Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Vodka ❯ Wish List ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Well, since my last update, I have tried my best to gather the funds to purchase the rights to DBZ. Unfortunately, I now have digs in pockets fifteen dollars and eighty-six cents. Somehow, I don't think that's going to be enough.
A/N: First off, thank you for reading and even more so if you reviewed! I'm glad you're enjoying this little story so far. This chapter will give you an idea of the theme of the next couple before I add a few more elements. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 4: Wish List
“Give up, Goten!” Trunks yelled. “You know you can't beat me!” He furiously punched buttons on his controller.
“I can with another turbo boost!” Goten retorted, a look of concentration on his face.
“Boys,” Marron muttered from the love seat as she idly flipped through her magazine.
Without missing a beat, Trunks responded, “Don't worry. I'll beat you next.”
“As if,” came the snorted reply. “Honestly, I don't know why I go out of my way to come visit you losers on the weekends anyway.”
“Because otherwise you'd never leave the island?” Goten answered just as Trunks's car crossed the finish line.
“Hah!” Trunks celebrated. “That's what you get when you go up against the master!”
“That's got to be it,” Marron answered, ignoring Trunks. Then after giving the eldest of their trio a glance, she shook her head an muttered, “I really need some new friends.”
Before Goten could answer Marron or Trunks could finish gloating, the doorbell chimed.
Goten blinked in surprise. “Were you expecting company, Trunks?”
A thoughtful expression crossed Trunks's face as he paused in his seated victory dance long enough to consider the possibilities. “I think Mom mentioned something about-” he was cut-off as the smallest member of the Capsule Corp. household ran past with a shriek.
“Pan!” Bra exclaimed with a huge grin as she threw open the door.
“Hi, Bra,” Pan smiled in return as the two stood in the doorway, staring at each other.
From her position, standing directly behind Pan, Videl gave the girl a nudge forward. “Go on, Pan. You can't just stand in the doorway all day.”
“Okay, Mama,” Pan answered as she stepped into the room. “See you later.”
“Be good, sweetheart,” Videl patted Pan's head. “Trunks, tell your mom thanks for me. “I don't know what I'd do without her sometimes.”
“Okay,” Trunks smiled. “I'll do that. Good luck finding that new carpet.”
“Thanks,” Videl chuckled. “I'll see all of you later,” Videl smiled before closing the door and leaving the children where they had been.
“So, what you wanna do?” Bra asked Pan as Trunks turned his attention to setting up another race.
“Um,” Pan considered for a moment. “First, I wanna play the game,” she turned, demanding of Trunks.
“Pan,” Goten gently chided, “you know you can't just demand the game. Trunks and I are playing right now.”
“Actually, Marron and I are,” Trunks corrected as Marron gave him a snort in reply.
“I never said I wanted to play,” Marron commented without even looking up from her article.
“But I wanna play!” Pan demanded, un-dissuaded.
“Pan, you're being unreasonable,” Goten answered her, a bit more forceful than before.
“ `mon Pan. Let's go `fore we get in trouble,” Bra tugged at Pan's hand.
Pan simply refused to budge. “No! You're unreasonable! I want to play and you're gonna let me!” she demanded.
Trunks had heard enough. “And why would we do that?”
“Because you'll be in big trouble if you don't,” Pan replied with the same confidence her grandfather always showed when squaring off with enemies.
“Oh, and why is that?” Trunks asked, almost laughing at how backward the girl saw the situation. Even his sister had seen the light and backed away from her friend to avoid whatever consequences she was certain Pan would receive for acting so bratty.
“Because,” Pan began, her conviction unwavering, “if you don't do everything I want, I'll give your Mom these.” The child pulled several photos from the leg pockets of her cargo pants.
“What?” Trunks frowned in confusion. “Let me see those.”
“Okay,” Pan complied as she handed over the leverage.
A single glance was all it took for Trunks to recognize the pictures. “Guys, maybe you should take a look at these,” he called as he glanced through the instant shots before handing them to Goten and Marron who were both beside him by that point.
“What are-...” Marron's words trailed off as she gazed at the images over Goten's shoulder. “Are those what I think they are?” she whispered in shock.
“Pretty much.” Trunks took the photos back and addressed Pan once again. “Okay, so you have half a dozen pictures of us with a time and date that our parents would murder us if they saw,” he assessed their predicament aloud. “The problem is: now I have them. What's to stop me from destroying them right now and continuing playing the game?” Vegeta's patented smirk covered the teen prince's face as he knew he had cornered the first grader.
“Go ahead,” Pan shrugged nonchalantly. “I have the other half hidden at home. I'll just show Grandma those when I go home.” The small girl eyed the teens, then sat patiently on the floor, awaiting their reply.
Goten's eyes where the size of saucers at her last words and the room had suddenly grown uncomfortably warm as sweat began trickling down his neck and brow. “Mom would kill me, Trunks! Just give her the stupid game!”
“Goten!” Trunks countered, “she's bluffing! Do you really think she's that good?”
“Can we really risk it even if she isn't?” Marron's added her thoughts. “Besides, it's just a stupid game anyway. Give it to her and burn those pictures. She'll forget about it soon enough without those if you're right.”
“She's right, Trunks” Goten agreed. “Let Pan win this one. I don't want Mom to kill me.”
“You two are being scaredy cats,” Trunks admonished.
“Better to be a living scaredy cat-” Marron started.
“Than a dead fool,” Goten finished the not-so-inspired proverb.
“Do both of you really want to give in to her?” Trunks demanded.
Marron and Goten nodded in unison. “At least this time,” Goten added in an attempt to save face.
“Fine!” Trunks growled, then tossed his controller toward Pan. “I didn't want to play that game anymore anyway!” he fumed, standing. “C'mon, `Ten. Let's find something else to do.”
“No!” Pan demanded “You can't leave yet. Bra and I want more!”
“More what?” the blonde human questioned.
“Well,” Pan thought for a moment. “I want to go to the zoo,” she demanded.
The teens all glanced at each other for a moment in silence before Trunks gave in with a sigh. “Fine, we'll take you to the zoo.”
Pan glanced at Bra, then turned back to the teens. “And ice cream,” she added.
With a sigh, Trunks complied. “Fine. Ice cream, too.”
“And shopping!” Bra gave her demand.
“Shopping?!” Trunks and Goten chimed with identical looks of disgust on their faces.
“Pictures,” Marron reminded the boys. “Shopping or certain death?”
Goten and Trunks appeared to mull over the ultimatum.
“Guys!” Marron snapped. “C'mon! Just do it!”
“Okay, fine,” Goten sighed, less than half-heartedly.
“For the record,” Trunks stated, “if it turns out that I get drug shopping and she doesn't have more pictures, both of you are dead.”
“Whatever, Trunks,” Marron rolled her eyes. She knew Trunks was bluffing to cover how scared he was of his parents.
“We'll do it,” Trunks agreed to the young girls. “But I don't like it.”
And so, our story truly begins.
A/N: This chapter officially ends what could be thought of as the prolonged introduction of the story. Now, it's time to get to the meat and mashed potatoes! Please, leave a review and let me know your thoughts; they might be of great importance in the chapters to come! Peace and Out!