Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vodka ❯ The Zoo ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I have resorted to collecting donations in an effort to gather enough money to purchase the rights to DBZ. If you would like to donate, feel free to contact me.
A/N: As always, thank you so much for your reviews! They mean so much to me! They are also the only motivation I have to write more chapters. Lol. Last time we explored the world of demands little Saiyan girls in their blackmailing scheme. In this chapter, we will see part one of their list of demands. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 5: The Zoo
“Trunks, you have no idea how much I appreciate you taking Bra out for the day,” Bulma smiled across the breakfast table at her eldest child. “I know she has really felt cooped up with all the rain this week.”
“It's cool, Mom,” Trunks tried to play the situation cool despite the slight blush creeping across his face. “I haven't been in a long time anyway. It'll be fun!” he tried to convince himself.
“Well, either way, I think it's great,” Bulma beamed. “I'm so happy to see the two of you getting along so well! Your father and I are very proud of you, Trunks. Isn't that right, Vegeta?” The petite human woman looked to her alien husband expectantly.
“Whatever,” Vegeta grunted, barely lifting his eyes from his plate. “I really don't care, so long as they're not under my feet.”
“Hurry up!” Bra gave a whine. “I'm ready to go all ready!”
“I guess that's my signal.” Trunks rose to his feet.
“Be good and have fun!” Bulma encouraged.
“We will, Momma!” Bra hugged her mother and gave her cheek an affectionate peck before repeating the enthusiastic procedure on her father. “Love you! Bye!” the tyke called, heading for the door, ignoring the growl her actions elicited from the aging Saiyan prince. Just because Vegeta had mellowed over the years did not mean he wanted that fact advertised for the entire world to view him as emotional and weak.
“You'd better go unless you want to get left behind,” Bulma laughed to her son. “Keep an eye on your sister! You know how she can be.”
“Sure, Mom!” Trunks called over his shoulder as he chased after his sister.
After meeting up with Goten, Marron and Pan, Trunks and Bra bought their tickets and entered the Satan City Zoo - Bra and Pan's zoo of choice. Once inside, the teens huddled for a quick conference on how best to explore the zoo.
“Let's hit the lions first. Everyone knows they're the coolest animals here anyway,” Goten suggested.
“Then again,” Marron countered, “if we save them until last, we can bribe the girls into rushing through everything else and then out the gate since they will have seen everything by then.”
Both Marron and Goten looked toward Trunks to break their tie. After momentarily mulling over the possibilities and adding in the appropriate amount of potential chaos two young demi-Saiyans could create, Trunks was ready to share his insight. Unfortunately for everyone, a ridiculously cartoonish voice ended all hopes of a discussion when it sounded from directly behind the young prince.
“Welcome to Satan City Zoo! I'm Sammy, The Friendly Sea Lion!” a six-feet-two-inch, blue sea lion gushed to Pan and Bra, who were standing two feet in front of Trunks when he turned around to see from where the voice was emanating.
Both girls wore identical looks of horror as Sammy opened his flippers wide and bent to hug them. It was difficult to tell which child started the ensuing mess, but almost immediately, Bra let out a scream and began crying hysterically. Meanwhile, Bra's scream was echoed by The Friendly Sea Lion, now prostrate on the ground, trying to roll way from the barrage of Pan's kicks she administered after her first had landed in Sammy's groin, toppling the beast.
Horrified at the disaster in front of him, Trunks found himself completely frozen as precious seconds to rectify the situation ticked by unheeded by his current trial. Quickly regaining control of his thoughts, Trunks began giving orders. “Goten! Grab Pan! Marron, console Bra!” The directions were all Marron and Goten needed as each stepped forward to take charge of a hysterical child, leaving Trunks with the most daunting task of all, apologizing to the geek wearing the costume and torturing visitors to the zoo. “I'm terribly sorry about that,” Trunks started, offering the aquatic creature a hand-up. “You scared them is all.”
Without so much as a word, Sammy, the now Scared Sea Lion, began quickly backing away from his tormentors until he was around three yards away. At that point, Sammy turned and broke into a dead run in a desperate attempt at escape.
Until this point, Trunks had been blissfully unaware of the stares his group's charade was eliciting from the crowd surrounding them. A quick glance around affirmed his suspicions that they should probably move along quickly unless they wanted to be escorted from the premises, ruin the girls' day and possibly incur the wrath of their mothers for both ruining a day of relaxation and the pictures the girls had in their possession. “C'mon! Let's get moving!” he advised, leading the group away from the site of Sammy's assault less than a minute before security appeared and began asking by-standers questions. Thankfully, the immense size of the zoo itself and the twisting paths surrounded by dense vegetation which wove between the exhibits aided the group in eluding detection.
After visiting the aquatic, reptilian, nocturnal, avian and many other exhibits not so easily named, the group found themselves staring at a male, female and three almost grown lions amid the large cat exhibits.
“So, after this we have a trip to the ice cream parlor and then the mall, am I right?” Trunks checked their itinerary.
“That sounds right,” Marron turned to face her crush.
“Trunks!” Bra tugged on her brother's sleeve. “The papa lion yawned!”
“That's nice,” Trunks answered automatically, never turning to check on his little sister. “Keep watching. They might do something else.”
“Okay!” Bra chirped, all too eager to watch the massive felines.
“Where do you plan on starting in the mall?” Marron questioned her male companions.
“Bra has been dying to go to that kids' boutique, Cute as a Button,” Trunks thought aloud. “Maybe we should start there.”
“That plan works for me,” Goten agreed.
“Same here,” Marron nodded.
“I guess all that's left is to get out of here and get some ice cream,” Trunks spoke over the excited crowd surrounding the teens.
“Hey! Pan!” Goten called as he turned to retrieve the brunette fire bomb. Blinking in surprise at not seeing his niece, he called out again. “Pan?! Where are you?!”
After noticing his particular ward was also missing in action, Trunks called over the increasingly loud, excited crowd, “Bra! Where did you go?!”
“Um-...guys!” Marron called from the edge of the lions' enclosure. “You're not gonna believe this!”
The sound of her words made both demi-Saiyans' hearts drop. Somehow, they knew this was not good news. The sinking feeling in the boys' stomachs was quickly replaced with panic when they reached Marron's side in time to see Pan and Bra topping the opposite side of the large ditch separating the lions' habitat from the enclosure's fence.
Each male, in unison, yelled the name of their related child, “Pan! Bra! Get down!!”
Marron brought her companions back from their frozen state of shock when she yelled, “Don't just stand there staring! Go get them!”
Without speaking another word, the boys nodded their understanding simultaneously and leapt into the air; quickly sailing over the large cat exhibit's fence, the teens each grabbed their relative girl just as Bra was reaching to touch the male's tail.
“Kitty, kitty!” Vegeta's offspring squealed as strong hands under her arms lifted her both up and back from her goal. “Kitty-...” Bra settled for saying glumly as Trunks and Goten lowered themselves and their wards slowly to the ground on the safe side of the fence.
“Why you do that?!” Pan demanded angrily of Goten and Trunks, her hands on her hips a perfect imitation of Chi-Chi and Videl.
“Because you're insane!” Trunks replied. “That `kitty' was going to eat you as soon as he realized you were there!”
“I want the kitty!” Bra stamped her foot and pointed at the lions as she pouted.
“Guys,” Marron interjected before either Trunks or Goten could reply to Bra's outrageous demand. “Maybe we could find a better place for this. Everyone just saw you fly, and they're staring.”
One glance around confirmed Marron's words to Trunks. “Fine,” he sighed, “but how are we going to get them to leave?” he motioned to the girls.
Kneeling to the girls' level, Marron began, “Pan, Bra, I don't know about the two of you, but it's getting hot out here and ice cream is starting to sound good to me. What do you say?”
“Ice cream!” Bra turned her attention back to Marron and squealed happily, the lions all but completely forgotten.
“Okay, Bra's on board.” Marron smiled and turned to Pan, “So, what do you say? Ready to head out and get some ice cream?”
A frown on her face, Pan looked from Marron to Bra to the lions and back to Bra then Marron. Finally, she heaved a sigh and conceded. “Let's get ice cream, but I wanna stuft lion first!”
“Okay!” Trunks agreed quickly, nervously surveying the curious stares his friends and family were eliciting from the surrounding crowd. “Let's get you a stuffed animal!” He quickly grabbed Bra's hand and began leading her toward the souvenir shop with his friends close behind.
“Can you believe these prices?” Marron asked as she looked at a sky blue tank top with a family of pandas munching on bamboo screen printed exactly where the bosom of any woman who bought the shirt would reside. Was the placement haphazardly decided? Marron was doubtful. “This tank top is thirty dollars!”
“I know,” Trunks muttered unhappily. “Let's get out of here before the girls spend everything here that I brought for that boutique.
“Yeah,” Goten agreed. “Let's get moving. I want some ice cream.”
“Okay, I'll get the girls,” Trunks moved to where Bra and Pan were looking at various stuffed animals. “Hey girls!” He smiled his most winsome smile.
“They're out of lions!” Pan pouted as she pointed at the empty shelf.
“Well, we'll have to see if can find one somewhere else,” Trunks suggested.
“Trunks! Look what I found!” Bra walked over to them, dragging a stuffed pink gorilla twice her size. “I want him, Trunks! Isn't he cute?!”
With a frown all ready settling into place on his face, Trunks reached for the ape to inspect the price tag, which caused his eyebrows to shoot upward as his eyes bugged. “A hundred and fifty dollars?! You have got to be kidding me!” Trunks set aside the animal. “C'mon. We'll find you another animal somewhere cheaper.”
As Trunks reached for Bra's hand, the young princess's eyes watered and tears began trickling down her cheeks as she wailed her misery loud enough for the entire zoo to hear, effectively once again gaining the attention of everyone in the vicinity. “Bra! Stop being a baby!” Trunks fussed as he attempted to lead his sister from the shop.
“But I want him!” Bra demanded as she set her feet, so that Trunks practically had drag her across the floor, damaging the floor's tiles as they went.
“Mom is going to kill us over this!” the eldest heir to Capsule Corps muttered to himself.
“As much as she if she saw my pictures?” Pan asked from directly before the prince, causing him to freeze and evaluate the seriousness of her threat. “Bra wants the gorilla,” the young girl stated simply as self-doubt crossed Trunks's face.
Bra, who had almost stopped crying, nodded agreement with her chibi-counter-part. “I want him,” the princess echoed.
“Trunks, the pictures,” Goten warned, eliciting a growl from his best friend.
“I know,” Trunks spoke in quiet anger before sighing and releasing Bra's hand. “Get the stupid monkey.”
A huge grin on her face, Bra chirped, “Thank you, Trunks!” over her shoulder as she rushed to recollect her new friend and follow her solemn brother to the register.
Stepping from the gloom of the souvenir shop, Trunks noticed Sammy, The Friendly Sea Lion had been replaced by a pink dolphin donning a bow and mini-skirt. “C'mon. Let's hurry and get that ice cream,” he suggested, and the three teens quickly rushed their wards from the zoo lest another costumed character suffer a fate identical to Sammy's.
A/N: We're the girls too adorable?! Lol. Whether you agree or not, please leave a review and let me know what you thought. I still have time to tweak them in the future chapters or just enjoy them as they are. Lol. Until next time, Peace and Out!