Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vodka ❯ Ice Cream! ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Well, since no one sent me any donations, I still do not own DBZ, or anything for that matter.*dodges rotten vegetables thrown at author* I know! I know! I deserve all your hatred and then some for the long, long, LOOONG delay before updating again. I just hope that this chapter makes up for the delay, like a fruit that must sweeten on the vine.Also, please give a big thanks to lavenblue for beta-ing this for me. She's one of the biggest reasons I finally got this chapter ready for consumption. Also, if you would like to check in on her forum, I hang around there a lot. I have a link to the forum on my page. Check it out!
6: Ice Cream and Shopping
we are!" Trunks felicitously announced as he parked his hover craft in front of Daisy's Dairy Delights, his passengers bailing before he could even kill the engine. "Hey, guys! Wait up!" he called, scrambling from behind the wheel and locking the vehicle's doors.up!" was Goten's only reply as he followed Pan and Bra on their mad rush to get inside the shop.Marron lagged behind, not wishing to leave Trunks behind. "Come on, slow poke. By the time we get inside there won't be any left if you let both the girls and Goten beat us."yeah. I hear you," Trunks muttered as he joined Marron on the sidewalk before walking through the glass door of the shop.scoops of Razamatzberry," a bored-looking teenaged boy quoted Goten in a monotonous tone.reply, Goten shook his head. "No, she wants for-ty scoops of that flavor," he emphasized the "-ty".employee simply blinked as he realized a little girl really had just ordered so much ice cream, and with the consent of her escort! A few seconds later, he began laughing. "Good one. Now, seriously, four scoops for your group?"Goten opened his mouth to reply, he was cut short by his angry niece. "I want forty scoops of that, twenty-five Very Vanilla, thirty-six Fudge Chocochip and twenty-seven Stunning Strawberries! Can't you hear? Or are you stupid?!"again, the teen behind the counter blinked, frozen in confusion as he felt a migraine headache setting in behind his brow. "Uh-..." he rubbed his head, hoping to send the pain packing before it hit him, full force, "I need a manager!"few moments passed before a tired-looking college-aged woman stepped from the back of the store. "Yes? What is it this time?" she asked in a much more patient tone than her facial expression would lead one to expect from her.customers need you to take their order," he answered sheepishly as he backed away from the register.the manager's eyes narrowed as she prepared to tell the boy precisely why he was the counter clerk and she the assistant manager.another word could be said, Bra turned to her brother, who had just arrived at her side, and loudly wailed, "Trunks! You promised ice cream! Why can't I have my ice cream-," she sniffled and took a deep breath, "NOW!" The volume and tone of the child's cries caused every head within the shop to turn as the small group found themselves, once again, the center of unwanted attention.he felt his face turn bright red in both anger and embarrassment, Trunks saw Marron step forward and stoop to comfort the girl. Shaking his head, Trunks stepped to the counter and pulled his debit card from his wallet with a sigh. Why did he have a sinking feeling that by the end of the day he would use all his allowance on these outings? "Whatever they want, just get it for them, and use this card to cover it."the lavender-haired teen a strange expression at the sense of finality encompassing him, the manager took the card. "Yes, sir. Now, what can I get for everyone?"immediately gave an impatient sigh before repeating her order. "I want forty scoops of Razamatzberry, twenty-five Very Vanilla, thirty-six Fudge Chocochip and twenty-seven Stunning Strawberries." Cocoa eyes glared from beneath ebony bangs as she dared the manager to question her desires.the manager accepted a simple nod from Trunks before ringing the order and looked to Bra for the next order.Bra grinned at the menu. "Thirty-six Bubble Gum Banana." She paused to briefly blink at the next word in the flavor's name, "Bonanza," on the menu before continuing, "Twenty-five Stunnin' Strawberry, thirty-eight Precious Pink 'Emonade and twenty-eight Gand Gapefuit Spash."she completed ringing the order, the manager looked to Goten.as is to be expected of any Son male with food before him, almost drooled on the glass sneeze guard as he inspected his choices. "I want that container of Pistachio Perfection and the one of the Butter Pecan Blitz." He shot Trunks an innocent grin upon hearing his best buddy's irritated sigh.manager looked up as Marron began to order. "Two scoops of Fabulous Fudge Brownie and one Righteous Rocky Road." The girl smiled sweetly as the manager gave her a curious glance before focusing on Trunks.deeply, Trunks heaved a sigh at the massive total everyone had accumulated for him to pay. "I'll take a root beer float," he ordered glumly as he watched the teen from earlier frantically making bowls of ice cream to fill their immense order.I get you anything else today?" hesitantly voiced jarred Trunks from his woeful consideration of his bank account's status."Yeah, that's everything," the prince replied as he eyed the smorgasbord behind the glass and continued to do so until he had signed his credit card receipt and received a copy of his own, to which he transferred his glum musings. Only when he reluctantly followed his best friend to an empty table the staff was covering with their order did Trunks divert his eyes from the slip of paper and somberly sip his root beer float with a heavy sigh.you okay, Trunks?" Marron asked, her blue eyes filled with concern as she savored her bowl of ice cream bite-by-scrumptious-bite.I'm fine," Trunks shrugged. "I guess those pictures are just getting more expensive than I thought. That's all."blinked her cornflower eyes at Trunks once more before moving her bowl of ice cream toward him. "Here. Let's share."up with a confused expression, Trunks's eyes met the daughter of Android Eighteen's before they both felt a slight flush creeping across their cheeks and adverted their eyes. "Thanks," Trunks muttered softly.course," came Marron's softly reply as they shared her bowl of ice cream in a shy silence as the other three demi-Saiyans scarfed their orders so quickly it was amazing they could even taste their treats.So, how was it? Was it worth the wait? Well, as always, I would really like some feedback, especially constructive criticism. I am always looking to grow as a writer and your nitpicking really helps! I hope to read your review soon! Until the next chapter, Peace and Out!