Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Things Aren't Always What They Appear To Be ❯ Welcome Home King Vegeta ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Things Aren't Always What They Appear To Be

Chapter 14. Welcome Home King Vegeta

        "Come on Trunksy you want your supper don't you?"

        "Yeah!" The now almost three year old Trunks yelled.

        "Then come on." Leash said. "I'll give you a piggy back ride."

        "Yay!" Trunks ran to his 11 year old friend, Leash, and jumped on her back. He's part saiyan you know. He needs his food.


        "Hello Your Majesty. Welcome back." Nappa said and bowed.

        "Congratulati ons. You do know you're the King now right?"

        "Of course I do Kristy. Where's the woman?"

        "Bulma? In her quarters of course. Why?"

        "Never mind."

        It was around nine o'clock and Leash was in her room making the bunk beds she and Wendy shared. "It's Wendy's bed too. I don't see why I have to make both of them."

        "Still whining I see."

        "Vegeta?" Leash whispered. She turned around and sure enough there he was standing in the door way of her room. "Vegeta your back!" Leash jumped of the top bunk and ran to Vegeta for a hug. "I missed you so much!"

        "What no Veggie-chan?"

        "I love you Veggie-chan." Leash said through her happy tears.


        "Well it's late Bulma. I should get going." Yamcha said standing up from his chair.

        "Right, thanks for coming Yam." Bulma said walking Yamcha to the door. Just as she was about to open the door it opened itself.

        "Honey I'm home." Vegeta said in a sarcastic manner. He then glared noticing Yamcha. "What's he doing here?"

        "Ve-ge-taR 30;” Bulma was shocked. “Oh sweetie your home!" Bulma practically glomped him, tears of joy coming to her eyes. "Oh I've missed you so much!" Bulma then tried to kiss him but he started talking again.

        "Woman are you deaf? I asked you a question! What's HE doing here?!"

        "Vegeta he's my friend. He can be here." Bulma said beginning to get irritated.

        "So is the little brat Angel told me about his too?!"

        "Now wait just a minute . . ." Yamcha was cut off.

        "Vegeta how could you say something like that?! You know I love you." Bulma said trying to hold back the tears.

        Vegeta looked at Bulma and then turned to Yamcha. When Yamcha saw that he was looking at him he panicked. "Go to hell!" Vegeta then pointed his finger at Yamcha and a red ki beam shot from it. Yamcha disintegrated on contact.

        "Vegeta how . . . how could you?" Bulma said tears now streaming down her face.

        "Have you been living here this whole time?"

        "Vegeta how could you?!" Bulma asked again starting to get hysterical.

        "From now on you well be in my quarters. Is that under stood?"

        "How could you just kill my friend like that? You're a monster!" Bulma beat her fists on Vegeta's chest. He grabbed her wrists, careful not to hurt her.

        "I did it because I don't like him. From what you told me he used to do to you I didn't want him anywhere NEAR my mate or brat!"

        *Sniff, sniff.* "Really? But he was my friend! You had no right . . ."

        "No right to protect my family?! That little brat up there probably thinks that weakling was his father!"

        "No, Vegeta, that's not true. He knows exactly who his father is. Everyday, Vegeta, he asks me 'When is Daddy coming home?' and everyday I have to tell him 'I don't know.' You've been gone for over three years, Vegeta; you've missed out on three years of his life! Trunks turns three tomorrow!" Bulma burst into tears again and cried on Vegeta's shoulder.

        "It's alright Little One, I'm here now." Vegeta picked Bulma up bridal style and carried her up the stairs to her bed.