Death Note Fan Fiction ❯ Sacrifice ❯ Confusion ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Death Note was originally written by Tsugumi Ohba and illustrated by Takeshi Obata. It is licensed by VIZ Media. I do not own or claim to own Death Note and all credit should be given to the right people accordingly. :)
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The day continued by, it was now 9pm and the hours just seemed to drag on for Light, constantly hounded by L's harassment over the Kira case, trying to trick him at every turn into confessing his guilt of being Kira. As he sat watching the seconds tick by, Light thought to himself,
`I hope this idiot get it through his head soon that I am not Kira, its madness. I'm doing all I can to help find this bastard and I'm stuck to this lunatic on the theory I'm a raving serial murderer hell bent on shaping the world where I'm a god…it's ridiculous. I'm so tired and hungry to… I wonder if Ryuuzaki would try and twist that.' The last thought tempted Light into trying, doing his best to get Ryuuzaki back in this battle of wits.
“Ryuuzaki, I'm getting rather tired, can we take a break. It will do you good to lie down for a while, I'm sure it's not good for you sitting like that all the while.” Light let out a small laugh to L.
“By all means Yagami-Kun we can take a break, I understand not everyone is like me and able to be alert at all times. You can go take a nap, though I warn you… I do sleep like this too.” Light swore he saw a smirk on L's face as he replied, ever so arrogantly, as always.
Light clenched his first, the only images in his head at the moment was to plant that fist right into Ryuuzaki's jaw. Light continued to get infuriated at L's constant sly remarks, was it really possible for someone to seriously be this full of themselves? Light wondered…
After regaining his sense, Light promptly replied, calm to mask his anger
“That's true Ryuuzaki. We're not all weird like you, as you said, let's get some rest then, we can resume once I've had a rest, lead the way.” Ryuuzaki got off his swivel chair and walked along to his room, dragging Light behind him dreading what was to come. Knowing the inevitability of sharing a bed with Ryuuzaki, but it had to be done. His body was done for the day and was in desperate need of a break from the hardships of L.
As they both entered the room, it was dimly lit, one bed side lamp lit on a small desk next to L's side of the bed. The floor and desk littered with documents and reports on the Kira case. `Does this guy ever stop!?' Light thought to himself.
“Please, make yourself at home.” Ryuuzaki said to Light, to which Light immediately did and threw himself on the bed, the soft feathered comforter.
`Not to bad' Light thought to himself, sinking deeper into the bed covers. Now comfortable Light sat up and removed his socks, then went to remove his shirt until he noticed from the corner of his eye… L's dark blank eyes staring at him, Light shuddered all through his body.
“Ryuuzaki! What the hell are you doing!?” Light yelled.
“Do you really intend to do that here Yagami-Kun? I thought you were a ladies man?” Ryuuzaki replied.
Light just grunted at Ryuuzaki and removed his shirt as he lay back onto the bed, sinking again into the groove he had just made. L was sat perched on the bed in his usual stature as Light tried to get comfortable, the cold chain sliding across his bare skin every time he attempted to change position.
“Ryuuzaki this is ridiculous, I can't get any damned sleep with this stupid chain attached to me. Do you really intend to keep this on 24/7!?” Light's frustration with the situation grew.
Ryuuzaki stared at Light, tilting his head toward him as he replied “…Yes”.
Light was stunned to silence at Ryuuzaki's reply, so blunt, so annoying. Still wound up and angry he pondered how to get Ryuuzaki back and then a thought came to his head.
Light gathered some of the slack from the chain without tugging at Ryuuzaki's arm and then rolled over suddenly, jerking at the chain pulling Ryuuzaki off balance. `Yes! Success!' Light thought…before he realised how much his plan would back fire. Ryuuzaki fell, but not how Light had planned it, Light gathered too much slack and instead of just pulling him over, Ryuuzaki was yanked on top of Light.
Slumping across Light's bare chest, with his head buried in the comforter they both lay there. Light thinking to himself how much of a disaster this was and Ryuuzaki pondering why he was so suddenly eating his bed sheets.
“…Yagami-kun, can I ask you what you think you're doing?” Ryuuzaki said, his voice muffled from still being buried in his bedding.
Light stunned, shocked at himself, why was he thinking this…? `Ryuuzaki smells quite nice up close. Here I was thinking the guy didn't shower and his clothes, they're so soft.'
“..Yagami-kun…Are you okay there? What happened?” Ryuuzaki gestured at Light a second time.
Light had to force himself back to reality, still pondering over what had just happened.
“Sorry Ryuuzaki, I must have dozed off and rolled over, are you okay?”
“I'm fine Yagami-kun…quite fine in fact.” Ryuuzaki replied.