Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ A Balm for Social Failure ❯ Meeting ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Balm for Social Failure

(Chapter 24: Meeting )
Light x L

L begins to suspect something is missing from his life. He believes the key to be in social interaction - his weak point. At the appearance of the enigma named Light Yagami, he is challenged to rise to the occasion.

Disclaimer: see ch. 1 for full disclaimer 
A/N: Hell is having broken internetz! It's been down most of the last three days. Sorry for the late update! R & R if you can. (I luv you guys)
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Chapter 24:
If L didn't know any better, he would say Light was sulking.
And by sulking, he did not mean moping about and looking like an affronted tabby cat, which was the more common mode the brunette's mood translated itself as. No... sulking in this particular instance looked like Light was chewing nails with a dangerously electric storm cloud over his head. 
"Did something happen, Light-kun?" he asked the boy. He couldn't, and didn't expect a true answer, but felt the need to ask. He hoped that this mood had nothing to do with him, but it was hard to tell. When he'd left Light alone earlier to answer Watari's summons, the brunette had been in an obnoxiously good mood. I also hope it has nothing to do with me making contact with the second Kira...
"Not that I'm aware of," Light blatantly lied. There was a feral gleam in his eyes which he held averted.
This isn't like him. He's always such a fanatic about honesty... That he would toss out such an obvious and shoddy lie like that... To take no effort, and throw no acting behind it... Something was definitely wrong.
"I thought perhaps you were concerned regarding my arranged meeting with the second Kira." 
"You what?!" Light's head whipped towards him, appalled shock suffusing his expression.
"You look surprised. I thought you would have known." L kept his voice calm and nonchalant. Now the question was whether that seemingly honest reaction was due to concern for his safety or for Misa's impending apprehension.
Light glared at him. "How would I have known?! You are my only source of information."
"The Shinigami might have relayed such to you."
When L said 'Shinigami', a dark shadow passed over Light's face. Abruptly, the brunette stopped all sort of communication, verbal and otherwise, retreating from the space as exhaustively as if he had left the room. And all he had done was turn his head.
In all ways, the younger boy's body language brooked no opening for further exchange. 
L decided to leave him be for the moment. In actuality, he felt mildly disturbed. Things were on the table that he was blind to, he was certain. He could not be sure this was simply Light's reaction to the second Kira's imminent capture... for he never seemed to care that much for Misa, and the ultimatum would have dampened Kira's plans more than this. He was missing something. Something important.
The voice was quiet, commanding in its lack of emphasis.
L turned. He had been on his way back out of the room, deciding to abandon it to the other boy and his mood for now, in favor of finding a secluded place to entrench himself in so that he could think. "Yes, Light?"
The brunette was sitting with his head leaning against the wall. His profile was stony and he did not look up. Downcast anger... "Do you remember what I told you about the eyes?" he said softly. "You've allowed for this?"
Ah. Could it be concern for me after all? "Yes." 
He was 95% sure that the second Kira was Misa. Even if she did have the power to kill by his name alone, she would not kill him outright. She wanted at 'L'. L himself had always been Ryuuzaki to her, L's subordinate. If she killed 'Ryuuzaki', she would conclude that she would never get at 'L'. It was risky for him to be the one undertaking this meeting, as L Lawliet was an extremely inconvenient name to have at this stage in the game, but he had confidence that he could throw off her suspicion that he was the real L. She would not kill him unless she was absolutely sure.
Though, if I am honest with myself, I am being dismissive of my personal safety to a degree that is unprecedented. Why? Sending Watari, or anyone else would serve, would it not? Only... I feel this is too important to leave in anyone else's hands. 
Light simply nodded and maintained his previous reticence.
L watched him a moment longer before excusing himself. He pulled the door closed, oddly struck by the oppressive solitude expressed by the lone, seated figure of the other boy with his bowed head and empty surroundings. The light in the room seemed dim, stale and yellow, throwing the scene into odd relief. The shadows seemed thick and clinging. 
Then it was gone, blocked by the standard white door that prefaced any number of rooms in this hotel. A standing army of similarity, guarding any number of things behind their painted surfaces. L experienced an odd pulling in his chest. So many clones, the rooms were. So many doors... but none contained such a scene as was hidden behind the one he'd come through.
None could pull at his mind like the yellow monochrome resignation of it, haunting his mind as he walked away as surely as if he could still see it with his eyes. A hidden capsule of something rich and throat-constricting, buried in the partitioned, cellular structure of the maze of hotel rooms.
It's his strange behavior that has me so...
...worried, his mind supplied.
Private Message
Subject: Location, Shibuya. 2 P.M. Saturday. NHK Broadcasting Center. 
I agree to a meeting. There, I will judge your intent. However, it is a proxy I send. 
If my eyes show you to have been false, I guarantee nothing. Harm the proxy, and I assure you death.
L looked over the message one more time. NHK... but it was only the Studiopark that was open to visitors. Why would Misa have called it by the general name? Was the goal for him to wander around and be observed? That would do no good, even to Kira, as his name alone wouldn't indicate who he really was without a doubt, despite how incriminating it was. 
For that matter... he was given no description of the person he was supposed to be meeting, be it Misa herself or not. To what purpose? Were they to wait around in the ever-changing flow of people until they both stood out through lack of motion?
With all the details being hazy like this, it must be deliberate.
Regardless, he must go through this little stage play if he wanted to get anywhere.
L put his thumb between his teeth and clenched them firmly. Is Misa really the second Kira? Or does she merely know the second Kira well enough to ask for help in revenge? Light had still given no indication that he knew anything. He also declined to know details about the meeting when L brought it up yet again. He was resolute in that, and in avoiding more than the briefest of eye contact.  
Today is Saturday.
3 A.M.
"Rem, I told you I don't need you with me this time," Misa fretted as they neared the NHK building. "There are other things you should-"
"It's all right, Misa. This much time will not be missed." 
"Well, ok. If you say so..."
Rem groaned internally as she detected the haphazard flapping of buzzard wings in route. Not him again. She glared up at the incoming Ryuuk who was smiling as usual. Smiling way too much. He was up to something.
"What do you want?" Rem seethed, hanging back a little. 
Ryuuk settled down on the ground with an evilly stretching grin. "My illustrious master has another request."
"I'm sure. When doesn't he?"
"First, L is not to be erased under any circumstances, or he will kill Misa."
"Oh?" the female Shinigami scoffed. "Easier said than done."
"You know how resourceful he is. Anyway, do what you want. I'm just a messenger." Ryuuk looked towards the bobbing blonde pigtails of Misa's head. "And now for part two."
Rem felt her face twist in consternation and then in surprise. "Ryuuk!"
The black winged Shinigami flapped over to the blonde girl and hovered beside her, eyes closing in delight as she gaped at him. "Ryuuk? What... Why...?"
"Misa..." he drawled in amusement. "Buy me an apple and I'll tell you something good."
"Ryuuzaki," Misa said, catching sight of the dark-hair and sloppy posture she vaguely recalled from past meetings.
He turned as she approached, and threw out a jaunty little wave. 
"You're not L," she said boldly as she reached his side.
"And you aren't Kira," he responded lightly. "It is no surprise, is it? That we would each be sent in lieu of the people we represent...?"
"Kira would like to know why your name does not match the one you have given." 
"Oh, that. L requires me to go by the name 'Ryuuzaki'. I don't have much choice in the matter. Has this become a problem in Kira's eyes? I could have given my birth name, but I would hardly remember to answer to it anymore."
Misa frowned at him, thinking. "Kira is more interested in meeting L than worrying about your name." Her voice took on a bitter tone. "It wouldn't benefit him to kill you now. If that happened, L would only go into hiding like the coward he is."
"Misa," L said slowly, trying to string a confession out of her. He put on a hurt tone. "It sounds as if you are planning to use me to get to L, and then watch as we are both put to death by Kira."
"I can't help it if that is what it sounds like to you," she responded primly. "More importantly, I don't think Kira would kill you, because you were Light's friend. I'd ask that you were spared."
L found it mildly amusing that her attempt to throw him off the scent was speaking of herself, 'Kira', in the 3rd person. "I... I greatly appreciate such a considerate gesture," he said humbly, as if greatly moved. "No one else will ever be as good of a friend to me as Light-kun..."
"It must have come as a great shock..." Misa said.
L bowed his head and nodded. Bully for him, he had attained her sympathy-
" know that L had kept him alive," she finished. 
L stopped nodding, his head rising in a jerk. "He - what?"
"Didn't you know?" she said meanly, jutting her petite chin out. "See how well he repays loyalty? He couldn't even tell you that?"
L shook his head, his eyes wide in shock. "What makes you say that? He was sentenced-"
"I believe he is alive," she said stubbornly. "Kira told me." She was lying, as it was Ryuuk who'd mentioned the possibility. But on the off chance he was correct, she'd made arrangements. The time and location for this meeting couldn't have been better. She could see now, all of the benefits she hadn't identified originally. The crowd camouflaged her, allowing the option of communication for as long as possible, while keeping L's lackey out in the open to be assessed.
"He can't be." L used his natural shock to his advantage, but it was hard to act when feeling so shaken up. How in the world did she come to suspect that Light was alive?
"He is, and you are well aware of it. You do all of L's grunt work. I'm sure he would've told you about it. Maybe he even asked you to help torture him or whatever it is you are doing to him while you keep him locked up." The thought of torture made her ill, but why else would L have kept Light alive while making everyone believe he was dead?
L just shook his head. His black, shaggy hair swished about his pale face.
"I want to see him," she demanded. She had a sudden fear that he would back out, still looking crushed, and slip back into the crowd along with her only chance to see Light. That grief had to be an act! He would have known. He was just trying to avoid letting her see where they were keeping her boyfriend! 
"It isn't possible! He's-"
"Ryuuzaki, if you refuse to take me to him, you can tell L that he will regret the consequences! I will expose the lie of Light's sentencing and death. Kira will announce that they are the true Kira, and that an innocent young man received the blame and was put to death needlessly. L will be made a fool." 
"Misa, do you realize what you are saying? You are admitting to working with Kira?"
"And why not? I haven't killed anyone. I was chosen. Kira hates L, and I was helping Kira because L murdered my true love! I was chosen because Kira understood the pain I have suffered at L's hand, and because I knew you."
"Is that why Kira decided we had no need of a means with which to recognize each other? Because L would never come himself, and Kira was sending you?"
Misa tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I guess."
"Listen, Ryuuzaki. Kira is always watching. Either take me to where Light is, or you will be killed on the spot."
"And if I do as you say..."
"You'll be fine. But if anything happens to me, Kira will kill you, and he will publicly disgrace L."
"So if L were to try and detain you..."
"You'll die."
"And if I cannot produce a living Light, my life is also forfeit?"
"Misa...." L said forlornly, making appeal to her female sentiments. "It seems you have made it impossible for me to remain breathing." He looked at the ground and scuffed the toe of his canvas sneaker on the concrete. "I must admit, this... saddens me."
Misa paused, taking pity on him. There was a small chance that Light really was dead. She couldn't fully trust the word of that black Shinigami, and Rem had said nothing other than she needed to check on something, before she took flight. It bothered Misa that Rem would leave her after saying she would stay by her side, but she didn't need Rem in order to do this. Not yet. Besides, Rem would make sure to follow her into L's place and guard her once they took away all her belongings for security. "If... if he is dead, then I will need proof. If you can do that, I'll tell Kira to leave you alone, but I still need to meet L."
"I suppose I have no choice..."
Misa discretely pressed the end call button on her phone as Ryuuzaki turned, then followed the tall, slouching figure with the crow's feather hair into the surrounding crowd.
L did not like having to bring the blonde girl in this deep. It was a dangerous move, he knew, but if she had the eyes Light spoke of...was there really any choice? She might just kill him as she'd threatened.
And perhaps this wasn't all bad. If he could encourage her to say the same careless things she'd said earlier, he could use that confession to have her arrested and confined. She couldn't kill him if she had no notebook in her possession.
L schluffed his way across the expansive marble floor of the hotel lobby, the insistent blonde at his heels. There was one thing that was bothering him, a sharp stab of doubt that touched him like ice. It was the idea that struck him the first time the second Kira's patterns had noticeably changed. If Misa were not operating alone, then this game of risk and safety would be drastically altered. It was only a possibility, of course, but it was one that could make an arrest just as deadly as she had proposed.
He had to talk to Light before proceeding. 
But what could he do with the girl? He couldn't just take her to Light... but again, he couldn't not take her to Light. The task force was another option for babysitting, but she might let something slip regarding the brunette, especially if he tried to leave her with them. She seemed determined not to let him out of her sight. 
In the end, he brought her to the room. It was a different one than before, this one being more of a suite. He'd changed it in case something like this were to occur. L opened the door clumsily, hoping Light would remember to move into the interior room at such an entry.
"Where is he?" Misa said, pushing past him.
L gently shut the door behind him. He tried one more time, while trying to think of what might serve to convince her of the brunette's death. "Misa-san, I've told you in the gentlest possible way, but Yagami-kun really is d-"
"It's no use, Ryuuzaki," Light said, shocking L as he stepped out into the room. It was like a slow rolling film, the confident stride of those long legs, the purposeful steps, and the look on his face that was both commanding and dismissive. Light's eyes remained on Misa as he slid into the room, "She knows. It must be her connection to Kira that made that possible."
"L-Light?" she warbled. Her hand flew to her mouth.
"Yes, it's me."
L thought the brunette bore a halo of darkness about him as he held his arms open slightly, beckoning her. 
Misa sobbed and then launched herself at him, clinging like a drowning bur. "I thought it was too good to be true!"
Nothing in the brunette's face softened as he sank to the floor, holding the girl. Tenderness was absent, despite him lightly stroking her hair. L watched, unsure if he was happy about the lack of emotion, or disturbed at the blank coldness and inhumanity the other boy displayed. He felt a creeping dread as those amber eyes lifted to meet his, the deadness in them so resembled Kira's heavy gaze.
"I'm so glad, I'm so so glad," Misa was murmuring into his chest.
Light looked down at her fair hair, took in her tremulous voice, and felt nothing. No, it was worse than nothing. She was leeching the emotions he'd managed to create in his time with L - leeching them through his skin and burning him with the circle of her thin arms.
One glance at the dark-haired detective was enough to know he'd seen the change as well. He was staring at them, face pale and disturbed, eyes wary. It was a look that dredged up that part of Light that wanted to wring more grief from his companion. The part that reveled in twisting the other boy's emotions around him like a noose, and drawing close to prey that could no longer break free. He wanted to torment and defile him. He wanted to smother the betrayal those eyes would hold with the damning pull of lust.
Light looked away. 
You never leave me empty. 
This girl... this thing... a container of flesh and bone and nothing beams up at me and all I can do is lament the loss of the feelings you spark in me. Whether they are pure and sacrosanct...or corrupt and obscene.
"Light?" Wide eyes, too light in color blinked at him quizzically.
"Oh Misa, I never thought I would see you again." He crushed her to him, wishing he could crush her throat instead. He reformatted his brain to allow the flow of lies he used upon people of no consequence. He allowed the shift in his masks, dredging up the one he used to wear for her. The benign trappings of his good student persona fluttered about him, easing his awareness of his more caustic feelings and allowing him to shift into the role. 
It was much easier to act when fully assuming the character one was to play. 
When he allowed her to pull back and look upon him again, the transformation was complete. He could feel the softening of his expression as he bid it to do so. He could see the effect his now soulful gaze could conjure in the person in front of him. "I would have told you if I could," he whispered sadly. It was an art, deception. To perceive and execute every nuance that was required to bring someone completely under your thrall. It tied little strings to human limbs and made them move only to your intent.
It was a powerful feeling.
But it did nothing to create satisfaction. It only marked in bolder terms the distance of the chasm between him and them. It only bred discontent and resentment. And those negative things, he offered back to them without remorse, doubled, tripled, punishing them for their gullibility and blindness. A vicious cycle.
"Might I offer you both a seat?" L said drolly, gesturing to the couch the new room contained.
Light was about to refuse, wanting the modicum of privacy his back could afford so he could question the girl, but Misa sniffed loudly and accepted.
Awkwardly, they all rearranged themselves. Light took a seat upon the couch, Misa practically sprawling across his lap, and L became a sentry perched upon the armrest. He peered down at them with mirrored eyes.
"Ryuuzaki," he said patiently, "it is impolite to stare."
L flicked those eyes up to his face, and bit down on his thumb. "My apologies, Light-kun. I was just trying to make sure you were not feeling overwhelmed."
Light glared at him as Misa piped up protectively, "He's with his Misa-Misa, so Light is just fine."
"That was what I meant," L said harmlessly, "He hasn't seen your pretty face in so long, he is probably feeling too overwhelmed to even express how he feels."
"Aw," Misa said, cuddling harder. "And he always was a bit closed off with sharing his feelings." Her eyes closed as she rubbed her cheek against Light's entrapped arm like a cat. Light took that opportunity to send L a particularly nasty look. 
L shrugged, then stiffened suddenly. At the same moment, Light felt a petite hand on his face, turning his head. 
"I love you, sooo, so much," Misa cooed at him before bestowing on him a kiss he had no legitimate reason to evade. He wanted to grit his teeth as her too-soft lips touched his. She smelled of perfume. She smelled wrong. Everything about her was wrong. Wrong!
He tilted his head as if he actually wanted the kiss, his role allowing him to make the necessary motions. She had the audacity to keep her lips parted, requesting also with the touch of her tongue that she wanted something more. He obliged and did it with finesse, but he could feel the skin of his back crawling with cold shudders. When had this level of puppeteering grown so repulsive? He'd done this plenty of times in the past without such a reaction...
"Ahem," L coughed then. Pointedly, but Light forgave him.
"Oh, sorry, Ryuuzaki," he said in a sheepish tone. "I guess my 'suppressed emotions' got the best of me."
L did not look pleased or convinced.
"I-I'm sorry, too," Misa said, blushing as if it had been the best kiss of her life. And who knew? Maybe it had.
"Perhaps you could give us a moment alone, Ryuuzaki?" Light suggested. He needed to straighten things out with her, and see what had changed. He had been surprised that Rem had sought him out earlier that day to inform him of Ryuuk's behavior. He'd not been entirely pleased that the Shinigami had taken such extreme action to fetch Rem for him, but he could work with it. If Misa could get her Death Note to him, he most certainly had a plan.
"I don't think it is appropriate to leave a beautiful young girl alone with you."
Light wanted to roll his eyes at L's tactic of excessive flattery towards Misa. It would work, though. She would be less aggressive towards someone who fawned on her. L was giving her no excuse to kill him. Light could also detect the detective's jealousy as it simmered just under the surface, and that pleased him immensely. "Just allow us a few minutes," he wheedled. "Five. Nothing would happen in that amount of time."
L gave up, nodding tersely and moving to the far end of the room.
Misa watched him go, a questioning look on her face. She turned that same look on Light. "Light, this may sound... strange... but I get the impression that Ryuuzaki is jealous."
"He's always liked you, Misa, you know he's a big fan."
She swatted the air, frowning. "No, not of you. Of me."
Light would have laughed if he weren't so jittery about how he was going to need to react in a moment. Depending on what she said, he was going to have to fabricate a completely different story. He blinked innocent eyes at her, having a faint idea at the least.
"And I was wondering," she fretted, "if L knows you're Kira... why did L keep you alive?" 
Light looked away, conjuring a pained expression. "I think it best we don't talk about that."
Misa gasped. "He is torturing you for information, isn't he?!" she whispered loudly. "Oh, god.." Her hands flew to his face, as if by patting it down, she could assess the damage she imagined him to have suffered. "I'd worried, but I-"
"-I'd never imagined-"
"Please keep your voice down-"
"That bastard! I'll make him pay-"
Light tried to quell the churning of his stomach as he silenced her with the only thing that would shut her up. She was forgetting that 'L' would be monitoring the room. She was also being mind-blowingly careless. He could feel L's eyes boring holes into the back of his head. It couldn't be helped. If Light wanted to stay alive and breathing, he had to keep Misa out of trouble.
"L-Light..." she quavered rapturously as he broke off the kiss he could bear no longer.
He pulled her back again, his hand cupped in the small curve of her neck in a mockery of intimacy, and whispered in her ear. "Misa... it is dangerous for you to talk like that. L has every room being monitored. Please try to keep that in mind, for your own safety."
A pointed throat clearing sounded behind them.
Light knew what they must have looked like to L, what with several kisses and whispered dialog. But he was surprised to see evidence of the tempest brewing in L's eyes. The insomniac's chin tilted up as he looked down on them. "I believe your time is up," L said flatly, his voice not reflecting that look of his. That look that said he wanted to rip Misa's clinging hands off her arms with his bare teeth.
"Ah, so it is," Light agreed as if the news were a disappointment.
I have to keep her affections, L, or you'll be at risk. You can't afford to be jealous...
"Awwwww, who cares?" Misa huffed, throwing her arms around him and using his chest like a snuggly pillow. "I should get as much time with you as I want. You're my boyfriend, after all."
"Misa, please. Act your age," he encouraged chidingly. He tried to pry her off without appearing as if that were his goal. The dark emanations he felt coming from L were intensifying. He didn't bother glancing up. He did not want to.
"Light, you're so cold. I thought you were dead! Why can't we stay like this?"
"It's... rude," he said lamely. He was distracted. If things continued this way... No, there had to be something... The trick was keeping both of them relatively happy. If Misa got upset, she could kill L because of her eyes. If L were upset, he'd be more likely to show an irrational fit of anger that might tip the balance against him, negating the strategic sucking up he'd been doing so far.... 
"I think it's rude that he lied to me!" she said stubbornly, waggling a finger in his general direction. "He said you were practically best friends and he can't even be happy for you, now that...I...get..." Her hand flew to her mouth as it formed an 'O' of surprise and her eyes followed suit. 
She glanced back and forth between them. "...why he's kept you alive..." her words were barely audible.
Light felt like hanging his head or wringing L's neck, he wasn't sure which. How much more obvious could you be if even Misa noticed!
Misa stood and pulled at Light's arm. She plastered an exceedingly transparent smile on her face and said, "Liiiight, can I talk to you a minute?"
"I..." he trailed, glancing at L. Misa had already started dragging them as far away from L as she could get. L stood by and said nothing. There was nothing he could say, though there was obviously plenty he wanted to say. His jaw was clenched, and his dark eyes shone like sharp pieces of flint. "Sure."
L turned his back on them, muscles looking tense beneath his white shirt.
"Light," Misa whispered gravely, turning Light's back to L so they could hide their conversation, "You-" She faltered.
"I what?" he prompted.
"Ryuuzaki... doesn't think of you as just a friend, does he? He's jealous... of me because..." she stopped to bite her lip. Light felt like smacking her to get her to spit out whatever she was thinking, but he knew that it wouldn't help. He tried to conjure a thread of patience and distracted himself by staring at her with the most disgustingly sincere and rapt doe eyes he could muster.  
"What is it, Misa?" he murmured. Speak, damn you! "Why are you upset?" He brushed his hand over her cheek in a faux gesture of tenderness as her eyes trembled.
" him in order to stay alive?"
Light's hand froze. 
He could feel how wide his eyes had become at her query. Never, had he expected... 
Her next words tumbled out faster as if to cover the awkwardness she'd created, as if she could soften the blow with a hasty explanation. "...because you knew you would die if he handed you over to the authorities?" She looked disturbed - a sick flush coloring her skin - but hopeful, desperate to believe her own words, yet wanting Light to deny everything all the same. 
'Misa, how could you say such a thing? I could never allow that sort of thing, even if my life were on the line.' That was what she wanted to hear. 'You're imagining things.' Her eyes were begging for him to say these words. 
He stared at her, all emotion fleeing his face. It was a convenient scenario she'd offered... one that would explain Ryuuzaki's possessiveness. But had she realized Ryuuzaki was L? For even if he had seduced a supposed lackey of L's, how would that keep L from turning him in? It wouldn't. But had this crossed her mind? Confirming her suspicion would be safe, as long as she believed Ryuuzaki and L were two different people. 
Even so, she might kill 'Ryuuzaki' for such trespasses against him...
"I told you I did not want to talk about it," Light confessed in a broken whisper, averting his eyes. "I had to do it. And when Ryuuzaki tried to bargain with L to keep me alive... L decided... it would be more fun for him to keep me around and humiliate me than simply kill me. He's sick and twisted... even Ryuuzaki thinks so, but there is nothing he can do." He shuddered and wrapped his arms around himself. 
"My god," she whispered, utterly taken in by his act. "Are you ok?  Light, are you hurt?"
He flinched back slightly from her touch, curving his back minutely as if protecting himself from the things she'd brought up.
"Is it..." she said, despite herself, "really strange to... be like that with another boy? To... seduce him, you'd have to let him do things to you..."
Light felt a great surge of annoyance at her lack of tact. If he really were in the sort of position he was acting out, her thoughtlessness would have been like hot coals in his gut. Do you usually ask traumatized people how, specifically, it felt to be traumatized?? Did you usually rehash their experience to them in order to empathize? 
"I-I've never done anything like this before..." he said with hushed agony. "It's... difficult to..." he broke off as if it were too tragic too continue. "Half the time I don't know what to think... but the current situation is perhaps the best I can achieve, considering." He looked back at her with tormented eyes. "Misa, I'm deeply sorry that I have had to renounce my faithfulness to you... but I thought that you might find it in your heart to forgive me, given the circumstances..." He let a sheen of tears glimmer in his eyes for good effect.
She totally bought it.
"Oh, Light," she whispered. "It's bad, isn't it?" she touched his face and he fought not to flinch.
Why was she always trying to touch his face? He hated that.
"I can't imagine how awful it must be to let him violate you and act like you want him to...even if you were friends..." Hot coals, he thought. She should come with a warning label that said: 'In times of dire distress, do not let this girl empathize with you.' "And yet you are trying to put on a brave face for me so I don't worry." 
He vaguely wondered when she had gotten so delusional. Brave face. HA. "I was afraid you wouldn't want me anymore after knowing this body of mine was so tainted." There, that should cater to her conviction that her love for him was boundless and would overcome all things. Nothing like a bit of martyrdom to sway a person's emotions.
She sniffled and latched onto him in another rib-cracking embrace. "Oh, Light! Misa loves you SO much! She would never leave you!"
I hate it when you speak in 3rd person.
Not only did it sound stupid, it had the opposite effect from what was intended. Anti-cute.
"Hey, Light..." she said shyly. "Since I have 'Kira' on my side, Ryuuzaki has to allow almost anything I ask for..." She ran her hand down his chest and rested it just below his belt. Any further and and it would have been quite indecent. Oh, please do not start feeling me up again. "I... could have him leave us alone for a while..." She stretched so she could place her lips against his neck. "Let me erase the touch of their hands from you."
Light shuddered internally. If she got her wish, she'd see just how uninterested he was in her. "I don't think that would be a good idea," he said in a falsely anxious voice. God, give it up! 
She pulled back and stared into his eyes. "Please, Light," she pleaded. "Let Misa show how much she loves you. We...never even got to be together..." Her eyes drifted to Ryuuzaki. "He'll let us. He has to. If he doesn't, Kira will destroy him."
A trickle of true anxiety worked its way down his spine. He did not like that hard look in her eyes as she looked at the dark-haired boy. "Misa, please, just be patient," he reasoned calmly, firmly. "Don't you see how unstable this is?" He tilted his face down and against her hair as if it were the only way to keep from having his words or the motion of his lips recorded. "If you kill Ryuuzaki for going against your wishes, or if you even threaten him aloud, L will be certain you are the second Kira. And if Ryuuzaki dies, I don't know what will happen to me."
"It won't come to that - he'll agree." She tried to push another kiss off on him.
"Misa, he won't." 
"Let's just ask him and find out."
She started to move around him, but he grabbed her arm. He shielded his words as he said, "Just you asking him, so confident that he can't say no, marks you as the second Kira."
L was nearly at the end of his rope. Nearly.
He couldn't hear what they were saying, but he could tell Light was spinning a fine tale. Which was fine...
Would have been fine... if only it hadn't included so much touching! He knew a certain amount was required in order for Light to be convincing, but this was getting ridiculous. It seemed that every time he let his eyes wander over there, they were engaged in a close embrace or passionate-looking lip lock. If it was an act on Light's part, it was too authentic. Too believable.
His hands clenched.
He could be acting the part with me as well. I'd never even know it.
But, if Light handed over the notebook, his intentions would be cleared.
Again?? As he watched, his frustration peaked. What reason did two people have to kiss that much?! And in front of someone! If he ever found a way of getting rid of Misa without getting himself killed, he'd take the first opportunity to knock Light's head against a wall. He wished he could do it now, but that witch's claws would likely draw blood were he to rip them apart.
Was Light considering his feelings at all during his little charade? Or was he being as callous as possible?
He turned from them, fixing his glare on the safety of the wall. Jealousy was climbing up his throat and choking him. I'm in control. I'm calm. Light is a smug, rotten bastard. I'll kick him in the face as soon as I get a chance. Wait - no. Calm. Right. I am calm and in control.
"Oh, Light! Misa loves you SO much!" he heard the girl crow.
He bit savagely at his thumb, not wanting to know what his other half had done to provoke that exclamation. Soon at least I should be able to move this on to other things. I'm sure I can fabricate some reason for it...
L bit his thumb exceptionally hard as the girl's dulcet tones offended his ears. He blanked his face before turning around. "Yes, Amane-san?" He was fairly certain by now that he might, in fact, hate her. 
She was dragging herself forward with a forced smile on her face, Light trying to hold her back. You'd think that would be a simple feat given their size difference, but the brunette appeared to be having trouble. "I was wondering -mmphff-" 
Light had clapped a hand over her mouth. "It's nothing," he said sheepishly, "Don't - OW!"
Misa smirked in triumph as he retracted his bitten hand. "As I was saying-" She ducked out of Light's reach and did some sort of pose with her hands clasped behind her back. It was probably supposed to be cute, but L was feeling less than charitable, so the effect was lost on him. "You wouldn't mind if Light and I had some time alone, would you?"
"Misa-" Light growled a warning.
"Time alone?" he repeated as she batted her eyelashes at him. Like hell. "I'm afraid that won't be possible," he drawled, bringing his index finger up to his lip in an insipid fashion. He was reasonably safe for the time being as she hadn't had the notebook on her - only the cell phone, which he'd taken away. But she could always just memorize his name and kill him later. He had to appear less threatening. Less like he wanted to rip out her still-beating heart. 
"Why not?" she demanded, hands going to her hips and fisting there.
What could he say that would not conflict with whatever Light had already told her? "One of the conditions of Light's not-death was that he remain under supervision at all times. He is not ever to be left alone."
"He won't be alone if I am with him," she huffed.
"That is true; however, I do not think L intended Kira's supervision to be carried out by the second Kira."
"I'm not the second Kira!" she shouted.
"I know, you are just assisting the second Kira in this. But L is not convinced." He looked over at Light. "You know what L is like, tell her." Light's reaction was curious. He flinched at the mention of 'L', and now bore the look of someone who was regularly beaten. Misa glanced quickly over at Light at the same time, concern etching her face.
"It's true," Light said in a pale voice. "L sees everyone as guilty until proven innocent."
L distractedly chewed at his thumb, watching the exchange with intense interest. Light had been busy indeed. Whatever had he fabricated this time? 
"Misa... I'm very tired," the brunette continued. "We can arrange for a room for you if you are going to be staying. Perhaps later, we could have dinner?"
"I don't need a room. I want to stay with you!"
"Amane-san, it is necessary," L said doggedly. "You do realize that I am not at liberty to let you do as you please while you are here?"
"You just want to be alone with my Light!" Misa accused, latching on to her love's arm. "I won't let you!"
"Pardon?" L asked in surprise. He caught Light's eye and the brunette seemed both patronizing and annoyed. But there was a glint in his amber gaze that told L to hold, that he would explain later.
"You heard me!"
"Misa," Light said, gently shaking her. "Please, this is not helping." He spoke just loud enough for L to hear. His voice was still retaining the timbre of someone who was only partially holding themselves together. He had the look of a victim, a broken prince. It was intriguing, and amazing how well he portrayed such a thing. L looked forward to the brunette's explanation.
"But, Light... I just want to stay with you..." 
The girl was utterly focused on the brunette once more, sadly petitioning her desire.
"I know, but the only way you can is if you calm down. No matter what you think, you can only stay if they allow it."
"But... he..."
"It's fine, Misa. I'll be ok as long as I know I can see you again. You'll behave for me, won't you?"
"O-Of course, Light," she sniffled.
"Then let's get a room set up for you and I'll see you later."
Light slipped an arm around her and she tucked against his chest like a small animal. He rolled his eyes for L's benefit. 
L raised his brows at him pointedly. This had better be good. He followed them to the door, giving the other boy some recognition for finding a way to divest them of the blonde for at least a short while.
A/N: I don't like Misa. I really don't. Buuuuut, I found her to be somewhat of an.... unavoidable element. ;p