Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vodka ❯ Boredom ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: No, I still don't own any thing worth owning. I know, life sucks.
A/N: Thanks to all my readers who were kind enough to review last time! I am so excited about posting again. I really hope you continue to read, enjoy and review! Now, let's get this story started!
Chapter 2: Boredom
“I can't take this anymore!” Trunks moaned. “I don't care about the ocean currents off the coast of Australia!”
Marron simply chuckled to herself as Goten nodded his head in agreement with Trunks's sentiments.
“Give me the remote! I'm changing that station! I don't care if the girls are asleep or not! I am tired of the weather!”
With a sigh, Marron conceded. “Just find something decent. I'm not spending all night watching sports with the two of you.”
“Yeah, Trunks,” Goten nodded agreement. “Humans suck at sports anyway. Let's watch a movie.”
“All right.” Trunks skimmed the channels, looking for a promising movie to watch.
“Hey! Go back!” Marron yelled at Trunks as he passed a channel.
Frowning, the young Saiyan prince did as the human girl asked of him. “What?”
“Right there!” Marron exclaimed happily. “I saw the first half of this movie once before. I'd like to see the ending. It's hilarious, a satirical comedy of all those cheesy, classic teen movies.”
“Sounds interesting,” Trunks commented with raised brow as Goten busted into laughter at the leading actress when she fell through a staircase and into the basement of her home with a rug, bringing furniture, including a piano, down the hole after her.
“I love this movie,” Son Goten declared happily, settling into a routine of laughter which would last until the credits began to role.
“I can't believe that guy's sister was seriously chasing him. That was disgusting!” Trunks lamented as the credits scrolled across the screen.
“I liked the clapping guy,” Goten grinned.
Turning off the television, Marron smiled to herself. “I told you guys it was funny. So, now what are we going to do?”
“Well, I have a fun idea unless you two are scared,” Trunks grinned evilly.
“I'm not scared!” Goten responded by default as he had for years.
Marron could not help but roll her eyes at the two boys. “What did you have in mind, Trunks?”
“Well,” Trunks grinned. “The other day, I found an almost full bottle of Smirnoff Mom somehow lost. At the time, I knew I would want to do something with it, but I didn't have any idea what. Since she hasn't missed it yet, I doubt she will. So are you game?” Trunks gave his most winsome smile, his cornflower eyes dancing with mischief. Trunks never seemed more alive than when he was trying to get away with something his mother would kill for if only she knew. Trouble seemed to be his middle name.
“I don't know,” Goten started, as usual. Trunks never could figure out why Goten always hesitated at every one of his great ideas, even though Trunks always won in the end. After being best friends for so many years, you would think Goten would finally get with the program and just concede to Trunks's great schemes right from the get-go instead of prolonging the inevitable through his hesitations at angering his mother.
“I'm game,” Marron cut off Goten's reasons or not wanting to follow Trunks' lead. “If Bulma never notices the bottle gone, there's no way we'll get caught.”
“Well,” Goten began again, still sounding hesitant.
“It's settled then,” Trunks interrupted. “I'll be right back with the bottle. You two go get some glasses, and dig out the orange juice. I've heard it's really good mixed together.” Trunks rose and without another look, set out to remove the bottle from its hiding place in his room.
“Let's go,” Marron tapped Goten on his knee before rising to her feet and leading the way into the Briefs family's enormous kitchen.
“I'm still not so sure this is a good idea,” Goten faintly protested as he followed Marron.
“Of course it's not a good idea,” the blonde laughed as she set three glasses on the kitchen's island. “But it's a fun one. The only thing we have to worry about it getting caught.”
“Which we're not going to do,” Trunks confidently proclaimed as he entered the room with his prize.
Re-emerging from the refrigerator with a large carton of orange juice, Marron nodded her agreement. “Exactly.” She smiled and placed the carton beside the glasses she had removed earlier.
Standing back, Goten watched as Trunks poured the clear liquid into the bottom of each large glass, filled them with orange juice and Marron then gave each a good stir with a long-handled tea spoon.
“Let's go” Trunks smiled as he handed each of his friends a drink, gathered the bottle, carton and spoon and lead the way back to the living room where the three tasted their drinks and finding the screwdrivers to their liking, each had several. Goten and Trunks, being Saiyans, naturally drank roughly double Marron's consumption.
“Aww,” Marron whined, a pout on her lips when she found the bottle empty while trying to get a refill. “So, what are we going to do now?”
“I don't know,” Trunks replied.
“Does anyone feel anything?” Goten questioned.
“Not really. Maybe it takes a while to kick in,” Trunks suggested, flipping a lock of hair out of his eyes.
“I don't feel anything either,” Marron giggled from her seat on the plush couch.
“Well,” Trunks frowned. “What now?”
“I know!” Goten grinned brightly. “We can play Twister! I love that game! Pan and I play all the time!”
“Me, too!” Trunks chimed in, his blue eyes full of delight.
Lifting a brow at Trunks' excitement over a kids' game, Marron smiled and nodded her head in agreement. “That actually does sound like fun.”
“Then Twister it is!” Trunks was still wearing a grin that was eerily Son-like in its nature.
“I'll get it!” Goten called happily as he jumped from his seat and went in search of the game, walking a little toward the left with every step.
Once Goten had exited the living room, Marron busted into a giggling fit. “If I didn't know any better, I'd say Goten was drunk!”
Fighting back his own desire to join Marron's giggling fit, Trunks replied, “That's probably because he is.”
Instantly serious, Marron gazed into Trunks' crystalline eyes. “Are you drunk, too?”
“I don't know,” Trunks admitted. “I guess there's only one way to tell.” With that, the young prince set his feet, took a deep breath and stood before bursting into laughter. “My head feels funny now that I'm standing.”
“Mine, too,” Goten complained as he stepped back into the room, a box containing Twister under his arm. Laughing, he stumbled into the middle of the living room, sat and began preparing the game.
“Who goes first?” Marron asked once Goten had the game ready and was contentedly spinning the dial which he held in his lap.
Trunks glanced between his two friends before grinning. “You go first, Marron.”
“Yeah!” Goten joined Trunks' cause. “Ladies first!”
“Fine,” Marron commented, sticking her tongue out at her two friends. Climbing to her feet, Marron felt the world spin as her head swam before everything else was replaced with a giddiness she had not known for years. Reaching down, Marron gave the spinner a quick spin.
“Right hand, green,” Goten announced with that ridiculous Son grin covering his face, amplified by the alcohol coursing through his veins.
“All right,” Marron replied as she took a spot on the same mat.
Several turns later found the teens woven together on the mat with Trunks, having gone last, mostly above everyone else and Marron mostly above Goten and slightly to the side of both boys.
“You think you can make it?” Marron giggled to Trunks as he cautiously moved his left hand toward its new location.
“I think so,” Trunks said with a frown.
Looking up at Trunks, his head craned as far as was possible, Goten grinned and added, “You have to make it Trunks or Marron and I will beat you at something for the first time ever!”
Growling, Trunks turned a glare to his best friend, realizing all too late exactly how precarious his positioning was as his right hand slipped, causing Trunks to fall, his mouth agape in surprise as he took both the other teens down to the floor with him.
“Ew! Trunks! You just kissed me!” Goten squealed as he squirmed from beneath his two friends. “That was gross!” he exclaimed again as he stood.
“Trust me, it wasn't any better on my end,” Trunks glowered at his best friend before noticing Marron's giggles still coming from the game mat. “What's so funny?”
Near hysterics, Marron forced herself to calm enough to sit and speak, wiping the tears from her eyes. “You're what's so funny. You-…kissed Goten!” Marron burst into another fit of laughter, falling backward as she did, fresh tears streaming from her eyes.
For a lack of better choices for action, Trunks simply glared at the mirthful woman, looking every bit a clone of his father as he began trying to formulate revenge through the haze in his mind covering all his thoughts.
“Well, I'm certainly not playing Twister with you ever again,” Goten frowned. “Maybe we should pick another game.”
Once again gaining at least momentary control of her hysterics, Marron made a suggestion from her perch on the floor. “How about we play Truth-Or-Dare?”
“That's a stupid kids' game,” Trunks snorted.
Goten grinned mischievously at his friend. “What's wrong, Trunks? Are you scared?”
Frowning again, Trunks shook his head. The crown prince of all Saiyans was scared of nothing; at least he wasn't when there was only a single image of the room around him that actually held still instead of spinning every time he shifted his gaze or turned his head. “I'm not scared of a stupid game.”
“Then what's wrong, Trunks?” Marron pushed. “You getting old and serious like Vegeta all ready?”
“I'm not my father,” Trunks growled through clenched teeth. “Let's just play the stupid game all ready.”
“Okay,” Marron grinned, obviously pleased to have gotten her way. “Goten, why don't you go first?”
“Hmm,” Goten pondered, his eyes shifting from each of his friends to the other. “Marron, truth or dare?”
Chewing her lip thoughtfully, Marron smiled. “Truth.”
“Truth,” Goten echoed as he searched for something he didn't know about the daughter of his father's best friend, Krillin. “I know!” Son Goten exclaimed as a question came to him. “Right now, at this very moment, who do you have the absolute biggest crush on? Remember, you have to tell the truth.”
“Yeah,” Trunks chimed in with his grinning best friend. “And anything we say or do tonight never leaves the three of us. So, answer.”
“The truth…” Marron began uneasily. Taking a deep breath, she prepared to answer. “The truth of who I have the absolute biggest crush on right now is-,“ Marron paused as a blush crept across her pale cheeks, her eyes refusing to meet with either demi-Saiyan', “Briefs Trunks.”
A long silence followed Marron's confession before both boys grinned widely.
“Marron's in love with you!” Goten happily congratulated his best buddy.
“I am not in love, you idiots!” Marron roared. “Now, before either of you can open your mouths and say something else stupid, I do believe it's my turn.” Looking both Saiyans square in their eyes, the daughter of Android Eighteen smiled sweetly, silently daring either to speak out of turn.
Satisfied her companions where thoroughly submissive, Marron turned her gaze directly and singly on Goten. “Goten,” the girl's smile and tone were sweeter than honey, “truth or dare?”
“Um…” Goten debated momentarily. “I think I'll go with a dare.”
“Okay,” Marron thought briefly before grinning a huge drunken grin. “Goten, I dare you do an impression of Hercule.”
Shrugging, Goten agreed. “I am Hercule Satan, the greatest fighter the world has ever known!” Rising to his feet, Goten began prancing around like a strutting peacock. “I am the one who tamed Buu and killed Cell! I certainly did not cower in fear like the rest of you mere mortals!”
Covering her mouth with her hand to suppress giggles, Marron watched as Trunks rose to his feet.
“Hercule Satan! I am the reincarnation of Cell here to seek vengeance on the fighter who killed me!” Trunks bellowed, advancing menacingly on Goten/Hercule.
Goten's eyes flew wide as he fell to his knees, using Marron as a shield between he and Trunks. “Uh, Mister Cell, sir. You've got this all wrong. See, a little boy really defeated you. I-…” Goten forced through his mind through the haze that pervaded every thought. “You see, I only took the credit so he could grow up and have a normal life. Honest!
“Now, please don't kill me, Mister Cell!” Goten groveled, pretending to sob.
Unable to hold back her laughter any longer, Marron fell off her seat at the end of the couch, clutching her sides as she rolled. It took only a moment longer for Trunks to drop to the opposite send of the couch, laughing equally hard, leaving Goten with a confused look on his face.
“Man, that was too good!” Trunks gasped between bouts of laughter. “You sounded just like Hercule!”
Goten could not suppress the grin which crept across his face. “Well, he is family now, after all.”
“Yeah, well, I still feel sorry for you on that one,” Marron tried her hand at consoling Goten.
“Well, don't feel sorry for me, that it's my turn again, now,” Goten grinned. “And I pick you, Trunks. Truth or dare?”
“Oh, heck,” Trunks mused. “I'll go with a truth.”
“Well,” Goten grinned mischievously at his target, “here's my question: do you like Marron?”
His eyes widening in surprise, Trunks quickly recovered enough to nod an affirmative. “Of course, I like Marron. She's a really cool friend.”
Sighing in exasperation, Goten shook his head. “You swore to tell the truth when you agreed to play. You know what I meant. Do you like-like Marron?”
“Like, like?” Trunks echoed, receiving a nod of approval from the dark-haired youth. “Well, yeah. I do,” Trunks conceded with a sigh, leaving Goten with a stupid grin and Marron too stunned to speak. Knowing the opportunity would not last long, Trunks decided to hurriedly continue the game into its next round. “Marron, truth or dare?”
“This time, I think I'll go with dare,” Marron replied as she snapped out of her dazed state.
“Marron,” Trunks paused as his crystalline eyes narrowed in thought, “I dare you to do The Funky Chicken.”
“What?” Marron wrinkled her nose cutely.
“You heard me,” Trunks grinned, realizing how good his dare was.
Sighing, Marron got to her feet. “You know I barely remember how to do this.”
“All the funnier,” Trunks grinned at the girl as he realized Goten was no longer seated. The question of Goten's location was instantly answered as polka music filled the living room.
“That should help,” Goten grinned as he sat down again.
After shooting the other teens a nasty glare, Marron began trying to remember her dance. Just as she was starting to get the hang of things, she realized all too late that her chicken was a little too funky for a drunk teenager to handle as she plopped unceremoniously on her derrière.
As the two boys rolled with laughter, Marron climbed to her feet, her jaw set with resolve at revenge. “Okay, now it's my turn. Trunks, truth or dare?” An almost evil sparkle danced in the girl's eyes.
Remembering the embarrassment of his last truth, Trunks decided to go with, “Dare,” after fighting away his laughter and wiping his face dry.
“Good,” Marron smirked. “You guys thought my fall was funny. You're going to love this one.
“Trunks, I dare you to kiss Goten, and I'm not talking about his hand or cheek either. I want to see lips connecting, again,” Marron grinned.
“Hey! Why are you dragging me into this?! I didn't dare you to dance!” Goten protested as he sobered quickly.
“Because you laughed, too,” Marron said firmly.
Glaring at Marron, Trunks turned to Goten. “It was a dare. If we don't kiss, she'll be able to call us chickens for the rest of our lives. A quick peck won't change anything she already has or doesn't on us already.”
Goten's eyes darted apprehensively between his friends' faces. “If I agree to do it, just promise me you won't tease me about it, okay?”
Chewing a lip thoughtfully, Marron nodded. “Fair enough.”
“C'mon, Chibi. Let's just get this over with,” Trunks sighed and began leaning toward Goten with puckered lips ready.
With a sigh of defeat, Goten closed his eyes and moved to meet Trunks, their lips connecting solidly, if only for an instant as Goten's eyes flew open and both teens recoiled, wiping at their mouths.
Marron of course was once again giggling hysterically. “You two should have seen yourselves! And it wasn't so bad, was it?” she managed amid her laughter.
“That was gross,” Goten countered.
“Okay. So, are we all even now?” Trunks asked.
After a moment's thought, Marron nodded. “Yeah. I suppose we are.”
“Good. Now what are we going to do next?” Trunks inquired.
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A soft orange glow contrasted comfortingly with the shadows and deeper pockets of darkness as a lone child peered around the bedroom. Honestly, Pan had no idea why she was awake. She had no urge to pee, nor had she had any nightmares in well over a month. It all seemed a bit strange.
All questions as to why she was awake abruptly ended as Pan's eyes focused on Bra's toy kitchenette. Suddenly, nothing sounded more rewarding than a simple glass of cold milk.
Carefully crawling from the bed, Pan paused long enough to ensure Bra was still asleep before she crept from the room and headed toward the kitchen.
As she neared the living room, Pan noticed the lights were still on. Of course, not having to walk through an empty, dark mansion alone was certainly comforting, but the silence in the room countered that comfort. All the adults were either out to dinner, or in the case of Doctor and Mrs. Briefs, on vacation. Three teenagers should not be quiet.
With a frown scrunching her young face, Pan continued down the hall. She only made a few steps before an odd noise caused the girl to freeze in her tracks. As the sound came again, a look of recognition registered in the girl's eyes as she smiled. Goten's snorting was not a sound soon forgotten.
Again, thinking about her glass of milk, Pan continued to the living room doorway only to find the room a complete mess. Goten, Marron and Trunks were sound sleep with Marron and Trunks sprawled across the couch, their bodies intertwined and Goten sitting on the floor with his back against the couch, snoring loudly enough to wake the dead. Around the room were open DVD cases, various games, food wrappers, remotes and several empty bottles.
Staring at the mess, Pan frowned deeply. Neither her mother or grandmother would ever stand for such a mess, and she figured Bulma would be none-too-happy to know what had happened while she and Vegeta had been away. Realizing her uncle, Goten, was probably going to be grounded for being so messy, Pan frowned even more. She didn't want Uncle Goten grounded. Daddy and Mommy had been super busy lately, and after hiding that stupid phone Goten loved so much, Pan had found a new playmate in her uncle. Even more importantly, Goten was usually the one who brought her over to play with Bra while he hung out with stinky old Trunks. No, Pan could not let Goten get in trouble for such a mess.
Knowing attempting to wake either boy was useless and therefore assuming Marron was the same way. Pan stifled a yawn, and sighed heavily as she moved to clean the mess herself.
As the young girl reached for the first bottle, she froze as an idea began to form. Pan hated how Goten so often dumped her for Trunks. She liked Bra, but she wanted to play with both Bra and Goten and not have to choose. Maybe there was a way to make Trunks stop taking Goten away whenever they visited.
Standing in the living room, a plan began to take form, one that should make everyone happy, except maybe the teenagers. Once the plan was in place, Pan hurried to Bra's room, looking for the small pink instant camera the princess had been given for her birthday. With the camera in hand, Pan returned to the living room and began taking pictures of the aftermath of the teen's attempt at babysitting. When she had enough pictures, Pan quickly returned the camera to its original location.
Feeling brilliant and rather proud of herself, Pan had another wonderful idea and went to the housekeeping room. After searching for a few moments, she found the “on” button on a cleaning robot. “Clean the living room,” she spoke and then followed the machine to supervise its work.
Satisfied with the robot's job of cleaning the mess and picking up all the games and other things lying on the floor, Pan watched the robot roll out of the room before continuing her earlier mission for a glass of milk.
As she entered the kitchen, a slight problem crossed Pan's mind. Glasses were kept in a cabinet above the kitchen counter, next to the refrigerator, far from her reach. After a quick glance around the room had confirmed no glasses were on any countertop or anywhere else within easy reach, Pan sighed and opened the refrigerator's door, resigning herself to drinking from the jug.
“Goodness! What are you doing up?!” Bulma flipped a light on and walked over to Pan.
Startled, Pan looked up in surprise and simply held up the milk.
“Oh, I see. You're thirsty.” Bulma smiled at the child. “Let me help you.” The blue-haired genius took the jug of milk, retrieved a glass and gave the girl her milk.
“I'm hungry,” Vegeta voiced from the doorway where Bulma had left him when she had discovered Pan was awake.
Rolling her eyes, Bulma replied, “You just finished eating. You'll be fine until morning, and if you disagree, you know how to make sandwiches.”
“Fine,” Vegeta growled as he turned away, heading to another room in Capsule Corps.
Shaking her head at her husband's antics, Bulma turned her attention back to Pan, who had finished her milk and was yawning wearily. “Come on, honey. Let me tuck you back into bed,” Bulma smiled down at the girl. After receiving nod of affirmation, Bulma scooped Pan into her arms and returned the girl to Bra's bed, tucking her securely beneath the covers. “Good night, Pan. I'll see you in the morning,” she spoke before softly patting the girl's head and then leaving the room.
Looking at the orange glow on Bra's ceiling, Pan felt her eyelids getting heavier and heavier…and heavier….
A/N: I wonder what Pan is going to do with those pictures. You'll have to check in next time to find out. I know, I'm evil. Anyway, please review and let me know what you thought. Peace and Out!