Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Gama's Blood Crystal ❯ Approaching Storm ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Gama's Blood Crystal

Chapter 12: Approaching Storm

How did it get this cold, this quick? She wrapped her sweater around her even tighter. She was on her way to school, cutting thru the woods as usual, but it was so bitter outside, she contemplated going back home. It was only a 10 minute walk, but it felt longer. She looked up thru the strong, icy wind. Finally! She could see the school thru the edge of the forest. No one was outside. Not that that was surprising. There wasn't a person alive who would want to be out in this weather. Especially weather that got this cold, this fast.

She pushed her way thru the doors to get inside the building. All the kids in there were bundled up like Eskimos. Wimps. Do they really need thatmuch? Inside? She shook her head at them and walked over to her locker to grab whatever books she needed. Just as she got her books out, the bell rang, and she walked somewhat quickly to her classroom. Only to be stopped by a group of Preppys. She snarled in disgust. She may have been in a good mood yesterday, but her dad got home in a bad temper and she'd been his happy pill.

"Oh, look. The witch. We know you use your magic to pass school. What spell do you use to get the Teachers to think you're actually in class?" That would be the lead Preppy. What was her name again?

"Maybe it's a forgetting spell. Do you think she's used it on us?" Cheerleader. Not worthy of a name.

"Don't be silly. What do we need to be worried about forgetting?" The leader tosses her hair flippantly.

"Your brain perhaps?" Saria was getting irritated. She didn't need to be late for class.

The leader hmmphed. "Turn me into a frog, bitch!"

Saria smirks at them. "I would, except you'd be too ugly to be a frog. How about a cockroach? I could even do it now if I wanted to."

All of them immediately are grossed out as she just pushes past them. So annoying… However, she wouldn't be left alone once she got to class. She had people sneering at her left and right, which pissed her off to no end. It wasn't until they starting throwing spitballs at her during class that she finally let it get to her. She abruptly stood up, stormed over to the offender, and proceeded to punch the shit out of him. The Teacher himself had to drag her off him, as well as some students. Only, those bastards had only helped so that they could get some hits in themselves. It was probably a good thing that the Teacher had sent her off to the Principal's office for the period.


Trunks had immediately gotten everyone. Now they were all sitting or standing in the Brief's living room, listening to Azrel explain what was going on. Vejita, always lost in his own, unsharable thoughts was leaning against the wall, arms crossed and not saying a word. Bulma was sitting down on the couch, curious to know what was going on, along with Goten, Krillin, and Juuhachigou. Gohan, Videl, and Goku were standing in front of Azrel, more or less, and even Piccolo was there, leaning against one corner and listening intently. They'd all more or less agreed to go and help Saria and her world out. In a way, they'd all kind of missed her. And from the sounds of this guy they would be facing, it seemed as if Saria wouldn't stand a chance.

Azrel told them all she knew. Including the name of the guy they were after. Shadow-sama. Or Shadow-bastard as Vejita referred to him. Azrel also made sure that they knew that she and the others still alive would also help, even tho the z-gang pretty much told them that they would handle it by themselves. Azrel really believed that they needed all the help they could get if they were to stand a chance. Then there was Saria. Since she would be the one who Shadow-sama was after in the first place, they planned on getting to her first, then hunting down the creator of the Blood Demon.

Azrel told them to go ahead and get ready, as there was a time difference between the worlds. A day to Saria would be a week to their world. So they would definitely need to say goodbye to their families. However, all agreed that it would be better to make quick goodbyes to their families and get to Saria's world as soon as possible. They knew how evil was. It didn't take its time.

When they got back, Azrel warned that with how things were looking in Saria's world, they may not end up in the same area. And if that were the case, they should try to find each other first, then Saria. Shadow-sama would most likely imprison her for future torture rather than kill her right away, so if they were together, they could still save her. On top of all this, they had to be careful to hide their powers as best they could. Shadow-sama could sense ki's as well as they could. As a portal opened up near them, they decided that only Goku, Gohan, Goten, Vejita, Trunks, and even Piccolo would go. But before they went in, Azrel suddenly remembered that they would need disguises, since the clothes that they were wearing would stand out far too much. She used her magic to give them all cloaks to cover their outfits, and then told them to go on ahead thru the portal.


The whole day was like that. Everybody unanimously decided that today would be her birthday or something and had picked on her non-stop. After being sent to the Principal's office once again for fighting, she instead left the school entirely. Fuck this! She headed to the mall to see if there was a movie playing that she may want to see, but she soon started wishing she was at school instead.

Everywhere she went, she was looked at like some kind of bug to be squashed. Granted, most of the people throwing shit at her were people who always did that to her, but she noticed that she wasn't the only one being harassed. Some goth chic was suddenly grabbed and thrown into an escalator, and another one was punched in the stomach before his tormentors ran off. Elsewhere, as she was walking down the streets to find something else to do, she saw that the owner of an herb store had her entire shop set on fire. It was like that wherever she went. People were getting the shit beaten out of them, Nature stores were being trashed, and it didn't look like the cops even wanted to stop it. Actually, it looked like the cops were sort of helping them…

What the hell is going on? She looked around her, utterly shocked. People were pretty violent normally, but holy shit! Even this wasn't like them! It didn't take her long to realize that going home was probably a very good idea. As she turned around, she couldn't help but wonder if this was the work of the Gamanians. It sounded like it, but… I wonder if I'd find anything in the news?

She stopped abruptly, quickly turning around when she got the oddest feeling. She couldn't see anything but destruction. I wonder what that was? She looked around once again and was suddenly turned around and then punched in the stomach. She grabbed her middle, wincing, and falling to her knees in pain. Her hair then was roughly grabbed and pulled on, forcing her body up and her head back as she was forced to look at her attacker.

She groaned upon seeing her father. He mock-smirked at her and pulled her roughly to her feet, yelling, "Get off your lazy fucking ass, bitch!" Then he suddenly back-handed her. She felt a trickle of blood trail out of her mouth and she tasted it as she turned to him.

"What?!" She hadn't meant to yell at him, but she didn't know why the hell he was hitting her in fucking in public! So it didn't surprise her when he backhanded her again, then grabbed her throat.

"Don't fucking talk back to me you whore! If it weren't for your mother, I wouldn't even have to be worried about this shit!" He suddenly grabbed her arm rough enough to leave a huge bruise, and dragged her towards his car.

Saria tried to keep up as best she could. "What the hell's going on, dad?"

He just ignored her and roughly pulled the passenger side door to his car open and practically threw her inside. She didn't bother flinching when he slammed the door shut, and she annoyedly pushed her wildly loose hair out of her face with one hand. Her father almost ran over to his side of the car and quickly turned on the engine before his door was even closed. He didn't say anything to her as he roared off with the car, but the look on his face said that she needed to stay as fucking quiet as she could and just do as he said.

She stared out the car window, hearing her father swearing and pounding the steering wheel. But all she could see were the people outside severely hurting other people. What the fucking hell was going on?!

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Juuhachigou ~ 18 (the blond android chic who marries krillin This is her Japanese name)

Shadow-sama ~ `sama' is a title that means `lord'. So this name would mean `Lord Shadow'