Crossover With Non-anime Series Fan Fiction / Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Of Gods and Men ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The fanfic's rating will probably go up later…
Disclaimer: Ohba and Obata own Death Note. J.K. Rowling owns Harry Potter. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me. Don't steal or sue! *Phantomness bows*
Chapter 2
Light received the message from Takada that night, and frowned. Why would Mikami suddenly demand a meeting? It wasn't in character for the prosecutor, devout Kira follower that he was. Was this a trap?
After Takada had fallen asleep, Ryuk appeared before him. This startled him slightly, before he frowned.
“What is Mikami up to, Ryuk?”
Something quite amusing, actually! The Shinigami cackled. Did you know that there's a Magical World out there?
Light narrowed his eyes. This did not seem to be one of Ryuk's tricks. “A Magical World?”
Yes. From what I've gathered, there's a war going on between the forces of good and evil. Ryuk paused. Mikami killed one of the evil ones, since they were tormenting a child, and was brought in to the Japanese Magical Government for questioning. In particular, it was discovered that he might possess magical abilities. Apparently his father was a Wizard of considerable skill.
“Hmm…” Light said thoughtfully. Magical abilities? If there were a way to keep him undetected as Kira, using magic… now that was a possibility.
The Death Note had already proved the existence of at least one type of magic, so Light did not want to discount others. Another weapon against Near and the SPK would be useful indeed.
“Very well. Tell Mikami I'll meet with him… tonight.” Light said.
Ryuk nodded, as Light left the hotel, hailed a taxi, and headed off to find the Prosecutor.
Meanwhile, back in the Japan Magical Government Headquarters, Haruo and Kahori were chatting.
“It's a shame about Mikami-san.” Haruo took another sip of his tea, and leaned back in his chair. “I knew his father. Good man. Pity he married a Muggle…”
Kahori frowned. The Japanese Magical Government was very strict about the Magical World. Because of overpopulation, only pureblooded children, children whose both parents were wizards and witches, were allowed to attend one of the three magical schools. Muggleborn students would never be allowed to attend.
There were hardly any Muggleborn students though, so they did not bother with them. And though only purebloods were allowed, the schools were still packed to bursting. Miyagi's Magical Academy for Young Ladies was out of the question, he was too old for Kosaka Kouen, and Mahoujin was full for the next sixteen years.
Haruo felt slightly sorry for the prosecutor, but he reasoned he was perfectly happy living as a Muggle, and put him out of his mind, reminiscence over.
The doorbell rang.
Mikami jumped to his feet, trying to calm his breathing. Had Kira come? Had he agreed to the meeting? Or was it some minor annoyance? Carefully, he peeked through the hole at the top of the door, seeing a handsome man with honey-golden hair.
Yagami Light…
There was no lifespan.
The prosecutor had to keep himself from hyperventilating as he carefully opened the door and ushered his visitor inside, Ryuk following like a shadow of death.
I'll leave you two to chat, then. The Shinigami said with a leer.
“Kami…” Mikami breathed, earning an amused glance from Light as he settled himself on the sofa.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mikami.” Light said. “Now, Ryuk mentioned you have information for me?”
Mikami nodded eagerly. Without further ado, he told of everything that he had experienced - the full version of course.
Light frowned. So there was another group searching for him, men who wore black robes and white masks, possibly called `Death Eaters'.
This was more troublesome than he had anticipated.
The fact that Mikami might know magic was far more interesting - magic not related to the Death Note.
As Mikami thought, he wondered…
Could he have killed all those people, before he had gotten the Death Note? They had been accidents, and yet…
The ability to kill without a name or face would be one worth learning indeed.
All the wizards he had seen seemed to rely on sticks. Perhaps if he wished to master these skills, he ought to acquire one as well.
Light smiled as he watched Mikami lost in thought. The older man was really quite handsome, and talented. And since he had the eyes, Mikami was very useful indeed. But if he managed to learn this magic as well, well…
Light would enjoy having such a useful tool with him.
He rose, and Mikami's eyes widened as Light sat down next to him.
“You have done well, Mikami.” Light spoke softly.
“Indeed, you are my Chosen one.” With that, he leaned forwards and kissed him.
For a moment, Mikami did nothing, frozen. Light waited, and finally, tentatively, he kissed back. Light smiled inwardly as they slid off the couch and onto the floor, hesitant caresses giving way to sweeping motions.
When Ryuk returned a few hours later, he found the two of them in the shower and a basket of apples in the kitchen. He wisely chose not to interfere.
Light knew how to make people fall in love with him so easily…
Yes, Light thought, watching as Mikami slept, Mikami was very useful. He was certainly more talented than Misa had been, and better in bed than Takada.
He thought he would be keeping Mikami for a while.
Now if only he knew when those Wizards would strike next…
End Chapter
Completed 7/10/07
Yeah, I made the Japanese very keen on blood purity. … That means maybe some of the Aurors are Death Eaters in disguise…
Mahoujin = Magic Square
Mikami's father is never mentioned, so he could have been a wizard!
Hope they weren't too OOC…
One thing I'm still having trouble with - to give Mikami a wand or not? I can't really imagine him waltzing into Ollivander's, but not having one would be kind of dangerous? I'm thinking ebony with unicorn hair at the moment…