup. And it has been seen here quite a few times during plenty of strange events over a decade ago. I’ve also found about a rarely heard of legend about a powerful Native American civilization known as the People of the Stars. It says that they worshipped a powerful red star that’s supposed to be alive.”

Davis asks, stunned, “A living star?”

Ken says, with a nod, “That’s right. They called it the ‘Dragon Star’ and when evil demons attacked this civilization, the star transformation into a massive dragon creature with five other dragons that defeated the evil demons in a great battle. They called this dragon the ‘Crimson Dragon’ and it is said that this same dragon was seen in the city.”

Davis tells Ken, “That sound way out there, Ken.”

Ken replies, with a smile, “Like another world made of digital information that surrounds our own and made of living creature made of digital information isn’t out there, Davis?”

Davis says, with a nod, “Good point, Ken.” Davis says, shaking his head, “It felt… so real.”

Veemon asks, curiously, “What does it mean, Davis?”

Ken tells Veemon, “I’m not sure, Veemon. However, I think that we need to call the others about this.”

Davis tells Ken, with a sigh, “Do we need to, Ken?”

Ken tells Davis, “I know that after the battle with MaloMyotismon and Armageddemon that the ‘relationship’ between you and the other Digidestined back home other than I is… strained, but we might need them for this especially Izzy, Davis.”

Davis says, with a sigh, “Okay, Ken, but just tell them that I’m not in the mood for their ‘games’.”

Ken says, with a nod, “Right, Davis.” As Ken prepares to head to call for the Digidestined, they don’t notice that someone from the shadows is watching them and leaving as quick as possible.

(Around several weeks later; Returning to the Leaf Village)

Back within the Leaf Village, we find ourselves within the Namikaze compound as we see Naruto walking down the stairway to the massive living room where we finds Ayane, Ryu, Leon, and Kalin all together and looking their decks with Hinata bringing them some breakfast.

Ayane says, with a giggle, “Morning, sleepyhead.”

Hinata tells Naruto, “Good morning, Naruto-kun.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Good morning, Hinata-chan.” Naruto asks the four duelists, “So, what are you doing?”

Ryu says, plainly, “Going over our decks, Naruto. While it is good to duel with the cards that you pick and not waste a card, it isn’t bad to look at your deck and give a bit of improvement.”

Kalin says, with a nod, “Ryu is right, Naruto. With the battles and duels that you’ll face, you’ll need to be ready for anything.”

Naruto asks, curiously, “Where are Hayabusa-sensei and Momiji-sensei?”

Ayane says, with a smile, “They’re waiting for the two of us, Naruto.”

Hinata asks Naruto, “Would you like for me to make some breakfast for you, Naruto-kun?”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Sure, Hinata-chan. You are a good cook, you know that? It tastes almost as good as ramen… almost.”

Hinata replies, with a blush, “T-Thank you, Naruto-kun.” Hinata then heads off to get some breakfast ready for Naruto and Ayane can’t help to smile at Naruto.

Ayane says, with a smile, “It seems like the two of you really hit it off.”

Naruto says, with a smile, “Ever since that day, Hinata-chan and I are becoming quite close.” Ayane gives a warm smile to Naruto, but something in her heart feels a ‘tug’ and she can’t help to get a strong warm feeling when near Naruto in which she makes sure to hide a light blush forming on her face.

Leon asks Kalin, “Any word from Rachel and the older Ayane?”

Kalin says, with a plain tone, “The signal from the fifth Signer is still weak meaning that he hasn’t awoken his part of the Crimson Dragon: The Dragon’s Tail.” FYI: Sometime after the funeral, Ryu and Ayane traveled back with our ninja crew back to the Leaf Village with Kalin joining Leon to assist them in the Signer’s ‘duel training’ to become better duelists for the battles ahead. However, Rachel and Ninja Ayane stayed behind to find the fifth Signer and bring him/her to the Leaf Village to get Crow’s deck along with his Signer Dragon, Black-Winged Dragon.

Ryu asks Naruto, “So, what’s up for today, Naruto?”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “Just another D-rank mission, Ryu. I know that we have to do to stay in the village to protect you and Ayane, but I want to get out into the action. I can’t do my job as a Signer if I’m stuck lazing around. I just feel that I have go out there and stop this evil before it rears its ugly head.”

Ayane tells Naruto, with a smile, “I know, Naruto. But heroes and heroines are usually to more passive type. They don’t go out looking for trouble, they wait for a problem to appear and then they hit as soon as possible.”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “I know, Ayane, but I think that’s going to allow jerks like that Madara asshole to hurt people like my mother.”

Ryu tells Naruto, “Sis and I know how you feel, Naruto. But don’t worry, being a Signer is like being a part of a family, like you have said.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Yeah, Ryu, you’re right.” Soon enough, Hinata brings over a bit of food and Naruto sits down on a couch in which he manages to convince Hinata to sit by him which she manages to do with a major flush in her cheeks. While Hinata doesn’t faint too much these days and she is in many ways, Naruto’s girlfriend, it is hard for her to be so close to the person that she loves so much, but Naruto understands and adapts as much as he has to. As Naruto eats his food that Hinata, Kalin, Leon, Ryu, and Ayane prepare their decks for future duels while Naruto prepares to meet his team for another day.

(Later that day; Elsewhere in the Leaf Village)

In another part of the Leaf Village, we find Team 7 walking down a road with a fence to their right in which Naruto is covered in burns and dirt with an annoyed expression on his face.

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “You are really just one big problem, Dobe.”

Naruto yells out, annoyed, “You could have helped, Sasuke-teme! Those dogs were Kakashi-sensei’s dogs! Ninja dogs! Don’t you think that ninja dogs will be well-trained and tough to stand up to hard core missions like the one that Kakashi-sensei has to deal with?!”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “You were the one that had to prove something, Naruto.”

Naruto yells out, strongly, “I wasn’t proving anything, Sasuke-teme!”

Sakura tells Naruto, annoyed, “Naruto, cut it out!”

Kakashi asks, with a sigh, “We are not really improving on the teamwork thing, huh?”

As Sasuke walks away, Naruto yells out, annoyed, “That’s right, Sasuke-teme! Our teamwork really sucks! And it is all thanks to you! You think that you are better than everyone else!”

Sasuke replies, plainly, “Not everyone. Just you, Dobe.”

Naruto yells out, with a smirk, “Oh, really, teme? You think that you are so hot stuff with your Sharingan and your ‘Uchiha clan blood’! Well, if you and your clan are so hot, why haven’t anyone of your clan become Hokage, the strongest ninja in the village?”

Sasuke stops right in his tracks and he asks, with a dangerous look in his eyes, “What are you trying to imply Dobe?”

Naruto says, with a smirk, “Got your attention, eh, ‘your majesty’? It is just what I said! Remember where I come from, my dad was the Fourth Hokage and a ninja legend! Did anyone from your clan get to be Hokage? Or did they get put in enemy ninja bingo books with an ‘flee on sight’ order? I don’t think so!” Naruto says, with a plain tone, “Face it, Teme! You are just pissed off that you are not the only ‘special one’ in this village anymore and come from a ‘great clan’ like yours!”

Sasuke asks, with a sneer, “You are comparing my clan to yours, Dobe?”

Naruto says, with a snort, “Like I would either do that, Sasuke! I learned quite a fact that those orange spirals on the flak jackets of our village’s comes from my mom’s clan: The Uzumaki clan! It was a sign of their friendship over the years! Believe it, teme! At least, my mom’s clan knew how to make friends! From what I know about you, your clan didn’t even try to be a ‘good neighbor’ even in your own village! I know that I come from great clans, but at least I don’t let that go to my head thinking that I’m rulers of the world, Teme! I’m glad to know that I have a family and come from great people like my dad and my mom as well as know that they were such awesome ninja! But that doesn’t mean that I’m superior to everyone else! I may have a powerful bloodline, but I don’t go waving it around like you!”

Sasuke says, with a snarl, “You are really starting to annoy me, Dobe.”

Naruto says, with a deadly glare, “Like I care, Teme! Face it, Sasuke! You can’t take the fact that you aren’t the only ‘special one’ in this village anymore and trying to make it that you are so superior! Get a clue! We’re supposed to be a team! Working together as one or did Kakashi-sensei’s explanation go in one ear and out the other?! I’m really starting to getting pissed off by your ‘high and mighty’ attitude, asshole!”

Sasuke says, with a threatening glare, “You want to make something of it, Dobe? You might be the son of the Fourth Hokage and Red Storm, but it doesn’t mean that you have any of their skills and abilities. So far, you don’t show any of the talent and genius that they have!”

Naruto says, with a snort, “So, what? I know that my mom and dad wouldn’t want me to live in their shadow, so, I’m not trying to be like them! I’m only trying to be me and only me! I’m glad that my parents are the Fourth Hokage and such a legendary kunoichi, but I don’t hang on their legacy through I plan for that messed up ancestor of yours still running and trying to take over the world to face his just desserts. And if you had forgotten, I’m a Signer and I’ve got a ‘greater duty’ jerk!” Naruto tells Sasuke, with a smirk, “And even through I seem not to have any skills that my mom or dad had, I’m way stronger than you or did you forget what other ‘power’ that I have under my control? I’ve got plenty of control over it thanks to Kakashi-sensei’s and especially Hayabusa-sensei’s training and I’m far from the kid back in the Academy! Believe it, Teme! Or do you think that you have enough strength to prove me wrong?!” Naruto’s chakra starts to flare as Sasuke looks at him with a deadly glare preparing to activate his Sharingan.

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “Oh, boy. While Naruto does have a point about Sasuke and his attitude, I don’t think it is wise to do that.”

Sakura thinks in her mind, worriedly, “Oh no! Those two are acting worse than before the Wave mission!”

At this moment, Sasuke thinks about the Wave mission and what happened in Naruto’s duel with Neo Paradox in which he thinks, annoyed, “I don’t have time for Naruto or these lame mission! There are still ninja stronger than me and I need to get stronger! However, the Dobe has one useful purpose. Without the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox, he would be nothing! Nothing at all even through he is the son of the Fourth Hokage and Red Storm! But this power at least makes him a good enough ‘way marker’ for me! He has far more chakra and stamina than HIM and once I beat the Dobe with him using the power of the Kyuubi, I know that I will be more than ready to take HIM on!” As the two of them stare each other down, Kakashi notices a hawk circling overhead.

Kakashi says, plainly, “Anyway, let’s call it a day. You can beat each other another day.” Kakashi tells Sasuke, “However, Sasuke, while I think that Naruto might have taken a bit over the top, he has plenty of good points about your attitude. We may need to discuss about this at some point in the near future.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “Whatever, I’m out of here.” Sasuke then turns away and heads away in which Kakashi teleports away through a swirl of leaves while Sakura goes over to ask him for a date which he will turn down.

Naruto, on the meanwhile, turns away and he thinks, annoyed, “What is that guy’s problem?!” Naruto thinks in his mind, shaking his head, “Whatever, I’m not going to let that ass get me down! I’m going to be Hokage one day like my dad and even better one than he was! I hope that you are watching wherever you are, pops! I’m going to become the best Hokage ever! Believe it!” Just then Naruto hears something and he notices what looks to be a square rock with holes coming up behind him. Naruto thinks in his mind, “You have got to be kidding me! That’s the worse disguise ever!” Naruto runs around a bit and the ‘rock’ follows him in which he yells out, tried of running around, “Okay, you can come out now, Konohamaru! That’s the worse disguise ever!”

Just then a voice comes out from the ‘square rock’, “You saw through my disguise again! I wouldn’t expect anything less from my rival!” Just then the box glows and explodes creating a lot of smoke in which Naruto gives a look of surprise in which he hears coughing from the smoke. When the smoke fades away enough, Naruto can see a brown haired kid of nine to ten years of age who’s brown hair is wildly spiking with black eyes with a yellow shirt and blue with green scarf and green square goggles on his forehead, a girl of the same age with orange hair in two small pigtails going towards the sky, black eyes, red shirt, grey shirt, and also the same goggles as the brown haired kid, and another boy of the same age as the other two kids with mop top brown hair, large glass in front of black eyes, blue shirt, grey-brown pants, and same goggles as the other two around his forehead. All three kids are also wearing the same type of sandals as Naruto on their feet.

The spiky brown haired kid says, “I think that we used too much gunpowder you guys.” When they stopped coughing, they see Naruto looking at them with surprised and confused expression on his face.

The girl yells out, “I’m the sassiest kunoichi of pre-school: Moegi!”

The boy with the mop top brown hair yells out, “I’m the liker of math and algebra: Udon!”

The other boy yells out, “And I’m one of the greatest ninja of this village: Konohamaru!”

And all three kids yell out, “And we’re the Konohamaru Ninja Squad!”

Naruto says, with a droll tone, “I knew that it was you, Konohamaru.” Naruto asks, looking at them, “And why are you wearing goggles?”

Konohamaru yells out, “Come on, boss! You wore goggles at one time, so, we’re copying you!”

Moegi asks, amazed, “So, he is the son of the Fourth Hokage and Red Storm?” Naruto wasn’t too surprised since the word has gotten out about his heritage on the day that he learned about it during his duel with Neo Paradox.

Konohamaru yells out, excitedly, “That’s right! I saw his incredible battle with the freak and he sealed the Nine-Tailed Fox into that big dragon that he summoned turning it into an even more awesome dragon!”

Naruto asks Konohamaru, stunned, “You saw my duel with Paradox?”

Konohamaru says, with a grin, “That’s right, boss! I didn’t hear anything, but I saw the monsters, the fox, and that awesome dragon including that big red dragon that protected you!”

Udon tells Konohamaru, with a sniffle, “That was the Crimson Dragon, Konohamaru. A legendary dragon said to have come down from a star in the heavens and fought against evil creature that said to be as powerful as the Nine-Tailed Fox itself which makes this dragon even more powerful.”

Moegi yells out, stunned, “More powerful than the Kyuubi?!”

Udon says, with a nod, “I’ve read all about it. The Crimson Dragon divided itself into five parts giving five noble warriors the ability to summon it back in case the world and humanity was put in danger. These people are known as Signers and you can know that a person is a Signer because they have special mark known as the ‘Mark of the Dragon’, which is like birthmark in the shape of the Crimson Dragon’s head, wings, tail, and two of its claws.”

Konohamaru asks Naruto, “Hey, boss, do you have one of those?”

Naruto says, rolling up his right sleeve and showing his ‘Mark of the Dragon’, “Right here, Konohamaru!”

Udon yells out, amazed, “Oh, wow! That’s it! That’s the ‘Mark of the Dragon’! You are a Signer, a protector of humanity!”

Konohamaru tells Naruto, excitedly, “I knew that you were something special, boss! You and I are a lot like! My grandpa is the Third Hokage and your dad is the Fourth Hokage!”

Moegi says, with a nod, “Yeah, Konohamaru! Both of you have family members that became Hokage!”

Konohamaru says, proudly, “That’s why the boss and I are going to be next in like to be Hokage! Boss is going to be the Sixth Hokage and when he retired, I’ll be the Seventh Hokage! We’re going to be better than my grandpa and his dad! We’re going to be ninja legends!”

Moegi says, with an excited tone, “Wow, Konohamaru!”

Konohamaru tells Naruto, “Come on, boss! Play ninja with us and show us some of your new moves!”

Naruto tells Konohamaru, “Konohamaru, I’ve got training to do.”

Udon tells Konohamaru, “He has a good point. Since his dad was the Fourth Hokage, I heard that his dad in the last war made a lot of enemies and sooner or later, it is going to get out to them that the Fourth Hokage has a living heir in which they may want to get revenge on him for what his dad did to them.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, drolly, “Thanks for reminding me, kid.”

Konohamaru says, with a grin, “Ha! I know that boss would take care of them in an instant! I know that you can boss! I hear that you have your own super powerful bloodline of your own!”

Naruto says, rubbing his head, “Now, I wouldn’t say that Konohamaru, but it is real cool.”

Konohamaru yells out, “So, I know that you would kick the butt of any Stone asshole that tries to take you on! So, come on, boss! Can’t you at least show us how you played that incredible dragon that I saw?!”

Naruto says, nervously, “I… I’m not sure how to explain it, but a few of my newest friends, my fellow Signers, might be able to show you how.” Naruto thinks in his mind, “What am I going to do? If I stick around with Konohamaru and his friends, I’ll never get more training with Hayabusa-sensei done!” Just then depressed Sakura, who has been just shot down by Sasuke Uchiha for a date, appears on the scene and looks at surprise through mainly confusion at what’s going on in front of her.

Konohamaru asks Naruto, “Hey, boss, is that your girlfriend?”

Naruto replies, with a smile, “No, Konohamaru. That’s Sakura Haruno, she is a teammate of mine! My ‘girlfriend’ through we’ve only gone on a few dates and I’m not sure that it is official is Hinata-chan.”

Udon asks Naruto, “Hinata? As in Hinata Hyuga, the heiress to the Hyuga clan?”

Moegi says, amazed, “Oh, wow! I like her! She is so kind and gentle!”

Konohamaru tells Naruto, with a proud smile, “Sorry about that boss, I should have known that this girl can’t be your girlfriend!” Sakura’s eyebrow quirks up and Konohamaru says, continuing, “I’ve seen that Hyuga girl and I think that she is perfect for you! You wouldn’t date a girl with that kind of forehead!” Naruto then sweatdrops and slaps his forehead in which Konohamaru asks, curiously, “What’s wrong, boss?”

Naruto points in Sakura’s direction and he says, plainly, “Konohamaru, run.” When the kids look at Sakura, she has an anime vein on her forehead with a look that says ‘I’m going to kill you, brat’ in which she gives a war cry as Konohamaru yelps as he runs away with Sakura in hot pursuit!

Sakura yells out, angrily, “When I catch you, brat, you are so dead!”

Inner Sakura calls out, “When I’m done with you, you wish that you were dead! Cha!”

Moegi says, shivering in fear, “She’s scary!”

Naruto says, with a sigh, “We had better get to Konohamaru before Sakura-chan does or he is toast.” Just then they hear Konohamaru yelp out and he yells out, “That was him!” Immediately, they run over to the source of Konohamaru’s yell in which they see him with his butt on the ground with two people looming over him.

The first person is a male of 14 to 15 years of age, with a black hood with pointed tops like dog ears or something on his head with a metal plate with an engraved of a sand gourd or something of that sort on the plate, black eyes, purple markings on his feet, and a full black bodysuit with red and yellow circle in the center, fingerless gloves on his hands, and black sandals on his feet. He also has something tied up in bandages on his back.

The second person is a female of 15 to 16 years of age with blond hair put into four pigtails around the back of her scalp, green eyes, and she is wearing a single purple garment that goes from her shoulder down to halfway down her tights, red sash around her waist, and she has fishnet under the garment around her shoulders and on various parts of her legs, and similar black sandals. Around her neck is a ninja headband with a metal plate having the same sand gourd like emblem engraved on it.

The male of the two asks, with a snort, “Did you need something punk?”

Konohamaru says, nervously, “Sorry about that.”

The male replies, with a sneer, “Oh, you are going to be punk.” He then grabs Konohamaru by the neck/shirt collar and lifts him into the air.

Naruto yells out, shocked, “Konohamaru!”

The male tells Konohamaru, with a sinister smile, “Does this hurt punk?”

The female tells her male ‘associate’, “Put him down, Kankuro. Or you’ll pay for it later.”

Sakura says, nervously, “Hey, there, I’m sorry about this. This is my fault.” Sakura thinks in her mind, nervously, “Who are they? What are they?”

Naruto says, seriously, “You had better put him down right now or you’ll be sorry!”

When the male, known as Kankuro, looks at Naruto’s headband, he thinks, slyly, “So, this is the Leaf Village’s Genin, huh?” Kankuro tells the blond female with him, “We’ve got a few minutes before HE gets here. Let’s mess with them, huh?”

Konohamaru yells out, “Let me go, you jerk!”

As Konohmaru unsuccessfully kicks at Kankuro, he says, slyly, “You are a feisty one, huh? Not for long.”

Naruto yells out, angrily, “Okay, asshole, you asked for it! Put him down now!” Naruto rushes forward, but he then seemly vanishes which surprises everyone.

Kankuro thinks in his mind, “Where did he…?” Just then Kankuro is bashed right in the kisser which forces him to release Konohmaru, dropping him to the ground, and Kankuro is sent crashing into the fence on the other side with a loud ‘crack’ sound in which everyone sees Naruto is the one that landed the blow.

The female thinks in his mind, “How did he do that? Is that some kind of teleportation jutsu?”

Sakura thinks in her mind, stunned, “Whoa! When did Naruto learn to do that?”

Naruto thinks in his mind, slyly, “I’m really glad for Hayabusa-sensei’s training now! He can be a real slave driver, but he really knows some awesome tricks!”

Moegi yells out, excitedly, “Oh, wow! That was amazing!”

Konohamaru tells Naruto, “Great job, boss! I knew that you could take it to that jerk!” Just then everyone hears a loud grunt and they look to see Kankuro coming out of the side of the fence that Naruto sent him into with a cut lip and an angered expression on his face.

Kankuro yells out, annoyed, “Why you? No one makes a fool of me, brat!”

Naruto replies, with a foxy smile, “Then just call me ‘Nobody’, baka! Because I just did that!”

Kankuro says, putting down the package on his back, “You won’t be saying that for long when I used this!”

The female says, with a sigh, “Okay, Kankuro, but I’m not involved okay. I can’t believe that you are going to use ‘The Crow’ for this!”

Naruto then senses something and he says, with a smile, “Before we start, tell your friend in the tree with Sasuke-teme to cut it out with the Killer Intent! It is so obvious!” Naruto then points to the tree behind him and everyone looks to see Sasuke on one of the branches in the nearby trees with someone else with him.

The male looks to be the same age as Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke with short spiky brick red hair, green eyes with mainly invisible pupils, with strange black rings around his eyes, the Japanese Kanji for the word ‘love’ in blood red above his left eye, and he is wearing black body suit with its sleeves similar to ones found on a t-shirt, the suit covers around three-quarters of his legs, white cloth over his left shoulder and hips with a leather band to aid him in carrying the large gourd on his back, and he has black open-toed sandals.

Sasuke is looking at the teen male and he thinks, shocked, “How did the Dobe know that he was here? I couldn’t even tell that he was here with me or how he sneaked up on me!”

The male gives a movement of his left eye in which if he had eyebrows that would be his eyebrow quirking at Naruto and he then says to Kankuro, with a plain and deadly tone, “Kankuro, cut it out.” The male then tells him, “You are an embarrassment to our village.”

Kankuro says, nervously, “Hey, Gaara.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “I know this feeling. It is the same feeling that the fox’s chakra gave me!” Naruto grabs his right arm with his left and he thinks, “My ‘Mark of the Dragon’ is telling that this guy radiates danger! And I know what I’m feeling is right!”

Gaara tells Kankuro, with a plain and deadly tone, “Have you forgotten why we traveled all the way here?”

Kankuro replies, nervously, “I know, Gaara. I mean… they started… Here is what happened…”

Gaara replies, with a plain and deadly tone, “Shut up, Kankuro. Or I’ll kill you.”

Kankuro yelps nervously and he replies, nervously, “Right, Gaara. I was totally out of line.”

Gaara says, looking at our Leaf ninja, “I’m sorry for any trouble that he caused.”

Sasuke thinks in his mind, seriously, “This guy has got an evil look in his eye.”

Gaara thinks in his mind, looking at Naruto and Sasuke, “This one managed to easily sneak up and was about to attack at any time. And the orange one easily sent Kankuro into that fence with a single punch. His speed and strength are something to look into. I can feel mother stirring and wanting both of their blood.” Gaara then teleports to the ground in a swirl of sand. Gaara tells the Kankuro and the female, “Let’s go. We aren’t here to play games.”

Kankuro replies, nervously, “Right, Gaara.”

Sakura then yells out, “Hold on!”

The female asks, a bit annoyed in her tone, “What?”

Sakura tells them, “I can tell from your headbands that you are shinobi from the Village Hidden in the Sand! And even through the Land of Fire and Land of Wind are allies, one land’s ninja can’t enter another’s without permission! What are you doing here?”

The female tells them, “Have you been living in a rock? Of course, you are right, we are Hidden Sand Village Genin. We are here for the Chunin Exams, get the picture?”

Naruto asks, confused, “Chunin Exams?”

Konohamaru tells him, “Hey, boss, those are the exams that every Genin must take in order to graduate to become Chunin!”

Naruto says, excitedly, “Okay, Konohmaru, why didn’t you say so? I am so there!”

Gaara just gives a snort and after leaping down from the ground, Sasuke yells out, “Hey, you! Identify yourself!”

The female asks, with a smile, “You mean me?”

Sasuke replies, “I mean the one with the gourd.”

Gaara replies, “My name is Gaara of the Desert. I’m curious about you, too. Who are you?”

Sasuke replies, slyly, “I’m Sasuke Uchiha.”

Gaara tells Sasuke in reply, “Sasuke Uchiha, huh?” Gaara says, looking at Naruto, “And you? The orange one that sensed my presence. Who are you?”

Naruto says, with a foxy grin, “I’m Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze.”

Kankuro thinks in his mind, “Namikaze? Where have I heard that name before?”

The female yelps out in shock and she yells out, “Namikaze? Are you related to the Fourth Hokage of the Leaf Village? The famous Yellow Flash?”

Kankuro gives a surprised expression and Naruto replies, with a wide grin, “That’s right. He’s my pop and my mom is Kushina Uzumaki. I think that you heard of her.”

The female replies, in shock. “Kushina Uzumaki? The ‘Red Storm’ of the Whirlpool and Leaf, a kunoichi second only to Tsunade of the Sannin?!” Gaara’s eye quirks up and Kankuro gasps in shock in which Sasuke gives a glare at Naruto in which his parents are so well-known in ninja world.
Naruto says, with a grin, “That’s right! I see that my mom and dad are so well-known.”

Kankuro thinks in his mind, shocked, “The son of the Yellow Flash and Red Storm of the Leaf Village?! No one that brat got the drop on me! He has legendary ninja blood in his veins! But he doesn’t seem like a child of legendary shinobi, but then again, Baki-sensei told us never to underestimate an opponent.”

Naruto asks Gaara, “By the way, Gaara, I have something to ask you. You have one of the nine in you, which one do you have?” Naruto holds up nine fingers and he says, plainly, “I hold number nine.” Gaara’s eyes widen knowing exactly what Naruto meant by his statement.

Gaara’s expression then become stoic and he replies, plainly, “I contain number one, Namikaze.”

Kankuro and the female realize something and the female thinks, shocked, “Number nine? Does he mean… does this kid contain THAT creature that’s like the monster within Gaara?!”

Gaara says, with a plain tone, “I hope to see you and the Uchiha in the exams, Namikaze.” Soon enough, the three Sand Village ninja walk away with Naruto looking at them seriously while Sasuke looks at them leave, but he gives an annoyed scowl at Naruto. However, in the trees, we find three figures watching them. There are two males, one all of his head minus his left eye covered in bandages, large grey poncho on his body, snake-like scarf around his neck, and fur-covered cap on his back with this guy looking to be around 14 years of age and the other looks to be the same age as the first male with black spiky hair, dark eyes, and wearing a beige shirt with the Kanji for ‘death’ on it, dark pants, and a snake-like scarf around his neck, and finally, there is a girl of the same age with very long black hair reaching nearly to the ground with the end of it tied, black eyes, and wearing a pale green flak vest with a sleeveless shirt on the bottom, dark colored skirt, and a snake-like scarf around her neck. All three of them have ninja headbands with a sound note engraved on the metal plate and black open-toed sandals/boots on their feet.

The spiky haired male asks, slyly, “Anyone good?”

The bandaged male replies, “Not really. Just your typical bunch of weaklings. However, the Uchiha kid and the red haired guy with the gourd are people to look out for. And there is one more: The blond haired kid. If he is the son of two legendary ninja, then he could be more of a headache than he appears to be.”

(Inside of the Hokage’s tower; on the meanwhile)

Deep within Hokage Tower, we find the Third Hokage sitting in front of a table with a crystal ball looking at vast group of Chunin and Jonin ninja in front of him including Kurenai, Kakashi, and a man with spiky black hair, black mustache and beard, and wearing the same clothing as Kakashi through he has a sash with the Kanji for ‘Fire’ on it on the right side of his lower waist. Long story, short, he is Asuma Sarutobi, son of the Third Hokage himself.

Third Hokage says, with a plain tone, “All right, everyone, it is time to choose our candidates for the Chunin Exams. To being, will those in charge of the rookie Genin step forward.” Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma then step forward and Third Hokage tells them, “Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma, are there any in your squads ready for the Chunin Exams despite their inexperience. As you know, when a Genin team completes eight or more missions is technically qualified for the examinations. From there, it is up to you to decide. However, it is usually typical that Genin have twice as much experience before starting in the exams.”

A scarred Chunin, Iruka Umino, who was Naruto’s teacher during his time in the academy thinks in his mind, “You really don’t need to say any of us, Hokage-sama. It is way too early for their squads!”

Third Hokage tells them, “So, Kakashi, you shall begin.”

Kakashi says, “I lead team seven which consists of Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, who am I also guardian of. I, Kakashi Hatake, recommend these three for the Chunin Exams.” There are plenty gasps of shock from Kakashi’s statement and not because of Naruto’s name or Kakashi’s guardianship of him.

Kurenai says, “I lead squad eight which consists of Shino Aburame, Kiba Inuzuka, and Hinata Hyuga. I, Kurenai Yuhi, recommend these three Genin for the Chunin Exams.”

Asuma says, with a sly smile, “I lead team ten which consists of Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and Ino Yamanaka. I, Asuma Sarutobi, recommend all three of these Genin for the Chunin Selection Exams.”

Iruka yells out, “Hold on a minute, Hokage-sama!”

Third Hokage asks Iruka, “Yes, Iruka?”

Iruka replies, “With all due respect, Hokage-sama, the nine names that were given were once my students. I know their skills and abilities and every one of them has great promise, but it is too soon to test them. They need more time and experience. If they take the test now, they will surly fail.”

Kakashi says, plainly, “When I became a Chunin, I was six years younger than Naruto is now.”

Iruka yells out, “Naruto isn’t anything like you, Kakashi!”

Kakashi tells Iruka, plainly, “You’re right, Iruka. Naruto isn’t anything like me, but he has much of his parents in him. He may not have Minato-sensei’s genius, but he has his mother’s talent.” The ninja in the room gasp in shock, knowing about Kushina Uzumaki, a kunoichi that’s second to only Tsunade, the only kunoichi of the legendary Sannin of the Leaf Village. Kakashi tells Iruka, “Naruto also has Minato-sensei’s more ‘instinctive talents’ in him. Personally, if he had gotten proper training and aid during his time in Academy, he would be far stronger than he is right now, Iruka.” There are plenty of ninja that sigh knowing of what was denied to Naruto during his childhood and Kakashi tells him, “He is absorbing ninjutsu like a sponge with water just like his mother and Hayabusa-sama and his associates have trained him quite well. There is also something else: Naruto has gained very good control over THAT chakra and most ninja would only be able to beat him due to more skill and ability which the gap is slowly, but surely fading away. However, I’m getting off topic here. If they fail the Chunin Exams, then it will be a learning experience for them. If you are afraid that Naruto would be ‘destroyed’, you must remember that Naruto had to endure much more than what the Chunin Exams could ever do to him.”

Kurenai tells Kakashi, with a sigh, “Okay, Kakashi, I think that you have gotten your point.”

Kakashi says, in a plain tone, “Wrong, Kurenai. In fact, Iruka needs to realize that they are not his students anymore, but they are mine. Naruto is the prime example, but Sasuke and Sakura have also made great improvements as well. As you know, we were in charge of guarding Naruto’s fellow Signers even before Naruto became a Signer himself. I’m not saying that they are ready to become Chunin, but they are ready to take the exam. There are a few flaws in their teamwork that I wish would ‘buff out’, but I know that something like the Chunin Exams will help in that regard. I know them now and far better than Iruka. They are not the Academy students that Iruka knew, they are my Genin team and in my mind, an elite Genin team, which isn’t because of Sasuke’s and Naruto’s heritages.”

Kurenai sighs and Asuma thinks in his mind, “Enough already, Kakashi.”

Iruka yells out, “Okay, fine, Naruto is good and he can handle hardship! But what about his teammates?! They aren’t as strong as Naruto in a mental fashion! These exams could destroy them!”

Third Hokage tells Iruka, “Iruka…” When Iruka looks at the Third Hokage, Third Hokage tells him, “You have made your words spoken and heard, Iruka. In light of this, I shall be holding a special preliminary exam.”

Iruka asks, surprised and confused, “Preliminary exam?”

(Later on; Rejoining Team 7)

Back with Team 7, we find them standing on top of a red bridge and waiting for someone in which Sakura sighs in which she then yells in annoyance.

Sakura yells out, annoyed, “Why? Why? He always sets the time and we always have to wait for him!”

Naruto says, rolling his eyes, “Tell me about it, Sakura-chan. I’ll tell you that he won’t get the ‘Guardian of the Year’ award.” Naruto says, turning to Ayane, Ryu, Ninja Ryu, and Momiji, “By the way, what are you doing here? You don’t have to wait with us.”

Ayane says, with a smile, “We know, Naruto. But we don’t have exactly anything to do since our training for the day is done.”

Ninja Ryu tells Naruto, “Also, Naruto, I heard what happened with those Sand Genin. I wanted to discuss that with you.”

Naruto asks, getting a serious expression, “You mean about Gaara, Hayabusa-sensei?”

Ninja Ryu tells Naruto, with a nod, “Are you sure about him, Naruto?”

Naruto says, with a nod, “No joke, Hayabusa-sensei! That demonic chakra was just too obvious!”

Momiji asks, curiously, “Why would the Sand Village send its Jinchuriki to the Leaf Village, Ryu-sensei?”

Ninja Ryu tells Momiji in reply, “I believe that it is far more than getting promoted to Chunin, Momiji.”

Sasuke thinks in his mind, “So that’s why he was able to do that? He is like the Dobe and contains one of those monsters like the Nine-Tailed Fox inside of him!” Just then Kakashi appears on top one of the arches over the bridge.

Kakashi says, with a plain tone, “Hello, everyone. Sorry, I’m late, but I got lost on the road of life.”

Naruto and Sakura yell out in unison, “Liar!”

Kakashi leaps down from the arches and Kakashi asks Ninja Ryu, “Hayabusa-sama, what are you doing here?”

Ninja Ryu replies, “Naruto told me something that happened to him yesterday and something that’s… unsettling.”

Kakashi’s expression become more serious and he asks, plainly, “Really, Hayabusa-sama?” Kakashi tells Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, “Anyway, I had recommended you for the Chunin Exams and that’s all three of you.” Kakashi says, taking out three registration forms, “Here are your registration forms and now, you must know that if you feel that you aren’t ready. Just wait until next year.”

Naruto yells out, “This is so cool, Kakashi-sensei!”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “Remember, Naruto, you, Sakura, and Sasuke need to sign the application and go to room three-o-one in the Academy at three o’ clock in five days.”

Naruto calls out, “Awesome! This is so awesome! The next big step to being Hokage like my dad was!” Sakura sighs at Naruto’s antics while Sasuke is indifferent as Team 7 heads off into the distance while Naruto looking at his application.

Ninja Ryu tells Kakashi, plainly, “I think that it is a good idea for Naruto to be at the Chunin Exams, Kakashi-san.”

Kakashi asks Ninja Ryu, curiously, “Why is that Hayabusa-sama?” Ninja Ryu whispers something to him, Kakashi’s eye grow wide, and he says, plainly, “I see, Hayabusa-sama. We’ll need to take this to the Hokage.”

Ninja Ryu tells Momiji, “Escort the Fudo twins home, Momiji.”

Momiji says, with a nod, “Right, Ryu-sensei.” Ninja Ryu and Kakashi then take off to the Hokage tower to explain about Naruto’s meeting with Gaara of the Desert. Momiji, Ryu, and Ayane then head off into the distance, not noticing that someone wearing a cloak similar to the Shadow Drones of the Dark Signers wore during Yusei’s and the other Signers battles with the Dark Signers.

Rejoining Naruto, he is thinking about how he will be Hokage while Sasuke thinks in his mind, “I hope that I can fight that guy… Gaara of the Desert. Since he contains one of those monsters similar to the Nine-Tailed Fox, he should be a powerful opponent. And if I can beat him, then I shall be one step closer to my true goal and my clan shall be avenged!”

Sakura thinks in her mind, solemnly, “This is pointless! I can’t keep with Sasuke or Naruto much less both of them! Sasuke with his skills and Naruto seems to also have the skills of his own legendary parents flowing through him! He also has the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox on his side and he is a legendary protector of humanity, a Signer! I’ll never pass these exams even through I had some help in my development from Kakashi-sensei and even a bit from Momiji-sensei.”

(Around four days later; on the rooftops of the Leaf Village)

In the light of the moon, we find Kakashi looking up into the night sky as a strange ninja appears behind him.

Kakashi asks the strange ninja, “So, how did it go?”

The strange ninja replies, “They all passed. All nine Genin teams have qualified for the Chunin Exams.” The strange ninja then transforms into Iruka and he says, plainly, “You were right, Kakashi. They have all developed impressive skills.”

Kakashi tells Iruka, “But the Chunin Exams can break anyone. We’ll have to see if they can tough it out.” Kakashi thinks in his mind, “Especially with what Naruto has told us about the Genin from the Sand Village. If they have sent the person that contains the One-Tails, then they must have a reason and I know that it isn’t good. Plus, with Naruto, he might have a problem with the Stone Genin since it is mostly, despite our efforts, the knowledge of Naruto’s heritage has gone especially to the Stone Village. I just hope my training and the training from the representatives of the Dragon and Mugen Tenshin clans will give Naruto the edge that he needs.”

(The following day; Inside of the Leaf Village’s ninja academy)

Inside of the Academy building, we find a group of Genin in front of a door with a sign that has the number ‘301’ on top which seems that this room is the one that they have to report in which we find a young teen of 14 years of age with black hair in a bowl cut, large inhuman eyebrows, dark eyes, and wearing a green spandex outfit with orange leg warmers with bandages on his lower arms and hands being hit in the face and thrown down to the ground by two other Genin, one with spiky black hair and a few bandages on his face and another with deep brown with a blue cap that likes like his Leaf ninja headband.

The one with dark brown hair says, with a sly grin, “You are trying to get into the Chunin Exams and you can’t get past us! Why don’t you go home and give it up?”

The one with black hair says, slyly, “Yeah, pal! I think that we hear your mommies calling for you!”

Just then Tenten, one of the girls that Naruto helped Hinata save from Camula, asks, pleadingly, “Come on, we need to get in there!” Tenten goes over to the door and they hit her in the face.

When the group felt that was harsh, the black haired Genin tells them, “Did you say ‘harsh’? Don’t kid yourselves! We’re nice by comparison! The Exams make us look like a picnic!”

The brown haired Genin says, “Some of you won’t survive and others will be wrecked for life! And others will go crazy! For Chunin, it is always life or death!”

The black haired Genin says, “Chunin are qualified to lead missions and the lives of your squad is in your hands! So, you had better be tough enough to take the heat! Delicate little girls don’t belong here!”

The brown haired Genin says, “We’re just being nice, so, go home and play with your dolls.”

Just then Team 7 comes up and Sasuke says, annoyed, “Real nice speech. Now step aside and let me through. And by the way, reverse the Genjutsu, we’re going to the third floor.” The others around them are confused about Sasuke’s last statement.

The black haired Genin tells Sasuke, his expression showing annoyance, “What do you know?”

The brown haired Genin tells Sasuke, “So, you noticed the Genjutsu, huh?”

Naruto says, with a grin, “So, you noticed too, Sasuke. It was so obvious, right.”

Sasuke says, with a plain tone, “For once, Dobe, we agree.” Sasuke tells Sakura, with a smirk, “Go ahead, Sakura. You must have seen before us.”

Sakura replies, trying to look calm and sure while mentally nervous, “Sure, I did.” Just then the sign turns from ‘301’ to ‘201’ revealing that the sign had been hidden under a Genjutsu.

The black haired Genin yells out, “So, you noticed the illusion, huh? Let’s see you deal with this!” The Genin attacks Sasuke and Sasuke counterattacks, but then the teen with the large eyebrows and green spandex suit uses pure speed to vanish and reappear in-between them stopping them with his bare hands.

Sakura thinks in her mind, amazed, “I thought that he was some kind weakling, but he is as fast as Sasuke.”

Sasuke thinks in his mind, stunned, “He stopped my attack with ease! That’s some chakra in his hands!”

Just then Tenten and another male teen with long black hair, a Leaf ninja headband across his head, Byakugan eyes, grey-brown coat, deep brown shots, and blue open-toed ninja sandals comes up to the spandex wearing teen in which this male asks him, “What happened to the plan? You were the one to keep a low profile and don’t let anyone see our skill level.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, curiously, “So, they were pretending to be weaklings?!”

The spandex kid replies, “I know, but…”

Tenten says, with a sigh, “Forget it, it’s over.” Soon after, the spandex kid tries to ask Sakura out, but she is freaked out his eyebrows and take off.

Just then the kid with long hair and Byakugan eyes comes up and asks Sasuke, “Hey you, with the attitude, what’s your name?”

Sasuke replies, in his usual style, “What’s it to you?”

Naruto sees Tenten and he says, with a kind smile, “Hey, Tenten-chan, what’s up?”

Tenten replies, with a smile when she sees Naruto, “Naruto-sama, it’s you!”

The male with the Byakugan asks, plainly, “You know this kid?”

Naruto thinks in his mind, annoyed, “Kid?”

Tenten tells the male with Byakugan eyes, “Neji, I don’t think that you should call the son of the Fourth Hokage and Red Storm, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, a ‘kid’.”

The male’s eyes widen and he thinks, looking at him, “This is the infamous child of the Fourth Hokage and his wife, Kushina Uzumaki, known by many names including the Red Storm of Whirlpool? The one that’s said to have the Nine-Tailed Fox spirit sealed inside of him by his own father on the day of his birth.”

Naruto thinks in his mind, “Neji? Where have I heard that name before?” Just then he remembers a time when Hiashi Hyuga came over to talk to him just before the exam and Naruto thinks in his mind, seriously, “Oh, yeah! That Neji! He is supposed to be Hinata-chan’s cousin that’s supposed to have a thing against his own family that Hinata-chan’s father warned me about!”

Neji tells Naruto, “So, you are the infamous Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze, huh?”
Naruto says, with a foxy smile, “Believe it, pal!”

Neji asks Sasuke, “And now, you’re name?”

Sasuke replies, “I don’t give my name so easily as the Dobe does, pal. Normally, even through someone said your name for you, I don’t give out my name to someone who didn’t give out first.”

Neji replies, with a snort, “Your age?”

Sasuke replies, “That’s none of your business.”

Neji replies, annoyed, “What?”

Tenten thinks in her mind, “Cute. I think that Naruto-sama has got a pretty cool teammate through he is pretty cool himself. (FYI: If you helped save a girl’s life, what do you think she would think about you?)

Naruto tells Neji, “So, you’re Neji Hyuga, right?”

Neji replies, plainly, “So, what about it?”

Naruto tells Neji, “Your uncle told me about you, pal.”

Neji replies, glaring, “He did, huh?”

Naruto replies, giving a glare of his own, “I’m dating your cousin and let me say this: If you think of doing one thing to Hinata-chan just because of some kind of ‘clan problem’ or whatever that’s over the line, you will pay for it.”

Neji tells Naruto, glaring, “Is that a threat?”

Naruto replies, with a glare of his own, “No, pal. That’s a promise. Believe it, Hyuga.” Naruto presses his foot down on the ground so hard that he makes a small imprint of it which doesn’t go unnoticed by Neji.

Sasuke tells Naruto, “We don’t have time for this stuff, Naruto.”

Sakura says, with a nod, “Yeah, Naruto. We need to get going.” Naruto heads off with his teammates to the real room where Genin are being registered for the Chunin Exams in which Neji glares at Naruto’s back while Tenten gives a look of worry.

Tenten thinks in her mind, “Oh, boy. Something tells me that this won’t end well.” On the meanwhile, the ‘Genin’ that were blocking the door look through the crack of two nearly closed doors from another room.

The brown haired one says, “So, that’s the band of misfits that Kakashi has been going on about, huh? I guess that they passed their first test and getting their applications through.” Just then the two ‘Genin’ then transform into two familiar Chunin, Izumo and Kotetsu.

Kotetsu says, with a sly tone, “It looks like the exams are going to be fun this year.”

Izumo says, with a sly grin, “Maybe for us, but not for them. However, I think that things are going to be extra exciting with Naruto around. Remember when we learned about who his parents are?”

Kotetsu says, with a grin, “I know, but then again, I heard rumor that Kushina-sama was such a legendary prankster and it looks like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

With Team 7, Sasuke thinks in his mind, with a sly smile, “So, this is the big bad Chunin Exams, huh? It is a freak show!”

(Back with the Fudo twins; on the meanwhile)

Rejoining the Fudo twins, we find them walking through the streets of the Leaf Village not realizing that someone is stalking them and they are wondering about their fellow Signers, Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze and Hinata Hyuga.

Ayane asks Ryu, “Do you think that they will be all right, bro?’

Ryu tells Ayane, “I think that they can handle themselves, Ayane. These are ninja matters and even through we are getting trained, we are nowhere near people like Naruto and Hinata.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “I know, Ryu. I’m also worried about the fifth Signer. Who is it? And can this person work together with the rest of us do our duty? We need to be like our parents and family where they were trying to save our home of Neo Domino City and Satellite.”

Ryu tells Ayane, with a smile, “I know that we can, Ayane. Our parents are still with us. Remember what happened with Naruto when he was chosen? They are still with us even through they are… gone to heaven.”

Ayane says, with a nod, “Right, Ryu.” Just then they hear a whistling sound in which a blur grabs the two of them in which kunai land near where they were by the figure in the Dark Signer cloak. When we next find the twins, we find them by Ninja Ryu.

Ayane and Ryu yell out in unison, “Sensei?!” They immediately look to the source to see the figure in the Dark Signer cloak in front of them.

Ryu asks, plainly, “Who are you? And why did you attack?”

The figure replies, with a sinister sly tone and in a female voice that sounds like two voices are talking instead of one, “Why do you think Signer?” Immediately, the figure’s right arm glows to show mark of the Dark Signer of the Spider on her arm.

Ayane says, shocked, “Ryu! That’s a…”

Ryu says, seriously, “The mark of the spider! One of the Dark Signer’s marks!”

The figure replies, with a wicked sly tone and displaying a typical Neo Domino City duel disk, “That’s right, Signer! I am a loyal warrior of the Neo Dark Signers and I am here to send you into the Netherworld!”

Ninja Ryu says, with a plain tone, “So, a Shadow Drone.”

Ayane says, with a serious tone, “Dad and mom told us about this. The original guy with the Spider Mark had the ability to control others by putting them by some kind of spell by planting some kind of gross mind control spiders on their bodies.”

Ryu says, with a plain tone and preparing his duel disk attached to his left arm, “Then there is only one way to free this person from whoever is controlling her.”

The figure tells Ryu, with a wicked sly tone, “Just try it, you worthless rat! You will pay for your father’s and his friend’s interference with the plans of the Earthbound Immortals! Due to their demise, the new seals on them have been broken and they will take their revenge on the warriors of the Crimson Dragon for the destruction of their leader!”

Ryu says, putting in his duel disk, “We’ll see about that, pal!” Ninja Ryu then takes Ayane some distance away from the battle as they activate their duel disks, their dueling decks get shuffled, and after their life-point counters display 4000 life-points each, they draw five cards from their decks.

Ryu and the Shadow Drone yell out in unison, “Game on!”

Starting Scores:
Ryu: 4000
Shadow Drone: 4000

And then a ring of dark and light violet flames surrounds both Ryu and the Shadow Drone in which Ayane yells out, shocked, “Ryu!”

Ninja Ryu tells Ayane, “There is nothing that you can do, Ayane. They are trapped in that field of dark flames until the Shadow Game is finished.”

As Ryu looks at the dark flames entrapped him, the Shadow Drone tells him, with a sinister grin seen under her hood covering her face, “That’s right, Signer! There is no getting! And once I win, your mark will be turned black and the light of the Crimson Dragon burned out for good!”

Ryu says, drawing a card, “We’ll see about that!” As Ryu prepares to take the first turn and fight in a deadly Shadow Duel, Ninja Ryu and Ayane can only look at Ryu fighting the hardest duel of his life so far.

(Back with Team 7; around the same time)

At the door into the exam room, we find Team 7 in front of it and Kakashi, who is leaning by the side, explaining about how they had to enter the exam as a team and about why Naruto and Sasuke would have been barred entry if Sakura didn’t come with them.

They were about to enter inside which Naruto winches in pain and Sakura asks, concerned, “Naruto, what’s wrong?”

Naruto replies, winching in pain, “My arm…!” Just then Naruto’s Mark of the Dragon starts to glow and everyone gasps when they see it.

Sasuke asks, plainly, “What’s going on?”

Sakura says, amazed, “His Mark of the Dragon is glowing!”

Naruto yelping in pain, “But it feels different… it feels like that it is… burning into my skin and bones… like it is warning me of something…”

Kakashi asks Naruto, seriously, “What of…Naruto?”

Naruto replies, “I don’t know how I know, but it is Ryu… Ryu is some kind of big trouble…”

Kakashi tells Naruto, “You know that you can’t go now. You need to register. And most likely, this is a danger that Ryu can take care of himself. However, I will go investigate immediately Naruto. I’m your guardian now and all those under Namikaze clan protection are also under my charge as well.”

Naruto says, with a nod, “Thanks, Kakashi-sensei.” Soon enough, after the doors open, Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura head inside and Naruto thinks in his mind, “Ryu, I hope that you are safe wherever you are. I wish that I could help, but I’ve got my own important battles to fight. But I’ll be with you soon as I can, believe it!” After Team 7 goes inside, the door close and Kakashi prepares to take off.

Kakashi thinks in his mind, “Good luck… to all of you.”

To be continued…

Next time in Chapter 8:

Female Shadow Drone: You can’t win Signer!

Ryu: I have to, Drone! There are too many people depending on me! Let’s rev it up, Stardust Dragon!

Sakura (nervously): Wow! There are so many candidates here! If this test was on how scary you look, I would fail instantly!

Kiba: It looks like you made it!

Shikamaru: How troublesome. You are here too.

Ino: Who are you?

Genin with glasses: I’m Kabuto. This is my seventh time in the Chunin Exams, but this time, I do have an ace.

Naruto (annoyed): What’s up with those Sound ninja jerks?!

Sakura (shocked): The first part is a written exam! Oh, crap! Naruto is bad on written tests!

Sasuke: There is more to this ‘test’ than meets the eye. Come on, Dobe, figure out the secret!

Anko: I’m Anko Mitarashi, protector for the second exam! Get ready, kids, because only half of you still here will be here when I’m done… if you are lucky!

Naruto: I thought that written test was bad enough, but we have to go through this kind of survival training!

Ayane: Next time on ‘Naruto 5Ds’: The Chunin Exams 2: Orochimaru’s Attack!

Sakura (fearfully): Who are you?

Orochimaru: I’m your worst nightmare, little girl.

I said that I would give you a clue to the fifth Signer’s identity and there you have it, folks! It will involve someone from the Digimon Adventure 01/02 seasons, but I’m not denying or confirming right now! However, you must be wondering what’s happening between Davis and the rest of the Odaiba Digidestined, huh? I’ll give you that situation later on in the story, most likely in the near future. Now, I hope that you read and review and I’ll catch on the flip side, Naruto and Crossover Fans!
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