Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Show ❯ Not Alone ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I wish…

AN: I'd like to thank the fans of this story for their patience with me. I've been getting a few e-mails about ignoring this story, so I promise to try and update this more often. Well…enjoy!

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Vegeta lowered his head and averted his eyes. Mona bit her lip, sympathy overwhelming her. He had just finished telling her about the happenings between him and Trunks.

"I'm sorry Vegeta," she said.

Vegeta frowned. The last thing he wanted from this stranger -from anyone for that matter- was pity.

She saw the look of disapproval on his face, but she decided to broach the subject anyway. After all she was here to help. "You're not alone Vegeta."

Vegeta grunted. "Is that so?" he mocked. "And I'm sure you know all about this type of thing."

"Actually, I know exactly how you feel."

Vegeta's scowl dropped slightly as he looked at her almost curiously.

Mona took a deep breath, hoping that some of what she was about to say would effect him. "Not so long ago I was a lot like you. Hate and anger was my life essence. At least you know where some of your anger came from, I, on the other hand, was just crazy. You remember my sister Jasmine, right?"

Vegeta nodded his head slightly.

"Well we're closer than any two people have a right to be now but when we were kids we hated each other. Well…I guess it was more I hated her. I remember once talking one of the palace guards into borrowing his sword…well I more threatened him, I was a regular little royal terror. I'm sure you understand," she said giving him a smile. When he didn't return the gesture, she sighed and continued her story. "Anyway, I believe I was maybe 7 at the time and when I got the sword I remember chasing Jasmine around with it until I had backed her into a corner. She used her newly developed telepathic link to call out to our father for help. If he hadn't appeared at that moment I would have most definitely killed her, for at such a young age our immortality had not taking effect yet.

"Why I wanted her blood on my hands so badly, I have never been too sure. My hatred made no sense but that didn't matter to me. She tried to be kind but to me she was too perfect. She had always succeeded where I had failed. Everyone loved her. Guess in a way she was like my Kakarot," she said looking up at him. He had turned his head from hers during her story and had crossed his arms but she could tell from the way his body was completely still that she had his full attention.

"Well after a while I left home but not the anger. Out in the world, away from the pampered life of a princess, I found a new passion…men."

He looked at her then but his expression remained blank.

"I loved luring mortal men into my bed, especially attached ones, ones with girlfriends or even boyfriends. But my absolute favorites were married ones. I loved the power of being able to take what belong to someone else. Then after they had pleasured me or at least attempt to, I would find new and intriguing methods of murdering them. Sometimes I'd use my telepathic powers of suggestion and would make them kill themselves or I'd use my ability to manipulate water and drown them by cover their nose with my hand. My best though was when I exploded a man at a climax."

Vegeta continued to stare at her and Mona was surprised not to see the look of disgust come over his face that effected most people whenever she made this confession. He seemed to sense her confusion.

"I've heard and done worst things," he stated simply.

Mona nodded her head and continued. "Anyway, in the Eternal Realm, promiscuity is extremely frowned a pond, especially for women. For the lower classes, death is the punishment for premarital sex, where as for the upper classes are only fined. It also disgraces the family reputation. The Council has this eerie way of knowing whenever the laws are broken and the sends these little notices to the woman's primary caretaker.

"For me, since I had never been married before, it was my father. When he started receiving the notices and they started fining him, he sent out his personal guard to return me home. They captured me after about fifteen years and my father proceeded to lock me on the palace grounds, claiming it was for my own good. I hated him then and the moment he granted me permission to leave I fled. He had kept me in that palace for centuries and I wanted revenge. So natural set out to find my darling sister.

"I found her here. Living happily as an international superstar about to marry the man of her dreams. How she had found Aladdin again had been a mystery to me,"

"Found him again?" Vegeta frowned in confusion.

Mona shook her head. "That's another story entirely. Remind me to tell you about it sometime. Anyway, I started torturing Jasmine, though I made sure she never knew it was I. When she caught me with Aladdin, he thought I was her, one day we got into this fist fight and it took both Aladdin and Ashley to separate us. Ashley had me locked in one of the rooms and as away of torturing them from my prison, I would sing as loud as I could." Mona smiled at the memory.

"Though I did it to torture them, Ashley saw it as a window of opportunity. She had been looking to add another member to the group and so she petition my father to give her custody of me. Normally I woman of the Realm could not do such a thing but Ashley is a very special woman," Mona said, her voice full of respect. "When my father gave his consent, I became the newest member of Magic.

"I hated every minute of it. It was like slavery. Being forced to sing and dance for mortals like some kind of circus monkey. I guess at the time, I would have thought of Ashley as my Frieza, but I can't really because she was never cruel to me. She just laid down the law for me. She helped make me a better person by giving me an example to follow. I guess now she would be my Kakarot as you see him today."

Vegeta said nothing to this comment. Only continued to listen.

"I meant Michael through this group that I hated so much, much like you meant Bulma through the Z fighters. Though I had stopped murdering by then and Jasmine and I we're getting along, I still had a lot of pent-up anger and self-hatred for the things I had done. Michael helped me heal and in turn gave me the love I never thought I deserved. He also gave me my Trunks and Bra, Destiny and Damena. I don't believe you've meant my children, have you?"

Vegeta shook his head.

Mona smiled wistfully. "My little boy and my little girl, they're really something special. I love them so much and my greatest fear is that one-day they will know of the horrible things I have done. The innocents that I have killed because it entertained me at the time. Sound familiar?"

Vegeta lowered his eyes a moment then looked at her. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because you think you are alone and I want you to know you're not. Many people have done things that they're ashamed of their children one-day knowing. I'm sure if you ask 18 she'd tell you a similar tale."

Vegeta averted his eyes again. "I'm ready to leave," he said after a moment.

Mona nodded. It was obvious that he didn't deal well with emotion, then again she probably should have known that. She stood from her seat against the wall. Motioning for him to step aside, she raised her hand to the wall he was facing and slowly turned her wrist. As she did so the wall slowly opened and Vegeta moved towards it. Before he stepped out the door, he turned and looked at her. Just looked. Then he exited the room.

Mona sighed deeply and followed him.

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Wow! I swear I didn't write in those similarities just for this story and I really did write The Magic Chronicles before I even started watching DBZ. I'm just as amazed as you guys that Mona and Vegeta are so alike. Anyway a lot will happen in the next chapter. And please don't forget to review because I'm updating on a review basis right now. You + Review = Update. Thanks for reading.