Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Same as before.
I can't believe how many reviews I got, thank you sooo much!!!!!!
Can't remember the exact year GW is set but another fic has it as AC195 so I'll follow that.
Chapter 2
Wufei's hand went to his gun as he came awake. He paused to listen, trying to work out what had woken him. He tensed as he heard a low moan before remembering that Harry was in the other bed. He slipped his fingers from around the trigger and got up, silently moving across the room. In the faint light from the window he could make out Harry, moving restlessly, obviously dreaming. He bent closer as the other teen began to mutter, frowning at the words and his obvious distress.
“Harry, wake up.” He kept his voice soft, not wanting to startle the injured boy. He placed his hand on Harry's shoulder and the boy screamed.
“Harry wake up!” Footsteps alerted him to the fact that the others had been woken.
“He's having a nightmare.” Guns were quickly hidden, as Harry started awake.
“Calm down Harry.”
“What? Where am I?”
“Someone turn on the light, Harry shield your eyes.” The light came on and Harry gradually lowered his arm, accepting his glasses. He blinked owlishly at them.
“What happened?”
“You were having a nightmare and screamed when I tried to wake you.”
“Oh, I'm sorry. Wait, what time is it?”
“Two am.”
“What? I have to get home!”
“In the morning.”
“They'll be mad enough if I sneak in now, it'll be worse if I'm not there when they get up.” Harry tried to get up but Duo moved forward to help Wufei restrain him.
“Did you make them mad? Is that why you're hurt?”
“What? You think Uncle Vernon did this?”
“Then who did?”
“It doesn't matter, it'll be gone in a few days.”
“Hate to break it to you but injuries like that'll take weeks to heal.”
“I heal fast, always have. I really need to go.”
“Look, one of us will take you in the morning. We can explain it wasn't your fault.”
“You're not going to let me leave are you?”
“Nope. Don't bother trying to sneak out either, we're all really light sleepers.”
“Please stay Harry.” Quatre once again used the eyes and Harry looked down.
“Great, well we better head back to bed. Night all.” Duo dragged Heero back to their room.
“If you want to talk about your dream I will listen.” Quatre offered.
“Thanks, but… I can't.”
“That's fine, the offer is always open.” Harry nodded and Quatre let Trowa lead him back to their room.
“I'm sorry I woke you.” Harry took his glasses off to rub his eyes.
At least it wasn't one of Maxwell's pranks.”
“Duo likes pranks?”
“Please don't tell me you do.” Wufei groaned and Harry laughed slightly.
“Not me. My Dad and his friends were great pranksters at school and I have some friends who have proudly followed their tradition. School is certainly quiet since they left.”
“Please don't give him any ideas.”
“Okay.” Harry lay back down and Wufei turned the lights back out before getting into his own bed.
“Thanks, for waking me.”
“No problem, get some sleep.”
“You really don't have to do this.” Harry stood with Quatre and Trowa at the end of his driveway.
“Nonsense, it was our fault you didn't come home last night.”
“Yeah, but.”
“Quatre will get his way, just give in now.” Quatre elbowed his lover but laughed at the taller teens comment.
“Fine, just don't let them get to you.” Harry headed resolutely up the drive, hoping the door was unlocked. No such luck, he rang the doorbell. A few seconds later it was wrenched open by an irate Vernon Dursley.
“Where have you been?! That's it! I've had enough of your Freakish.”
“Mr. Dursley?” Vernon paused and looked down to see a polite young man.
“I'm really sorry we kept Harry out all night. He fell asleep and we just didn't have the heart to wake him. I apologise if our actions caused your family to worry. We are new to the area and haven't been properly introduced. My name is Quatre and this is Trowa.”
“More freaks boy? I won't have it!”
“They aren't!”
“Don't talk back! Get to your room.”
“Yes Uncle Vernon. Thanks for walking me back guys.” Harry slipped upstairs silently.
“Well? Get out of here! I won't have freaks like you around here!” With that he slammed the door in their faces leaving a very stunned Quatre and a concerned Trowa.
“What happened?” The blond turned a bewildered look upon his lover.
“Lets go.”
“Do you think he'll hurt Harry?” Quatre looked back at the house to see an upstairs curtain move and reveal Harry. He waved at the teen and was happy when Harry waved back before letting the curtain fall back into place.
“He seems all talk.”
“What do you think he meant by freaks?”
“Unknown. You should ask Harry.”
It had been nearly a week since they'd last seen Harry and Duo and Quatre were both concerned. So far their stay in Surrey had been quite, with only Wufei and Trowa having to leave for a short mission each. There had been no sign of OZ troops in the area so they were taking the chance to relax a bit.
“What are you doing Duo?”
“Looking at Harry's records.”
“Found anything interesting?”
“Bits and pieces, this is really more Hee-chan's thing than mine.”
“Can I see?”
“Sure. I've found his birth certificate. Harry James Potter, born 31st of July AC 178 to James and Lily Potter. Parents deceased 31 October AC 179. No further records till he was enrolled at the local primary school in 184, average and below average grades after the first three weeks, before that he was at the top of the class. A few medical records, broken bones, bad case of pneumonia, nothing too unusual for a kid. No records after 189, he never enrolled in high school.”
“Do you think his family?”
“Maybe. I think I'll pay him a visit this afternoon. Want to come?”
“Yes, just be prepared, his uncle is not a very polite man.”
“Yes.” The two boys smiled politely at the thin woman who had opened the door.
“Good afternoon ma'am. I'm Quatre and this is Duo, we are looking for.”
“Dudley! Your friends are here! Do come in dears.”
“I'm sorry Mrs. Dursley but we're looking for Harry Potter.” They looked up at the stairs as a boy the size of a small whale came thundering down them.
“Who are you? Hey, you're those new kids. Are you a guy? Why's your hair so long, you look like a girl!”
“Duo, don't.” Quatre whispered urgently as his friend tensed.
“Is Harry here?”
“I don't know who you are talking about. There's no Harry here.”
“But, I dropped him off just last week, your husband let him in.”
“Get out! There is no Harry Potter here! I won't have freaks around my poor Dudley. Go!”
“Out!” Duo grabbed a shocked Quatre and bolted out the door.
“What a B…”
“Sorry Quat. What the hell is going on in there? You sure we went to the right place?”
“Of course, number 4 Privet drive. That window is Harry's, he waved goodbye from it.”
“So lets see if he's up there.” They slipped back into the yard and Duo quickly climbed the tree near the window Quatre had indicated. He peered through a gap in the curtains and frowned at what he saw. The room was nearly empty, just an old bed, closet and desk. There was an empty birdcage on the desk and he could see some clothed through the partially open closet door but the room was otherwise empty, no sign of Harry. It took seconds for Duo to get the window open and slip in. He managed to find a scrap of paper and wrote a quick note, hiding it partially under the cage, before leaving.
“He wasn't in there. I've seen cells that are nicer than that room. Think we can call in a child abuse claim?”
“Maybe. But we still don't know where Harry is.”
“Maybe the other's will come up with an idea.” The two headed back to the safe house silently, their worry for the green eyed teen growing.