Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Things Aren't Always What They Appear To Be ❯ Hello Baby ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Things Aren't Always What They Appear To Be

Chapter 13. Hello Baby

"Well, Ms. Briefs, I'm done with the tests and I've concluded that you are about four weeks pregnant."

"I am?" Bulma said shocked. Then she started to think what she was going to do without Vegeta being there.

"Oh, Bulma-chan, I soo happy for you." Leash said then went to Bulma's stomach. "Hello baby. I can't wait till you come out. Veggie-chan will be so happy."

"Ah Dr. Pocatoe?"

"Yes Ms. Briefs?"

"Um you can't tell ANY one its Vegeta's baby! He'd kill me if any one knew."

"Relax, Ms. Briefs, I won't. I doubt Prince Vegeta would kill his mate. But listen, giving birth to a saiyan's child isn't going to be easy." Dr. Pocatoe warned.

"I know but if Chi chi did it, twice in fact, so can I."

"But, Bulma-chan, Mrs. Chi chi is a whole lot stronger then you are."

"I know, Leash, but I still can do it."


"Hey, Papa, guess what! Guess what! Guess what!" Leash's family and Krillin have become very close. So close in fact that John and Jake (Alicia's father and uncle.) made Krillin the godfather of their children.

"What is it Angel?" Krillin affectionately asked one of his many favorite goddaughters.

"Bulma-chan is going to have a baby!"

"She's what?!"

"Yup, a baby."

"But I could have sworn that Bulma and Yamcha . . ." Leash started to giggle.

"No, silly Papa. The baby is Bulma and Veggie-chan's."

"SAY WHAA?! Are you sure?"

"I don't think Bulma-chan would lie to me, Papa. Anyway you can't tell anyone. Well maybe Yamcha but no one else. 'Kay Papa?"

"I won't Angel, I promise. So what do you say we get some lunch?"



"Are you sure, Krillin?" Yamcha said in a gloomy manner.

"That's what Angel told and . . ."

". . . And she wouldn't lie, ah man."


"Gohan, you can't tell anybody though ok."

"Not even my mom?!"

"Well you can tell her. She has a right to know. All of Bulma-chan's friends have a right to know."

"Right, this is soo cool Leashy."

"Yeah I know!"

"I bet since Goten is only a year older they'll be best of friends", said Gohan.

"Really? Even if it's a girl?"

"I don't know I'm just guessing. Anyway I should go before Mom gets mad."

"Ok Gohan see you tomorrow."


Months passed and Bulma was really big and really round. At first Bulma was really worried when nine months rolled around and still no baby.

"Dr. Pocatoe, I'm a little worried. It's been nine months and . . ." The Dr. began to chuckle a little.

"Oh I'm sorry, I failed to mention this didn't I. A saiyan child takes ten months to develop."

"Really? You mean I have to spend ANOTHER month like this?!"

"I'm afraid so. Tell you what. Why don't you come back in 2 weeks and we'll decide what to do then, ok?"

"Ok." Bulma said with a moan. I'm so tired of this! I want this kid out of me! Bulma screamed to herself.

*~* One month later *~*


"What is it Bulma-chan?" Leash asked with concern.

"The baby kicked. Here you want to feel?" Leash put her hand on Bulma's stomach and waited a few seconds when . . .

"Oh my gosh, that is soo weird. Bulma-chan what's wrong? Bulma-chan?!"

"Leash, do me a favor and get your father for me, now! I . . . I think it's time!" Leash knew what she meant. She nodded her head and ran out of the room to find her father to help.


40 hours later and Bulma had a healthy baby boy. (With a tail of course.) She named him Trunks but his formal name is Prince Trunks Vegeta Briefs of Vegetasei.

"Oh Bulma he's soo cute! Hello baby. How are you?" Trunks giggled and wrapped his tail around Leash's wrist.

"Come on, Angel, Bulma needs her rest."

"Ok, Daddy. Bye, bye Bulma-chan, see you soon." Then Leash and her father left Bulma to sleep.