Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Hearts of the Star ❯ Cherrubymon's Treachery 17 ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hearts of the Star 17 Getting to Know Sakiko
"The four major Digimon! They can only be Seraphimon, Cherubimon, Ophanimon and Lucemon," Bokomon explains.
"You've got a point," Takuya nods.
"So, we already have Seraphimon with us, and we know that Cherubimon is the bad guy in this equation," J.P. points out.
"So that means that Sakiko ran into both Ophanimon and Lucemon," Zoe comments.
"But which was which?" Koji asks.
"Agh! Another question!" J.P. complains as he rumbles his hair.
"Wait a minute, isn't Ophanimon the good guy?" Tommy asks.
"Yes, of course she's the good guy!" Bokomon states in a duh manner.
"Well then, doesn't it make sense for her to be the warm light, making Lucemon the cold light?" Tommy explains.
"I think you've got something there," Takuya agrees.
"But, that would mean that Lucemon is waiting at the Rose Morning Star," I point out.
"That's not possible," Bokomon argues. "Lucemon was sealed away within the very core of the Digital World by the ten Legendary Warriors."
"He does have a point," Koji agrees.
"I guess we'll have to wait and see when we get there," I shrug.
"How can you live like that?" Takuya questions.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Just waiting to see what happens," Takuya clarifies.
Once again, I shrug. "I don't know, I guess I've gotten used to it," my voice saddens against my will.
"What do you mean?" Tommy blinks.
"It's nothing," I shake my head.
"Come on, we don't know anything about you," Zoe complains.
"What's there to know? My mother died a few years ago and my dad fell ill earlier this year, so now he's in the hospital. Who knows if he's died since we've been here? I have no brother or sisters to speak of, and as far as I know, all of my grandparents already died," I shrug, which I find myself doing a lot lately.
"What about aunts and uncles?" Tommy points out.
"Don't have any, my parents didn't have siblings," I smile. "In fact, no where on any family tree that I've seen are there more than one child produced by each set of parents."
"Wow, that's crazy," J.P. gaps.
"Not really, everyone in my family has always been happy, as far as I know."
"So, what are you going to do if your dad does, or already did, die?" Takuya asks.
"Takuya!" Zoe scolds.
"What? I'm just asking," Takuya defends himself.
"Don't know. I'm sure my parents picked a set of their friends to raise me in case that happened, and if not, I'll probably be put in a foster program," I state. "It does no good to worry about it, What happens happens, if you keep worrying about it, you'll lose sight of what's happening here and now. If I always worried about the future, I would have never gotten to hang out with my dad as much. And if he's gone, then at least I still have my memories of him, right?"
"You've got a point," Zoe smiles.
What am I saying? I don't want him to be gone. He can't be gone! What'll happen if he is? I don't want to lose someone else! Mom! Please don't take him! Don't take him! I scream out in my mind, wanting to burst to tears but not letting myself. Please be safe, Daddy, I'll be back for you soon, and we can be together.
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