Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 18 ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star 18 Separation
With that, the group heads out once again, but it's not too long before we find ourselves in trouble. Walking along a ledge with Takuya and Tommy leading the way, followed by Koji and me with Zoe, J.P., Bokomon and Neimon behind us, suddenly a giant breeze picks up, strong enough to lift us off the ground.
"Ahh!" I can't help but scream; after all, I'm not the bravest person in the world, remember?
"Sakiko," Koji's voice calls my name as his arms wrap around me, pulling me into his body as we fly in the air.
When we finally land, we find ourselves in this strange room.
"Where are we?" I ask as he lets go of me so we can get up from our position lying on the floor.
"I don't know," Koji admits as he looks around.
"Where are the others? You don't think they might be hurt, do you?" I ask him.
"I don't think so, I mean, we landed safe and sound," he responds.
I look at him as he looks around and blush.
He looks just like Kouichi, I think. No, bad, Sakiko, bad! Get that out of your mind!
"Are you all right?" Koji's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.
"Huh?" I ask, and then I realize that I had been hitting myself over the head while I was thinking. I immediately return my hands to my side. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Sorry about that."
"Whatever," Koji shrugs. "Just stay close."
With that, he grabs my hand and pulls me along.
"Sakiko, now's your chance," the voice from the D-tector comes.
"What?" Koji asks as he stops.
"Yeah, what?" I agree as I grab the device.
"Now's your chance, Spirit Evolve," the voice commands.
I look at Koji confused as he looks at me.
"What should I do?" I whisper.
"Do what it says, the rest of our D-tectors don't lead us astray," he instructs as he releases my hand.
"Ok," I sigh.
The D-tector starts to shine its warm red glow as it encases me in its warm touch. I toss the device into the air, do my back flip/spin thing and catch the D-tector in my right hand behind my back. I extend my left hand above my head and it gets encompassed with a data stream. Then, I bring my left arm down so that my hand is next to my head and bring my right hand back to the front and up above the data stream.
Execute, Spirit, I start as I pull the device through the data stream and down to my right side. Evolution!
The data surrounds me, causing my body to glow silver and my clothes to vanish. The two walls of data come and once they are finished, I am dropped to the floor, which closes around me, filling me with warmth. Once the floor opens in the shape of a rose, petal by petal, I am presented in my new form.
"So, here I am," I states, still unsure of what I'm supposed to do. "Now what?"
Koji shrugs as he turns around.
Suddenly, my body starts reacting without my permission. My hands form a circle in front of me with Koji lined up in the center of it.
Rose Coffin!
A patter of a giant red rose appears on the ground with Koji in the center.