Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Blood Slave ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 8

Blood Slave

Disclaimer: DBZ is sadly not owned by me, but I am just grateful for the masterminds who created it for my own personal amusement.

Warnings: Sexual content and violence. You are now being warned that if you read this chapter there will be sexual content. This is a ‘M’ rated fic!


Doris had allowed her to stay in her rooms that night. Bulma was truly grateful that the woman was showing her so much kindness and seemed to understand her situation to an extent. It made her trust this woman just a bit more after this act of compassion. Even thought she showed so much love and compassion she sure has a dark streak.

A couple of King Vegeta’s guards had come looking for her. They had most likely realized that she wasn’t with the Prince, so they figured she was wandering freely throughout the manor. They had come knocking on Doris’ door. The guards treated her with the upmost respect telling her King Vegeta was looking for the blue haired scientist and that she had to be placed back in her rooms until morning. Of course Doris replied by placing her hands on her hips and raising an eyebrow, completely going off on the men, causing them to bolt down the hall away. Just as quickly as this unknown rage had come, it was gone. There was a wonderful dinner that was prepared and sent up so that Bulma could eat her fill along with some red wine. Doris herself had a couple glasses.

“I didn’t realize Vampire could drink anything other than blood,” Bulma took a large bite of her meal and smiled at Doris, watching her swirl the wine around in her glass.

“Oh yes, we can drink alcohol if we wish. Way before your time, we would use wine or other brands of hard alcohol to take the edge off of the hunger when food was scarce and we didn’t want to give ourselves away,” Doris smiled and took a drink from her glass.

“Oh I see, that is interesting, now that I think of it when I first met Vegeta he told me he couldn’t drink it,” the blue haired woman shrugged and took a drink of her wine.

“Oh he most likely was playing with you, dropping hints at what he was,” Doris signed softly and looked into her filled glass, “Vegeta always did view life as a game,” the dark haired woman looked up at Bulma giving her a sad smile.

“Speaking of Vegeta and his father, I am not quite sure where you fit in. Many people here seem to work for Vegeta and you are the only vampire female that I have seen around here that gets… well the royal treatment.” Bulma stated bluntly.
Doris then took a large gulp of her wine and set down her glass, placing her well-manicured hands over her crossed legs. The woman looked lovely as ever. Her dress was very tasteful even though it did come up to her mid-thigh. The sleeves were cut off at her shoulders, but it showed absolutely no cleavage. Doris was a stunning mid-aged woman. Her red lips pursed and her black eyes lifted to meet Bulma’s beautiful ocean blue ones.

“Well, I have known King Vegeta before he was in control of the undead. You see each one of us were humans at one point. King Vegeta was no different than you. He was a successful business man long ago,” Doris smiled as she spoke about the man, “He was always wonderful with people, he got involved with the wrong people and wanted this dark gift,” Doris explained to Bulma.

Bulma placed her fork down and gav

e her attention completely to the woman as she spoke about the King of darkness, so to speak.
“I knew him at the time. He wanted to show me what it was like to be a part of this wonderful world, but I was very leery because the men he was involved with were bad and it had a bad effect on Vegeta,” She addressed him casually, “He rose higher in the ranks of this…group of people and even became clan leader.” Doris said calmly, the look of distaste was on her face and she was clearly not enjoying the memory that was obviously quite painful.

“I am sorry Doris, I didn’t mean to bring up something you didn’t wish to speak about,” Bulma looked upon the woman showing her sympathy.

“Oh nonsense,” she woman waved her hand at Bulma and continued, “He then approached me, wanting me to join him and be as he was, but to tell you the truth. I was just happy being human,” Doris admitted, smiling happily at the other woman, “I loved the sound of the birds chirping, the beautiful sun rises and sets and even its warmth. I refused to give that up, but Vegeta was selfish and took me as his woman,” Doris cupped her hands together and swallowed hard. Bulma could tell it was getting harder for her.

“The man made me what you are so afraid to be, a blood slave. He told me it was punishment for disobeying him and his request. Vegeta used to be a loving man, but becoming what he is now and that brought out the worst in him,” Doris sniffed and looked down at her lap, “That was when it happened,” Doris looked up at Bulma, her dark eyes glistening with blood red tears.

“What? I am sorry what happened? He made you a vampire?” Bulma asked a bit more excited to hear the rest of her story.

The dark haired woman shook her head, “No sweetie, I found out I was pregnant,” Doris dabbed her eyes with a Kleenex, “I was having his child and people were stunned, because this was the first pregnancy caused by a male vampire,” Doris shrugged.

Bulma’s eyes widened, “Wait…you’re?” she couldn’t bring herself to say it.

“Yes girl, I am Prince Vegeta’s mother,” Doris smiled and bit her lower lip trying to stifle a giggle from escaping.

“But I thought he was a human at one point,” Bulma said a bit confused.

“Well, he was born more human than anything, and the older he got the more his vampire tendencies grew and the more the human side of him faded,” Doris explained to the confused woman sitting before her.

“But, how did you become this way?” Bulma chewed her lower lip.

“Well, the pregnancy was hard enough for me, I nearly went mad with blood lust because the child growing within me, not to mention it caused vampire instincts to emerge in me even though I was a human,” Doris shook her head as she relived the memory, “I drank human blood to give him the right nutrients. Of course the blood was provided to me, since I didn’t have the fangs.” Doris chuckled seeing Bulma give her a disgusted look, “The changes it created in my body nearly killed me. By the time I did give birth I about almost died on the birthing table, without my permission Vegeta changed me after I had birthed him a healthy son.”

Bulma looked at Doris with astonishment; she couldn’t believe the words coming from the woman’s mouth. A human pregnant with a vampire child just didn’t seem possible.

“I am sorry, I don’t mean to be quiet,” Bulma blinked, “I am just amazed.”

“Well, Vegeta grew up a normal human boy. He was able to play outside while the human servants had their eyes on him. The sun didn’t seem to have an effect on him until later,” Doris explained, “When he turned twenty-five, he had full blown vampire tendencies and food was no longer an option. It slowly started to have negative effects on him, causing him to throw it up. Not to mention his terrible bloodlust,” Doris explained, “He had his father going crazy trying to keep him hidden until he was able to control himself. By the time all this was hitting him, he was no long my sweet, loving little boy anymore. He was a monster just like the rest of us,” Doris looked down, saddened by her son’s situation.

“I know you wanted the best for your son, but he ultimately chose to be this way, and I am sorry to say this but the apples don’t fall to far from the tree,” Bulma looked up at the woman, afraid she was going to offend her.

“Yes, I am sure this environment wasn’t the best for him to grow up in, but it is what it is,” Doris spoke neutrally, knowing full well she couldn’t change the past. No matter what anyone thought of her son, he was still her son.

“Yes, I am just very shocked that you are his mother, he definitely took after his father, they look identical,” Bulma lightened the mood by talking about her son in a positive way.

Doris chuckled softly and she nodded lifting her glass and gulping down the rest of her wine.

“So, now you know this information about me, and this is why I have these accommodation,” Doris shrugged and a sad look overtook her features, which was obvious to Bulma.

“So, I take it you and King Vegeta…still a …” the heiress was cut off as the petite woman interjected.

“No… heavens no,” She made a funny noise and stood up and walked over to the mini bar to pour herself another glass of wine. Doris took another large drink.

“Oh…,” Bulma looked down and signed softly taking a drink of her own wine.

“We decided it was best to just exist on our own, he couldn’t seem to be with one woman for the rest of his life, and I felt it unfair for him to think I would put up with it,” Doris paced the floor.

Bulma honestly felt sorry for the woman because she had to put up with all this for so long. To be known as the woman that birthed the Prince, but have no title and just exist in a home with a man that didn’t seem to care for her. She knew she would never allow that to happen to her. That is why she cut it with Yamcha. There was no way she was going to be second best when it came to the man she loved. She let the woman finish her small little rant and Doris then allowed her to rest for the night.


The next week went by quite quickly. She also had no problems avoiding the Prince because he made sure not to come around her. She was sure that he was trying his best to avoid her as well because there were a few times she would enter a room and he would glare in her direction and exit quickly. She knew she should be grateful for that, but a part of her was quite hurt by the look he gave her each time.

As for the weapons, everything was completed as planned by the end of that week. The silver bullets were successful after the minor change in material of the casing, and after testing them Bulma had the bullets produced in mass quantities. The computer systems had all the codes for the machines so that if they needed more bullets or explosives all the King needed to do was access his computer system, which he had the files for it all. Of course King Vegeta made sure he knew how to access everything and get his hands on any materials he deemed important for his little war. It seemed that he also obtained more workers to keep track of his own personal inventory. He said that as soon as this war was started there was no going back because the Lycan’s were just as determined as he was.

After everything was produced it was carefully packaged and sealed and placed in individual cases, marked with the names of the each clan. The message got to the clan leaders that the weapons were complete and a meeting was set for each leader to come and obtain the weapons and ammo so they could begin planning for the first attacks on the Lycan dens.


Bulma, Peter, Steven, and Charlotte were present when each leader came to inspect their handy work with the weapons and ammo. They were all pleased even Julian who couldn’t take his eyes from Bulma or wipe that obnoxious grin off his face. He was a smug bastard and she didn’t like him one bit. The man was a complete jerk and he knew he got a reaction out of her. The moment he walked into the room, Bulma bristled. Julian made sure to come up to Bulma and express his unwanted gratitude.

“I must thank-you for completing this task. I could never express enough how much it has pleased me, I hope we will meet again sometime soon, Bulma Briefs,” He grinned at her and snatched her hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss before leaving with his men.

Bulma shuddered and rolled her eyes looking away, trying to hide her look of disgust. She really hated that man with every fiber of her being. There was no way she would ever want to meet that man again in her life, he made her skin crawl.

King Vegeta motioned for the four scientists to follow him to his office. The asshole Nappa followed in the back of the group, making sure they were all following. Bulma glanced over her shoulder raising a brow in his direction. Something didn’t feel right that was for sure. The King quietly sat at his desk. Bulma was the first to enter after the King.

Doris glanced up from a small chair near the fireplace in the office, giving the group a look of confusion. Bulma got the hint she had no idea they were all coming in. She sat quietly and said nothing to Bulma. Prince Vegeta stood in the corner, his dark eyes were on the blue haired woman the moment she entered the office and a scowl formed on his lip before he looked away from her. King Vegeta settled his forearms on the desk and his eyes scanned over the four of them. Nappa nudged them into a straight line before the King’s desk. Peter was shaking next to her. She could almost feel the fear radiating from his body. King Vegeta smiled slightly and motioned for Bulma to come closer. She was holding the prized folder that housed information on the weapons in which would annihilate the Lycans. He opened his hand and Bulma placed the folder into it reluctantly. King Vegeta’s smile darkened as he opened it, checking the files quickly before nodding to Nappa and the other two vampires behind Peter, Steve, and Charlotte, which Bulma hadn’t noticed before.

At that moment Bulma glanced over at Nappa, who had a cruel smirk on his lips and was looking in her direction. All three of the men lunged at the three scientists, sinking their teeth into their necks. Their pleas and screams were quickly replaced with gurgles as their throats were ripped from their necks. Bulma screamed and backed against one of the walls. Her hands immediately shot to her throat, protecting it from anyone who tried to lunge at her. Her eyes scanned the room. She saw the look on Doris’ face as she sat there shocked at what she just witnessed.

“I know you have out down yourself and have done everything I have asked, Bulma,” King Vegeta opened a drawer and placed his documents inside, shutting it and locking the drawer quickly, “But I am afraid that your assistance is no longer required. I have a group of men that are going to be assisting me with my quantities as well as making sure those machines produce more; I guess you can say… I am letting you go,” King Vegeta placed a hand on his chest and he chuckled.  He quickly snapped his fingers and Nappa stalked over to her grabbed her by her arm.

“Please! Don’t do this…” Bulma sobbed softly.

She knew she should have tried to escape long ago, or used those stupid machines against these beasts. Bulma’s tear filled eyes noticed the hungers that lie in Nappa’s blood red eyes. His lips were covered in Peter’s blood and it was dripping down his chin.

 “Father…” Prince Vegeta finally interjected.

Nappa paused and glanced in Vegeta’s direct. King Vegeta glanced over at his son and raised an eyebrow.

“What is it boy…speak!” the older man said a bit agitated.

“I want her as my own, she will serve me as a blood slave,” Prince Vegeta walked around Nappa, his face was calm and tense as he stopped before his father’s desk looking him in the eye. “I mean just think, she is a brilliant woman, it would be a waste to kill her,” he added.

“You want her as a blood slave? Are you daft?” King Vegeta chuckled softly, “No…you cannot have this little woman as a slave, you will not have such a weakness…,” he shook his head and frowned deeply at his son.

Prince Vegeta growled loudly, “You dare to call me weak,” His eyes were blood red and flashing angrily at his father.

“Oh don’t think I haven’t heard about your strange attachment to this girl, you stick up for the girl as a prized possession,” King Vegeta defended his accusation, “Doris has told me what has been happening between you two.”

“I only was protecting the woman from your own men, who have tried to kill her on different occasions. Without the woman, you would have nothing, remember that father,” Vegeta barred his fangs at his father, “As for a weakness for such a pathetic excuse for a human, I think not. I only wish to teach her a lesson for all the trouble she caused me before I brought her here and for rejecting me before,” he admitted to his father.

Bulma glanced over at Doris seeing her eyes lowered to the ground. She felt so betrayed. She thought she could trust this woman. Well, she now knew she couldn’t trust a damn person here and she would never look at Doris the same again. Bulma shrugged out of Nappa’s grasped. She felt like she was pushed into a corner. She wanted to live. Bulma looked down as tears of anger streamed down her cheeks. She tried her hardest to hide them.

King Vegeta shot his son a questionable look, “I don’t trust you, Vegeta,” he stated bluntly.

“What do I have to do to prove to you I intend to use her for my own selfish pleasure, and she isn’t a weakness?” The prince asked his father. His eyes faded back to black as he glanced in Bulma’s direction.

“Feed from her, show me you don’t intend to baby her…I wish to see this first hand,” King Vegeta chuckled knowing how his son was quite a violent killer when it came to the hunt of blood.

“So be it,” Vegeta stalked over to Bulma and grabbed her arm pulling her tightly against his body. His eyes looked deeply into hers allow her to see them change to blood red once again. Bulma shook her head, fearing the pain. Bulma pressed against his chest trying to squirm away from him. Vegeta’s mouth opened and those long fangs started to unsheathe themselves. He looked down at the pulsing jugular on her neck. His eyes lifted to his father’s a brief moment before growling in an animalistic manner and roughly grabbing her hair, pulling her head to the side, and exposing her neck. His mouth descended to her neck sinking the entire length of his fangs painfully into Bulma’s neck. Bulma cried out loudly and sobbed as she felt the strong pulls of his mouth as he drank her blood.

Vegeta’s eyes darkened as the blood lust grew deep within him. He moaned against his neck as his mouth filled with her life giving blood. Her blood was like a drug to him. From the very first time he tasted it, he knew he would have to have her as his own, and now he would be able to keep her for himself only. Vegeta pulled away just as quickly as he latched on and breathed heavily, and closing his eyes trying to calm his body, which felt more alive than ever. Her deep red blood coated his fangs, lips, and even dribbled down his chin.

Bulma felt light headed as she was cradled in his arms. Blood was seeping from her neck wound. Doris rushed to Vegeta’s side and she took her in her arms walking Bulma to the chair and sitting her there. She grabbed a cloth and placed it over puncture wounds.

“Satisfied?” Prince Vegeta asked holding open his arm and smiled darkly at his old man.

“You may have your little human, but don’t let her get between your duties as my son,” King Vegeta warned.

“Have her moved to my rooms, Doris,” He spoke softly and licked his bloody lips.

Vegeta looked over at Doris. She waved him off and smiled at her son. He knew his mother would take care of her. Prince Vegeta glared back at his father and stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind him.

 Bulma still felt like her heart was about to jump from her chest. She felt Doris lift her and walk her out of the room.


Doris helped the woozy woman to Vegeta’s quarters. She had seen his room before and the size was quite large, but she didn’t realize there was an extra door that connected the two rooms. She let Bulma sit back in a chair. She grabbed Bulma’s hand and smiled, “I can help you close that  wound, but I have to use my saliva, if you don’t mind?” Doris spoke to her calmly as she kneeled before Bulma.

The heiress watched the woman a moment, anger in her eyes, “Why?”

“Bulma, I never thought King Vegeta intended to kill you, if I thought that I would have done something to help you,” Doris placed her face in her hands, “Please, I beg you to forgive me.”

“How do I know you aren’t lying now and you aren’t going to run and tell the King everything I say to you?” Bulma asked harshly reaching up to touch the wound and winced.

“I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better, but I really wish that in the future you can again trust me, because I will not allow anything to happen to you,” She promised the blue haired woman sitting before her.

Bulma turned her head to the side giving Doris the silent OK to fix her open wound. Doris leaned in and brushed her tongue over the opening. Her vampire saliva instantly closed the wound.

“You will feel a little woozy for a while, but I will have juice and a light snack brought up for you. You will feel as good as new soon,” Doris smiled softly, and stood up slowly.

“Will he always feed from me and make me feel like dying?” Bulma placed an arm over her face.

“Well my dear, blood slaves are meant for feeding…and other things,” Doris bit her lower lip and looked down, shrugging slightly.

“I figured as much,” she spoke sadly.

“It will get better, especially since he will quickly figure how much blood he can take from your body without making you feel like this,” Doris reassured her.

Doris’ attention strayed to the door as it clicked closed, she smiled seeing her son. Vegeta came in with something to drink and a snack. Doris looked at him with an eyebrow raised. She chuckled softly and placed a hand on Bulma’s, “I will see you soon, love.”

Doris quickly left allowing them some time alone. Vegeta looked the woman over quickly seeing her arm was covering her face. He set the plate and glass on the end table next to her chair.

“I brought you something to make you feel better, woman,” He spoke in a soft tone, “I am sorry I had to do that…but it was necessary.”

Bulma’s arm dropped from her face and she glared up at him, “Necessary?” she shouted, “You tore my neck…and made me almost pass out from blood loss,” Bulma growled angrily and grabbed for her juice drinking the whole glass.

“Don’t be so dramatic woman, you didn’t lose too much blood,” Vegeta crossed his arms over his chest.

“Just so we are clear, I am not going to be your little pleasure slave, buddy,” the blue haired woman pointed a finger at him.

“Well, you have no say in the matter, because you are my blood slave, which means you are required to serve me with you blood as well as your body if wish to use it.” Vegeta’s dark eyes slid over her curvy form.

Bulma looked up at him and frowned, “If you take me against my will, that is rape…don’t tell me you are rapist and get pleasure in taking a woman against her will,” her lips closed tightly together.

“You are mine and as property I am allowed to do with you as I please, but I like my women willing,” his eyes made contact with hers, “But if you are not willing I can find women who would willingly bed me if I feel the urge,” the prince hid a smirk as he saw her eyes darken with jealousy.

“Fine…I don’t care who you bed,” Bulma took a few of the crackers and ate them, pretending to ignore his presence.

“Off with your clothing…now…and get into bed, I wish to rest now.” Vegeta pulled his shirt up and over his head.

He unbuttoned his dress pants and slipped them off. Bulma’s eye grew wide seeing him undress before her. She couldn’t help but notice how well built this man was. His body was chiseled to perfection. Bulma tilted her head to the side, not being able to help but notice is amazingly shaped ass.

Vegeta turned to face her, “I will not ask you again, woman.”

Bulma blushed deeply as she stood up slowly. She looked down at her work clothing. She gripped the bottom of her shirt and slowly pulled it up and over her head, exposing her flat belly and well-shaped breasts to Vegeta’s roaming eyes.

Vegeta pointed to her pants. She quickly unbuttoned the pants, allowing them to slip down her shapely thighs. Bulma was glad she wore her favorite lacey, light blue panties and bra. The heiress quickly placed her arms over her breasts. Vegeta walked over to her slowly with a smirk on his lips. He loved seeing her reaction as his eyes roamed her exposed body. His hand reached up and brushed the swell of her breast as he leaned in and pressed his lips against her collarbone.

Bulma sighed softly and her eyes fluttered closed. Vegeta grabbed her arms and pulled them away from her chest, “No hiding from me, woman,” he growled deeply and nipped at her breast threw the fabric. Bulma shuddered feeling her nipples turn to hard peak under the garment.

Vegeta grabbed her arm carefully and led her to his large bed. He pulled back the sheets, helping her under.

The blue haired beauty looked up at him nervously. In the blink of an eye he was gone and on the opposite side of the bed. He grabbed her arm and yanked her under his body. His dark eyes traveled the length of womanly figure. His body responded instantly as he felt her soft flesh pressed against his. He leaned in and pressed the length of his hardness against her thigh. Bulma let out a small gasp. She felt her breathing increase dramatically. Pressing her small hands to his bare chest, she tried to scoot her body away from his. She felt like this was all too fast for her. She barely knew the man and he was already taking full advantage of her. Vegeta’s hand traveled down the length of her body, causing her to tremble.

“I have been wanting this for a long time, woman. I have yearned for it,” His voice dripped with desire for her as he spoke softly into her ear, nipping playfully at her earlobe.

She felt heat pool between her thighs as his breath traveled the length of her neck to her ear. This man was too much, she wanted him, gods did she want him, but was it right?

His hand finally made it to its destination. He cupped her core, rubbing his thumb over the front of her panties. Bulma cried out, bucking her hips up against his hand.

“Please…” She whimpered, “I wish you to stop this,” Bulma pleaded.

“Do you really wish me to stop, woman?” the prince asked, lifting his beautifully dark eyes to meet hers. Vegeta then pulled her panties to the side, sliding his fingers through her wet folds. He smirked feeling that her core was already wet for him.

Vegeta buried his face in her neck, kissing up to her jaw line, “Tell me what you want, woman.” He breathed.

A knock came to the door and Vegeta growled angrily against her neck. He ignored the knock working his fingers between her parted thighs. Bulma didn’t even hear the knock. She was panting and clutching at the sheets. The knock came again, “Prince Vegeta, your presence requested by King Vegeta,” the man called on the opposite side of the door.

“Fuck!” Vegeta cursed loudly, which caused Bulma to jump. He forced his body from hers. She lay there panting heavily, running a hand through her hair.

Vegeta stood up angrily and threw on his clothing, “I will be back for you, woman,” He reached out and grabbed her by her hair, pulling her closing and kissing her hungrily.

Bulma’s face was flushed. She let her body drop back against the bed after he left. She couldn’t believe what had just happened. The man she said she wouldn’t allow have her was so close to getting what he wanted, and she would have gladly handed it over on a silver platter.

God she wanted him…and she would have him.


Well, that was the end of chapter 8. I really hope that you all like this chapter. I know chapter 7 was very hard for my write, personally. I just wasn’t feeling it. This one was a lot easier. Please review. I really enjoy what you have to say. It really makes me happy and keeps me motivated.

More to come,


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