Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 12 ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star 12 Just a Dream
I blink a few times. This can't be real. This operation was supposed to help, not make him worse. He would have rather died than allow this to happen.
"I'm so sorry, Sakiko," the doctor states sadly as he places his hand sympathetically on her shoulder. "I think it is best that you leave him alone until we can sort him out."
"I can't do that," I argue. "I can't just leave him. He's my father for crying out loud! I don't care if he doesn't recognize me; I want to be by his side."
"I fear that it will stress him too much to have someone he believes to be an absolute stranger with him for so long. It would hinder his recovery a great deal. I cannot allow it."
"Then, what if I pretended to be a patient? You can give me an entirely different name and make up a reason for me to be here."
"I'm sorry, but it can't be done, you'll have to go home. I will notify you as soon as we make progress."
I look down at my feet in anger and disappointment.
"Just be glad that he is not dead, Sakiko," the doctor states as he turns to walk into my father's room.
My heart pounds wildly at the thought of death.
Wait a minute, what about Koji? Is he? my eyes widen. What if he is? Kouichi would have had to . . . no! Koji can't be! But what if he is? It's entirely my fault! If I hadn't been so insistent on bring Kouichi to his senses Koji would still be alive!
I grab my head and sink to my knees as pain fills my entire body.
"Agh!" I cry out, wishing for numbness to come and relieve me of my pain. "Kouichi! Koji! Takuya! Zoe! Tommy! J.P.! Bokumon! Neimon! KOUICHI! FATHER!"
Suddenly, the same darkness that had pulled me back to the world of humans surrounds my body once again.
"Kouichi! Father! Mother! Koji!" I cry out, wanting someone to hear me and save me.
"Would you shut up already!" a female voice shouts as something strikes my right cheek.
My eyes open to reveal that I am once again back in the Digital World, only, I'm chained to a wall and there are two Digimon who don't look impressed with me as they stand in front of me. One is blue while the other is silver-ish as if appearing to be a mirror.
"Who are you?" I ask, confused.
"Those are two of Cherubimon's other warriors, Mercurymon and Ranamon, they're bad news," J.P.'s voice explains from beside me.
I look in that direction to see that he, along with Zoe and Tommy are also chained up.
"Are you all right, Sakiko? You were screaming a lot in your sleep," Zoe comments.
"Huh?" I blink.
"Yeah, you called out all of our names and even 'mother', 'father', and 'Kouichi'," Tommy agrees.
"So, it was only a dream, Father's not really . . . " I state in relief to myself.
"Is there something wrong with your father, Sakiko?" J.P. asks.
"Huh? Oh . . . uh . . . yeah, he's in the hospital. He was going into . . . "
"Enough chit chat! You are going to tell me where the other pipsqueaks ran off to, and you're gonna tell me now, or else!" Ranamon, the blue one, shouts.
"Or else what?" I ask, a little edgy due to my dream.
Ranamon chuckles to herself evilly.