Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vampire Prince ❯ Amulet ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Chapter 9


Happy Reading!

Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or any of its characters. I only write because it makes me happy.


Rats scurried along the pipes leading down to the sewer tunnels. The air was foul and environment was damp. It wasn’t the cleanest place, but it was the safe haven away unwanted listeners. The room was illuminated by a single light that hung loosely over the round table, which caused large amounts of shadows throughout the room. The most important men to the Lycan leader were seated quietly waiting instruction. The leader slowly lifted his arms to the table, setting them down. His dark brown eyes scanned to each man that was seated before him. He looked down at his hands. The dark featured man was covered from head to toe in small scars, but his face was adorned with a cross shaped scar on his cheek. He was a handsome man, but the years of fighting had taken its toll on his once young skin. Finally the silence was broken.

“We have some information about those blood suckers,” Bardock sneered as he spoke about his enemies.

Leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest, Bardock signed softly.

“Well? What is it,” one of the men asked impatiently. Turles quickly rewarded the youngling with a slap across the back of the head.

“They have been planning an attack on the main den,” Bardock spoke softly, “They have produced some sort of weapon. I am not sure what this weapon is yet, but we need to tread lightly when dealing with these vampires because they have been planning for a while.” The scarred man scratched the side of his nose and cleared his throat.

“Have you heard from their traitor?” the dark figure asked from the shadows. He moved away from the wall and made himself visible. The intimidating man was large with unruly spiked black hair.

“Yes Brolli, he actually was the one that spoke to me about this unknown weapon. It seems Radditz isn’t the only one of those fools that wants to see King Vegeta dead,” Bardock chuckled softly.

Brolli growled showing his white canines, “Well then, why don’t we know more about this weapon?” the man’s massive body trembled with anger.

“It doesn’t seem that this particular person wants to give up important information without getting something in return. I think he wants to make a deal, meaning we leave them alone if he gives us King Vegeta,” Bardock explained to the giant man in the shadows.

Brolli’s eyes narrowed some as Bardock explained why they didn’t let them have the information on the weapon. He snorted and moved back to his dark corner, watching the men around the table carefully. Brolli was a strong fighter for the Lycan’s. Bardock had won many battles against the vampires because they had the best leaders that used the best strategy. The other man he could always rely on was Turles. The man was quick and left no vampire standing in battle.

“They have a woman with them, Bulma Breifs,” Bardock stood slowly and looked to his son who was sitting next to him, “She was taken captive and used to build this weapon, if we can get our hands on the woman maybe we have a chance to figure it out and perhaps get our hands on this weapon. Also I have another trick up my sleeve, but for the Prince, I have planned a meeting with this other clan traitor tonight to get it started,” Bardock chuckled and patted the box in his pocket.

Goku looked down at the table and frowned deeply. Bulma was a good friend of his girlfriend, Chichi. No wonder Chichi had been so upset that her friend had not been returning her phone calls. This explained it. Chichi was told by Bulma’s parents that she was fine and she was just busy. It all made sense why Chi didn’t get a phone call. She had not even gotten much information about Bulma’s whereabouts from her parents because they didn’t have a clue what was going on with their daughter. The Briefs had always been such lenient parents. The mother was known to have her head was in the clouds majority of the time and her father had his nose in the books.

“Father, nothing will happen to the Scientist, right?” He inquired knowing full well his father hated those who helped Vampires.

“Nothing will happen to the woman as long as she didn’t willingly help those creatures,” Goku’s father answered truthfully.

Goku’s eyes darkened somewhat as he gave his father a sharp nod and stood exiting the room. He had to let Chichi know what happened to her friend. He knew it would make her upset, but ultimately she would be glad he was getting her friend to safety.

Everyone looked to Bardock a bit shocked at his son’s bold exit, especially to a pack leader. Bardock frowned some seeing his son depart without another word. He knew his son was just a young pup, but he wanted his son to act like a pack leader’s son, which the role demanded respect. After the door closed, his dark eyes scanned to his fellow pack mates, his eyes flashed gold as he allowed his inner beast to come to the surface momentarily.

“We will attack Vegeta’s manor unexpectedly and take the scientist. We will be merciless, we will shed blood, and we will fight for our pack. Be ready tomorrow at sunset…we attack then,” Bardock grinned as his men roared in unison.


Bulma’s eyes slowly fluttered open as she stretched her back, rolling to her belly. She yawned and ran her hands through her unruly hair. She had to force her eyes open because of how tired she was. The scientist’s body was still achy and weak from the other night when Vegeta had…
Bulma shot up and looked around. Her blue eyes slowly made their way down her body; she was still wearing her bra and panties. The memories started to flash before her eyes of the night prior with Vegeta before he was required elsewhere. Bulma took in a soft breath. She couldn’t believe she was so stupid. She had given herself so quickly to that asshole, not to mention vampire. Of course like he said, she had absolutely no choice in the matter, but she still felt so sick to her stomach to think of what could have happened if he wasn’t summand by his father. Her thoughts drifted back to the feeling of his strong body on top of hers, and the way he was so rough with her and just took what he wanted. Honestly Bulma loved every moment of it. She let an annoyed growl escape her lips as her hands gripped at her hair and she stomped into the bathroom. What was wrong with her?

She should not be thinking of this man in that way. She remembered what Doris has spoken to her about before. He liked shiny new toys. He was a spoiled prince that was used to getting everything he wanted. Bulma couldn’t help be wonder what made him want to protect her from his father. If she was just like any other disposable human, it wouldn’t have any difference to see her dead and gone. Bulma quickly got ready and cleaned herself up. She threw her hair up and walked back to Prince Vegeta sitting room. She paced the floor and looked over the items in his room. Finally she decided she was going to check the door.

She walked over to the doorknob and gripped the handle.  Her hand slowly pushed it down feeling there was no catch and the handle kept turning. The door opened and Bulma looked outside a bit shocked that she was no longer treated like a prisoner. Slipping out over her room and closing the door behind her, Bulma pressed her back against the door and looked down the hallway. It was risky to walk by herself she knew that, but she had been cooped up in either a lab, or her own room. She deserved to be able to stretch her legs after what she did for these blood suckers.

She passed a few housekeepers along the way; they all offered to get her something and to even help her find the place she was looking for. It was truly interesting that they had humans working for them. The Vampires treated them cruelly because they knew they were feared. She wondered how long she would even be permitted to stay here before Vegeta tired of her. Her eyes scanned the main entrance, taking note of the security near the front door. Of course it has a key pad. If only she knew the code, then she could plan her escape. Where would she go? What would she do? She wasn’t sure, but she knew it involved one of her guns and those UV bullets.

Bulma started to move down the staircase making sure to touch everything on the way down. She got to the end of the staircase and glanced over at the security, whose eyes were on her constantly. She tightened her lips together and raised her eyebrows flashing them an innocent smile before walking away quickly. She ended up in the green room. Plants really? She was so confused. Vampires did not seem the type to keep living plants in their homes. Considering they were the definition of death. Plants always symbolized life and growth to her. She reached out and let her fingers run over the bright green leaf.

“Having fun in here, blood slut?” the soft voice dripped with hatred.

Leaning against the inside of the door frame, Nora’s light brown eyes flashed in Bulma’s direction. A smirk was on her blood red lips. She was toying with her wavy locks of hair that cascaded over her shoulder.

“Excuse me?” Bulma raised an eyebrow, placing her hands on her hips.

“Oh, I heard from King Vegeta that his son took you as a blood slave,” Nora looked Bulma over, a look of distaste on her face.

The blue haired woman crossed her arms over her chest and looked down, “It’s not like I had a choice…” Bulma was rudely interrupted by an obnoxious laugh.

“Well, don’t get used to being a blood slut because Vegeta bores of his pets quickly,” Nora’s light brown eyes flashed with amusement.

“Yes, I trust you seeing Vegeta wants nothing to do with you anymore,” Bulma snapped letting her anger get the best of her.

Nora’s mouth twitched and her eyes widened with surprise. A soft growl erupted from her throat, and in a split second was standing before Bulma, nose to nose.

“You better watch your tongue before I rip it out of that pretty little head of yours,” Nora hissed.

Bulma flinched and clenched her fists at her side, “Why do you even bother with him, you and I both know he cares nothing for the people he is involved with, why waste your time and anger on me?” Bulma asked the woman, her eyes narrowed as she studied the woman’s expression.

“Before you showed up he would always search me out,” Nora admitted, “But what I have found to be a bit odd is that he has come to me in need a couple times since you have been here, I guess you aren’t pleasing enough for him,” Nora chuckled and looked Bulma up and down.

Bulma’s nose flared as her anger started to rise once again, “I have never been with Vegeta, thank you very much,” she took a step away from the woman.

“Nora!” a sweet voice called. The sound of heel clicks came closer to the doorway. Both women turned their attention to the open door. Rosalie came to a sliding stop in the door way and posed giving them a soft smile, “There you are!” Rose giggled happily.  

Nora growled softly and walked in Rosalie’s direction, “Yes I am coming, I’ll meet you in the room,” Nora paused momentarily flipping her hair over her shoulder to look at Bulma, “See you later, blood slut,” She wiggled her fingers playfully.

“Good-bye, used goods,” Bulma wiggled her fingers back.

The woman just snarled and stomped out shoving Rosalie on the way out. The black haired woman blinked a bit confused and glanced in Bulma’s direction.

“Oh no, I am sorry about Nora, she is a bit of a handful at times,” she said placing a hand over her mouth hiding her smile, “She never did like to share Vegeta with any woman, which doesn’t make sense because Vegeta never even considered them an item,” Rose shrugged and approached Bulma holding out both her hands for her to take.

Bulma reluctantly allowed the woman to grasp her hands. The blue haired woman looked around a bit confused. Rosalie never really talked or even paid much attention to Bulma. She was shocked at the sudden change.

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but I do hope you and I could be friends,” Rosalie looked up at her offering her a genuine smile, “Oh, I heard that dress fit wonderfully I knew it would look stunning on you,” Rosalie bounced in excitement.

“Oh yes, thank you very much for allowing me to borrow it, I hope they gave it back,” Bulma finally smiled at the woman.

“Oh yes, they brought it back, and don’t you worry about it. Anytime you need something just ask me,” Rose tightened her grasp on Bulma’s hands.

The heiress smiled at her and nodded, but it faded into a look of concern, “I do have to ask why you are so nice to me?”

“Oh well why wouldn’t I be? You have been through a lot here and you have done a lot for the clans,” Rosalie released Bulma’s hands.

“Yes, I don’t know…I mean you, Nora …” Bulma stopped talking as she saw the black haired beauty chuckle and shake her head.

“Oh my dear, I may have been with Vegeta a few times, but it was all fun and games, plus I knew he would never care for me.  Nora just allowed herself to get to wrapped up,” she said bluntly, “Nora is a selfish bitch, heartless even, but don’t let her bother you,” Rosalie winked playfully, “I hope to see you soon, Bulma, but for now I have to help that wench,” she giggled and walked happily from the room.

Astonished and a bit confused Bulma stood there staring at the door way a moment. This woman wanted to be friends with her and that Nora woman wanted to cut her tongue out. They were like night and day. The heiress took in a deep breath as she walked back to the room.


She walked slowly back to her room. There was absolutely nothing to do in this manor, she really hoped that she would be allowed to at least see the sun, or go on walks. How could someone honestly stay in complete darkness without feeling the need to make a noose and hang themselves? She griped the door handle and bumped the door open with her rounded hip. The woman slipped into the dark room, flipped on the light, and closed the door. Bulma leaned against the door. Her blue eyes widened in surprised when she noticed Vegeta. He was sitting on the bed. He had a red dress shirt on, black tie, and black pin stripe pants. His elbows rested on his knees, and he did not look up at her.

Instantly she felt her cheeks heat as she was reminded with what had occurred the night before. She swallowed hard and felt her heart pound in her chest along with butterflies in her stomach. Vegeta shifted his gaze to meet hers, his dark eyes roamed over Bulma’s figure.

“I see you figured out that your door wasn’t locked,” Vegeta dropped his hands to his knees, gripping them tightly.

“Oh, yes I wanted to stretch my legs. I have been cooped in a room majority of the time,” Bulma took a few steps into the room. She couldn’t tell if he was angry with her because he came back to his rooms and her absent. She barely knew this man, so reading him would be impossible at this point.

Vegeta grunted and pulled his dress shirt from his pants and loosened his tie. He ran a hand over his spiked hair. He completely ignored her presence now. He showed absolutely no emotion on his face and avoided eye contact with her.

Bulma looked at him with confusion. Why did she constantly get the feeling he was displeased by her? She constantly felt like she offended him. He ran hot and cold with her. To be completely honest he was screwing with her mind. Was this the game Doris spoke of? Was he trying to drive her mad with these passionate moments and then withdraw completely?

Bulma quickly walked to his bed, but was stopped as Vegeta made a small gesture for her to pause in her tracks. She paused momentarily and looked up at him.

“You will sleep in the room connected to mine, take your things in there,” Vegeta said coldly.

He stripped of his shirt baring his toned chest with confidence; his black eyes met hers with no emotional connection.  Bulma swallowed hard and nodded. Vegeta tossed his shirt to the floor and walked to his bathroom leaving her alone in the room. The heiress blinked a few times before quickly grabbed her bags and walking through the door and kicked it shut. Bulma dropped her bags at her feet and slid to the ground using the door for support. She took in a deep breath. This was too much; she shouldn’t let that asshole get the better of her. She should be glad that she was in her own room. Then she wouldn’t have to deal with him and his advances. It’s not like she cared, right?


Vegeta stood in the bathroom, his hands gripping the marble countertop. His eyes burned red with need of blood, her blood. He hated being around her. Her very scent drove him wild. He was so thankful that the night before he was called away from his bed because he would have taken her, and made her his completely.

No woman ever excited him the way this feisty woman did. Her beautiful eyes, the smell of her skin, the way she moaned when he…

Vegeta growled and gripped the marble counter top harder, cracking it causing it to crumble at his feet. He was growing weak and he knew it was that blue haired wench. Why didn’t he just let his father kill her? He could be going on with his life just like he had done numerous times before. There had been plenty of women in his past, some killed by his hand, some forgotten about, but never did they cause this reaction. Maybe he would just fuck the girl like a true blood slave. He could get her out of his system and give her to someone else or even kill her. Yes, that is what he would do; this woman would not control his emotions. He would not allow this pathetic human weakness go any farther.


Bardock and Brolli arrived at Satan City Park. The men silently made their way through the darkness. The bright lamps that lit the parking lot would only draw more attention to them. The parking lot was empty except for their car, which was closest to the darkness. They informed Radditz to bring this other traitor of the blood suckers to their meeting because they had a gift for the Prince. This was only the beginning of vampire demise. Yes, they wouldn’t completely wipe them out, but they wanted to control of what happened in their city. Bardock wanted to show them who was alpha.

A black Mercedes slowly made its way into the parking lot. The car turned off its lights as soon as it pulled in. The sedan parked next to their vehicle. Bardock’s eyes narrowed watching them sit motionless in the car before opening the doors and stepping out. Brolli tensed seeing the two bloodsuckers. Bardock could sense this right away. He knew that any wrong move and Brolli would rip their heads clean off their shoulders.

“Good evening gentlemen,” Julian said with an evil grin on his lips.

Radditz followed Julian as he casually walked up to the Lycan’s offering them a hand. Of course Bardock and Brolli looked at one another and raised an eyebrow. Julian cleared his throat, but wasn’t fazed.  

“I am glad to see you actually agreed to come,” Bardock’s face was unreadable.  

“Yes, well who could pass up a great opportunity to get back at Prince Vegeta,” Julian’s nostrils flared, “the man is unbearable just like his old man,” Julian sneered, the look on his face was filled with hatred.

Bardock chuckled and reached into his pocket. He pulled out a box and opened it. Inside it displayed an amulet, which had the royal vampire seal carved in the silver.

Julian leaned in and gasped, “Where did you get that, which has been missing for centuries?” his eyes lifted to meet the Lycan leader’s dark gaze.

“It has been missing because my ancestors stole it from the Vampire King centuries ago. He took it to a witch that enchanted it to work against the vampire king,” Bardock explained the absence of the amulet, “Of course he died before he got to use it, so it has been passed down for years.”

Julian frowned and grabbed the box reaching to touch it, but was stopped by Bardock.

“If a vampire were to put the enchanted amulet around his neck, it would bring forth the true nature. You vampires are not only driven by your vampire instincts, but your human greed and all the other emotions that go with it, but it is heightened,” Bardock explained to Julian, “You put this on Prince Vegeta, he will lose himself and not even his father would talk his way out of it…he would be a dead man, for Prince Vegeta would tear him limp from limp.”

Julian’s eyes widened as he looked at the amulet he held in his hand, “I thought you wanted King Vegeta for yourself?”

“I want King Vegeta dead, what better ways than to have his own son kill him,” Bardock grinned seeing the man’s eyes brighten with interest.

“You said that Prince Vegeta would go mad, how would I stop him?” Julian asked.

“That is where you get your revenge, my friend. Why not use this weapon I hear you blood suckers have created,” Bardock suggested.

Julian’s grin got wider and he nodded, shutting the box and slipping it into his inner jacket pocket, “You are a smart, Lycan I give you that one. I will do this for you, but let’s just hope it works properly.”

Julian looked over his shoulder to Radditz. The man nodded and as they started to move toward their sedan, “I hope to see you real soon,”

Bardock said nothing watching the two traitors leave.

“Please tell me you do plan to kill those two when it is all said and done,” Brolli raised a brow and looked to the Lycan leader.

“Oh of course, it would be stupid not to,” Bardock chuckled softly.


Alright everyone, that is the end of chapter 9. I hope it was an enjoyable read. There is so much going through my mind with this story. The more I write the more ideas I get. I have had a hard time getting this story posted. My poor little puppy just got fixed today. She had been so groggy, and I have to keep her from doing just about everything. No running and jumping. I have had my hands full.

Please review; I really like hearing what you guys think! It really motivates me to get the next chapter done.


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