Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 10 ( Chapter 12 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star 10 Sakiko's Stand
Authors Note: Ok, I know that it is never good to start a story, or a chapter, with author notes, but I am getting tired of receiving reviews accusing me of having Mary-Sue characters, "crapping upon the canon," or stealing other's ideas. For starters, if you think my character is a Mary-Sue then I'm sorry you feel that way, because in my knowledge my characters have too many problems to be Mary-Sue's. Second, this is a FANFICTION, the cannon will not always be followed, if you don't like it, tough. Stop reading fanfiction's. Third, I never get a chance to read anymore due to all of the things going on in my life, so I cannot possibly steal anyone's ideas, and I can't do anything if our characters sound alike; I CAN'T READ MINDS PEOPLE! And one last thing, never, and I mean NEVER, request that I take my story down, because I absolutely positively will NOT! I write for fun, and you can't control what goes on this site. I am not forcing you to read this story, or any for that matter. If you don't like it, the simple answer is to STOP READING IT! Don't waste both of our time by reviewing and telling me such stupid things because it will do you no good. Thank you, please enjoy.
"Sakiko?" KendoGarurumon asks, turning to face her.
"Please, just stop," I beg as I fly forward, landing by his side.
"If we don't attack he'll destroy us! Do you not understand that, Sakiko?" BurningGreymon comments.
"No, he won't. For some reason I can tell that he won't hurt us," I respond as I move to approach the black Digimon.
"Sakiko!" KendoGarurumon argues, stepping in my way.
"Trust me, KendoGarurumon," I beg before flying over him and in the direction of Duskmon.
"What are we going to do?" KoriKakumon asks in alarm.
"I think we should trust her," Zephermon comments.
"What?" MetalKabuterimon turns on her.
"It's a girl's intuition, you should learn to trust it," Zephermon responds.
"But we're talking about one of Cherubimon's thugs here," BurningGreymon responds.
"Shut up and watch for any signs of danger," KendoGarurumon growls, his eyes fixated on me.
"Bokomon, do we have any information on Enryamon?" Korikakumon asks softly.
Bokomon pulls out his book and starts flipping through it.
"Well?" Zephermon asks.
"Nothing," Bokomon replies. "I have no data what so ever on Enryamon."
I land in front of Duskmon within reach of his sword-like arms.
"Kouichi," I state instinctively. "That's you in there, isn't it?"
"Get away from me, you pest," Duskmon demands, holding himself as if ready to attack.
"Enryamon, get out of there! He's too strong!" BurningGreymon shouts.
"He won't hurt me, it's Kouichi!" I respond. "Right, Kouchi? De-Digivolve and show them that it is you. There's nothing to be afraid of, I promise."
"I don't know who this Kouichi is but you're getting on my nerves," Duskmon growls.
"But . . ."
Duskmon releases a serge of power causing me to block my face with my arms as I dig my feet in the ground, leaving a trek from being forced back.
"Enryamon!" the other five shout.
"I'm fine," I call back as I extend my arms out in a surrender position. "Kouichi, it's me, Sakiko."
"Get away from me," Duskmon demands, slashing me with his sword-like arm.
I wince but continues to move closer, positive that this was my somewhat friend and he would snap out of it soon.
"Kouichi, I know you're mad at me but you have to listen . . . mmm!" I wince again as he slashes me once more.
This routine continues until I finally run out of energy and can no longer hold my Digimon form. The data falls away from my body and I collapse to the ground on my knees, holding my arms and breathing hard. Cuts and gashes cover my body, the blood clearly visible.
"Sakiko," the other warriors call as they start moving in.
"Stay right there! I'm fine, and I can handle this!" I stop them as I struggle to my feet, stumbling once or twice.
Once again I hold my arms out and begin to approach Duskmon who is too stunned to attack at first.
"Kouichi, please," I beg as I finally manage to place my hand gingerly on his arm before wrapping both of my arms tightly around his. "Please, this isn't you."
A growl comes from within Duskmon as he forces me off of him and moves to make his final attack. I squeeze my eyes shut hoping to wake up from the nightmare.
"Sakiko!" BurningGreymon's voice sounds.
"Takuya!" KendoGarurumon's voice follows.
"Koji!" the voices of the others screech in horror.
I open my eyes to see . . .