Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Relationships ❯ Chapter 8

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: hmmmm…

AN: I know it's been a while since I updated but there is a good reason (this time ^_~). I bought car!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!! So updates have taking a back seat to me driving every opportunity that I can get. But now that I've gotten over the initial excitement of it things should pick up. I hope *sweatdrop*.

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"That's because YOU'RE STUPID!!!" With one last taunting flick of her tongue, the blue hared princess turned her back on her fuming "best" friend and started across the yard.

Who needed Pan anyway? She had much better ways of having fun one for instance being pissing off her Dad. She paused in her step and giggled at her mental use of the word. Piss was a new word for her. Trunks had taught it to her. Trunks always taught her the best stuff.

Now what was she doing- oh yeah her Dad, that's right. She quickly scanned the area and it was a moment before she spotted him sitting against a tree on a hill. Now that her target had been spotted all she had to do was think of a seemingly suitable reason to interrupt his solitude. She considered complaining to him about the fight with Pan but she'd already done that before. She knew he wouldn't like repeating himself especially since he'd said some pretty nice things. That had really had been some conversation…

She stomped into the kitchen with her arms folded over her chest. She only unwrapped them when she had to use both stubby little appendages to climb up into the chair next to her father. She recrossed them and scowled up at him as he continued to munch down his lunch paying her no mind. Her gaze dug into his profile until he finished the last bite of his sandwich. He brushed his hands together then looked at her expectantly.

"Why are the Sons so stupid?" she asked, her little frown deepening.

"You've just answered your own question. Because they are Sons," he answered.

She grunted. "Well I don't think I should be forced to talk to Pan anymore. She is at the highest level of -um- stupidness," she finally decided pretty happy with her word selection.

Vegeta frowned. "We're going to have to work on your vocabulary, child."

"Huh?" she blinked.

Vegeta quickly shook his head. "Never mind. Why are you angry with this girl?"

Bra took a big breath and, "Well I wanted to go to the Disney movie and she said that that was stupid and that she wanted to go to some action movie with a lot of blood and guts and I said no and she said yes and I told her she was a tomboy and she told me I was weak and so I stepped on her foot and came in here," then she exhaled.

Vegeta blink at the sentence. "Oh," he said not sure if she actually expected him to understand all that.

"So now I'm never, ever going to speak to another Son again. They're not worth my time," she proclaimed with a very royal air about her. She didn't see her father's smirk of amusement.

"I wouldn't be so hasty," Vegeta said once his amusement ebbed.

"Look Daddy, you said it yourself they're stupid-"

"I know and I meant it but you have to consider your heritage."

"Huh?" she quoted herself obviously lost.

Vegeta sighed heavily. "It's your roots girl. What you came from."

"I knew that," she said stubbornly then bit her lip looking more like her mother than ever. Finally she sighed and looked up at him again. "You mean like from a tree?"

He groaned then looked at her closely as if to see if she was toying with him. "No, child," he finally said. "Like us, they come from a mighty people. It is through this common heritage that we are, unfortunately, link to them from here on out. Why else do you think I continue to speak to Kakarot? And he's much more moronic than any of his offspring."

That was not the answer she wanted. It made her wrong. "But Daddy! We're royalty! We shouldn't be force to talk to commoners!"

"You're right. We shouldn't but you will be awfully bored if you don't talk to Gohan's girl." He stood then picking up his plate and moving to sink as he spoke his final words of advice. "But do whatever you what. You are the princess after all. It doesn't effect me one way or the other if you have friends or not."

Her frown deepened at the thought of having no friends. "Daddy!" she called when he was almost out the door.

He stopped and looked to her with an impatient expression.

"I think I'm going to talk to Pan," she decided.

The left corner of his mouth turned up slightly. "So be it." And then he was gone.

She frowned a little at the memory. She shouldn't have forgiven Pan that day. It was true that they had had a great time at the movies that night and Videl had been nice enough to take them to both movies but if she hadn't listened to him she wouldn't have fought with Pan a few minutes ago. She figured that gave her just cause to annoy him. But she still needed a reason to give him. She thought to untie her shoe and make him do it but then she remembered she didn't have shoestrings. She decided to go with the next best thing. Reaching behind her she undid the tie on the back of her shirt.

Satisfied with her work she began to skip up the hill. Reaching the top she was a little surprised by her find. Her father was resting against the tall tree with his eyes closed, completely oblivious to the world around him. She got kind of nervous at first. She'd never seen her father at rest out side of his bedroom. What if something horrible had happened like a deadly spider had bitten him and now he was only seconds from death?!

Gasping, she hurried over to him and began snapping her little fingers in his face as she cried, "Daddy?! Daddy wake up! Daddy?"

His eyes snapped open with their usual awareness and he frowned deeply at her causing her to sigh in relief. "Daddy! Hey daddy, are you all right?" she asked just to be safe.

"I'm fine. What do you want girl?"

Now that her relief that he was still alive settled in she went back to her original plan of action. "I need your help Daddy," she started surpy sweet. "The string on the back of my shirt keeps coming loose. Will you tie it?"

She'd expected the fierce resistance that across his face. It made her even more determined to prove that she could make him do it.

"Of course not!" he growled. "That's what your mother is for." The stubborn crossing of his arms almost made her laugh. He knew he was going to lose. Why didn't he just give up?

"But daddy she's busy! Please tie it for me!" she begged batting her big blue eyes at him.

The disgust never left his face as he huffed in defeat. "Turn around," he commanded. Bra smiled as she considered making up some excuse why he should get up and walk around her instead. Mental shrugging she decided to let him keep some of his pride. Today anyway.

She turned her back to him then smirked as she felt him tie it as tight as he could without actually hurting her. She smiled brightly as she turned back to him. "Thank you Daddy," she said as she leaned over and put the icing on the cake with a peck on his cheek. She had to cover her smile at his recoil. She knew he liked it when she kissed him and she fully intended to do it every opportunity she got until he admitted it.

And there was nothing he could do about it.

As she skipped back down the hill, she thought more about her father. To her he was nothing more than a big pushover and she always found it funny when people like Marron's dad for instance seemed afraid of him. She didn't have the fingers or toes to count how many times she had twisted her Dad around her finger for no other reason than the sake of doing it. She personally thought that if there was anyone in her house to be feared it was her mom because she was the only person who ever really punished her.

The thing that people didn't seem to understand about her dad was that even though he got angry at the drop of a hat that he was really all talk and no show. She could still remember one time when her mom had gone out of town that was proof positive of this.

It was about ten o'clock and she was now all tucked into bed after having gotten to stay up extra late. She was feeling in a pretty good mood and thought it would be great to have a little fun.

"DADDY!!!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs and waited with her hands laced across her chest above her soft pink blanket.

When the obviously concerned father stopped in front of her door she smiled softly at him. "I just wanted to tell you that Trunks tucked me and Mrs. Bun-Buns in," she politely informed him, motioning towards the pink bunny resting comfortably next to her.

His concern was immediately replaced by an angry scowl. "Is that why you are screeching at me like a banshee?! To tell me something I already know and honestly couldn't careless about?"

She stuck out her bottom lip. "I was only trying to help. Mommy said everyone had to pitch in while she was gone. I thought you'd like to know."

She could see him almost physically reign in his anger. "Very well child. I'm going to bed and I don't want to hear anything more from you, understand?"

"Yes Daddy," she said sweetly.

His narrowed slits eyed her suspiciously before he left the room turning off the light as he went. At this point in her short life, her mom had been teaching her how to count to hundred. She decided that she could use tonight as good practice with this new knowledge.

"-a hundred," she breathed in a soft whispered that was immediately followed by, "DADDY!!"

He was there once again in a flash. After flicking the light switch, he glanced around the room as if screeching for some great danger but only found her smiling at him from her cozy position beneath her blankets. "This had better be good," he growled.

"Oh it is Daddy!" she said nodding her head fiercely. "You didn't give me a kiss goodnight."

She had never seen so much fury in one gaze and she'd have to say she'd never had so much fun either.

She could almost hear his teeth grinding together. "I've never kissed you goodnight before," he stated dangerously.

"I know but Mommy always does and she said that while she was gone that you were the Mommy," she explained logically.

His expression was unlike anything she had ever seen before. "Go to sleep, now," he said very slowly.

"But I can't without my kiss," she whined letting tears fill her eyes. Hey, she was getting pretty good at this crying stuff.

With a half growl groan of aggravation he stomped over to her bed and placed a rough, almost painful, peck on her forehead. "I don't want to hear your voice again tonight," he told her harshly before pulling away and once again exiting closing the door firmly in final warning.

She lay there in the dark considering her next move. She wanted him to be all the way in bed this time but she could only count to hundred. Sighing at the inconvenience, she decided that if she counted to one hundred five times then maybe he'd be in bed.

"One hundred," she muttered for the fifth time then filled her lungs with air before in a shrill screech belted out, "DADDY!!!!!!!!!!"

She hadn't even seen the door open before she was hauled up by the back of her nightgown and found herself dangling face to face with terror.

"You seem to be under the impression that I won't kill you," he told her.

"I really have something important to say this time!" she said as she giggled at her awkward position.

"Then spit it out!"

"I love you Daddy!"

"Is that all?!" he demanded.

She thought hard for a moment before nodding. "Yep!" When he released her she landed face first on her bed with a soft thump. She looked back at him just as he stopped in the doorway.

"Just one more sound and you can kiss that sweet little con artist butt of yours goodbye, am I understood?!"

Even she wasn't daring enough to mess with her father when he got that look. "Yes Daddy," she whispered. Maybe she had pushed it a little too far tonight.

He walked out the room without shutting the door this time. She climbed back beneath her covers snuggled into her pillow. She wisely decided it was really time for bed. And that's when she heard it.

The loud clap of thunder was unlike anything she had ever heard in her life. Her room was brightened considerably when the first splash of lighting illuminated the night sky. She squeaked her fright and ducked her terrified little head under the blanket. She trembled beneath the covering trying to remember what her daddy had told her about storms.

"I have nothing to be afraid of," she whispered bravely but then the room lit again followed by another loud rumble. She barely contained her scream as she grabbed her pink bunny and ran from the room.

She peeked her head in the door next to hers and whispered urgently, "Trunkssss," into the darkened room. When no answer returned she tiptoed all the way in. It was when she reached the bed and pulled back the covers that she realized he wasn't there. She began gnawing the inside of her lip as she squeezed the bunny tighter. Trunks was her last resort. If she couldn't sleep with him tonight she'd have to face her dad again after all the torture she'd put him through. She shuddered at the thought. Maybe sleeping alone wouldn't be so bad.

Her opinion quickly changed at the flash of light that lit her brother's room.

She ran as quickly as her little legs would carry her down the hall to her parent's room. She paused at the door only long enough to hear another violent roar from outside before pushing her way through the door. Her approach to the bed was slow and finally she stopped fearfully at the head of the bed.

The soft, "Daddyyyy," that she spoke to all the bravery she had left and she actually jumped back in fear when he began to stir. When he finally turned his head to her, the urge to kill lit his eyes and they pinned her to the floor. "Ummm," she started in a quivery diminutive tone. His dark slits narrowed on her and she felt her bottom lip begin to tremble. Unable to form the right words under that penetrating gaze, she glanced at the window, her glassy eyes pleading for his help.

His brows knitted momentarily then he let his eyes wonder to the window. The clash of lighting and thunder and the little `epp' that came from her direction seemed to explain all. With a disgusted roll of his eyes, he lifted the blanket that had been wrapped tightly around him.

Her sigh of relief hadn't even floated into the darkened room before she jumped into the bed and snuggled against his warm chest. "Thank you, Daddy," she whispered as he wrapped an arm around her. His only response was a grunt.

That little memory was evidence that her dad wasn't as bad as people tried to make him. She knew that if someone had treated her the way she had treated him that night she would never have let them sleep with her. To her there was no bigger proof of what a great daddy she had. Trunks may teach her all the best words but her dad always taught her the best lessons. Like those in forgiveness.

"Hey princess!"

Her thoughts strayed from her father as she smiled up at her brother. "Hi Trunks!"

He squatted down in front of her with mischief dancing in his eyes. "You were thinking awfully hard kiddio, must've been plotting something evil."

"Maybe," she said smiling at him.

He chuckled before continuing. "Listen kid, I need you help. Goten and I are trying to get out of here. The problem is we don't want anyone to know so could you help us?"

"Sure Trunks! What do you want me to do?"

"All I need you to do is put on a little show. Sing a few songs maybe and make sure that both of our parents are all watching you. Think you can handle it?"

"Yep!" she chirped willing to do anything for the big brother she adored.

His smile widened and he mussed her hair a bit. "Good deal kid. Thanks. Oh and one more thing. I saw Mom go up that hill where Dad always sits so just in case Dad's in a bad mood I suggest you send someone else to get them so you won't get in trouble for bothering them."

"Thanks Trunks," she said as he stood to his full height and moved back to the table where Goten and Marron waited for him.

She quickly scanned the yard and spotted Gohan and Videl on the dance floor. She figured getting one of her parents' yelled at by her dad was a good way to pay Pan back for that weak remark she made earlier. With an evil smirk that would have warmed her father's heart, she skipped over to the dancing couple.

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Isn't that Bra an absolute doll! *rolls eyes* Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed. See ya next time (unless you completely hated this chapter and don't intend to ever read again *sniff*). Thanks for reading.