Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ COOL CHANGE ❯ When the time doesn’t Count ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Cool Change
When the time doesn't Count
Pan left; having woke alone in Trunks bed. Though a smile was on her face, there was no time to ponder- She had class in 30 minutes and still had to go home get her books…
She flew at top speed to make it home and then to school in record time.
Gohan and Videl were enjoying a quiet morning when a flash of blue and black swept by them. The wind whipped through the kitchen... The two shared a secret smile. With out speaking they shared the same thoughts about their daughter... Within moment, however another flash left the house.
Videl sighed as she wandered to Pan's room wondering how decimated Pan had made it. However, surprisingly, nothing was missing… all except her backpack… the room was still full of all her things, a perplexed frown graced Videl's features when Gohan stumbled into the room… His careful inspection led him to believe the same thoughts- but he surmised aloud, “Well, Pan had class today.”
“That's right, that girl has her head in the right place still.” Videl theorized. Gohan squeezed her shoulder both parents were proud.
Pan dragged herself home that evening. Sometimes school was harder then sparring. Today was extremely hard…. Even her body felt it had been broken… She could not wait until her break… that was in three weeks, then only one more semester to go! But she needed that break today she felt…
Slipping through the front door, her nose twitched to the smells of dinner. However, she went on up to her bedroom promising her stomach that a nap was more needed… “I promise I will feed you” she stifled a yawn…
He sensed she was home, Gohan peeked into the room only to see books strewn everywhere… A socked foot had snuck out form the covers, and a large lump was in the middle well covered by a favorite blanket. He had not the heart to wake her up, not even for the inevitable. Gohan only shook his head in wonderment but continued to drift toward the food he smelt cooking.
In the kitchen, a familiar figure loomed, “You know dad, using that trick will get you hurt.” He said.
Goku smiled at his eldest and sped himself back into the living room, Gohan shook his head again and followed suit.
Chichi and Videl were sitting down chatting and he noticed that his father was back where he was supposed to be- sitting in his chair- Gohan sat down next to him on the couch smirking…
“You know they both know you left” he questioned Goku.
Goku only smiled again laughing in his silly manner.
After a moment the women began talking again, use to Goku's little escapes. Once their chattering stared; Goku leaned up in the chair, trying to whisper a question, poorly succeeding, “Gohan why is Pan here?” he asked
The women conversation stopped when they heard this…
Gohan knew he had to answer, everyone was waiting for him… why did he have to know anything of this… but he made his best educated guess for all of them, “I think she had a long day, she's sleeping though her books are scattered everywhere.”
“I think Trunks is working late,” Chichi added to good measure. No one said anymore… Bulma must have mentioned it to Chichi earlier…
No sooner had these thoughts settled with everyone the door knocked.
“It's Trunks,” Goku informed Gohan as he stood to get the door.
Gohan knew it was, so much for working late… well I guess its time… he thought sadly…
Sure enough, Trunks was there with a worried look…
“Is Pan here?” he asked as a formality. He knew she was but did not understand why…
Gohan welcomed him in and explained that Pan had returned home gone to school and now was sleeping…
“I knew she would be tired…” Trunks trailed off.
His was response was a surprise look from all those gathered in the living room… No one wanted to mention what this meant, but understood it well enough…
Instead of continuing on that line he gave them welcoming news for him, “My dad and I sparred for five hours today.”
Goku gave him a special smile, knowing how much that must have meant to both father and son… Chichi too was happy for the young Princes happiness.
Gohan had a better grip on things now, “Oh, She provably had a hard time concentrating today.”
Once again, silence lingered as the reason for Pan's obvious tiredness made sense….
Trunks stood there feeling awkward. He could not touch on it; I mean he had never before had to deal with this family in this way… He was sure Goten had never had to face the parents quite like this…. Why it so difficult was for them….It could not be age… Bra was younger then Pan and Goten only a year younger then he….
Trunks do you know why Pan is home?” Goku asked breaking everyone's thoughts
“I , Uh, his head went down in deep concentration… he had no clue why Pan came home except to say goodbye and get her things….Wasn't that what was supposed to happen… But then that was an unwritten rule… However,for whom? He heard a voice question. He could not say… Tradition screamed at him… That was a fact, though there was no ceremony like the one Bra had… Trunks was the Prince, he had chosen a mate… not a play toy… Everyone recognized it last night when it happened…they did not have to be on Vegeta-sei for it to be so…. In reality he never thought that he would do it… he enjoyed the triumphs of normal relationships… but a part of him was now sleeping upstairs… and his new family looked to him for answers… What had happened to prevent Pan from doing what they thought would happen?
“I don't know, it was a good day.” Was all he could say?
Mumbles of agreement was heard. Nevertheless, he could feel the blood rushing in his ears… Everything was fine he told himself. Pan just fell asleep, no big deal right. Why then did he have a feeling why did they all have this feeling that something was amiss, and she was upstairs…?
“Trunks go up and get her,” Videl told him.
He looked toward all the faces in front of him all agreeing with the advice.
“Sure, I'll be a moment” he promised.
Videl got up and went to the kitchen to check on dinner not wanting to really see the moment that Pan left. She was sure that Trunks would do what he had come to do and that was taking his mate home…. To his home….
Trunks came back down and said goodbye without an explanation. A worried look passed.
Pan followed a moment later. Looking sleepy. Chichi had her mouth agape and looked unapprovingly at her.
What?” she asked not really willing to disclose her life with them.
Nothing dear.” Was the smart reply form her grandmother.
Trunks left his car outside the Son's residence, opting for a flight home. He could not understand what had just happened. He could not explain the look of surprise that Pan had given him. She was utterly surprised that he expected her to come home with him, as though it was not what it was.
Trunks what are you hoping for? She asked groggily.
I expect my mate to come home with me…
Mate, listen Trunks we are not married, I love you but what are you hopingfor? I have to finish school;I am not ready to fall intoyour little world of traditions… I have too much to do… Why can'twe just enjoy each other, why are you rushingme?
She did understand and thought he had too….
We had noteventalked sincelast night…. Why do you expectme to just stop my life andstart so new… don't I have a say?
Its expected Pan, I thought,don't you feel it weareconnected it's supposed to be….
TrunksI need time, I have things to do, you gave me no warning aboutthis… can'twe talk whenI am not so tired?....
Yes Pan I see. ..
Your right…
Just go home Trunks I will talk toyou later…
Ifyou wish….
I wish you would talk to me later that's what I wish we have a lot to discuss,I just didn't think it would be today….
He would give her time. He thought they knew each other so well. She was right the thought nagged him. She wanted to talk and they had not. So maybe this was just a little problem they would talk and it would be fine. Right? However, what about the connection? Didn't she feel it as he did…weren't they now connected?
Gohan's words shook his thinking, “oh she probably had a hard time concentrating.”
He would just have to wait….I am not a waiting person I guess its time for a change he thought as he reached his home….but that sad feeling would not leave him…