Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Alan and Jamie ❯ Fire Trouble ( Chapter 20 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The animes in this fanfic are not own by me

The Adventures of Alan and Jamie

Chapter 20: Fire Trouble

Alan was laying on the grass at night in Fortune Forest looking at the starts shining while the others were a sleep in there tents.

Alan: I had such a wild ride lately, saving my friends from the darkness from Rupert, helping on rebuilding Medabot town and saying goodbye to Squall.

>> Flashback<<

Alan and the others were outside Balamb Garden saying their goodbyes to Squall and the others

Squall: Well this is goodbye

Alan: I guess so

Selphie: Thanks for all of your help Alan

Alan: No problem I couldn't really do it without my friends beside me.

Zell: Yeah that's true

Sakura: We will all miss you.

Takato: Are you sure you don't want to come with us to Station Square.

Squall: Sorry we can't, we have other things to take care off.

Alan and Squall then shake their hands.

Squall: Make sure you look after Bahamut and treat him well.

Alan: I will

Squall and the others then went back inside of Garden, few minutes later the garden lifted in the air and took off. The others then noticed Rinoa and Squall waving while Alan and the others did the same.

Kazu: Well shall we get going

Ash: Alan I noticed some thing about you

Alan: And what's that Ash

Ash: You have more Pokeballs around your belt

Alan: Yeah I brought some more

Brock: But why

Alan: You see when I was in Pallet town fighting the hooded man who turned out to be Sephiroth.

Jamie: What Sephiroth!!

Goku: Who's Sephiroth

Jamie: Just the guy who nearly destroyed the entire earth in a game called Final Fantasy 7

Alan: While anyway when I was fighting Sephiroth I called my first Pokemon to assist and that was Pigeot but I noticed something about Pigeot. It didn't really have any soul or emotion but it did save me from a tough spot. So I decide to buy five more Pokeballs and keep the pure hearted pokeball as my sixth.

Ash: I guess that makes scenes, I don't want a Pokemon to act like a zombie for the rest of its life.

Renamon: Now what about Ikkie

Sakura: What about Ikkie

Renamon: is he staying here or to decide to join us.

Jamie: While lets go to his place and find out

Lee: But he might be in school.

Alan: We still go just in case.

A few minters later Alan and the others reached Ikkie's house

Kazu knocked on the door and Ikkies' mum answered the door

Ikkie's mum: Hello

Alan: Hi is Ikkie home

Ikkie's mum: No sorry he's at school

Lee: Told you

Alan: I was wondering did Ikkie say anything about going to Station Square

Ikkie's Mum: Sorry nothing like that

Alan: Oh

Ikkie's Mum: Why don't you see him at school.

Alan: I guess we will

Ikkie's Mum: While bye

She closed the door and Alan and the others went to Ikkie's school. Renamon went searching for Ikkie inside the school.

Guilmon: What's taking Renamon so long I'm getting hungry.

Goku: You'r always hungry

Vegetar: You too Kararot

Goku: (Anime Sweat drop) Oh yeah that's true.

Renamon then appeared

Rika: Well Renamon.

Renamon: Oddly no one was there

Jamie: Weird

Henry: You sure you looked everywhere

Terriermon: Henry your taking to Renamon

Alan: We can't wait for an answer lets get to Station Square before bad things happen there.

Alan and the others were about to leave when their noticed a huge crowd near the town exit.

Henry: I wonder what this huge crowd is doing near the town exit.

Jamie: Is that the principle of the school

Alan: Yeah and all the medafighters behind him.

Brock: It must be a farewell party for Alan

Misty: Well he did save the city from total darkness

Principle: Here he comes!!

All of the students and Medabots stared cheering, Alan walked up to the crowd.

Principle: (shaking Alan's hand) Thank you for saving our town form the darkness, we cannot be unpleased for what you done for the town.

Alan: It wasn't all me, my friends did some of the fighting.

Principle: Well we thank your good friends

Kero: Don't we get an a reward

Sakura: Kero!!

Koji and Karin then came forward

Koji: Are you the chosen one that Ikkie was taking about.

Alan: That's me

Koji: Thank you for saving the town and my Sumilidon

Alan: No problem, am just glad that everyone is save

Karin: Here's a thank you gift

Karin gave Alan a red bandana

Alan: Thanks I guess.

Ikkie, Medabee, Erika and Brass came forward.

Jamie: Ikkie we been looking for you everywhere.

Ikkie: I was planning a farewell party for the school with Erika, Koji and Karrin

Erika: Alan me and Ikkie have decide to join your group.

Jamie: You are!

Erika: Yep, being a school reporter the whole world must know what's going on in the world of darkness.

Alan: As long you stay out of my way when am battling

Erika: You won't even see me

Ikkie: My mum has already agreed so let get going

Brock: Ok

Brock took out the world map

Alan: So how do we get there

Brock: We go though Fortune Forest, past the Charizard village and into Station Square

Alan: Okay lets go to Station Square.

>>Flashback ended <<

Alan: I wonder what the Charizards are like in the village, I find out about two days.

???: Good your still awake

Alan jumped up drawing his sword and liked at his foe with his shape eyes, Alan was then shocked.

Alan: What the…. It cant be… Super Renamon

Super Renamon: Hello chosen one.

Alan: How can you be in a different body.

Super Renamon: I don't have a body anymore chosen one I've died long ago, am just a sprit now.

Alan: So your still in my body right

Super Renamon: Right but your mind is one hundred percent, so you can use my body as you see fit.

Alan: Okay but why are you here at this time of night

Super Renamon: Am her e to teach you to use your own Special attack

Alan: What's the Special attack called

Super Renamon: Elemental attack

Alan: Elemental attack

Super Renamon: Yes, Elemental attack lets you summon all elements like wind, fire, earth, Lighting, ice, water, light and dark and combine it into one beam and shot it out of your hands, It's like the Kamahama wave.

Alan: It sounds cool

Super Renamon: but it takes time charging up.

Alan: Darn!

Super Renamon: but the more you use it the more faster and stronger it gets when you use it.

Alan: All right, so how long before I master the elemental attack

Super Renamon: Most people a year

Alan then anime fall

Alan: I can't wait a year!!!

Super Renamon: but for the chosen one two days

Alan: Okay I train every night.

Super Renamon: Well I meet you every night to help you train, in till then farewell.

Super Renamon then disappeared into thin air.

Alan: Well better gets some sleep for tomorrow

The next day, Alan and the group were walking along the forest but in the air Team Rocket were spying on Ash and Pikachu

Jessie: Finally I found the twerps

James: About time but why are the twerps waking around with the other twerps

Meowth: Maybe they all decide to join the twerp.

Jessie: Great more pokemon trainers that will ruin our plan to capture Pikachu.

James: ( looking thought the binoculars) Hey Jessie it the mouthy little twerp.

Jessie: (Grapping the binoculars from James) Ha it is you now I can pay you back for our secret little weapon

Meowth: But Jessie won't we saving that one for capturing Pikachu.

Jessie: Not anymore, I will get revenge on that twerp HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Meowth: Jessie acting weird again

Jamie: Maybe she had too many drinks last night

Jessie: I heard that, now prepare our weapon.

Jamie & Meowth: Yes Jessie.

Meanwhile back with Alan

Jamie: It's quite around here

Takato: Maybe the animals are still asleep.

Goku: Maybe

Just then Alan's pure hearted pokeball lit up.

Alan: Huh

Alan looked at the glowing pokeball and then looked around

Alan: Someone in danger!!.

Alan then rushed forward

Sakura: Alan wait for us

Erika: Why he rushing off.

Jamie: I have no idea.

Alan rushed past all the trees and stopped to see a broken clawed Blaziken. The rest of the group then caught up

Brock: Oh dear, let's help that's Blaziken

Ash: Right

Alan: I help too.

Brock: This isn't good, its right claw is broken we have to take it to the pokemon centre

Alan: Or I can heal it with my magic.

Misty: Can you really heal it Alan

Alan: Yeah it will only take a minute

Alan raised his fist in the air and water formed around it.

Alan: HEAL!!

Water droplets fell from the sky and landed on Blaziken right claw. Blaziken woke up and saw the group looking at him.

Blaziken. Blaz

Alan: It's okay your safe now.

Ash: We best take it to the pokemon centre just in case.

Brock: Bad news Ash the next pokemon centre is in Charizard village and we won't get there in till the next day.

Alan: Well I will carry him in till we reach the Pokemon Centre.

Renamon: You sure.

Alan: Yeah lets keep going.

????: Not so fast Twerp

A huge humanoid robot that looks like Alan lands right in front of the group.

Henry: What the!!

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!!

Jamies: Make it double!

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!!

James: To unite all peoples within our nation!!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!!

Jessie: Jessie!!

James: James

Jessie: Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!!

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight!!

Meowth: Meowth! That's right!!

Ash: Team Rocket!!!

Alan: Here to capture Pikachu again

Jessie: More then that am here to capture Blaziken and get revenge on you.

Alan: More people who want revenge on me, now this isn't my day.

Jamies: Meowth launch the capture net

Meowth: Roger

The net shot out from the humanoid finger and captured Blaziken from Alan's back.

Alan: Oh no you don't!!!

Alan drew his sword and jumped on the tree branch and jump towards the net and sliced it and grabbed Blaziken before he fell to the ground.

Alan: Your safe now.

Guilmon: ALAN LOOK OUT!!!!

Alan: Huh!

Before Alan knew what happened a huge fist hit Alan across the forest

James: (James laughs) A hole in one

Jessie: James focus.

Jamie: Right now you pay.

Jamie disappeared and then repapered and punched hard on the head causing them to fly in the sky.

Jessie, James and Meowth: Looks like team rocket blasting off again!!!!

Sakura: We have to find Alan and Blaziken!!!

Meanwhile somewhere in the forest

Alan: Oh man did anyone get that number plate from that fist, huh Blaziken!!

Alan saw Blaziken laying out cold on the floor.

Alan: Hey Blaziken are you all right, come on wake up all ready!!

Alan then looked around and noticed a cave.

Alan: I can't find the others with Blaziken out cold. I also know that Team rocket could be looking for me. Who knew that Jessie wanted reveange on me, oh well it is getting late and I bet the others are looking for me, so for now I hide Blaziken in that cave.

Alan then carried Blaziken on his back to the cave.

Alan: Empty, great I can set fire in here to keep us warm.

Alan put Blaziken by the wall. Blaziken then woke up.

Blaziken: Blaz ken.

Alan: Relax you safe in this cave.

Blaziken got up and tried to leave but ending up filching in pain

Blaziken: Bla zi ken

Alan: Whoa relax your no good in this condition specially when Team Rocket want you as their prize. Just sit their while I get fire wood and some food okay.

Blaziken nodded and closed his eyes trying to sleep.

Alan: I hope the others find me before team rocket does.

Meanwhile in Jamie's and the others camp.

Sakura: I hope Alan is safe

Jamie: Don't worry Sakura we find.

Brock: Am sure Alan knows that he must find us before Team rocket find them.

Sakura: Yeah your right.

Ash: I been alone in the forest before when Team Rocket manage to get me away from the others.

Misty: Yeah and every time your with a wild pokemon they end up joining your team.

Erika: You think Blaziken will end up being Alan's pokemon.

Ash: It all depends how it goes.

Jamie: Alan dream will then start to come true.

Medabee: What do you mean

Jamie: You see when Pokemon started on T.V Alan got more and more excited about Pokemon training, he learned every pokemon names, type, weakness and strengths.

Terriermon: Wow taking about a big fan.

Jamie: Alan then motioned one day that his dream was to become a real pokemon traniner.

Misty: But before Alan met us he thought that we won't real

Jamie: Alan didn't want to believe that instead being close to pokemon training was buying the pokemon games for gameboy.

Ash: Wow, I didn't know about Alan that way.

Takato: Did Alan wanted to become a digimon tamer as well

Jamie: Yep he wanted to be anything that you guys were.

Henry: Well I think we better get some sleep for tomorrow.

Meanwhile with Team Rocket

Jessie: Where is that mouthy little brat with that Blaziken.

Jamie: Jessie why don't we get some sleep and look for him tomorrow.

Jessie: Not in till I get my revenge.

Meowth: Hey I got a great idea

James: What is it Meowth:

Meowth: Why don't we follow the twerps

Jessie: What will that do, we be wasting time.

Meowth: True but sooner or later they will find them and that's when our chance to grab Blaziken and pikachu at the same time

Jessie: Meowth that's amazing

James: that's so evilly that I like it.

Jessie: I also get my revenge.

Meanwhile back in the cave Blaziken was sleeping by the wall while Alan who removed his hooded jumper and t-shirt checking for injures while the fire in the cave kept them warm

Alan: One big bruise on my shoulder, am guessing Team Rocket didn't hold back. (Now looking at Blaziken) Am glad that Blaziken okay, I better get training to learn the elemental attack before Super Renamon arrives.

Alan got putting on his black dragon t-shirt and then walked out of the cave and looked up watching the stars. Alan then put his palm together and closed his eyes. Super Renamon arrived without Alan noticing. Alan remained as he is letting the cold wind blow him. Alan then though about every element that Super Renamon told him. Then his palm started to glow and Alan opened his eyes looking at the dark trees in front of him.

Alan: Elemental Attack!!!

Alan shot his beam towards the dark trees but the beam run out before it hit it.

Alan: Darn no fair.

Super Renamon: I noticed that you thought about the element but you must feel the element as well.

Alan: Super Renamon when did you get here.

Super Renamon: When you shot your little beam

Alan: Yeah, yeah what do you mean feel the element

Super Renamon: That only you must discover.

Alan: Oh great another riddle.

Super Renamon: You find out when danger comes.

Alan: So it's best for me to wait tomorrow to at least in till this danger comes.

Super Renamon: In till then gets some rest.

Alan: Oh well no harm in that

The next day Alan and Blaziken were about to get ready to find the others.

Alan: Okay let's get going

Blaziken: Blaz iken

Jessie: Not so fast twerp!!

Alan: Huh

The large humanoid robot shape landed right in front of Alan and Blaziken

Jessie: Prepare for trouble!!

James: Make it double!!

Meowth: We already done that let's just capture Blaziken!!!

Alan: Not this time.

Alan brought his sword out and went into a battle stance.

Jessie: James activate the missile punch

James: Okay activating the missile punch.

The fist suddenly launched out from the humanoid and headed towards Alan but Alan jumped into the air and down slash the fist chopping it in half and exploding at the same time.

James: How did he do that?

Jessie: I don't know.

Alan: Please that was very easy

Jessie: Meowth fire the backpack missiles.

Meowth: But Jessie….

Jessie: DO IT MEOWTH!!!!

Meowth: I have a bad felling about this

Meowth pressed the button releasing lots of missiles from the back of the humanoid.

Alan: Not good!!

Alan gapped Blaziken right claw and started running from the missiles, the missiles exploded each time they hit the wall near Alan. Alan and Blaziken then took cover in the cave they were once in.

Alan: Blaziken stay here I be right back after I take care of business.

Alan run out of the cave were he noticed another missile heading towards him

Jessie: Goodbye twerp

Alan then back flips away from the missile and slashed sword to the left in rage.

Jessie: How did he survive that!!

James: Maybe he's done a lot of back flips when he was younger.

Alan: Now where was I oh yes I was about to beat you three up!!!!

Meowth: You need anger management

Jessie: Quick fire another set of missiles!!!

Meowth: OK!!

Another backpack missiles fired towards Alan but Alan jumped on them one by one towards the Humanoid. Meanwhile somewhere else in the forest Jamie and the others noticed a thick black smoke on the other side of the forest.

Jamie: Hey look over there

Misty: Black smoke

Sakura: I think Alan's in danger

Goku: Come on lets get over there now!!!!

Back with Alan who was about to slash the head of the humanoid but the humanoid move it's head sideways and Alan missed him and landed back onto the ground.

Alan: How do I defeat something that big.

P.H Sword: Alan I think we should use the Elemental Attack

Alan: But I haven't learned it yet

P.H Sword: Remember what Super Renamon said to you, you must feel each element to proper use the Elemental Attack. You have to remember what each element feels like.

Alan: I know what light and dark feels like but I never had a chance to feel fire, ice, earth, water and lightning.

P.H Sword: Alan I have an idea but it involves Pikachu, Blaziken, Sakura, Goku and Misty's water pokemon.

Alan: Okay I get Blaziken and find the others.

James: Take this twerp.

More missiles were heading towards Alan but Alan ran fast underneath the large humanoid. The large humanoid looked underneath.

Jessie: Where's he going

Meowth: Quick get him!!

Alan: You bunch of losers can never get me.

James: We see you little hooligan

Alan then went back in the cave where Blaziken was.

Alan: Come on Blaziken I need your help plus we need to find the others.

Blaziken nodded and rushed out.

Alan: Hey wait for me!!

Alan rushed out and saw the huge humanoid chasing after Blaziken

Jessie: Quick after that Blaziken

Mewoth: get him before he gets away.

Alan: Oh no you don't, you leave him alone right now

Alan chased after the humanoid and jumped on leg part and then jumped on the arm and then finally jumped on the shoulder and prepared to attack the head. Alan down slash the head with his sword but just left a mark.

Alan: What the!!

James: You won't get to us that easy.

The huge humanoid hand came towards Alan but Alan Jumped on top of the hand and then jumped off and rolled on the ground.

Blaziken: Blaz!!!!

The rushing flames past Alan and hit the humanoid but just left a burn mark.

Alan: What was that attack called.

Blaziken: Blaz I ken blaz ken!!

Alan: Okay am coming

Jessie: Fire the missles.

The missle shot out from the humanoids back and headed towards Alan but Jamie, Vegetar and Goku hit three missiles out of the way while the last one headed towards Alan. Alan was about to slice the last missle but Blaziken jumped forward using a blaze kick attack and hit the missile back towards the humanoid. The humanoid took two steps back.

Alan: Thanks Blaziken.

Blaziken then gave a claw thump up.

Sakura: Alan!!

Alan: Sakura!!

Sakura then hugged Alan

Sakura: Am glad I found you.

Alan: Am gald too but your taking the air out of me

Sakura: Sorry

Jamie: Alan focus!!

Alan: Right!!

Meowth: You all can't destroy this humanoid even if you summon the entire element on us.

Alan: Okay Sakura cast the ice magic on me

Sakura: WHAT!!! Have you gone insane!!

Alan: Trust me on this.

Blaziken: Blaze

Blaziken then gapped Alan's shoulder and cast flames around them.

Alan: Thanks Blaziken

Blaziken nodded.

Alan: Misty summon your water Pokemon and use they water gun attack on me!!.

Misty: Ok

Alan: Ash get Pikachu to use Thunderbolt on me!!

Pikachu: ( Shocked) Pi ka!!!

Ash: But what will that do

Alan: I don't have time to explain just trust me.

Ash: Okay!

Alan: Goku can you make the earth shake beneath my feet.

Goku: Yeah but why!!

Alan: You see, you won't be disappointed

Sakura cast her ice magic on Alan, then pikachu used his thunderbolt on Alan.

Misty: Staryu use your water gun.

Misty threw her pokeball andf Staryu came out and sprayed water over Alan, Goku then slammed his fist on the ground and caused a lot of wave under from Alan's feet, Alan felt a little breeze of wind blowing in his air.

Alan: All the element around me now to summon their power.

A ball of light appeared in Alan's palm and went into kamahamaha pose.

Meowth: What is that light

James: His flashlight

Jessie: What is he doing.

Alan: Time to finish you off. Elemental Attack!!!!!!

Alan shot out a huge light beam heading towards the humanoid

Meowth, Jessie and James: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The beam went straight thought the humanoids body and causing a huge explosion.

James: While that was unexpected

Meowth: Next time we expect the unexpected

Jessie: while in till next time.

Meowth, Jessie and James: Team rocket blasting off again.

Alan: I never get board hearing that

Goku: Alan that was amazing when you learned that move

Alan: Just now but I couldn't have learned without you guys, hey where's Blaziken

Alan then saw Blaziken walking away

Alan: Hey Blaziken!! Wait up!!

Blaziken:( looking back) Blaz

Alan: Blaziken listen I was wondering would you be my Pokemon.

Blaziken: Blaz I blaz I ken.

Ash: I think Blaziken wants to fight you fist to fist before joining you.

Brock: I think Blaziken want to see if Alan is stronger to look after him.

Alan: Okay Blaziken I fight you without my powers helping me

Renamon: That sounds fair.

Goku: This should be instresting.

Sakura: Be careful Alan

Alan: I will

Alan unequipped his digivise, sword, pokeball and watch and gave them to Jamie.

Alan: Look after these for me Jamie

Jamie: No problem Alan I guard with my life.

Alan: Okay let's go Blaziken

Blaziken nodded and want into his fighting stance. Alan did the same.

Alan: Okay without my weapons I am totally a normal person but I still have my own move the elemental attack

Super Renamon spirit then appeared on top of the tree looking down on Alan

Alan: I can do this I have to do this.

Blaziken charged up towards Alan and attacked with his double kick, Alan evaded his kick and punched Blaziken in the face and then kneed him in stomach. Blaziken flinched backwards and attacked with his blaze kick. His scorching kick nearly kicked Alan's face but Alan caught the kick and counted with his triple kick in the face.

Blaziken jumped back and looked at Alan who was grinning back at Blaziken, Blaziken then did the same.

Renamon: So far Alan has the advantage

Jamie: Going on the defensive is the best idea since Blaziken is strong with his blaze kicks and double kicks.

Rika: If he keeps this up Alan might win

Brock: Don't forget Rika that Blaziken has only used two moves he still has other two moves left that could get Alan off the defensive.

Ash: That's the thing you have too think about in a pokemon battle who never know what to expect.

Goku: Alan has to expect the unexpected.

Alan charged up and roundhouse kick towards Blaziken face but Blaziken ducked and uppercut Alan and then sweep kick to trip Alan onto the floor and then cut attack on Alan's hooded jumper causing it to sheared apart and revealing a light blue t-shirt.

Renamon: Interesting Blaziken trying to release Alan's fear, that what I usually do when I fight a wild Digimon.

Alan: That was my best worn jumper.

Alan quickly got back on his feet and double punch Blaziken but Blaziken evade them all. Blaziken then jumped back and closing both claws and fire raised around his body, Alan jumped back and went into the Kamahamaha pose.

Alan: Okay Blaziken final moves on each other to see who's strongest.

Blaziken fire was now in a heat dorm in front of him like a shield, Alan's elemental attack was now reaching in his hands.

Alan: Elemental

Blaziken charged up towards Alan and released his overheat attack towards Alan

Alan: Attack!!!!!!!

A beam shot out and colliding with the Overheat and a huge explosing that headed for Alan and Blaziken. The dust on the ground then coved them both while the others cough in the dust.

Lee: Who won

Medabee: I don't know I can't see anything

Erika: I going to tell the school about this battle.

Few minutes later the dust cleared revealing Alan standing holding his shoulder and Blaziken laying on the ground.

Guilmon: Alan Won!!!

Blaziken then tried to get up with Alan giving him hand.

Alan: Will you join me Blaziken

Blaziken: ( smiling) Blaze

Terriermon: I think that means Yes

Alan: All right I caught a Blaziken

Ash: Now you have a real soul Pokemon

Jamie: Yeah Alan now you have a strong Pokemon on your side

Alan: And my very own dream to become a pokemon trainer will begin after all the evil is gone. Okay let's go!!!

Davis: While it looks like Alan is getting stronger and he got himself a new friend, but what will our heroes wait at the charizard village they stop to and will Team Rocket come back with a band new plan find out in the next adventures of Alan and Jamie

Power of Renamon: I like to say that am sorry for the very, very long wait I had lots of work to do in college and this time work on more time on my fanfic.