Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Can't Live Without You ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Can't Live Without You

By Pretty Kitty


Setting: Um...let's see....takes place in DBGT. Bra is like 8 so that would make Trunks 19.

Description: As we all know, Vegeta and Bulma argue ALOT. Well one day, one of their arguments go to far and Bulma has had enough. She kicks poor Veggie out and he has to bid farewell to his family. But will she ever let him come back? She has to!!! ....doesn't she??? I wrote this in dedication to all the kids and teens out there whose parents are going through divorce. I've gone through 2 divorces and I know it's not easy.

*WARNINGS*- Rated PG for language.

Disclaimer: It seems that I have forgotten to do the ol' disclaimer on my other fics so I decided to stick it in here. For all of the fics I have written. I do not own DBZ, Pokemon*don't ask*, or Zoids. There! I said the dang disclaimer! Now can we get on with the story?!

Little eight year old Bra was swinging on the swingset in the backyard of Capsule Corp, happily humming to herself. Her daddy was training in the gravity chamber nearby and her mom was relaxing in a nearby chair while reading a book. Grandma was watering the plants, grandpa was working in the lab, and her big brother was up in his room doing who knows what. It was just a normal day for everyone around Capsule Corp.

A few minutes later the gravity chamber was turned off and Vegeta walked out.

~Yay, daddy must be done training early today~ thought Bra. "Hi daddy!" she said. Vegeta just glanced at her but then turned his attention to Bulma. That didn't bother Bra, she was used to him not saying anything.

"Woman, there's something wrong with the gravity machine. I need you to fix it," said Vegeta.

Bulma put her book down and gave Vegeta an annoyed look. She let out an agrivated sigh before saying,"Ok fine. But I'm not going to fix now. You'll have to wait."

"Woman! I need you to fix it now!" he exclaimed.

"No, Vegeta! I'm very tired and I want to relax now. I don't feel like working on the stupid gravity machine! You need to learn to be patient!"

Vegeta clenched his teeth in anger. "You can relax after you fix the gravity machine!"

"Vegeta, you do this every time! You break the machine, demand I fix it, then when I say no, you pitch a fit! I know you don't want to believe it, but you can't get your way every time! You're so spoiled!"

"I'm spoiled? Look at you!" yelled Vegeta. "Even if I am spoiled, as you say, at least I am for a reason. A prince is supposed to get his way!"

"GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!!!! Yeah, you're a prince! Prince of a dead race!!!!!!!!"

That last remark startled Vegeta, he did not expect Bulma to say something like that. But it just made him more angrier.

Bra heard all of this, although she really didn't want to. She hated it when her parents argued like this. ~I wonder if they even know I'm right here~ thought Bra. ~Probably not. They're way too busy arguing....~

Bulma and Vegeta kept yelling at each other never even noticing poor little Bra. But she had had it. She knew that they are more mad at each other than usual. And she didn't want to stick around and listen to more of that nonsense. She got out of the swing and walked inside. She was heading toward her room but decided to go see Trunks instead.

Trunks was just lying on his bed looking at a magazine with the music blasting.

Bra walked in and covered her ears because of the loud music. "TURN IT DOWN!!!!" she tried to yell over the music. Trunks got the message and turned the volume down some.

"What do you want?" he asked his little sister.

"Nothing I just wanted to sit in your room with you."

"Bra--" Trunks started to say but Bra interupted him.

"Can I ask you something?" she said.

"What is it?"

"Why do mom and daddy always argue?" she asked innocently.

"Bra, you wouldn't understand. It's just grown-up stuff. But really and truly, nobody understands why they get so mad. Sometimes I don't think even they know. Why? Are they agruing now?"

"Yep. But if they don't understand why they get mad then why do they get mad?"

"Who knows." said Trunks. "But don't let their arguing worry you. Soon the yelling will die down and everything will be back to normal." Trunks reassured her.

"I hope so..." said Bra.

Meanwhile, Bulma and Vegeta were still going at it. Mrs.Briefs had tried to calm them dowm but to no avail. So she gave up and went inside.

"Vegeta if you're going to be this way, then why don't you just leave?" said Bulma.

Vegeta laughed at that. "Yeah right woman!! You wouldn't last a week without me! Even if I did leave, it would only be a short amount of time before you'd be begging me to come back. Just like you did with that pathetic excuse of a fighter, Yamcha!"

"What makes you think that? I'd be perfectly fine without you!"

"I know you, Bulma! And that's exactly what you would do! Because...let's see what do you always say? Oh yeah, because you love me!"

Bulma looked hurt at that statement which made Vegeta regret those words. Tears started welling up in her eyes. "Does that mean that...you don't love me? I thought you had changed, Vegeta."

He folded his arms across his chest. "I guess you thought wrong." As soon as he said that he regretted it. ~Kami, Vegeta! Why the hell did you just say that?~ he thought to himself.

Bulma started crying and she turned and ran inside. ~Damn. I didn't mean that at all. Now what am I going to do? I can't say sorry.~ thought Vegeta as he watched Bulma leave.

He didn't know what he was going to say or do, but he did follow her. He went up to their room and heard Bulma crying from inside the room. He swung the door opened.

Inside, dresser drawers were open, the closet doors were opened, there were clothes and all sorts of stuff all over the place. There were also a few bags and suitcases on their bed. Bulma was busy stuffing clothes in the bags while tears streamed down her face.

"Wom--I mean Bulma...what are you doing?" He knew that calling her "woman" would make her even more angry so he decided to stick with her real name.

She didn't turn to look at him just kept packing the bags. "I'm packing up your stuff, Vegeta."


"Because you are leaving. No I don't mean you're leaving this room. You are leaving this house!"

He walked up behind her and laid his hand on her shoulder. He turned her around and looked into her eyes. "Why are you doing this?"

She looked up at him. She could tell he was hurt just by looking at his eyes. But she tried to ignore it. "Because you don't love Trunks you don't love Bra and....you don't love me."

Vegeta didn't know what to say. Actually, he did but he couldn't say it. He wanted to tell her that he loved her, Trunks and Bra and that he was sorry. But he just couldn't do it.

There was silence for a few minutes. Vegeta's hand was still on Bulma's shoulder but he moved when she started handing him suitcases. "You need to go now." she said.

"Where will I go? And what about money? I don't have any."

"I've already put some money in one of your bags. It should last you for a while. I don't know where you'll go. Maybe you can find an apartment somewhere." she said.

"What about the gravity machine. I need that. And it's still broken" he replied.

"I'll fix it. Come back sometime this week to get it." she said as she handed him the rest of the luggage.

He picked up his bags but then sat the down. "Well, can I go say bye to the brats?"

"Yes you can."

He walked into Trunks' room and found that Bra was in there also. Bra quickly turned around to see Vegeta. "Hi daddy!" Trunks just looked over his magazine and glanced at Vegeta.

He sat down on the floor against Trunks' bed and beside Bra.

"What are you doing in here?" asked Bra. "Have you and mom stopped arguing yet?"

"Yes we have. But I'm here to tell you both bye. I have to leave."

This caught Trunks' attention and he put down his magazine. "What?"

"Why?" asked Bra. "Are you going on vacation. If you are, I want to come!"

"I'm not going on a trip and you can't come with me." said vegeta. Trunks was old enough, he knew what Vegeta was getting at.

"Dad, are you saying that mom's kicking you out?" asked trunks.

"She's not kicking me out. The saiyan prince does not get kicked out. She just doesn't want me here anymore." he explained.

Little did they know, Bulma was sitting out beside Trunks' door listening to the conversation.

Vegeta looked over at Bra. Her eyes were filled with tears. Then she threw her arms around her daddy's neck and burst into tears.

"Daddy, don't leave! Don't leave me! Please..." she cried. He let her cry for a minute but then removed her arms from around his neck.

"Bra, dry your eyes. There's no reason to cry," he said.

"Yes there is. I don't want you to go." she said.

"I don't want to go either but I have to. But crying is not going to change anything."

"But I'm sad..."

"And crying is not going to make you happy, is it?" he asked.

"Well...no...but I can't help it. Please don't leave!" she said.

"Bra he doesn't have a choice!" said Trunks.

"Will you miss me daddy?" asked Bra.

Vegeta paused for a minute before answering. "Yes."

"Will you miss Trunks?"

Vegeta nodded.

"Will you miss mom?"

Bulma heard this and was eager to hear what Vegeta would say.

He paused again. "Yes, I will. Very much." Bulma was suprised at this. ~Maybe I should let him stay...Maybe he really does care...~she thought but she shook those thoughts away.

"We'll miss you too. Especially me." said Bra.

Vegeta stood up and walked toward the door. Bulma quickly got up and went downstairs. He went back in his and Bulma's room to get his luggage and then went downstairs.

"Trunks...is he going to come back?" asked Bra.

"Of course he is."

"Are you sure?"

"Well, I'm not positive but that's what I'm thinking." said Trunks.

"What if...you're wrong." said Bra. With that she ran out of Trunks' room and raced downstairs. "Daddy!! Wait!!" she yelled, desperately trying to stop Vegeta from leaving.

Bulma was standing in the doorway and Vegeta had just walked out the door. Bra shoved her mother aside and ran after Vegeta. But Bulma grabbed Bra's wrist and stopped her.

Tears streamed down Bra's cheeks. "Let me go! Daddy don't leave!" she cried.

Vegeta turned around and looked at her but then just kept on walking.

"No!! Daddy! Don't leave!"she yelled as she watched him go. "Don't leave...daddy.." It was too late.

"Bra, it's ok." her mother tried to calm her down.

"No it's not ok! Why does he have to leave? Why didn't you stop him?"

"I couldn't stop him Bra." Bulma said.

"Yes you could have! But you didn't..." she said. The she jerked away from Bulma and ran up to her room.

Bulma started to follow Bra but Mrs.Briefs stopped her. "No Bulma, you need to let her be alone for a little while. This is very hard for her." she said.

"I guess you're right..." replied Bulma.

Bra slammed her bedroom door behind her and put her new Pink cd Misundaztood. She turned the volume up really loud(something she picked up from Trunks) and layed down on her bed. She buried her face in the pillows and cried.

She stayed like that for a while and was suprised nobody had come to her room to "talk about it". She was thankful for that though because she really did NOT want to talk about it.

After a while she stopped crying. Mainly because all that crying was giving her a headache. She turned over and laid on her back and just stared up at the ceiling.

The song on her Pink cd "Family Portrait" came on. Bra hadn't really listened to this song very much but as she listened to the lyrics it seemed as though the song was about her.

//It ain't easy, growin' up in WW3
Never knowin' what love could be

You'll see, I don't want love to destroy me

Like it has done my family

Can we work it out

Can we be a family

I promise I'll be better

Mommy I'll do anything

Can we work it out

Can we be a family

I promise I'll be better

Daddy please don't leave//

~I hope Trunks is right...~she thought. ~I hope Daddy does come back.~

*dun dun dun!* TO BE CONTINUED....*gasp!*lol..........

Next Time.....

Months have gone by and Vegeta and Bulma still haven't got back together. But Vegeta's money is running low and Bulma doesn't know what she's going to do. She can't keep giving him money but he can't come back and live at Capsule Corp. Is Trunks' prediction going to be wrong this time? Find out in Chapter 2 of "Can't Live Without You"!!

lol.......I was trying to make it sound corny like the narrator does at the beginning and end of DBZ. lol