Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ *~DiGiTaL iNsAnItY~* ❯ The funky birth of Susan-mon! Kouichi goes and dies on us all! ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"The funky birth of Susan-mon! Kouichi goes and dies on us all!"

In the last wonderful episode the author was slightly pissed off so made no real effort to make the parody funny… anyway it ended with things blowing up so heh! Whatever! Only two more episodes to go then I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! (*Starts running around flapping his arms like wings then runs into a wall knocking himself unconscious*)






All three moons blow up in spectacular fashion as Lucemon FM watches with admiration that he had caused so much destruction in only a few minutes… he then leaves for random reasons…

LUCEMON FM: - I think I left the iron on at home….

As he leaves Kouichi, the other 3 unimportant kids, Bokomon and Neemon all appear on a large piece of yellow moon rock.

IZUMI: - (*As random digieggs of the murdered baby digimon float past*) Ow… Well that kinda hurt… stupid freak myotismon wannabes…. Why they have to blow things up all the time is beyond me…

KOUICHI: - ARGH! (*Looks around franticly*) WHERE'S MY KOUJI-CHAN!!!! (*cries*) ARGH! MY BROTHER IS DEAD! WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

JUNPEI: - (*Points*) He's over there…

KOUICHI: - (*Instantly stops crying and looks up to where junpei is pointing and sees the three rookie angel digimon…things bringing Takuya and kouji to them in some force field…thing*) YAY! Kouji-Chan isn't dead! Wheeeeeeeeeee!

IZUMI: - Honestly… he's just acting strange…even for him…

KOUICHI: - (*As Kouji and Takuya land on the yellow moon rock Kouichi prances happily over to Kouji and grabs his arm*) Wheeeeeeeeee! I'm so glad your okay Kouji-Chan…. Come on lets go talk somewhere for fun! Hehehehehehe!

KOUJI: - (*Looks puzzled and slightly nervous as he looks at Tomoki and the others*) Erm…guys… did you feed Kouichi 10 pounds of sugar again? Cos honestly I don't think it's a good idea to have him on a sugar high like this….

KOUICHI: - (*Dragging Kouji to the other side of the yellow moon rock*) Heehehehe! Come on Kouji-Chan!

Kouji just waves bye to the others as kouichi drags him away. The others wave back then notice Takuya is somewhat depressed.

JUNPEI: - Hey what's wrong? Are you sad cause we're failing at our endless quest to save the digital world from an insane psycho angel with a Myotismon fetish… and cos millions of ickle baby digimon were just…kinda murdered…in cold data… and they never even had the chance to …*sniff*… enjoy life as a digimon and…and…Oh I'm gonna cry (*Starts crying*)

TAKUYA: - (*Sighs*) Nah! I'm sad cause the author is way too obsessed with KouKou now…I have no chance in getting my Kouji-Chan back! -_-;;

BOKOMON: - Heh! That can't be healthy….

AUTHOR: - ARGH! Blame those R rated fics on the fanfiction.net, they were just calling out "READ ME! READ ME!" ARRRRRRRRRRRGH! (*Calms down a bit*) Oh well I think I've just lost what innocence I had left reading those…

IZUMI: - You mean…you had innocence to start with…could of fooled me!

AUTHOR: - ARGH! DIE EVIL BLONDE ONE! (*Randomly chases Izumi with a baseball bat*)

BOKOMON: - Oh well it's gonna be one of THOSE episodes -_-;;

NEEMON: - I like cheese…

Meanwhile on the other side of the yellow moon rock thing… Kouji and Kouichi are sat down on the side with Kouichi snuggling up to Kouji (*All together now… "Awwwwwwwwwwwww!"*)

KOUICHI: - Eeeeeee! You're so snuggly….

KOUJI: - O_o;; Erm…okay…. Yeah… erm… are you sure the others didn't put something else in that sugar…

KOUICHI: - Eeeeeeee! Kouji-Chan….

KOUJI: - Er…okay… what do you want to talk about…?

KOUICHI: - Lets talk about how snuggly you are….

KOUJI: - Er…other than that… Oh how about we talk about our mother… yeah…what's she like?

KOUICHI: - She eats sugary things then falls asleep for a long time mumbling things about spaceships and Apples….

KOUJI: - Is our mother insane Kouichi?

KOUICHI: - Not as insane as me… we had to take tests… although we never told the therapist that she's dating my Pyromaniac Leprechaun friend…

KOUJI: - I guess I must have got the sane genes then…

KOUICHI: - (*Looks puzzled as he looks at Kouji's grey trousers*) You're not wearing jeans…

Back with the others….

AUTHOR: - ARGH! MY COLA IS FLAT! I'm gonna blame it on Takuya!

TAKUYA: - HEY! Sure pick on the guy who's having his heart ripped out and stomped on several times by the lover incest twins over there…. Stupid twins… Pah!

IZUMI: - What do you think they're talking about?

JUNPEI: - Honestly… I don't think I wanna know…

BOKOMON: - Ah, kouichi-Han is probably telling Kouji-Han all about what Lordknightmon said to him and… Er… erm… actually I shouldn't of said that…forget I said anything…

TAKUYA: - What did LordKnightmon say to him? Come on you damn digimon TELL ME!!!! (*Grabs Bokomon by his belt and starts tugging it viciously*) DAMN IT! TELLLLLLLL MEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

The others just grab the rabid Takuya and hold him back as he growls and foams at the mouth.

JUNPEI: - Guess the lack of Takouji is getting to him…

AUTHOR: - I'm getting to it…. Stupid chosen children…always want this and that and…Oh is that an M and M (*Dives onto the floor and eats the M and M*)

BOKOMON: - (*Sighs*) Fine! LordKnightmon told Kouichi-Han that he doesn't exist in this world and Kouichi - han is all upset cos he's convinced he's dead…

There is silence…then the other children bring out party poppers and balloons from nowhere.


TAKUYA: - Maybe I have hope with Kouji after all! Yipieeeeeeeeeee!

BOKOMON: - You know he could just be unconscious…

(*All the kids stop partying and look at Bokomon with irritated faces*)

TAKUYA: - Oh please Bokomon did you really have to go and say that and spoil all our fun…

BOKOMON: - Yes… and now we must sit down and talk about how we can defeat the ugly Lucemon…

LUCEMON FM: - (*From all the way from the digital world of nothingness*) I HEARD that!

IZUMI: - So how DO we defeat him?

SALAMON: - Light and darkness must be come one Bitches!

PATAMON: - (*Stood by Takuya looking quite sly*) Hear that Takuya! Light and darkness…. Becoming one… ;)

TAKUYA: - (*crouches down and becomes depressed again*) Argh! Please stop doing that you evil flying hamster thing… (*cries*) …Kouji and Kouichi are gonna become one…that's so depressing…DAMN YOU AUTHOR!

AUTHOR: - Hey! That light/darkness becoming one thing was in the real episode too goggleboy! So don't blame me cos your gonna lose your boyfriend to his twin brother… :p

Suddenly lopmon pops up dressed in a cute widdle pink dress randomly waving a white flag, which reads "SUPPORT KOUKOU" in red letters. Takuya quickly snatches the banner off the little digimon and throws it to the floor…


Meanwhile in the nothingness of the digital world….

LUCEMON FM: - (*As he stands before some black ooze thing*) Whahahahaha Go my beloved black ooze and show me the way to the human world so I can look at all the funky human people!

So the Black ooze does just that and opens a portal to the real world.


Back on the moon rock yellow thing…. Whatever…

TAKUYA: - ARGH! Look it's Shibuya!

IZUMI: - and Shinjuku

SALAMON: - What's a Shibuya and a Shinjuku?


PATAMON: - Wrong season ya dope!

LOPMON: - Ah! Sorry -_-;;

JUNPEI: - What is that freak demon angel thing doing?

BOKOMON: - Ah, he's trying to take hold of the human world so he can rule both and cause ultimate chaos and destruction…the usual…

TAKUYA: - That's it now I'm pissed… Sure the digital world is one thing…but now he's attacking our turff…(*Adjusts goggles*) …prepare my friends…for we are going in fighting and coming out…

JUNPEI: - …dead… more than likely… -_-;;

KOUICHI: - (*As he and Kouji walk back towards the group*) Eeeee! We're getting to fight now Wheeeeeeeeeee! (*Turns to Kouji and suddenly goes all serious*) Kouji…you must promise me you'll see my mother once you return to the real world… digital apocalypses tend to make her jumpy…

KOUJI: - Why can't you comfort her…?

KOUICHI: - Erm…I'll probably be….er…somewhere…Oh well (*Runs off towards the others*)

KOUJI: - (*Too himself*) Kouichi… your acting strange…why…? Did you drink the fuel for your lighter with the sugar… hummmm…

They all evolve into their human forms (*Besides Takuya and Kouji who show off and evolve to their A-Hybrids*) and fly to the digital world nothingness to face Lucemon.

LUCEMON FM: - Ooooh! I was wondering when you'd show! (*With a sudden Australian accent*) Now I'm gonna put some Digi-destineds and the Barby….

FAIRYMON: - Why does he have an Australian accent now?

AUTHOR: - It's a boring story involving me thinking this scene up while randomly looking at Australian wines…

FAIRYMON: - Oh….fair enough…


BEOWULFMON: - Okay now he's acting like Jamie oliver…

AUTHOR: - I work in sainsbury's…that's my only excuse…

ARDHAMON: - Ah…makes sense…


ARDHAMON: - Okay lets just kick his ass now…

LUCEMON FM: - Not so fast! For it says in the script I have to defeat you … but first…(* Randomly blasts Lowemon to the roof of the…er…core of nothingness they're in*)…I have to do that cos the plot calls for it! Ah! Now I have to show you a neat trick…

BLITZMON: - Oh like tricks…I know a few myself…

LUCEMON FM: - This is my Hikari to Yami attack… (*Ball of light appears in left hand*) This is Hikari…

SALAMON: - Hikari? Where, where? Where's Hikari?

PATAMON: - Wrong season Salamon

SALAMON: - Oh right ^_^;;

Lucemon FM throws his Hikari light ball thing down to the hybrids then balls of black energy appears in lucemon's right hand…

LUCEMON: - Wheeeeeeeeeee! My favourite part… YAMI! (*Throws it down locking the kids in some strange game thing*)

ARDHAMON: - What the heck is this?

BLITZMON: - I dunno but I'm putting all my money of 29 black…

It then blows up de digivolving all the kids back to their human forms.

LUCEMON FM: - What's that I hear… encore! Encore! Fair enough… (*Throws light down the the kids but as he throws the darkness Lowemon manages to stop it but it's too strong and only lowemon gets caught in the strange roulette game thing*) hehehehehe! Well you are a strange stupid and rather sexy being aren't you…

LOWEMON: - Ah well at least I'm good looking unlike a freak Myotismon wannabe I know!

LUCEMON FM: - Ooooh! Spunky!

LOWEMON: - Hahahaha! Now here's something you didn't know about me Lucemon, besides the fact that I like to dress up as random anime girls on a Saturday…for I can also make light and darkness as one cos I am JUST THAT GOOD! Uh-huh! Yeah!

LUCEMON FM: - Pah! Yeah right… I believe you and so does the voices in my head… CHICKEN NOODLES!!!!

LOWEMON; - (*To the others*) Well this is it my friends and brother… I don't think I'll be bothering you from now on unless I come back to haunt you all…

KOUJI: - (*In a really high girly voice*) What do you mean…?

LOWEMON: - I mean I might very well be… well…I think I'm already….oh how to put this…. Ah well you'll get it in time… (*Suddenly the roulette thing explodes revealing a very naked kouichi*)

KOUJI: - ARGH! What happened to your clothes!?!

NAKED KOUICHI: - Here kouji take my spirits of darkness warning they may hurt cos their stubborn little things…(*As he lets them go*)…now be good for uncle Kouji okay spirits…bye bye…love ya loads (*The spirits go inside a very confused Kouji*) …Ah well guys it's been real, glad I could meet y'all…. Cya soon Space Cowboys…(*Starts getting fuzzy*)….cya real soon…

Suddenly Kouichi disappears in a flood of digicode, which is absorbed by Lucemon.

LUCEMON FM: - (*Looks at the digicode in his hand*) Too bad I couldn't keep him as my bitch really…

JUNPEI: - Ah well he wasn't exactly gonna go out normally was he…

IZUMI: - Least he's gone now YAY!

KOUJI: - (*Whimpers*) Kouichi-Chan…(*Suddenly he yells as darkness shoots out from his chest*)…. ARGH! DAMN THINGS! (*Whimpers more*) Kouichi-Chan….

TAKUYA: - You know what I hated Kouichi just as much as everyone else did BUT (*Turns to lucemon*) You hurt my kouji-Chan's feelings so now…in ode to kouichi I will randomly turn into fire and KILL YOU!!!! ARGH!

Takuya turns into fire and it engoulfs Kouji as the light and darkness spirits become one, which looks pretty damn painful if you ask me… then the amazing thing happens…


TOMOKI: - ARGH! What the bloody hell has happened here!?!

JUNPEI: - Takuya and Kouji have become one!


Patamon then waves a little white flag, which reads "SUPPORT TAKOUJI" in red letters.

BOKOMON: - A new fighter has been born…it's SUSANMON!

Susanoomon then falls down anime style.

SUSANOOMON: - It's Susanoomon you idiot get your facts straight!

BOKOMON: - (*With a silly smile on his face*) I stand by what I said SUSANmon! Hehehehehehe!

SUSANOOMON: - (*Looking towards lucemon*) Lets rumble!



TAKUYA: - YAY! I get to be a digimon with Kouji, take that kouichi (*Pulls his tongue out*)

KOUICHI: - HEY! Have some respect for the dead!!! (*Pouts*)

KOUJI: - But even though we defeat Lucemon FM…which sounds like a radio station… another evil creature comes into the fight in the image of Lucemon Satan mode… Whahahahaha!

JUNPEI: - Just for once I'd like a Lucemon cute ickle duck and bunnies mode -_-;;

TOMOKI: - Hey he looks like a duel monster…. (*Starts taunting Lucemon SM*) Duel monster…duel monster (*The others join in one by one*)…duel monster…duel monster…. Duel monster…

LUCEMON SM: - (*Sniffs*) I told the producers I didn't want to be the bad guy…I don't take taunting very well (*Cries and runs off*)

TAKUYA: - Er…'kay…(*watches him run off*)… oh well next time on Digimon Frontier it's "Duel Monster wannabe Lucemon SM! It's Time to Duel!"

KOUJI: - Does this mean we have to believe in the heart of our digivices…?

TAKUYA: - (*sighs*) More than likely…

YAY! For my obsession with Kokou and Takouji! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Episode 49 next but doubt it'll be long…I wanna get to the kawaii and rather emotional koukou in episode 50 ^_^ "Nii-San…"