Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ When Inu-chan Meets Veggie-chan ❯ What Kind of Demon are You? ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When Inu-chan Meets Veggie-chan
Chapter 3.What Kind of Demon are You?
Bulma woke to the sound and smell of breakfast. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and yawned. "Mmm good morning Vegeta. That smells good. I didn't know you could cook."

"How else did you think I survived going from planet to planet?"

"So you mean to tell me you could have made your own food all this time?!"


"Grrr Vegeta! You mean to tell me you made me get up at 5:30 every morning when you could have made your own breakfast! Vegeta you are so impossible!"

"Woman will you stop yelling."

"Why should I. I have a perfectly good reason to yell!"

"Remember what happened last time you yelled? You almost got yourself killed. If I wasn't here you would have been."

"Ok, Vegeta, I get it. your right. So what did you make?"

"Bacon and eggs."

"How did you. No, you know what, I don't want to know."

Kagome woke up alone but hearing the sounds of Shippo laughing, Sango yelling, and then hearing a smack. Miroku must be at it again. I wonder where Inuyasha is? As if on cue.

"Oh your finally up."

"Ahh! Inuyasha I told you don't scare me like that!"

Inuyasha just 'humped'. "I smell breakfast."

"I don't. Where?" Kagome said looking toward their camp. "I don't even see any food."

"The smell is coming from over here." Inuyasha said heading for another part of the forest.

"Inuyasha wait for me." Kagome said getting up and following him.

"Mmm there's other smells too. A human and a… a… I don't know. I think it's a demon. Can you sense a shard?"

"No, sorry."

"Maybe we can steal the human's food."

"Well that's not very nice."

"But I'm hungry."

"Make your own food."

"I got a better idea. Why don't you make my food?"

"SIT!" Kagome yelled rather loud.

"Woman will you shut the hell up!"

"Why should I? Vegeta I'm sick and tired of your attitude! You are so..."

"Woman shut the hell up! I heard something and unless you want to be killed I suggest you be quiet!" Bulma immediately shut her mouth. "That's better."

"What kinda demon are you?" Asked a voice. Vegeta looked toward some bushes. He saw a young boy with silver hair, amber eyes, and the most surprising thing- dog ears. "Why don't you just kill the loud mouthed wench?"
"I'm not a demon and you know I've been wondering that myself lately." Vegeta then glanced at Bulma who didn't hear the statement but was staring at the boy with dog ears. I want to… touch them!

"Inuyasha that was not very nice. Sit boy!" Kagome yelled which landed Inuyasha face down in the dirt. Again.

"Wow, cool. I wish I could do that with Vegeta."

"Yeah it is nice. Inuyasha can be such a pain sometimes. I'm Kagome."

"I'm Bulma. I know what you mean. Vegeta thinks I'm his servant or something and always tells me to do something for him when he could do it himself." Bulma said and glanced a Vegeta refering to the breakfast issue.

"They're talking about us you know." Vegeta said as the two women kept talking about their two impossible men.

"Yeah, I know." Inuyasha said as he sat Indian style and humped.

"So you just let her do that to you?" Vegeta asked as he sat next to him.

"I have no control over it. It's this damn necklace."

"So what's with the ears?"

Inuyasha sighed. "I'm half demon, half human Does that answer your question? You're not from around here are you?" Inuyasha said as he looked at Vegeta's clothing.

"That damn woman's invention got us here."

"What?" Inuyasha asked confused.

"Oh never mind."

Well after about a half hour of them talking Kagome decided to asked Bulma and Vegeta if they would like to join her, Inuyasha, and the gang.

"So what do you say?"

"Sure. It beats just sitting around here waiting to get home. Hey Vegeta we're going to hang with Kagome and Inuyasha till we get home. Kay?"

"What ever flouts your boat woman."

"No! Kagome I'm sick and tired of it! Every damn person we see you have to ask if they would like to stay with us! Well no more!"

"Well it seems you and Vegeta had a lot to talk about the last half hour." Bulma said.

"Even if it was about us." Kagome said and she and Bulma giggled and started walking away to Kagome's camp. Inuyasha and Vegeta close behind.